VBA To Loop Column And Copy Cells Contents To Another Cell
Dec 17, 2013
I have a script that copies data to files based on many cells contents but where I am having a problem is creating series numbers for each file.
In my current code I copy files to folders by date and each folder I need series of files (Lab Testing series)
In column A1:A100 I have a series of numbers 01, 02, 03 ...100
Column B contains the Files to be saved
So this works fine
I now need the Script to do is to loop to Column A and select Cell 2 and do the File Copy again on the Next series
When Complete repeat until it reaches the end of column A
Since my Cells are populated by all the data in the workbook I thought at the end of my copy script I would take the next Cells data in A and put it in Cell H8 where all the constants are for the file names.
Column B is built using
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Jul 8, 2014
I have a loop function that goes through a list of employees and i want to move their name to a different sheet(monday, tuesday...) so that I know who is in on what day. is there a simple way to have it add the next name to the bottom of the list?
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Aug 18, 2014
I have a worksheet where columns C, F, I, L, O record scores within a league. Each row records a persons score in that league and there are two rows per person recording their score and their handicap score. So Person A would be on rows 3, 4, Person B on 5, 6 etc. The persons name is recorded in Column B.
What I would like to do is to have a cell(s) elsewhere in the worksheet which show the highest score in that league and display that score and the name of the person who achieved it. This ideally would need to be done for the highest score and the highest handicap score.
For the life of me I can't even begin to work out how to do that or even know if it is possible in Excel.
So to clarify, lets say the highest score is in cell L7 and the highest handicap score was in M3. The cell(s) containing this formula should then show the name in B7 and the score in L7 and below it the name in B3 and the score in M3.
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Jul 30, 2013
I'm using excel 2010 and windows XP with a moderate amount of experience tinkering with macro programming. I know what I need is very doable but I can't get my head around what the code would look like. I must not be wording my searches correctly because most of what I'm getting for results are iterative programs based on a cells value which isn't what I need.
I'm trying to build a macro that will check a cell (C3) and based on the contents of that cell copy a column (I) to one of 12 different columns (K:V). So if the value in C3 is 1 it should copy I to K, if the value is 2 it should copy I to L, and so on.
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Jan 3, 2014
Setup: I have 2 worksheets with between 8 and 9,000 rows on each
Column A in both worksheets Sheet1 and Sheet2 have an email address in them.
Not all addresses in sheet1 will be on sheet2 and visa versa
Column J on Sheet 2 contains a date
What I need: Column M on Sheet1 is empty
I need a formula to place into Column M on Sheet1 that will
Look at Sheet1:A
Locate the corresponding value on Sheet2:A
Pull the date from Sheet2:J same row into Sheet1:M
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Feb 13, 2014
Effectively I have a cell that contains the following data :-
What I need to do is loop through this cell and take the first 10 characters and ouput to a row, then take the next 10 characters and output to the next row and so on until it has been through all the cell content.
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Feb 7, 2008
I have some numbers in a column that I need to copy 12 times (each one) into another column. The problem is that I got like 200 records that will be converted in 15000 aprox. I've uploaded an example of what I need,
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Aug 9, 2007
What is the proper VBA code to copy the contents of column T and column W (beginning at row 2 and ending at the last nonempty cell) in sheet 1 to column D and column E in sheet 3? Column T and column W always contain the same number of nonempty cells.
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May 7, 2014
In column A, i have cities.
In column B, i have dates.
I would like column D to have both the city and its corresponding date e.g. "paris (12/06/2013)"
However, I am getting "paris (41437)". Is there anyway to make the date appear properly?
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Apr 5, 2009
I would like to do now would be to only copy the rows that also contain the word sold in column C. I guess that I could do this in two stages, first copying the rows based on the year then copy again based on the word sold in column C. It would be nicer to make a slight modification to my code and do it all in one step.
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Feb 9, 2009
Was looking into this, but basically i have a repetitive task of copying contents from various columns, and pasting them into 1 column.
1 right after the other. I figured there could be a way for a macro to copy contents from multiple columns and paste them into 1 column.
I have including 2 files, 1 from the start of the file, and 1 how it should be so it will have clarify what i am trying to do.
So basically if you open book1 , i have factory install tabs,
I need the columns contents from the first tab the (5k-20k) starting with Column B, then E, then H, and so on( Every 3rd column starting with B ) to be copied and pasted in Column A of the (Factory Install Tab) ( last tab ).
If you open the 2nd file this will be clearly understood. In the second file in the factory install tab you will notice i did the first 2. I highlighted each starting part in yellow just so its easier to see. SO in column A you should have all the contents in the 5k-20k tab ( starting with b every 3rd ), pasted in column A 1 after the other.
