Copy And Moving A Tab To Specific File Location

Jan 22, 2014

I have code that has the user identify a file and then it puts that file location in a cell within the workbook

"Y:MastersProPricerENG WBS BOEXYZ.xlsx"

I want to copy a tab from the active workbook ("Resources (Spread or Load)") and move it to the workbook listed above.

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Extract Data From A Specific Location In A Text File

Aug 7, 2006

I have been trying to work this out by looking at other posts (mostly concerning Binary Access) but can't figure it! The source text files I am using can vary in length from 4,000 characters to well over 100,000 characters. However the data I am looking for always starts 40 characters from the end of the file and is 10 characters long! I need my macro to pick out this data and store it as a string (so it can be added to an array and exported to a worksheet later)

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Copy Specific Range To Offset Location

Jan 21, 2009

I would appreciate some ones help to correct a macro I'm trying to write. The macro copies 3 columns from Sheet1 to Sheet2 in a selected location. The 3rd column copied needs to be pasted in a different column in Sheet2.

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Macro To Copy Range Hidden Paste In Specific Location

Mar 26, 2014

I have recorded the below macro and I am not very happy with it. enhance the macro and add the following:

I need to copy the range "ROW" and past it below the range "MENU". Also the range "ROW" (ROW = copy of 3 line with some cells merged) is hidden.

I need to unhide and hide back the rang ROW. Right know I have to leave the range appearing otherwise my macro doesn't work.

HTML Code: 

Sub ADD()
' ActiveWindow.LargeScroll Down:=2
Application.CutCopyMode = False
' ActiveWindow.LargeScroll Down:=-2
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
End Sub

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Copy Data From Named File And Location

May 27, 2006

I am trying to set up a file name and path in a cell, and then use this from a number of other cells but with a cell location added to it. So for example:

cell A1 contains a file name "c:mydirectoryexcelfile.xls"

cell A2 needs to contain the contents of the cell at location K12 (for example) from the file referred to in A1
cell A3 needs to contain the contents of the cell at location K13 (for example) from the file referred to in A1

This is to save having to put the filename and cell reference in all of the of cells. I would then do the same thing with another file in column B of this file and the same with column C etc.

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Excel 2003 :: Cannot Copy Worksheet - Temp File Location Error

Feb 13, 2013

Using Excel 2003 and cannot copy a worksheet and am getting this error:

File not found: CDocumentTempVB4B.tmp

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Moving Rows To A Specified Location

Jun 16, 2008

I am trying to do work on a sheet and am getting very frustrated. I have a list of several different data entries that contain a row of information. I need to have the excel sheet move these rows to a different sheet in a specified location. For example, in the first column of the data I have the list of commodities, (sugar, cotton, yen, euro, and copper). Then in the second column I have the price and then the quantity. I want to move them automatically from sheet 1 (where they are entered) to a specific location on Sheet 2. I want Cotton to be in A2, Sugar to be in A20, Yen to be in A30, Euro to be in A40 and copper to be in A50. I would like the data to be cut from sheet one and inserted into sheet 2 so that the sheet can move them every day.

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Macro To Download Csv File From A Dynamic Date Based Url To A File Location

Feb 23, 2014

I have a requirement to download a lot of historical data files from the archieve of an website. The url goes something like this: [URL]....

This downloads file for 21022014 ie. 21-Feb-2014. I need to be able to have a facility to have a selection criteria on my user form (in excel) where I specify a date range and the macro automatically downloads all the valid excel files available within that date range (files for Saturday, Sunday and some holiday dates will not be available in the website archive database) one after the other (like at single clcik of button) into a specific location (predefined viz.. c:/Users/EOD files/) on my laptop. Best would be if I am able to select the save location run time by using a 'Browse' like feature where I go and choose my local laptop folder...same type when we try uploading a file from our laptop to the web..

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Select File, Specific Tab, Then Copy/paste

Feb 13, 2010

Feedback.xls is the file I want to have my macro run in. By pushing a button to run the macro, it will prompt the user to select where their file is on their computer. This file will have different file names based on the end user. For example sake, I've included CAP.xls.

