Insert New Rows When Column Values Change

Feb 5, 2009

I've posted this thread in but since the thread has been solved, I think nobody would look into my problem, so I'm creating a new thread for the purpose.

My previous thread:

Hi there,

I'm looking for the same idea only that I wanted the macro to select the data in the cells selected. Based on the code given by StephenR above, I tried to do some modification but I don't know how to make it to start from the first cell of my selection, not from row 15 as R_S_6 wanted. The range selection can be in any column. Here are the code that I used:

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Insert 2 New Rows When Column A Values Change

Jan 12, 2009

Column A of my spreadsheet consists of Subcase 1000 to Subcase 1010 for example, with up to as many as 100 repetitions of each subcase in consecutive order. See Below:

Subcase 1000
Subcase 1000
Subcase 1001
Subcase 1001
Subcase 1002
Subcase 1002

I would like a macro to find where Subcase 1000 finishes and Subcase 1001 begins and then insert 2 new rows between them. These 2 new rows have to be inserted between any change found in the column A field. The searching of Column A should start at Row 15. I have uploaded an example file. This file contains 2 sheets, 'Before Macro' and 'After Macro'. Hopefully it outlines what the outcome of the macro should look like.

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Insert Rows At A Change In A Column

May 5, 2006

I'm not really all that familiar with a lot of things in Excel. I do know how to make a macro, which this question is to help with, but I kinda skipped a lot of learning in between.

I am wanting a shortcut that will insert a new row after each change in column A. I don't think Subtotals is the answer because after I enter the row to seperate them I will want to enter another row and seperate again by column F when there is a change that is not a blank row.

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Lookup Values And Insert Column And Rows?

Feb 18, 2014

I have a table (Arrears) showing a list of customers with part numbers and quantities in arrears. A second table is a customer order table showing details of what needs to be shipped for a given date.

Based on these two tables, I would like to add a column to the Order table to show the values for arrears against the order quantity for the given date. In addition if there are no order requirements but there are arrears then insert a row to show the corresponding arrears.

see the attached spreadsheet for more details. This shows the two source tables (Arrears and Order) and the expected results showing the added column for arrears and the inserted rows.

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Insert Rows At Change In Cells

Nov 21, 2006

I have a large file that has the following setup
2003 Zipper X
2004 Zipper X
2005 Zipper X
2003 Zipper Z
2004 Zipper Z
2005 Zipper Z
How can I insert rows at changes in the product description

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Insert Rows Before & After Each Change In Data

May 29, 2008

I need to loop down a column of data containing branch numbers and whenever there is a new branch, I need to insert a row both before and after the last instance of the previous brance. For example:

If the first three rows in the column contain branch 0001 and the forth row starts with branch 0002, I need to insert a row both before and after the 0001 in row three...

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Insert Row At Each Change In Column

May 30, 2009

I am trying to achieve a row insert based on matching criteria. I need to check a column of text values, and each time the text value changes, copy cells (a1:c1) and insert copied selection to the row before text change.

I am only concerned with the text in the first column. For example, I have a column with sometext in each row, when the row changes to somenewtext, I want to copy the header information and insert into row before the text changed.


Searching the forums, I found conditional page breaks [url] and tried to adapt the code, but have been unsuccessful in getting it to work for my needs. I have tried the following, but cant figure out how to insert the rows in the correct place. Here is what I tried.

Sub cln()
Dim myRange As Range
Dim rngCell As Range

With Worksheets("pendingRpt")
Set myRange = .Range(.Range("A1"), .Range("A65536").End(xlUp))
For Each rngCell In myRange
If rngCell.Text <> rngCell.Offset(1, 0).Text Then
With Selection.Interior
Selection.Insert shift:=xlDown
End With
End If
End Sub

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Insert Row After Every Change In Column

Jun 3, 2008

I need a macro that will insert a new row after a change then copy the change to the adjacent column in the new row. I found this macro 'InsertAfterChange()' Insert Row After A Change In List which inserts the new row like I need, I just need to copy the changed value to Column "B" (or whichever is to the right of the column with the original value)

(need a blank row inserted, copy '772' to adjacent column in this new row)
(need a blank row inserted, copy '991' to adjacent column in this new row)

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Line Insert After A Change In Column H (VBA)

Aug 15, 2008

I currently have a macro that does several thing, i want to add another task.

I need a row inserted everytime there is a change in column H from "0" to "F" only. The infromation will always start in row 8 but the last row is not always the same, it will be different every time.

ABCDEFGHI112345678223456783#N/A#N/A#N/A#N/A#N/A#N/A#N/A45B=Bi-WeeklyID type 2ID Type 308 GAPamount due6HCCompanyS= Semi-MonthlyCO#NAMEFORMER (F) or Current (0)78546WalreBbr55a234amy01009524WalreSn32m56daniel05001041WalreS589653jode0100011945WalreBef343456caryF2001212WalreSg5365M5665mikeF40013Grand Total2,200.00

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Insert Rows Between Different Values In A

Jun 12, 2009

I need a code that will insert 3 rows between different values found in column A. I tried using this but it inserts rows between every value found.