The next tab is the 30k tab, i need all of the columns contents copied starting with B ( every 3rd again ), copied in Column C of the Factory Install tab. Basically every tab's contents needs to have its own column in the Factory Install tab.
If anyone could help that would be great, this is a very time consuming process manually, and it would seem like a macro could be made to easily copy contents.
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Nov 19, 2007
I have a list of about 2 million phrases. The list was created by combining two lists in all possible combinations:
a list of about 800 street names
a list of about 1000 property names
church street flat
church street apartment
house church street
house king's road
what I would like excel to do is the following:
look at each cell and determine which of the 800 street names it contains. write that streetname into adjacent cell.
this would then leave me with the original column, where each of the 2 million cells has been assigned one of 800 streetnames.
for example:
church street flat | church street
church street apartment | church street
house church street | church street
house king's road | king's road
that's all. I think that can't be too difficult, and probably it has already been discussed here in the forum. unfortunately I did not know for which keywords to search, that is why I couldn't find the posts.
I hope somebody can help me as I need to get this sorted for work as soon as possible. All semi-automatic ways I could think of to accomplish this would take me days that I don't have.
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Dec 9, 2009
I’d like to check each row in Column F and Column K of Sheet Check. If Column F has the contents “Out” and Column K has any contents inside its cell, I’d like to copy that row and insert it into Sheet Alert. As a result the same row will exist in Sheet Check and Sheet Alert. This code will cut the row out of Sheet Check and paste the row into Sheet Alert if the contents “Out” is found in Column F.
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Jul 6, 2014
I will have 2 columns. In column B, will be a list of invoice numbers. Now each one starts with the "job number" (Ex. 51APGC01) then a dash and unique number per invoice. (Ex. 51APGC01-01)
In column A, will be a list of Purchase Order numbers sent by the customer so we can bill. Now, sometimes we get one PO for multiple invoices, (Ex. 03, 05, 06, 07.....)
What I am looking to do, is when I get these PO's, I enter them in and then I print a report for our billing Dept. The way the output line (cell) will read, is Job Number, then each unique number: (51APGC01-03, 05, 06, 07)
There are multiple jobs and each one has it's own report, so the job number will be dynamic and defined else where in the workbook. I can define that. It's just getting the numbers after the "-" and putting them in only.
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Feb 15, 2008
I have a spreadsheet that has columns stating both status and then further to the right in the row, currency totals. There are only two status options, Stocked and On Order. I need to add the total currency amounts based on this other column's listing and it must change if status changes.
(Put simpler:
Column A lists Stocked or On Order and Column B is the currency tied up in that row.
I need to make totals for the cells in column B based on the status listed in Column A and it must change when Column A is changed. This should result in two totals, one for Stock Status Currency and one for On Order Curreny)
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Sep 25, 2011
I have Created the below macro, however I cannot figure out how to make it loop so that is continues to copy the next column over ( so go from column E:E , To Column F:F, and then To Column G:G), and paste the data into the same column (D:D or Range paste_range) everytime, and print.
Sub paster_print()
' paster_print Macro
Application.Goto Reference:="paste_range"
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.Goto Reference:="Print_Area"
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
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Mar 29, 2007
I want to make a vba (macro) for excel that will look at the column to the left of an active cell and if there is a formula there drag it over to the right into the active cell and if there is not a formula there copy and paste value of what is in the active cell into itself deleting any formulas that may have been there. on top of that if the cell to the left of the active cell has no boarding I need to copy it and paste format to active cell. I need it to continue a number of times to be decided in cell A1 and just go down the column doing this. Please help, I know it sounds hard but I need it for 10,000's of lines of code and really cant do it by hand ...
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Oct 4, 2012
Have a slightly unique issue that I can't seem to find the specific solution for. I am wanting to filter a range, using row 1, then copy the visible cells (Excluding the title row 1) and paste into the same location, so over the data as Values.
I can do the filtering part and the selection of the visible row. Only trouble is pasting it to the same location.
this is the code so far - anything better would be great
Sub Macro2()
Sheets("GF_Scoring Database").Activate
Dim extvalue As String
Dim rng As Range
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Jan 16, 2013
In the Wheelchair 1, 2, 3 & 4 sheets in the attached workbook, I would like to do a simple calculation of the contents of column 'H'. Instead of it adding up to just a few ÂŁ's I'm getting the result of something like -ÂŁ5880.00. I think I know whay is wrong, but I don't know the solution to it. Column 'H' populates when a date is put into Column 'E' So if cells if cells in Column 'E' are empty then column 'H' doesn't do the sum.
What I think I need is a bit of formula to put into column 'H' to tell it to ignore blank spaces and count what is there.