After the user selects their file, it will prompt them to choose which tab to copy and paste data from. Typically, there will be 30+ tabs on their worksheet. For example sake, I've created 5 tabs on CAP.xls. The tabs in their workbook will be labeled as I have labeled mine, M1 CAP, M2 CAP & M3 CAP. Therefore, it should prompt the user to select which tab to choose from.

After the user selects their tab (M1 CAP, M2 CAP, M3 CAP), the macro should prompt the user to choose which row of information to copy. In CAP.xls, I have a few rows of information to choose from. They all start with FY10A1, FY10A2, FY10A3, but this information could change. Once they select the row, it will copy each of those fields onto the respectively labeled fields on Feedback.xls.

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Search Arrays For Specific Values And Copy "associated" Values To A New Location

May 26, 2006

Given the following data located in Sheet1 of a Workbook -

•I have seven columns (assume header row names are “A, B, C, D, E, F, G”) each containing numeric data in random order.
•All columns are of the same length (equal number of rows), followed by a blank cell, but the number of rows is unknown.
•Columns with header row names A-E will only contain numbers from 0 to 100, while F and G may contain numbers from -127 to +128.

Here is what I would like to do –

I would like to be able to analyze the data in columns A-D to locate rows that contain specific combinations of values (ex. row 41 contains the values 50, 0, 0, 0 and row 239 contains values 100, 0, 0, 0 in columns A – D, respectively, etc.).

For each row that is found to contain one of these combinations (there are many different combinations required), I would like to copy the associated values from columns E, F, & G for that row, and paste them into their respective (E, F, & G) columns located on Sheet2 of the same workbook. However, I would like to paste the E, F, & G values into a specific row order on Sheet2, DETERMINED by the value of the A – D combination identified on Sheet1.

Continuing with the ex. above, let’s say I would like to have the EFG values from row 239 in Sheet1 copied to row 10 in Sheet2, while the EFG values from row 41, Sheet1, are to be copied to row 11 in Sheet2.

In effect, I would like to create a table of this subset of data, in a specific order, from which I could work later.

I can do this manually using “ AutoFilter” to locate the data I need and then write formulas to copy the data from Sheet1 to Sheet2 in the order that I need, but every time the order of the original data on Sheet1 changes I have to start all over.

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Macro To Open File Saved In Same Location But File Name Changes With Each Date

Feb 8, 2013

I do routine tasks every day which involves opening 3 different files and pasting data into my main file. The data is always in the same format, and the 3 files are saved in the same location (3 different folders through). The 3 files are saved each day and the naming convention is constant, with only the date changing. For example, the files are always saved in C:My Documents and the files are called test_05.02.2013.xls. Tomorrow the file will be called test_06.02.2013.xls and so on.

So each day I will be rolling a file forward and I want to bring in the info from each of these files based on the new day.

How to do 1, and I will do the others (because the concept will be the same).

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Open PDF File In Specific Folder To Copy Data

Nov 21, 2012

I have to open each pdf file in a specific folder, select and copy all contents and paste it in column 'A' of a new workbook.

I have tried following code but not worked...


Sub ConvertPDF(control As IRibbonControl)
Dim AdobeApp As String
Dim AdobeFile As String
Dim StartAdobe
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject


I have Acrobat Reader installed. Any method without using 'SendKeys'?

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Copy And Paste Value Macro / Save Individual File To Right Of Specific Tab

Mar 25, 2013

I have a current macro that saves each sheet as their own file. The first 10-15 sheets are not really necessary, so I typically delete them once the macro has run. I am looking to add two things to my current code:

1. Add a tab called Start. Make the macro look for 'Start' tab and then just save each sheet to the right of that as its own file.

2. Save each sheet in the macro as just a copy/paste value. They current have a lot of links and it makes each file close to 3MB. That makes it incredibily difficult to paste all in one email.

Here is the current code:

Sub CreateWorkbooks()
'Creates an individual workbook for each worksheet in the active workbook.
Dim wbDest As Workbook
Dim wbSource As Workbook
Dim sht As Object
Dim strSavePath As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

[Code] ..........

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Copy Range From Multiple Workbooks With Specific Text In File Name

Nov 8, 2008

That does allow me to filter the output in Master, but ideally what I would want to do is not have to set aside 300 lines in the Master file for each of the Staff files. Conceptually, I'd like to have the spreadsheets Staff A, Staff B, etc. look for and export only lines which have data in them and then have Master bring those lines in automatically. This may not be possible, in which case your suggested solution is the best approach.

