Copy & Insert Range If Column Values Match

Mar 24, 2008

I have another little VBA macro problem that appears to be beyond my coding knowledge.

I have attached a small excel spreadsheet, with a macro recorded (CTRL-P) of what I'm trying to accomplish. Basically, If the data in column A matches a single entry in column F, I need to copy and insert the row (columns F-L) that matches.

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Search Column, Match And Insert Copied Range

Apr 30, 2007

I'm currently trying to insert the copy range of one worksheet to another. Let's say I have 3 worksheets, one main and two additional info sheet. I want to search column C in main worksheet for blank cell and use column F in the same row as the worksheet name which I want to copy from, then use column E from main worksheet as the keyword for the range I want to copy(range from column E to column Z). But when inserting, I want the keyword in main worksheet such as 'G' in the same row as blank cell to match the 'G' in copied worksheet. Because the 'G' in main worksheet is not in the same column for each row, I try to search the forum but can't find the inserting part. I also attach the example workbook.

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Insert Blank Column And Copy/paste Values

Apr 20, 2009

I'd like to have done is to have a blank column inserted between columns W and X(these values change so the VBA statement should reference the end of the columns) and the values that are now in column Y(April 17th values) pasted as values into the now empty column X. I would like to do this for tabs Ann-Sheet 2. I'm having a bit of trouble with setting up the loop that would go through the desired sheets.

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VBA Loop Range And Insert Values In New Column?

Mar 21, 2014

I built a Microsoft Access database for my church to track member information. I was able to import a lot of the needed information to create the records for each individual and household easily. What I can't do is import their offering donations until it is "Normalized." Which means that I need each row to be 1 record with the fields listed as the column headings. My church has a spreadsheet with several sheets one of which is named Input. I've attached the desensitized file for you to view/play with.

What I need to do is loop through the input sheet and find all the values in range B:4 to GN:387 that are greater than zero or not null (I believe they entered the default as zero so their other calculations would work). Then I need those values to be transferred to the column labeled Offering Amount on the ImporttoAccess sheet. Somehow I also need to define three variables associated with the cell that is contains a value greater than zero.

1. I need the row heading value for the envelope number (Column A of input sheet) which intersects with the amount

2. I need the column heading value (3 field merged) for the date (Row 1 of input sheet) which intersects with the amount

3. I need the column heading value (labeled: GenFund, WLA, or Missions) for the designation of the offering (Row 2 of input sheet) which intersects with the amount

Each of these I need to attach to the value offering amount and insert into their corresponding column fields for that record. I have entered 2 example rows of data into the ImporttoAccess sheet for you to see what I am after. I am sure it's possible since the data is there, But how to go about it.

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Copy And Replace Duplicate Values In Column Range?

Sep 18, 2012

I have following code (see below) which finds the duplicates within columns, but I require copying and replacing duplicate values within different row cells, as I am currently finding this task hard to implement.

Input Data example:


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VBA - Lookup Value Found In A Column Within Another Range And Copy Adjacent Values

Jan 30, 2014

I'm trying to create a macro that can lookup values down a list, find that value within another list and copy the adjacent cells.

The values to look for will always be on the same column and the values to look into will always be in the same range or columns but not always in the same row.

For example.

AI:AI contains a list of ID's which will be manually input every day so they might have a different order.

C:AF has all the data to look into. C always being a list of ID values and I want for every ID found on AI:AI to be search for on C:C: and then once a match is found, I need specific adjancent cell values to be copied next to the ID found on AI.

The values that need to be returned are found on columns B,D,F,G,H,I,J,P,AF and they will always display on those columns.

I've been doing this based on vlookup and INDEX/MATCh formulas but I've come across some limitations for something I want to develop further so I'm trying to do this based on VBA.

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Using Index / Match Function For Two Column Match Values

Aug 28, 2012

Basically where the columns say 2011 or 2012 AND 1, 2, 3. I want to be able to have it index the number below based on the GL number on the left and both the year and period on the top. I think that you can do with using the sumproduct function with the binary, but the computer is a little dated and it takes a while to run those calculations.



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Copy And Paste Range Of Cells Based On Number Of Cell Values In Column A

Mar 17, 2014

Please see attached sample worksheet. Column A will be generated by the user manually.

I'm looking for a way in VBA to have A1:D20 in Sheet2 copied and pasted in the "Bank Reconciliation" Sheet based on how many "Markets" there are in Column A. Then, once that's complete to have A22:D30 (the smaller box in Sheet2) copied and pasted directly below those results.

I have what the macro would hopefully generate to the right in "Bank Reconciliation" (B6:E54) as an example. So if there's a market in A1, copy and paste the box to B6. If there's a market in A2, copy and paste the box directly below the first (B26) etc. etc. until it's done, then paste the smaller box directly below whatever the macro generates.


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Lookup/Match: Compare A1 For The Values In Column B, Then Return The Corresponding Cell (column C) In Column D

Jan 31, 2008

I've been searching the forums for this problem but I can't seem to find any answers. Anyway, this is the problem. See screenshot.