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Insert Values And Skip Blank Rows

Jul 16, 2009

I want my macro to consider the # of rows of data on a spreadsheet and insert values into columns for those rows but then stop when it hits a blank one. For simplified example below, I have 3 columns in my spreadsheet. Row 1 has headers of Location, Status, and Effective Date. The first 5 rows of data under the headers have a value in the Location column (San Jose, Oakland, etc). When I run the macro, I want it to insert a value of "ACTIVE" in the Status column for each row that has a value in the Location column. Also, a single Effective Date value is stored in a cell elsewere in the spreadsheet, and I want the macro to insert that value in the Effective Date column for each row that has a value in the Location column. When it hits a blank row - row 7 in this spreadsheet - I want it to stop.

Location| Status | Effective Date
San Jose

I currently am using an IF statement in the Status column fields to say if Location = blank, then blank, else "ACTIVE". That works, except that the # of rows populated in Location column could be 5 or 1,000, and inserting the formula that many times seems to quickly increase the file size.

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Insert Date From Column D, Into Column A, 2 Rows Up

Mar 22, 2007

Following up from Insert Blank Rows Where Date In Column D Changes from the first populated row after the inserted rows, and paste it in the 1st blank row above the populated rows (as a kind of title). How would I build this into the code below?

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
For x = Range("D65536").End(xlUp).Row To 7 Step -1
If Range("D" & x) <> Range("D" & x - 1) Then Range("D" & x, "D" & x + 3).EntireRow.insert
End Sub

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Insert Rows Based On Text Values In Cells?

Feb 20, 2014

I regularly run a report that comes out in a slightly different format each time depending on whether or not there is data for specific criteria. for instance (sample attached): criteria a, b, and c are in rows, 1, 2, and 3 in columns. a, b, and c are expected to repeat themselves several times. if there is no data in one instance of b then you may see something like abcacabc.

I'd like to loop through each row in column a, check to make sure that it is the correct value (either a, b, or c) and if not, insert a blank row so I can then copy the data to my final project without having to worry about formatting.

the example above would then become abca cabc

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Insert Number Of Rows Based On Cell Values?

Feb 20, 2009

Column B contains geographical Areas. Column C contains a list of business departments.

North Env
North Env
North Ops
North Sales
North Sales
North Sales
South Env
South Maint
South Ops
South Sales
South Sales
South Sales


The values and number of these departments will vary. I want to insert lines to sum the totals at the bottom of each geographic area based on the number of different departments. So, for this example, for the North three lines would be inserted. For the South, 4 lines would be inserted.

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Insert Rows & Repeat Values Based On Corresponding Cell Value

Jul 7, 2009

I have a list of 130 names in column A. I have a number value between 0-10 in column B (next to the name). I need to insert the number of rows defined by the value in column B, below each row that I already have (if the value is 0, then the row needs to be deleted). The inserted rows have to be filled with the name value from the row above.

For example - before macro:

Joe Bloggs 2
Adam Wilson 10
Peter Andrews 0
Claire Burrows 6

After macro:

Joe Bloggs
Joe Bloggs
Adam Wilson
Adam Wilson
Adam Wilson
Adam Wilson....................................

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Insert Rows Based On The Value On Column F

Oct 31, 2009

I want to insert rows based on the coloumn F (has 6.00 on it)


Since the coloumn F has value 6 on it, i want to insert 5 rows below the current row

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Insert Row (2) Rows Above Value Found In Column

Dec 7, 2010

I am trying to perform a simple insert macro. That will search column A for a value "Jack".

Once the value has been found insert a blank row, 2 rows up from that value. Not below.

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Insert Extra Rows On Data Based On Values From Another Cell?

Jun 12, 2014

I need to create extra rows of duplicate data. The number of duplicate rows depends on the number of semi-colons in the 15th column (column O).

Sheet 1 is the original working file. Sheet 2 is the result of how the executed macro for the first 2 lines of data. The first line in sheet 1 has 7 semi-colons, so there should be 7 rows of duplicate data created in sheet 2. The second line in sheet 1 has 6 semi-colons, so 6 duplicate lines, etc.

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Insert Rows Below Every Line That Has Data In Column A?

May 5, 2014

i have numbers in column A1:A556, i want to insert a row below every column that has a number so that they can have double spacing.

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Insert X Rows After Specific Cell Value In Column

Aug 20, 2009

I have a dataset that i want to update, to do this I want to insert 8 rows after each row that has a value in Column C 2000. The set has 600,000 rows, comparing countries (cty, cty2) from 1980-2000. I want to make room for information up till 2008. I see lots of codes for doing this but I will also need help with actually inserting into my spread sheet.

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Insert Blank Rows Where Date In Column D Changes

Mar 21, 2007

I have a spreadsheet containing hours logged against a specific project, all of which have a 'Week Beginning' date.

I would like a macro to insert two rows above a change of date (in the D column). How best should this be done?

