Copy Paste To Next Row Not Working
Sep 24, 2013
Sub MoveColumns()
Dim src As Worksheet
Dim tgt As Worksheet
Anyway the above code is meant to take 5 columns of data and paste them in the next row below the last populated row but it keeps overwriting the data already on SheetX.
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Jun 2, 2008
Why isn't my copy and paste working between workbooks? We use excel 2000. I've resorted to using a lot of selection because I can't seem to figure out what is going on otherwise...
I'm sure this should be much simpler...
Sub PortData()
Dim wbA As Workbook, wbB As Workbook
Dim ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet, ws3 As Worksheet, ws4 As Worksheet, ws5 As Worksheet, ws6 As Worksheet
Dim sPath As String, sName As String, bTextSwitch As Boolean
Dim nLast As Long
Dim i As Long
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Feb 6, 2014
I copied and pasted text (last names) from Website A into File A. Then did the same from Website B into File B. I wrote index match formulas to compare columns between files. I've done this literally hundreds of times, and it's always worked. This time, however, I get ZERO matches - even though there are lots of them. Troubleshooting was straight-forward: it has to be website B. (Strange thing is, I HAVE used text from website B before in similar applications with no problems.) Something in the way they present the data is preventing matches. (Everything works when I manually type over text from Website B.) It's not an upper case/lower case problem. I tried copy-pasting values only - to no avail.
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Oct 26, 2009
dear friends when i am enter data manually this macro work fine.but same data I'm copy & paste macro not working.pls help me..
Dim c As Range, MyString As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each c In Range("J3", Range("J" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
MyString = Cells(c.Row, 6) & Cells(c.Row, 7) & Cells(c.Row, 8)
Select Case UCase(MyString)
Case "5000MSSP40/2"
c.Offset.Offset(, 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(RC[-1]="""","""",RC[-1]*0.145)"
Case "4000MSSP40/2"
c.Offset.Offset(, 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(RC[-1]="""","""",RC[-1]*0.115)"
Case "2000MSSP40/2"
End Select
Next c
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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Mar 23, 2012
Excel 2007, Windows XP Pro
Dim strLoan As String
Dim longCat As Long
Dim rHere As Range
[Code] .....
I can see the cursor move to all the desired cells when this macro executes; it just isn't dropping any data where it should be. I have been working at this stage for the last five hours with no success. I don't know whether my copy-paste methodology is broken or if it is my selection criteria
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Mar 29, 2009
I'm using 2003.
1. Copy cells B5 to V-First blank row in Strength Tests worksheet
2. Paste cells into Racks worksheet in cell C5
3. Change font size to 6
4. Sort by Column T descending then by Column C ascending
5. Copy one row (A5-W5 (1Rx23C)) from Racks worksheet
6. Paste row into M1 worksheet in cell D4
7. Print M1
8. Drop down one row on the Racks worksheet
9. Repeat steps 5-8 until there's a blank row.
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Jun 3, 2014
When I click a commandbutton to cut and paste columns I get the following error:
Select Method of Range class Failed
This is the following code I have
[Code] .....
Why this is happening?
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Mar 14, 2011
I am trying to copy a range of cells and Need to transpose the values. Easy Enough? When I right-click and paste special, it gives me a new window with an array of options but not the standard Paste special value screen. I have used the others in the past and just pasted text. However this does not give me the paste transpose option which is what I need.
I am sure this is a User error where there is something about the way that I am copying this information but I am Drawing a Blank...
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Aug 8, 2012
My goal is to get all numbers that are negative in my A column to be positive.
I filter column A to show only records with negative numbers (there are now hidden cells) (simple example, A2=-1 , A3=2, A4=-3, filter so I can now only see A2 and A4). I insert a column (B) and do "=abs(A1)" and drag that down. This works to get the absolute value of column A into column B, for only the visible records. (so I still only see rows 2 and 4; B2=1, B4=3)
Now the hard part. I want to copy these numbers to column A, but only paste to visible cells. I highlight my data range in column B and hit Alt + ; to only select visible cells. Now I hit Ctrl + c to copy. If I then click on the first cell in column A that I want to paste to and hit Ctrl + V, the data is pasted in all cells, no spaces, filling in the hidden cells, which I do not want (in my example the 1 from B2 goes to A2 and the 3 from B4 goes to A3).
If I select my entire 'paste to' data range in column A (A2:A4), hit ALT + ; to select visible only, and hit CTRL + V to paste, it tells me "This command cannot be used on multiple selections".