I want to compare A1 for the values in column B, then return the corresponding cell (column C) in column D.
e.g. D1 = 2, D2 = 1, D3 = 4, D4 = 5 and D5 = 3.

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Insert Row (Based On Values In Range) With Sum Of Values For Other Columns

Apr 21, 2014

I have different reports, some have fifty transactions, others have thousands. My goal is to: Insert a new row every time the values in the "Account" column meet a certain criteria, AND THEN add the totals for the Debit and Credit Columns.

Let's say I start with a table that looks like this:



[Code] ....

I want to group the first four rows because Accounts 33010 and 33015 are in the same department. Same with 50050 and 500060. I want to then insert a row below the last row with "33015" as its Account #. And add the values for Debit and Credit. It'd look like this:


[Code] .........

Honestly, I have tried everything. Running a Macros with Relative reference does not cut it.

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Compare Cell Value With Range Of Values And Match Row Values With Header

Jun 5, 2012

I have .csv file from which the data is importing to master schedule. i have a column in .csv file which is spitted into multiple columns. and my need is i have to compare this each individual cell value with the range of header values in master schedule and if match found i have to place that cell in the row.

I am adding 2 attachments one is .csv and other is master schedule.

I couldn't able to find where i have to attach my files.

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How To Copy Value From Column A After Blank Line And Insert Text In Column B

Mar 21, 2014

I have a workbook that usually looks something like this

Category Product No description Price

Balloons 12345 Red Disney balloon .50
Balloons 12567 Blue Princess balloon .86
Balloons 76521 Angry Birds Balloon .80

Kites 23456 A Big red Kite .27
Kites 22222 A small blue kite .06

Banners 10000 Party banner .33


I need to find a way to copy the category below an empty row from column A and paste it in the blank row in column B . If possible to bolden the text but I could probably work that bit out myself. I'm new to this but have used VBA before to run macros.

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Copy/paste Values (copy Values Of Cells From B4 Till B-empty To C Column)

Jun 26, 2009

Sheet linked from external file, new data coming daily. How to copy Values of cells from B4 till B-empty to C column? The attached file has a properly displayed data.

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Find Most Recent Date In Column Headings In A Range - Insert New Column And Heading

Apr 4, 2014

I have a 2 groups of column headings with a different month and year in each heading so

1st Group of columns range
Columns AJ through AX
Column Heading example "Expense Ratio February Column over is "Expense Ratio March 2013"

2nd Group of columns range AY though CE
Column Heading example "Capital Balance February Column over is "Capital Balance March 2013"

Each new month I need to add a new Expense Ratio column after the most recent expense ratio Column. (i.e. Find "Expense Ratio March 2013" and I need to add a column after that with heading "Expense Ratio April 2013"

Same thing for Capital Balance - add a new Capital Balance column after the most recent Capital Balance Column. (i.e. Find "Capital Balance March 2013" and I need to add a column after that for "Expense Ratio April 2013"

Because the ranges keep changing month over month, how do i do this.

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Copy Existing Row And Insert Values And Formula Into New Row?

Sep 1, 2013

I am trying to write a macro that should be able to copy existing row and insert values and formula into a new row just below the row. As an example below:



The values in column C and D for the new row will be the same.

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Copy Only Values And Insert Copied Cells

Aug 1, 2006

i have some columns which contain the IF function and so it returns me a value in each cell. Is there any way to copy only the values AND insert shift down the copied cells onto somehwere else?

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Merge Two Workbooks. Copy Column Data Based On Numerical ID Match Of Another Column.

Mar 13, 2009

I am trying to get excel to search a workbook/(or worksheet if easier) for a matching unique value and fill in its associated data. My first workbook has the SKU (A) filled in but not the UPC (B). My second workbook has both the SKU (A) and the matching UPC (C) filled in.

I need to take both workbooks/(worksheets), compare the SKUs, and if a matching SKU is found, extract the UPC from Workbook 2 and fill in the UPC field in Workbook 1, and if no UPC is present in Workbook 2, then it leaves the cell in Workbook 1 blank.

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Match Values In One Column To Values In Another With A 3rd Column Included

Nov 26, 2009

I have about 360 records in Column 1 and less columns in Column 2 (333 in this case). All the values in Column 2 are in Column 1. I need to be able to match those two columns up while keeping the data in Column 3 intact with it's corresponding value in Column 2. FYI I searched and found this thread: ttp://

But my problem is that I have to tie in the values with column 3 to their corresponding values in column 2. In order to illustrate, I have attached an excel file in which I did the operation manually. (note: all values in column 2 are indeed in column 1 but not in the example as I have shown for the sake of convenience).

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Sort Values In Column B To Match Values In Column A?

Jul 8, 2013

I have two DB extracts for 2012 and 2013 with customer id's that no not repeat across the year - columns A and B. I need to arrange this from:










So the major idea is that the customers that are extinct in 2013 would appear as 0 in the Column B; customers that are the same would be aligned vs the previous year and new id's would appear on the separate row.

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SUMIF Column C If Values In Column B Are Exact Match?