Wheelchair Hire-Sample New (1)(1) (2).xlsm‎
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Jun 24, 2014
I have a spreadsheet with rows of data. I need a formula that will return the column number of the last column in a row where there is a value >0.
Let's say that cells A1:F1 contain values. Some have values of 0 while others have values >0. I need a formula in cell G1 that will tell me the column number of the last value >0.
0 2 5 0 6 0
So the formula in G1 would return a value of 5, which corresponds to column E.
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Jul 26, 2009
I have one column of names in excel. The column may contain more than one row with the same name but these rows with the same name will all be grouped together. This is an exampe (each name represents a row in column A):
What I want to do is copy the rows with the same information, e,g, the rows with 'julie' above, paste them into a new spreadsheet and email this spreadsheet to specific email addresses and then do the same for 'jonathan'.
I can work out how to send an email using VBA but I am really stuck as to how to go through the rows and send the email in discrete 'chunks'. I have tried using a for next loop, looping through the rows and copying/pasting rows that are the same as the previous one into a new spreadsheet but this does it one row at a time.
If I include the instruction to email the spreadsheet within the loop this would also email the new spreadsheet one row of information at a time, i.e. three emails for 'julie' each containing a spreadsheet with one row of information on it, rather than one email containing one spreadsheet with all three rows on it.
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Nov 23, 2008
I am trying to copy a column of cells from one sheet to another, but also want to keep all the formatting. The origin sheet has times, but when I copy these to the destination sheet they are displayed as decimal numbers (using the code snippet below). I can change these back to times by formatting the cells using the format painter after the macro completes but I would like the VBA to do this for me. (using 2002 SP3).
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Dec 2, 2011
I need a way to copy part of contents from a cell, the cell contains product information like size, name and weight of a product, and I need a copy the weight to be put in it’s own cell, here’s a copy of one cell “E65 MAPP SKDV 5 DIGIT 90G ST.K” the information I need from this is “90” the number is always followed by a capital G, but it’s between two and three digits where the lowest is 55G and the highest is 300G. Is this possible?
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Mar 9, 2012
I would like to copy the contents of a cell from a sheet in workbook 1 into a textbox that is on a userform in workbook 2. This is what I have but I get a runtime error 438:
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("ID").Range("a1") = Workbooks("Key.xlsm").userform1.TextBox1.Text
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Mar 10, 2004
I need a macro to automatically copy the contents of a cell to a text box.
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Mar 28, 2008
Loop sequentially numbered text boxes. I have a user form with two sets of text boxes one set named txtN109 through txtN134 the other txtC109 though txtC134. Instead of having to have
ActiveCell.Offset(c, 0) = txtN109
ActiveCell.Offset(c, 0) = txtN110
I would like to loop though the text boxes like I am the offset value.
Do While i <= 134
ActiveCell.Offset(c, 0) = “xtN”& (i)
i= i+1
Puts txtN110 in the cell. I have tried other ways but always get about the same thing.
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Apr 29, 2014
I have 2 inventory reports: what my store has and what my supplier has. I need to copy Tab1:K# to Tab2:T# provided that Tab1:A#'s contents match Tab2:A#'s contents. The A column represents the SKU of the item, but there is a difference in the amount of SKU's in each (my store sells ~6,000 items, supplier has ~10,000 items), so it's not as simple as sort by column A and copy pasting column K to column T.
For instance:
On Tab 1, A2's value is [1], K2's value is [9.38].
On Tab 2, A70's value is [1], K70's value is blank, but I need it to be [9.38], to match Tab 1's respective SKU.
I almost thought I had it figured out with VLOOKUP, but I cant seem to get it right... It doesn't reference the correct number.
Screenshots for reference
First tab, from the wholesaler: [URL]
Second tab, store's stock: [URL]
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Mar 13, 2009
i want to copy a cell value to rest of the cells in the same column upto the last value in that column has the value of "FIN"
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Oct 18, 2006
I have a macro that loops through several workbooks and copies data to one common sheet. Works great with one flaw that I have not been able to resolve. I am using the End Property example below, this works great as long as there are more than one cell with data. With one cell having data this takes you to the bottom of the sheet.
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Need code to select from a specific cell to the last cell in that column with data where when the selected cell is the only one with data that would be the only cell selected.
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Apr 8, 2008
I have two sheets and I want to copy the values in a row in the first sheet to the second sheet. I am doing the following:
Sheet2. Range("A1").Value = Sheet1.Range("A1", Sheet1.Range("A1").End(xlToRight)).Value
But this only copies the value of A1 in Sheet1 to A1 in Sheet2. How should I modify it to copy the values for the whole range to the second sheet?
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