Search Range In One Sheet - If Any Cell In Range Is Greater Then 0 Copy That Row
Sep 24, 2013
Basically I have three sheets. MAIN, Sheet 1 and Sheet 2
Sheet 1 and 2 are in the same format
A3 down is a list of country names and then B3:I71 contains the data im interested in.
I've been trying to create a function that looks at B3:i71 to see if any cell in that range contains a value greater then $0.00. If it does then the row that contains the cell with a value greater then $0.00 (between col A to K) should be copied to sheet MAIN from cells B3 down. This should ultimatley produce a list of data for any row containing a value greater then $0.00. This process should then be repeated on Sheet 2 and should join the list below sheet 1.
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Jun 3, 2008
I have a table in excel with a group of headings. (Serial Number, Model, Description, Repsonsible and a few others) What I would like to do is be able to search every cell within the range of that table. When the user clicks search an inputbox is displayed and you can enter any search term you like. if there is a match within the cell range, i want the entire row (and the heading row always at the top) printed into a new sheet to display results. There may be a match in multiple rows, and id like evrery row displayed.
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Feb 6, 2014
I’m trying to write a macro to look down two different columns in my work sheet and if the is a value >0 then copy a set range of cells to another sheet,
I need to search column (k) and (x) range (“K2 : K147”) and (“X2 : X147”) in (sheet1) for values >0 if there is, then copy from (“f : m”) if it is found in the (k) column, or copy from (“s : z”) if it is found in the (X) column, and paste value only to the next empty cell in sheet2 . Sheet2 is empty so (A) on down is fine for paste range. There is a spin button in the copy range column (L) and I don’t want that picked up in the copy. Manually I (paste text) only but I think (values only) will do the same thing.
[Code] .........
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Nov 17, 2006
1. jump to any cell > 100000
2. write a formula to check entire range of sheet for any one cell over this amount... maybe returning TRUE if so, FALSE if not?
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Jan 22, 2014
I need to lookup to search a range on a different sheet and return the appropriate corresponding cell.
Basically its if a1 is found in the other sheets range a1:a100 then return the corresponding Bcolumn value from the different sheet.
=VLOOKUP(A2,'All Users'!A$2:A$100,'All Users'!B!2:B!100)
Example of 'All Users' Sheet
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Sep 28, 2008
i have a main.xls file and two data file dat1.xls and dat2.xls
mail named file have ar - br- cr- dr- er -fr sheets
dat1 named file have ar-br-cr sheets
dat2 named file have dr-er-fr sheets
and all this files data source is
colomn source a - fd
row source 29-4000
i want to make two commandbutton to main file first for dat1 second for dat2 file and i need a code to use at this buttons to make
when dat1 and dat2 close
main file user when click first button
copy dat1 file ar sheet colomn source a - fd row source 29-4000 cells to main file ar sheet colomn source a - fd row source 29-4000 cells
copy dat1 file br sheet colomn source a - fd row source 29-4000 cells to main file br sheet colomn source a - fd row source 29-4000 cells
copy dat1 file cr sheet colomn source a - fd row source 29-4000 cells to main file cr sheet colomn source a - fd row source 29-4000 cells
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Oct 7, 2009
Need a code using application.inputbox to get a range, then use that range to copy and paste the range's link and format to a different sheet? The specifics don't matter, I just can't figure out the syntax. Here is what I have currently:
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Aug 7, 2008
Hi. Does anyone know a formula to copy a selected range of cells on sheet one to a range on sheet three when a check box in checked. Ex. copy range a4:j4 on sheet one into a4:j4 on sheet three once the check box for on sheet one is checked?
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Feb 19, 2008
I have been struggling for a while to copy data from one worksheet to another and reset the target range.
The copy bit is cool, the range resetting bit is not. I have tried various methods, but none seem to work.
For example, the below code generates an error: "Compile error: Argument not optional"
I have stuck the particular command button script below to let you see what I am trying to do:
Private Sub cmbFilter_Click()
Dim sCriteria As String
On Error Resume Next
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Jun 22, 2008
I'm developing a loan processing system for members of a club. When an applicant asks for a loan, the club will calculate 10 % of that interest and the applicant will have to pay it back in 5 successive fortnightly instalments. If he asks for a loan in the first fortnight (1), for example, he will have to start paying instalments in fortnights 2,3,4,5,6 to pay it all back.
The system currently has 4 worksheets. The first sheet is a the loan application form. The cells outlined in thicker border, are the cells in which details must be input. Once it is input, the data will be automatically placed in the Processing worksheet using IF and VLookup functions (See spreadsheet attached), which is used as a basis for the loan schedule Worksheet. What I need is a macro that will copy the range filled in the Processing worksheet, and copy it to the exact same location in the Loan schedule worksheet (The cells with the same fortnight columns and the same member name. This is how the loans are to be filed.
