Copy Rows To Sheet Based On Cell Value In Range

Aug 16, 2007

a macro button on my excel sheet that should do the following.

i have a range (Ex: E3:E46) which is being continuously filled, i need to transfer the information to another sheet depending on column "E", (Ex: if "E3" = "A" paste row to sheet2 if = "B" paste row to sheet3) and so on each row could have another string in column "E".

after the paste is done it should clear the range making place for new entries, that should also be copied finding the next empty cell (it shouldn't delete the old entries)

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Copy Rows To New Sheet Based On Date Range Selected On A Form

May 8, 2009

This spreadsheet must perform calculations for every line since new items are added every day, so VBA is probably better than copying formulas down every line of the spreadsheet:

With the press of a button, I need to be able to select a range of dates and copy all lines within the range to a seperate sheet with the desired name under the same headings they currently reside under. I have included some modified code that is being used in another spreadsheet that was created for me, but I do not pretent to understand all of it and I no longer work with the creator of the spreadsheet. How do I use a button to open the form for date selections and entering the name of the new sheet, and then use the start button on the form to begin the matching and copying to a new sheet? If there is an easier way I am all for that too.

Also, I need to keep a total of all items by month as well as a monthly and annual average of the Total Item Value on the FY09 tab. This will eventually produce another sheet when a button is pressed to submit as a report. I think part of this answer is in using the MONTH(serial_number) function but I can only get this to work for a single cell. I need to search the entire Distribution 'D' column, match all the months to the FY09 tab to the respective month, and calculate the totals and averages. I think SUMIF may also be needed as well but need the MONTH(serial_number)to work first. If there is a way to code all of this in VBA that would be fine as well.

I have a pivot table on Sheet1 where I am trying to get the totals and averages described above but I am not sure it can do what I need. In column 'B' I need the total number of each item as well as the total number of all items. I tried various formats and adding the totals from the Totals tab but I have not figured it out.

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Copy Rows From Selected Sheet To New Sheet Based On Cell Value

Mar 27, 2008

i have a workbook that has a lot of sheets but i need to pull information from the one sheet "Veneer Log" i Need it to make new sheets with the same heading as on the "Veneer Log" (Rows 1 & 2) Sheet but it needs to be filtered by the "Product" Column (H) with a new sheet made for all the diffrent products i.e. Dimensional, Drywall, Corners - Thin V., Accents,..... so each product will have a new sheet with i am hoping someone can help me with this. This log changes Daily and it would be nice to have a sheet with only the same product on it to compare new orders so we can batch run. i hope i have given you enough information so someone can help me with this. i have attached a sample log the real log has about 10 worksheet for diffrent departments but i only need info from the Veneer Log Sheet.

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Macro To Copy Rows Based On Moving Date And Paste Rows Into Identical Sheet

Jan 28, 2014

I need to build a macro which copies 3 rows every day and pastes the row data into an identical sheet. The three rows will have column "D" as =today(). As the days progress the three rows will change accordingly ( tag to the today's date)

e.g. 28/1/2014

I need the macro to recognize the date when pressed and copy the corresponding rows of data and paste them into an identical sheet with the same date. The second sheet is an archive sheet. The date will tick over as per the calendar.

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Copy Rows To New Sheet Based On Y / N Value In 1st Column

May 12, 2014

I have a single sheet that lists available items, prices, etc. When doing quotes, you simply put y/n in Col:A for each item. I then want a simple macro that will copy all of the rows with "yes" into a second sheet. Sample data with end result attached.

I did try and butcher this macro to do what I want, and whilst it does copy data across, it's not really working. Firstly as I think it is searching along a row and copy columns, whereas I need to search a column and then copy rows.

[Code] .....

Attached File : sample_data.xls

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Copy Rows Based On Cells To Another Sheet.

Dec 9, 2009

Attached is a sample of what i'm trying to do.
I want to use the data in the Setup Sheet to parse data in the Master sheet.

so for each row in the Master sheet, if the Property Column cell matches a Property cell in the Setup sheet, copy that row to a sheet named after the Person Cell (identified in the setup sheet).