AOther postings of seen seem to intimate that my first attempt described here should work (select visible only, copy, then paste), but doesn't! i can copy visible only easily enough, but when I paste, it ALWAYS pastes into all rows, hidden or not.
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Sep 13, 2012
The code below pastes an array formula on the given range. However, it results FALSE and it does not paste as an Array formula. How can I fix it?
Sub copy_Time_Spent_by_Ticket_Formula()
Dim SheetName As Variant
For Each SheetName In Array("Calculations")
With Worksheets(SheetName)
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Apr 3, 2014
We have a document template set up in excel which we have to use to accompany documents/drawings issued to customers. I have a macro set up to copy the cells required in the template and create a new tab with our company reference as the tab name, then copy and paste the relevant data into the log.
We could be issuing one or up to 10 documents at the same time to the customer, therefore there are between 1 and 10 rows which could contain data. Due to this, when pasting to the log, I have asked the macro to choose the next available row and paste as values and skip blanks.
However, when there are blanks on the template, it is copying all these cells and I am being left with lots of blank rows in the log. Is there anything I can do to correct it?
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Jan 22, 2008
I am working on Excel 2000. I am creating a protected worksheet which will have conditional formatting and validation on manual input cells (formatted to light yellow). I want to make sure that people do not accidently forget and paste data into those cells. I read up on solutions from this thread; [url] and most of it seems to be more complex than what I needed (and I couldn't get it to work)
I copied some code from this website post
[url] to my worksheet.
It works fine if the Validation criteria is set up simultaneously (i.e. it's all the same) but does not work if the columns have different validation criteria. How can I modify it to work under those conditions? I have included two workbooks, one in which the val critieria is identical (and it works) and one in which it varies between columns (and it doesn't work). I also noted that if I modify the one that doesn't work to make it homogenious, it still doesn't work unless I go back and highlight all and reformat that way.
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Jul 13, 2006
I've been working on a particular spreadsheet and I've just noticed that
double clicking the format painter will only format one cell. It won't
retain the format to be put into the next selected cell which it should when
its double clicked. The same goes for copy and paste. Normally once you've
copied something you can paste it into a number of cells individually, one
after the other, but after the first paste selection, the paste option is no
longer available. I can't see any settings under options to fix this. What has happened, and how do I fix it? (I'm using Excel 2003 SP1 - is there a SP2?)
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Feb 3, 2012
This macro works fine on my machine but not with other users:
This should copy/paste certain cells then paste 3 sheets into a new work book.
ON other computers it seems to paste in a picture? works OK for me?
Sub ValidationTests()
' ValidationTests Macro
' Macro recorded 21/12/2011 by '
Sheets("Score Sheet").Select
[Code] ..........
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Jan 29, 2014
I would like to implement specific cell ranges from two specific worksheets each within 33 workbooks (which all have several tabs) into a summary page in a separate workbook.
The cell ranges are going across my spreadsheet in rows and I would like for them to transpose into a columns depending on the data which I have separated by catergory on the summary page. They are all on the same location in each workbook which is separated by country. The cell ranges are E26:P37 and I would like to transpose them and have them put below eachother without overwriting for my format on the summary page, how I can put this together in a macro?
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Jun 20, 2013
Attached is my code, pay attention to the bold part. I want the sourceSheet to be copied as a sheet and pasted in the targetSheet (the Sheet2 of "NewBook") but I want it pasted asvalues. Here is the specific part which needs to be looked at...and below is the full code.
Set sourceBook = Application.Workbooks.Open(sourceFilename)
Set sourceSheet = sourceBook.Sheets("Current")
Set targetSheet = NewBook.Sheets("Sheet2")
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Sep 6, 2012
copy/paste Every Sheet Single ( P Column ) and Paste to Notepad and take P1 As file name for note pad.
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Oct 1, 2012
I have one workbook that needs two macros.
On the "Complete Backlog" tab of my workbook, I want users to enter in the requested information based on the column header. Then I would like a Macro attached to a button that says "Refresh" that the user would click after they have entered in all of the information. This macro should look in Column M (WIP Status) and if any of the cells say "Close", it should Cut the entire row from the spreadsheet(Ex. A2:M2) and Paste it into the speadsheet titled "Closed Jobs".
This is so that as jobs are closed/finished, they are removed and stored on a separate sheet. The items would have to be pasted so that it pastes into the next available row - not just on top of each other.
I also need another macro that i can put into a button that doesn't "delete" a row from the sheet, but just copies over to another sheet - so that there are two instances in the workbook.