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Nov 14, 2013
I have a sheet that I populate with data, and I would like to create a formula (or some code) that will look down column A, and if any of the cells contain a value >1 copy the cell and the adjacent cell (column B) and paste both values into a new sheet.
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Sep 16, 2006
I have a certain range to start, and want to exclude rows if a defined cell is not greater than zero. I cannot figure out the syntax to achieve. The following code selects the range even if the single cell is NOT greater than 0...
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Aug 16, 2007
a macro button on my excel sheet that should do the following.
i have a range (Ex: E3:E46) which is being continuously filled, i need to transfer the information to another sheet depending on column "E", (Ex: if "E3" = "A" paste row to sheet2 if = "B" paste row to sheet3) and so on each row could have another string in column "E".
after the paste is done it should clear the range making place for new entries, that should also be copied finding the next empty cell (it shouldn't delete the old entries)
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Mar 11, 2014
I have 2 workbooks. 1 is where data is entered called wksPB, the other is like a database workbook. The wksPB has data to be feed from column B to F and there is a dropdown.
what im looking to do is, if the combobox value is selected as Decline then it should display a messagebox that reference value in cell B is denied. if combobox value is Agreed then the macro should search the database workbook for the text entered in column b of wksPB and then copy data of C:E of wksPB to H:J of database sheet where that text is found and also the approver name in wksPB C24 to the approver cell of where that text was found. I've reached till finding the text but what I get my head twiting on is how to copy the text from wksPB column B:F to database sheet column H:K. Im attaching the sample workbooks and the code where ive reached till.
[Code] .....
Attached Files
Replacement Records - 2014.xlsx
forum file.xlsm
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May 12, 2009
I have a monthly time sheet. The times are entered in cells C8:F68.
When some one has a annual leave day or a bank holiday they enter A/L or B/H.
I have a summary sheet and have placed a cmd button on it to hopefully search the sheets that are months or the year.
I know how to search the sheets and increment through them and not the 'Summary' sheet.
What I need to establish is how to place in my code the actual search criteria and also limit the range to C8:F68
On top of this I need to total each occurance of A/L and B/H and display them in two cells.
I have tried to do a search of the forum but with no luck.
Like I say I have managed to understand how not to select the 'Summary' sheet when incrementing through the sheets but its just the search for the A/L and adding them up!
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Jul 18, 2006
I am trying to use the SUMIF function in excel where I want to sum a range of cells greater than whatever is in cell D8. Here is what I tried to use, but it doesn't work. SUMIF(A2:A10,>D8,B2:B10)
The content in D8 can change because the user makes a choice from the drop-down list and a number pops up in D8 that is referenced to their choice.
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Jul 16, 2009
I would like to change the name of all cells withen xrange with a text value greater than nothink.
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May 2, 2006
I wish to compare each item (4-8 digit alphanumeric ID) in a list in column B of worksheet 1 (Portfolio) to all of the items in column B of worksheet 3 (EssBase Cap). The data (ID) in column B of 'EssBase Cap'! is concatenated with its description so my code needs to strip off the leading zeros and everything after "-" in order to do the comparison. Once a match is found it should copy the corresponding values in 'EssBase Cap'! for that row, column D and E to 'Portfolio' Column J, and K. I have created some pseudo code and need to translate this to Excel VBA
Dim IBSPWD As String
Dim ProjectPCN As String
Dim Pos As Integer
Dim I As Integer
Dim J As Integer
For I = 3 To 'to end of range ? WHat is the code to find end of the range IE no more data?
For J = 6 'to end of range ? The nested for loop will check each item in Portfollio and compare it to each item in Essbase Cap
IBSPWD = 'EssBase Cap'!Cell(J,"B") 'fill in the string with data
Pos = InStr(1, IBSPWD, "-", vbTextCompare) 'find length of the string befor "-"...............................
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Feb 1, 2008
I have a multi worskheet document and i want to be able to create a macro that will search individual cells in a range on each sheet and if it locates a 3 letter mneumonic (STK in this case), it will then copy that data for the whole row and paste on an additional worksheet. I also need the data pasted on the new worksheet to be protected ie not overwritten when the macro runs again. So this mneumonic could exist anywhere in column A (A1,A500).
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Mar 28, 2007
If I wanted to highlight a cell if any cell in the range to the right was greater than zero, what formula would i use. I have tried =IF(L1:AD1>0,1) with the result returning for only the cells in column L. Row 3 has no value in column L but a value in column N with no result to highlight the cell.