Sorry if that's not very clear. I am not proficient at using advanced excel functions. I'm hoping this is an easy one..

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Automatically Copy Rows To Different Sheet Based On Value

Dec 24, 2013

I have several rows worth of tasks with several columns associated with each one of them. In other words, each task will have some event, comment, date etc. and a flag at the end if it's complete or not. Below is a very simplified idea.






Formulas that I have used so far have accomplished everything I need except one thing. I would like to copy rows to a different sheet (tab) based on the flag condition i.e. if the string says "Yes" (in this example), I would like to copy that row to a different sheet and do that for each row. In the example above, rows 2 and 3 would be copied to a different sheet creating a list/summary of complete events. As that is copied, I would use that information again on that new sheet to do more things.

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Copy Rows From One Sheet To Another Based On Formula Results

Feb 7, 2014

I have a report that is run weekly that shows items that have been returned over the last 3 months. The report shows the original date of purchase and the return date, but not the number of days since the purchase and the return. I need to have any items that were returned over 15 days go to a new sheet and display just those rows of information.

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Copy And Paste Rows To New Sheet Based On Dropdown Value

Mar 19, 2014

I have a workbook with 4 sheets relating to areas and a summary sheet and introduction.

On the introduction sheet I have a dropdown which lists all the available products my company make.

What I want is to be able to select the product from the dropdown and then click a button which will then copy and paste the headers and any rows which relate to the selected product from each of the area sheets and paste it all onto the summary sheet.

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Copy Rows In Range Based On Criteria

Jul 14, 2006

which I have modified from one that I use before for sheets 1 & 3 (instead of 4&5)

But it isn't working! I have defined a dynamic range in sheet 4, which is the range I want to search (its named "search") should i be using this range in the formula somewhere?

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim rngFind As Range
Dim strFirstAddress As String

With Sheet4.UsedRange
Set rngFind = . Find(ComboBox1.Text, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not rngFind Is Nothing Then
strFirstAddress = rngFind.Address
rngFind.EntireRow.Copy Sheet5.Range("A" & Sheet5.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(0, 0)
Set rngFind = .FindNext(rngFind)
Loop While Not rngFind Is Nothing And rngFind.Address <> strFirstAddress
End If ..................

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Search Range And Copy Result Rows To New Sheet

Jun 3, 2008

I have a table in excel with a group of headings. (Serial Number, Model, Description, Repsonsible and a few others) What I would like to do is be able to search every cell within the range of that table. When the user clicks search an inputbox is displayed and you can enter any search term you like. if there is a match within the cell range, i want the entire row (and the heading row always at the top) printed into a new sheet to display results. There may be a match in multiple rows, and id like evrery row displayed.

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Copy Paste Multiple Criteria Based Rows To New Sheet

May 23, 2008

I need to copy specific rows that have a specific value in colum B and Colum M to new worksheets.

So from attached screenshot , say for an example macro shud filter rows that have "BigPond" in coloum B ,"RG2" in column M & "INT" in column W and i dont want all cells in these rows , i only want copy cells under column C,AK,AL,AM (in this order) to my other excel sheet that is named "BigPond" and it should paste it starting from Row5?

I want to avoid recording a macro as it selects a range and i am expecting more new rows every week so if a record a macro the cell range for selection changes and i get incorrect result.

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Copy Paste Rows To Another Sheet Based On Column Criteria

Jan 17, 2007

I have a file that has two sheets, I have some formulas in the first sheet named "Data",What i would like to have is, If column G in the sheet Data is "Closed", then i want that particular row to be cut from the sheet " Data" and pated in to the Sheet "Done".

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Copy Cells To Different Sheet Based On Range

Mar 22, 2012

I need to make a VBA Macro (Assigned to a button) that will copy the information under the "Cut Length Worksheet" and paste it into the appropriate columns in our "Bill Of Materials Template." Any way to copy the cells, across different rows, into the proper cells.