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Moving Columns Of Data Into Another File And Saving File With New Filename?

Aug 30, 2013

I was wondering if there is a way to write a macro that will take an excel file that I have called Alldata and then have it copy the first two sheets to a new workbook named something else( FullSparameter_0) and then copy the name of the third and fourth sheet into the new FullSparameter_0 workbook and then copy column A-E from sheet dB Alldata.xls and paste it into the FullSparameter_0.xls workbook in the same dB sheet in the same spot. And do the same thing with the Phase Sheet. i know this sounds confusing, but im really new to the VBA stuff.

I just need 15 different files from the original Alldata.xls that will be named FullSparameter_0, FullSparameter_1, .., FullSparameter_14. but each file will have the same two first sheets, Setup Information and Cal Verification, and the same last two sheet names, dB and Phase, but then in the dB and phase sheets, it will copy over the next four columns of data. so in FullSparameter_0 it will have column A-E from sheet dB in Alldata.xls in the dB sheet in FullSparameter_0 (Same with the Phase Sheets). Then in FullSparameter_1 it will have column A and Columns F,G,H and I (for dB and Phase). In fullSparameter_2 it will have column A and then J,K,L and M. Each FullSparameter_X will have the exact same first two sheets and then the other columns for the last two sheets will be pasted into columns A-E in dB and Phase.

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Generate A Folder Within A Specific Location

Nov 12, 2008

I am trying to generate a folder within a specific location (For now lets call it C:Jobs) that will be named as per the adjacent cell (Column H on attached)

Obviously if the folder already exists I want the code to stop.

But this code will have to generate a different folder for each row within the spreadsheet.

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Save To Specific Location As Cell Name

Oct 14, 2009

I've been searching for ages trying to work out how to do this but have so far only managed to confuse myself. i have office 2007 and I have found some code to convert an excel sheet to PDF, however I need it to saveas the contents of cell (e6) and save to a location on our network drives (C:TEMP).

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Hyperlink To Specific Location In Word Doc?

Aug 11, 2006

I have an Excel file to distribute to users. This file must contain Hyperlinks to a Word file which i will enbed in a sheet of the Excel file itself. My question is this: Is it possible to produce Hyperlinks that go to the specific part of the Word document? So far, i am only able to Hyperlink to the first page of the Word doc, by doing a macro.

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VBA PDF Code Alteration To Allow Specific Save Location?

Aug 23, 2012

I am running a macro in Excel which automatically generates a PDF of my worksheet. Currently it saves in the default location but i want to modify it to a specific location - P:Emergency Services|Procative ContactForms PDF.

The current code is;

ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:=Range("E7").Value _
, Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas _
:=False, OpenAfterPublish:=True

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Enter Line-Break At Specific Location

Jun 24, 2014

I know Excel is not the best tool for formatting sentences, but is there a way to insert a Line-Break based on a condition? (Either using Formula or VBA).

The situation is:A fixed-width cell, is a concatenation of 5 strings. Each of these 5 strings is a small sentence of 3-6 words; individually much smaller than the cell-width.2 of these 5 are fixed (one at start, one at the end). The other 3 are results of their respective "IF" formulas.Hence, the final sentence wraps over 2-3 lines.I need the 3rd & 5th sentence (the whole sentence, all 3-6 words of it) to start in a new line, only if they are going to be wrapped into two lines.

So If the wrapping results in:
String1 String2 Stri
ng3 String4 Stri

Then change it to:
String1 String2
String3 String4

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Add Custom Menu At Specific Location On Toolbar

Jun 28, 2008

I would like to use the attached "menu maker" file I found on Ron De Bruin's site using a Sheet to build the menu, yet be able to place it before the Help menu as suggested by this site [url] by finding the position of Help.

I have amended the code yet receive a "Compile error: Variable not defined" error.

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Moving Specific Rows

Aug 17, 2009

I'll try to be clear on what I need to do and hope I can find a solution.
I've found similar threads but I can not edit them for my use so I had to ask again. What I have is a lot of cows, calfs, heifers.