Jan 11, 2013

I have "systems" that have multiple "units". I what to sum values for units that have EXACT MATCH in the system column. Example data is below.

I am trying things like =SUMIF(B:B,"EXACT MATCH",C:C)

How do I express exact match? For example the first 3 in the list I would want to return a value of 9. Note: Lists can have up to 3000 rows and > 1000 system ID's.

Unit ID


[Code] ......

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Insert Column Then Copy Formula Down

Mar 10, 2014

I have a spreadsheet where I need to insert a column then a formula that performs a calculation on the previous column, all the ranges change; so far I ahve managed to insert the column to the right of the one I want to perform the calculation on and insert the formula in the first line, but i'm having a problem copying this dowm to the end of the data range.

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Find Value In Column & Copy Insert Row

Feb 11, 2008

I have a macro that was working fine until I added a new column to my active sheet. Now it fails with a run time error 1004, insert method of class failed. The code is as follows:

Private Sub UpdatePart_Click()
Dim S As String
Dim r As Excel. Range
S = InputBox("Enter the part no. you wish to update")
On Error Resume Next
If S = "" Then 'Exit Sub
'If StrPtr(S) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Update Cancelled"
Set r = Columns(1). Find(What:=S, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)...............

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Assign Range & Interate Through & Insert Values

Jun 17, 2008

What I need to is create a VBA function with several parameters that reads data from an M x N range of rows and columns (matrix). I cannot just pick and choose certain cells within this range as the function goes into a loop through at least 200 cells in the 35 x 200 range. Obviously, I am here posting as I cannot get this function to work. I believe my troubles lie with reading this range into the function...

Application.Goto Reference:="range"
rangearray = Selection.Value

values(I, J) = rangearray(I + 1, J)

Do I need to set a function variable equal to that range, or do I do this another way? Basically, I need to have the ability to pick a given cell(m, n) out of the range and have my way with it in the function.

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How To Match Values Between 2 Sheets And Copy Corresponding Data

Dec 18, 2012

I have a sheet (SHEET1) with a EAN code and a empty column I need to get a colour into from sheet 2.

I have to match EAN codes in Sheet 1, (Column X) with Sheet 2(Column E) and then pull the description from the corresponding row in Sheet 2(Column D).

I am sure I can use the VLOOKUP formular but I dont know how to input the code?


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Lookup Values And Insert Column And Rows?

Feb 18, 2014

I have a table (Arrears) showing a list of customers with part numbers and quantities in arrears. A second table is a customer order table showing details of what needs to be shipped for a given date.

Based on these two tables, I would like to add a column to the Order table to show the values for arrears against the order quantity for the given date. In addition if there are no order requirements but there are arrears then insert a row to show the corresponding arrears.

see the attached spreadsheet for more details. This shows the two source tables (Arrears and Order) and the expected results showing the added column for arrears and the inserted rows.

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Insert 2 New Rows When Column A Values Change

Jan 12, 2009

Column A of my spreadsheet consists of Subcase 1000 to Subcase 1010 for example, with up to as many as 100 repetitions of each subcase in consecutive order. See Below:

Subcase 1000
Subcase 1000
Subcase 1001
Subcase 1001
Subcase 1002
Subcase 1002

I would like a macro to find where Subcase 1000 finishes and Subcase 1001 begins and then insert 2 new rows between them. These 2 new rows have to be inserted between any change found in the column A field. The searching of Column A should start at Row 15. I have uploaded an example file. This file contains 2 sheets, 'Before Macro' and 'After Macro'. Hopefully it outlines what the outcome of the macro should look like.

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Insert New Rows When Column Values Change

Feb 5, 2009

I've posted this thread in but since the thread has been solved, I think nobody would look into my problem, so I'm creating a new thread for the purpose.

My previous thread:

Hi there,

I'm looking for the same idea only that I wanted the macro to select the data in the cells selected. Based on the code given by StephenR above, I tried to do some modification but I don't know how to make it to start from the first cell of my selection, not from row 15 as R_S_6 wanted. The range selection can be in any column. Here are the code that I used:

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Formula Doesn't Insert Or Copy Down Column?

Apr 14, 2014

I have this formula that I'm trying to insert into cell AE2, then copy down the entire column. When I execute it, none of the cells are populated.

ActiveCell.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:= _
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("AE2:AE3495")

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Insert Excel Formula Using VBA......MATCH Function Is What I Want To Insert

May 7, 2009

I can use the MATCH function when i am in excel but i am having trouble getting it to work when i am trying to insert the formula using VBA.

Here is the code i have but it wont even compile........

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Insert Row Above A Range And Copy Range Value To New Row

Mar 29, 2013

I have a number of spreadsheets (12) that feed a summary sheet. The 12 sheets derive their static information from the summary, e.g. item names, dates, etc. While data is input into the 12 sheets.

I am trying to create a macro that will add a row, for a new item, in all of the sheets. I have a range defined below the last row of the items section that needs to be copied to the new row - this is not the last row of the spreadsheet. Each sheet has a different range name as they are for different periods.

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