I have several different Macros and Workbooks made up now, but I am lost here.

I also need the Cut Lengths to add certain info to the cell when it is copied:

8 | 7-15/16 ---> 8'- | 7-15/16"

Here is a Link to the Excel page.

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Copy Range Rows To Another Sheet Matching Condition In Column

Jun 1, 2008

i'm trying to create a macro to find any value <> "" from COLUMN B then copy Bx;Cx;Dx and paste into another worksheet with the name of COLUMN A.

And when the cells Cx or Dx is empty should appear 0 into the other worksheet

for example.
sheet1 ..... cell("dx") is empty
a b c d
w 5 3

the macro would copy 5,3,0 and paste into sheet named "w".

i found this code on internet but it's not quite good for me because it copies the hole row. i tried everything to change that but i couldn't.


Sub SearchForString()

Dim LSearchRow As Integer
Dim LCopyToRow As Integer

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Copy Rows Based On Criteria, Paste As Values To New Sheet & Sort

Apr 15, 2008

I have spent a few days searching through forums but cannot find examples that i have been able to successfully adapt ( because they are to complicated for my limited knowledge). I have a workbook with 5 sheets, sheet1 (current), and sheet 4 (archive) are the important ones. I need a macro to

A) copy rows from "current" to "archive" ( to the 1st empty row) if column S of "current" contains "Closed" ( the word is generated by formula).

B) The paste needs to paste special values and number formats ( want to lose formula but not conditional formatting).

C) data sort "archives" based on col A - this puts the newly archived data into correct sequence.Data sort lowest number 1st

D) delete the copied rows from "current".

e) give me a count of how many rows it deleted, (I have a macro to insert rows so will run that manually to recreate the correct number of emtpy rows (with formula and formatting) to bring the current sheet back to usual size.

I tried modifying a macro by RPaulson (based on cells on one sheet to cells on another), to work with entire rows but couldn't get it to work.

Found that paste special uses PasteSpecial xlPasteValues, but , and thats about it.

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Automatically Copy & Append Range To Another Sheet Based On Number Entered

Mar 15, 2008

I need help with creating a macro that runs when a user enters a value in the 'Numbers' column, copies and pastes data in the corresponding worksheet 'Worksheet' column by the value of 'Numbers' column data. An excel file is attached.

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Search Range In One Sheet - If Any Cell In Range Is Greater Then 0 Copy That Row

Sep 24, 2013

Basically I have three sheets. MAIN, Sheet 1 and Sheet 2

Sheet 1 and 2 are in the same format

A3 down is a list of country names and then B3:I71 contains the data im interested in.

I've been trying to create a function that looks at B3:i71 to see if any cell in that range contains a value greater then $0.00. If it does then the row that contains the cell with a value greater then $0.00 (between col A to K) should be copied to sheet MAIN from cells B3 down. This should ultimatley produce a list of data for any row containing a value greater then $0.00. This process should then be repeated on Sheet 2 and should join the list below sheet 1.

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VBA To Copy Sheet Based On Sheet Name In Cell Value

Oct 20, 2013

I need to copy the corresponding sheet based on the value in D3 in sheet1 (which it has the sheet name) and copy that sheet and paste it on sheet1 A7.

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Copy Rows Based On Cell Value?

Feb 23, 2012

WS "Activities" has a list of dates in col B (Inputted as 02/01/2012, 04/01/2012, 01/02/2012 etc.) (Formated as 02-Jan-2012, 01-Feb-2012 etc.)

WS "MonthReport" is where the rows are being pasted Currently the code will paste rows based on the search string in MonthReport("B1") So - If I type 02/01/2012 in B1 it copies all the rows where that is the date.