When a calf turns 12 months old , (ex: =IF(A3>11;move_row(sheet_heifers);"")), I need the entire row move to other sheet (heifers). and when the heifer gives births the first time (ex: column- =IF(A7<>"";move_row((sheet_cows);"" ) the entire row needs to move to other sheet (cows). I can do age calculating and the rest well.

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Populate A Given Number Of Rows Starting At A Specific Location

Jun 2, 2014

I have a spreadsheet where I track resources needed on a project. Each resource that is selected in the resource column has a corresponding % avg and an average number of months where the resource is used. % Avg and # of Months are found in a different worksheet.

What I am looking to do is, for example: if resource A will be on the project starting in May 2015 and assigned at 30% for 7 months, I want to populate 30% starting in the colunm labeled May 2015 and copy the 30% so that a total of 7 months are populated. Also, if any of the values change (i.e: the Resource Name or the Start Month) I want to erase all the percentages that were entered in the row. How can I achieve that with a VBA code? I have formulas that retrieve the # of Months and the % Avg already.

These are the columns that I have in my spreadsheet:

Resource NameStart MonthJan-15Feb-15Mar-15Apr-15May-15Jun-15Jul-15Aug-15Sep-15

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Save Workbook To A Specific Location - 1004 Error?

Jul 21, 2013

Im struggling to get a workbook to a specific location. I have copied 3 worksheets to a new workbook, which im trying to save to an archive folder. Here is my code.

Sub atest()
Dim strFileName As String
Dim Archivepath As String


The problem is i keep getting an error (runtime 1004) saying the file could not be found?? well, im trying to create it !..

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Transfer Data From Userform To Specific Location Not Next Empty Row

Mar 14, 2014

I have a User form with a combo box that is populated with numbers (1 thru 50) and four text boxes for first name, last name, email & cell number.

It all works fine. However: I would like it to transfer the data to (Sheet3) in numerical order... In other words, If the user picks number 5 his data would be entered in the fifth row.(or sixth counting header). Or if he chooses number 37, his info would be entered into row 37 (38 with header) of (Sheet3)

It currently populates the next empty row.

My code is below, How would I modify it to accomplish this?

Private Sub EnterButton_Click()

'Populates GetNumber Combo Box

Dim w As Worksheet, x As Long
Set w = Sheets("Sheet2")
x = w.Columns(19).Find(Me.GetNum.Value, lookat:=xlWhole, LookIn:=xlValues).Row
w.Range("S" & x).Delete

[Code] ............

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Save Excel Sheet To A Specific Location Through Macro

Nov 19, 2009

I have a excel sheet which is completely formula driven and no macros in that.

I want to macro which can save that excel sheet to a specific location.

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Insert Row At Specific Location And Auto Fill Formulas From Above

Apr 11, 2007

What I need is to insert a row at row 59 and autofill the formulas including drop down list from the above row. This is what I have so far (Thanks to Reafidy and shg).

Sub ChkDates()
Dim c As Range
Dim DelRng As Range
Dim ArcRng As Range
Dim i As Long
Dim l As Integer
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
For i = 60 To 8 Step -1
Set c = Cells(i, 33)
If IsDate(c) Then ..............

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Moving Specific Dates To Another Worksheet

Feb 19, 2009

I have in sheet1 a column "A" with random dates in this format x/x/200X.This sheet is constantly updated with new random entries as more information arrives.

So, how can I use a formula to automatically move to sheet2 "only" the rows with dates for JANUARY. I know that I can move data using e.g....=sheet1!A1, but I don't know how to use this formula with an specific condition to move the rows with JANUARY dates only.

In the attachment, you can see how I would like to move "only" the rows with JANUARY dates to sheet2.

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Moving Specific Data Between Worksheets

Dec 31, 2009

I have two worksheets. On one worksheet under column G I have hundreds of random numbers, but I only want to extract a specific half. In the second worksheet I have two columns A and B. Column A has the exact numbers that I want to extract from Column G. I would like to get the numbers from Sheet 1 under column G listed under Sheet 2 Column B in reference to Column A.

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Moving Rows Into Specific Column

Sep 10, 2009

I need to move a number of rows, based on user input
in front of the first column, continuously until it 'flattens out' into one row..
And then do the procedure again for the next row
Kinda hard to explain.. maybe i'll use an example
using this matrix :

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