If would look something like: If a cell in "Column G / Director" of the "Complete Backlog" speadsheet is equal to "Snodgress" then copy columns A-L of the same row to the spreadsheet titled "Snodgress" - of course skipping down the rows to the next blank row. equal to "Herr" copy row to "Herr" spreadsheet. equal to "McCormick" copy row to "McCormick" spreadsheet.
and so on.
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Nov 25, 2012
HTML Code:
Range Apple
1 2 2 4 3
2 1 3 5
3 4 6 9
4 5 3 1 3
5 7 7 7 6
Range Pear
4 1 3 5
5 1 1 1
6 2
7 2 2
8 5 7
Range Apple
1 2 2 4 3
2 1 3 5
3 4 6 9
4 5 3 1 3
5 7 7 7 6
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Feb 4, 2014
How would you prevent the copy/paste of cells that have comments?
Also, how would you allow cells with comments to be copied and pasted without pasting the comments?
I also have an aside question about the forum advanced search. When searching for multiple search words, how would you type the search to include all words, for example, "prevent" & "paste" & "comments".
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Jan 18, 2013
Sometimes when I right click on a worksheet (filled with formulas, formatting, etc)and select move or copy and then click on "create a copy" a new BLANK tab is created rather than a new worksheet with my data. I'm not sure why this happens sometimes. This usually happens from a spreadsheet I downloaded from a website that I work on.
My workaround is just to copy and past the whole sheet to the newly created tab, but it's frustrating that it doesn't work the normal way.
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Jan 22, 2007
I want to copy and paste from one sheet to another based on column a using a macro copy button.
E.g. if column a value = apple then copy that row into the apple sheet.
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Jul 10, 2006
I want this macro to find in this case "406" in column A which is at the very end of the last block of 160 rows of information.
I then want it to move up 159 rows and copy 160 rows of information underneath the last block of information.
i.e.go to A5280 , then go to a5121, copy rows 5121:5280 to 5281.
It falls over on the very last line of code I can see A5281 selected but it won't paste....
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Jul 16, 2014
Iam trying to copy the web page contents into a word document, but i m recieving a below message @ line
"oIE.document.body.createTextRange.execCommand ("Copy")"
Object Doesn't support this property or method
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Sep 5, 2009
well heres my code ....
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Aug 10, 2006
I've just written a new Excel application which works fine when run on my local PC, and also when I save a copy on a central network server, and run it over the network.
However when another user who's testing it, runs it from the same network server, or on his local PC, the code trips out at the following line of ....
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Sep 25, 2009
The following sub will look in the file ("FY09 SOF"), in column "A", search for the strings that begin with "2109", "3009", or ends in "-1", and copy the entire row. It will then paste these in the file ("FY09 PR Log Blank").
I have found that in the file ("FY09 SOF"), if things are filtered in any row, it will not copy those necessary items.
The data filter is on row 13 of each sheet. Is there a way of fixing this? (i.e. having the macros select "all" on the filter before copying the sheet? There are 60 sheets so a macros will be necessary.
Sub get_data()
Dim wb As Workbook, wbDest As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet, wsDest As Worksheet
Dim lngCalc As Long
Dim FoundCells As Range
Dim FoundCell As Range
Set wb = Workbooks("FY09 SOF")
Set wbDest = Workbooks("FY09 PR Log Blank")
Set wsDest = wbDest.Worksheets("Paste all here, then sort")
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
lngCalc = .Calculation
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End With
For Each ws In wb.Worksheets.............................
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Jul 16, 2012
I have a workbook contains 2 sheets, Admin & Master. I have a list (A:A) on Admin sheet having dates based on a drop down menu somewhere on other side on the sheet. I am running the below customized code that i found online to copy the Master sheet and then it should get renamed as per list (A:A).
Public Sub CopyRenameIt()
' Determine how many territories are on Admin sheet
FinalRow = Range("H65000").End(xlUp).Row
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May 30, 2007
I have a user who is trying to use <EDIT><MOVE OR COPY SHEET> to copy a sheet to an existing workbook. She has them in the same directory and has them both open, but when she tries to copy a sheet from either of them to the other, the only workbook listed in the "TO BOOK" drop down menu is the one she is in. NO other workbooks show up as an option for her to copy to.
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Jun 19, 2014
I have the following code:
[Code] .....
I'm getting a Run tim error 438 object doesn't support this property or method for the If ws line. All i'm trying to do is copy the A column results starting at A5 from each worksheet listed into the active worksheet starting at A128. hiding any blank cells or cells with errors (I.e. #N/A) would be great as well.
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