What I need it to do is be able to search for "January" and then return all the rows where the date is between 01/01/2012 and 31/01/2012. (Or all of Feb, Mar etc dependant on what is in MonthReport("B1")

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim LSearchRow As Long
Dim LCopyToRow As Long


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Copy Rows Based On Cell Value

Oct 4, 2006

I have a list of items with a quantity in the final column. I need the rows to be copied the same number of times as the quantity displayed so that instead of having 1 row with a quantity of 5, it copies this row a further 4 times so that there are 5 rows. how this can be achieved other than manually as is currently the case? I've attached an extract so that you can see what I am working with. Column H holds the quantity (obviously) and ideally should be reset to 1 when the item is copied the relevant number of times.

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Copy Rows Based On A Cell Value

May 22, 2008

have written a macro who can do this job, and offered me to have a look at my data. They are attached

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Copy Rows To New Sheet If Cell Contains A Particular String

Mar 29, 2007

I am a VBA starter. I try my best to customize the previously posted code to solve my problems. But I am badly stuck this time. Help please!

I have a sheet by name “MAIN”, that has the following features:

1.Data that I require starts from row 12
2.Cells in Column D (starting from D12) contain: mix of numbers, alphabets and special characters

MAIN!D12 = “123-AXE1”
MAIN!A12= “CopyMeA”
MAIN!B12= “CopyMeB”

What I would like to do is: .....

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Copy To New Sheet Based On Cell Value

Dec 22, 2006

I'm looking to pull about 700-725ish lines from a spread sheet (Sheet A) and paste them to a different sheet (Sheet B) based on a cell value.

My information spans from A to R, and the cell I'd like it to check for value is in column G, lets just say the value is "A". Is there a good way to go about this?

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How To Copy Rows To New Worksheet Based On Cell Value

Aug 10, 2014

I am making a workbook for our 4H horse shows. I want to be able to list the kids on the first page and check off (x in the cell) which classes they will be entering and then have the program move their info to each of the specific class worksheets where we will record the results. I'd like to move rows A thru E to each applicable class sheet. I've attached the workbook.

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Copy All Rows Based On Text In Cell

Nov 21, 2011

the following situation:

I have several worksheets in a file with worksheet 1 containing all the raw data I am working with.

In worksheet 3, I have hundreds of rows containing different texts in column C. Let's call this texttolook4.

I want search for texttolook4 (all rows) in worksheet 1 (column D) and copy the worksheet 1 row if found in a new worksheet.

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Automatically Copy Row Based On Cell Value To Another Sheet (VBA)

Jan 18, 2013

I am trying to create a tracking spreadsheet in which modules need to move through certain phases. I have tabs for all appropriate phases. I would like to be able to select from a pull-down the current phase and have the spreadsheet automatically populate the appropriate tab. Ideally, I would like to be able to edit the process in any of the phases and have it backfill as well (ie if the status changes while in phase 3, I don't have to go back to phase 1 to change it, I can edit it in the phase 3 tab and phase 1 will automatically update).

Additionally, I would like it to calculate this constantly not just when the spreadsheet opens.

I have achieved this partially with formulas but I am finding that it is extremely slow and also doens't always update correctly. I also can't get the circular referencing to work so I don't have full capability using the formulas.

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Copy Entire Row To Another Sheet Based On Cell Value?

Jun 4, 2014

I would like to sort rows from Sheets 2-6 based on the value in Column G into Sheets with the same name. For example, if a cell in column G states "BluePrint", I would like the entire row to be copied into the tab labeled "BluePrint".

however I have been unsuccessful in adapting the coding to my specific wording.

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Copy/Cut Entire Row To Another Sheet Based On Cell Value

Jan 31, 2010

Based on the example and solutions from one of our friends post

i want to know the code with the same data as posted in THAT example,changing the data slightly like adding "TODAY" & "TOMMORROW" as other key words which will be Cut/Copied as seperate groups one beneath the other.

I had attached the worksheet with the actual data & the final Required format.

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Copy Row From Sheet1 To Sheet Based On Cell Value

Aug 17, 2006

i'm trying do is have information from sheet1 copy to sheet2 upon selecting a value from a DV list. Based on my attached sample, in Column J, upon selected "Yes", I would like to get the information from A6:H6 copied to sheet2 in the same row. I've tried it with the "if" formula and writing a macro for it.

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