It's basically a formatting macro I'm after, to group records by 'Week Beginning' date.

I've spotted a few similar requests, but none of them appeared to include the function to check for a change in date, from the cell above.

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Insert Rows Based On Numbers In Column

Apr 4, 2008

I have a huge spreadsheet with addresses in column A and number in column B. Each address needs to have a ceirtain amount of lines inserted below, depending upon the number in column B. for example:................

With the new space inserted. the numbers i have range from 34 -2. does anyone have any code that will insert the number of rows depending on the number in column B? i HAVE had a look through the forums, but there are so many topics!

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Excel 2007 :: Macro To Insert Rows Based On Cell Values

Dec 19, 2013

a macro to insert rows based on certain cell values in column A.

I have uto 300 rows of data. Below is an example of column A.



If (above the R) is an 8, I need to insert 2 rows above that R and directly below the 8.

If (above the R) is a 9, I need to insert 1 row above that R below, directly below the 9.

(Below the R there is always a minimum of 8 digits with the 9 and 10 being random).

I have excel 2007

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VBA Loop Range And Insert Values In New Column?

Mar 21, 2014

I built a Microsoft Access database for my church to track member information. I was able to import a lot of the needed information to create the records for each individual and household easily. What I can't do is import their offering donations until it is "Normalized." Which means that I need each row to be 1 record with the fields listed as the column headings. My church has a spreadsheet with several sheets one of which is named Input. I've attached the desensitized file for you to view/play with.

What I need to do is loop through the input sheet and find all the values in range B:4 to GN:387 that are greater than zero or not null (I believe they entered the default as zero so their other calculations would work). Then I need those values to be transferred to the column labeled Offering Amount on the ImporttoAccess sheet. Somehow I also need to define three variables associated with the cell that is contains a value greater than zero.

1. I need the row heading value for the envelope number (Column A of input sheet) which intersects with the amount

2. I need the column heading value (3 field merged) for the date (Row 1 of input sheet) which intersects with the amount

3. I need the column heading value (labeled: GenFund, WLA, or Missions) for the designation of the offering (Row 2 of input sheet) which intersects with the amount

Each of these I need to attach to the value offering amount and insert into their corresponding column fields for that record. I have entered 2 example rows of data into the ImporttoAccess sheet for you to see what I am after. I am sure it's possible since the data is there, But how to go about it.

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Code To Insert Rows In Next Sheet In Order Of Column B?

Apr 24, 2014

The below code used to work for me perfectly but in the last couple days it's been acting up. The code is supposed to cut out 2 rows from sheet1 and insert it in order of column B in sheet2. Up until a few days ago the code was inserting the 2, cut, rows properly but now it inserts it at the top of the sheet.

Here is the workbook I'm working with TEST.xlsm

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Insert Duplicate Rows Based On Numeric Value In Column

Apr 6, 2012

I have to create 1000 dynamic ranges and do not want to do this manually. See the list below for the syntax I am using, I am only showing the first 10.

Name Range

I have tried the following code which works to an extent...

Range("=OFFSET(Date,0,1)").Name = "KPI_01"

..but the final result of the named range is an actual range, i.e. "A1:A13".

How can I keep the named range as a dynamic range?

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Auto Insert Rows From Another Column Based On Count

Jun 9, 2014

I would like to insert rows into column A from column D based on the count values and without affecting subsequent values in column B and C. For example. Count of a value in column A =1 and count of that same value in column D=5, THEN 5-1 (count of D - count of A) insert 4 rows in column A (shift cells down) without affecting data in column B AND C. Basically making the counts in column A and D equal.



The above example should look like this -



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Macro To Insert Auto Sum Function In Various Rows With A Column

Sep 4, 2009

I have to create a spreasheet monthly that has perhaps 60 transactions. The data is in columns A - G, with columns E and F having the costs figures. I need to sum the value in column E and also in Column F every few rows. The problem is that sometimes there are two rows per transaction and other times it could be 30 rows per transaction. Where I will be lucky is that there are two rows between transactions, and the sum goes in the first empty row.

Basically what I would need it to do, from a macro point of view is to go down column E, and every time it finds the first empty row, insert an auto sum. It would then need to ignore the next row, because it too, is empty.

Just Column E - I need an autosum in the "empty row 1's)

empty row 1
empty row 2
empty row 1
empty row 2

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Insert Blank Column And Copy/paste Values

Apr 20, 2009

I'd like to have done is to have a blank column inserted between columns W and X(these values change so the VBA statement should reference the end of the columns) and the values that are now in column Y(April 17th values) pasted as values into the now empty column X. I would like to do this for tabs Ann-Sheet 2. I'm having a bit of trouble with setting up the loop that would go through the desired sheets.

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Copy & Insert Range If Column Values Match

Mar 24, 2008

I have another little VBA macro problem that appears to be beyond my coding knowledge.

I have attached a small excel spreadsheet, with a macro recorded (CTRL-P) of what I'm trying to accomplish. Basically, If the data in column A matches a single entry in column F, I need to copy and insert the row (columns F-L) that matches.

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