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Aug 6, 2013
I need method, using a button, that looks at a cell--say EO2, for example--, looks back on a master worksheet at a specified row and range for a match, then looks at the information from a specified range below the matching cell (The information in this column will either be blank or have an "X" in the cell), and then those rows that do not have an "X" will be hidden in the corresponding rows in the working worksheet. Therefore, if at any time the value in "EO2" ever changes, then it will automatically find a new match and repopulate and hide information as before. About 130 columns will have its own button so that a "query" can be made that depends on the information in a particular cell in that column.
The master worksheet now has matrix of 287 rows and 58 columns. Each row is for an operating procedure and each column shows a job code. An "X" in a coordinate cell for a column/row shows whether that job code is responsible for knowing that operating procedure. So, on the working sheet, an employee's primary job code is given underneath his or her name. When the button is pushed, all the operating procedures not required for a given person will be hidden and only the required ones will remain visible--grouped, if you will. Qualification dates will be easier to see now that the information is consolidated. Whenever someone transfers to a new position, a new code will be inputed on the working sheet. When the button is pushed, a new grouping will result. Any operating instructions that overlap will still have qualification dates, so that information will not need to be transcribed.
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Dec 15, 2011
I want to put this formula on sheet2 in cell Q11 but not sure how to do the copy command in the formula?
If(Sheet1!Q11="True", copy Sheet1!B11:O11 to Sheet2!B:11:O11
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Feb 6, 2013
I would like to create a cell that will tell me if a dimension has failed.
I have a tolerance that the value must be between and if it is not then i would like a cell that will input an X
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Dec 23, 2008
Trying to copy a range from Sender.xls (sheet) Lists backstage
onto Userform.xls (sheet) Behind the Scenes
When trying to copy the values within a multicell range, the destination cell range (same size) becomes blank.
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Feb 9, 2014
I'm trying to create a formula that will search for a specific text in "sheet1" within a date range and then SUM the total on "sheet2". I've manage to use the SUMPRODUCT (below) formula but want to expand on this so the SUM can be shown on another sheet(summary page). =SUMPRODUCT((ISNUMBER(FIND({"nmlclex06"},A1:A10)))*(B1:B10)) In this example I search for the text "nmlclex06" and SUM the size, but don't have a date range and don't know how to SUM the data on another sheet.
Columns: Name, Size, Date
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Nov 24, 2009
I have two ranges that show parts of a question to be answered and those parts already answered (aa6:aa55 and ab6:ab55). I would like to count those elements where the value in column AA is greater than the corresponding value in column AB, showing questions with parts still to be answered. Currently I have a formula comparing the two and am counting the occurrences of true or false. This seems to be overkill and I am sure that there is an array formula that can do the same thing more efficiently, unfortunately I cannot figure it out.
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Feb 12, 2014
I have a worksheet with following values:
Also I have a Userform with 2 ComboBoxes named "ComboBox1" and "ComboBox2". Values in ComboBox1 is "Pull my pants", "Eat my shorts", "Socks for everyone".
What I would like to do is to search though column A and look for any of these textstrings in my selection in ComboBox1 and return the value from column B in column C.
Example: "Pull my pants" is selected in ComboBox1 then the value "pants" should be found in column A and value in column B (25) should be entered in cell C2.
I am fairly new to VBA and have spend hours searching Google and found some formulas like InStr and VLookup. My problem is that I am not sure if these statements will do the job and how to combine them.
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Aug 1, 2014
I need to be able to query a large date range by a small beginning and end date range and return a count when the value is = each search criteria. i.e. - Search one year of dates from a table by Beg: 7/23/2012 to End: 10/21/2012 and return a count. The beginning and end dates are dynamic and I will need to reference the cells, i.e. B102 "Beg" B102 "End" and not a static date.
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Mar 2, 2007
Is there a formula that will look through a certain range of cells for a specific value which is held in another cell.
So if P21 holds the number 21, search through P17:S19.
if the number (in this example 21) is found in that range place W in P23 if it isn't then L in P23
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Jun 2, 2014
I want to do is add data into Sheet A each day then press a button which will copy the data in a range and paste it into Sheet B, but I want to create a list of all data so I need it to find the next empty cell and start the paste from there (if that makes sense).
I want it to create a data base on one sheet from a daily import, I have a code to copy one cell to next empty cell but dont know how to duplicate it to a range.
I hope I have given you enough info this is what I have done so far
Public Sub CopyData()
Dim ws As Worksheet, bi As Byte, vData(1 To 1)
Set ws = Sheets("A")
For bi = 1 To 1
vData(bi) = Application.Choose(bi, ws.Range("A1"))
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