Copy Entire Row If Cells In Row Contains Specific String
Apr 3, 2013
I'm trying to copy entire row from sheet "source" to sheet "output".
Condition: If cell or cells in range (E7: lastcoll, lastrow) value is "A" then copy entire row.
Find the excel template in attachment.
My problem is that my macro is copying particular row, as many times as many "A" finds.
I want to copy entire row just once doesn't matter how many cells with "A" are in particular row.
'function to find last column a change letter of column to number
Private Function ColLetter(LastCol)
ColLetter = Split(Cells(1, LastCol).Address, "$")(1)
End Function
[Code] .....
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Apr 5, 2012
I am a total newb to excel and vb, and only have minimal experience in embedded C.
I have a very large spreadsheet with 9 columns and the max number of rows that excel supports (office 2010).
What I want to do is copy the entire row of data IF a cell in that row contains a specific string I'm interested in.
If it's necessary, the column that contains the values that would trigger a row copy would be column C and the data would be pasted onto a new sheet.
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May 1, 2014
I need the macro to look at cells B9:B84 on the Sheet1 tab of the Cost Template. If it finds an x I need it to copy the 3 cells to the right of the x and paste them in a template. For example if it sees an x in cell B9 it would copy cells C9, D9 and E9, open the Purchase Order to the Detail tab, then paste it to cells B3, C3 and D3. It would continue looking for an x down to B84. So if it found 5 cells with x, it would give me 5 instances of the Purchase Order with 3 cells pasted into each.
I've attached my Cost Template and the Purchase Order it needs to copy to. In the Cost Template is a macro called Create_PO. This is what I was trying to alter to make this happen. I can't seem to get it right! FYI in case it matters, I had to change the Cost Template from .xltm to .xlsm in order to upload it on this site.
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Mar 3, 2014
How to copy the content of cells from an excell->sheet1 to an string array
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Jul 12, 2007
I tried to writer my code myself but I have a long way to go. Here is what I must do for my case:
I want a macro to find the row that include a specific text (For example "SMSC") in a range (A1:A100) then copy this entire row below the cell which has the value "OTHERS". That is, if there are 10 pieces of "SMSC" so these rows including "SMSC" should be listed below the cell "OTHERS"
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Aug 1, 2014
I have the following code:
[Code] ..........
However, whenever I run the code, if there's even on word that is bold in the cell, then the entire text string in the cell turns bold. How can I stop this from happening? i want to keep the format of the text string the same, only remove and replace the items listed in the code.
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Jun 23, 2014
I am using the code below in Excel 2013.
Sub Test()
For Each Cell In Sheets(1).Range("J:J")
If Cell.Value = "131125" Then
This works great except that it pastes formulas. I would like to paste values only. I've tried
" PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False" and it gives me an error.
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Nov 7, 2008
I have a protected template and unprotected source worksheets - - - what I would like to happen is for the macro to start and if the source worksheet cell B3 equals "Report Total" then stop - otherwise copy template worksheet then copy 6 specific cells from the source to paste values to specific cells on the newly created worksheet (B_ to C7, D_ to I7, E_ to C9, F_ to K9, A_ to C11, M_ to K11 and then K13=F13-30)
After that then start all over again unless the next row’s cell (B4, B5, B6, . . .) is "Report Total" then stop - - - the row count could be from one to a couple hundred.
Here is what I have so far but I know that with each copy the name will change and as it goes down the source file each row will change and I also need help with that.
Sheets("ee template").Copy After:=Sheets(3)
ActiveCell.Offset(0, -11).Range("A1").Select
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Oct 25, 2012
How does one extract a specific sting/words from each cell? Especially if [formatted data] varys in characters (not suitable for regular LEFT, MID, RIGHT functions use).
Sample Question.xlsx
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Oct 5, 2009
I am trying to write a macro to search a column for a specific text string which when found, will copy the whole row the string is in. Once this row has been copied, I then want the macro to activate a new sheet and search for the next available empty row to paste the data. Once this has been done, go back to the original sheet and find the next cell in the original column with the specified text string and repeat until the range has been satisfied. Below is the script I have that sort of works.
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Sep 12, 2013
Is there a way of copying an entire sheet, but pasting only the cells that don't contain an equation?
I have a number of populated templates that need to be copied into a master document, both formatted and laid out the same. However, I have some instances where the templates have been fiddled around with so the formulas have been corrupted. So, I'd like to pick up the raw data without the corrupted equations.
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Oct 30, 2013
I have a list of 10k cells with Peoples names in various formats (Title,First name,initials,Surname etc and variations).
I am trying to identify the cells that have within the string the following : 'space','UpperCase Char','LowerCase Char','space' (eg Prof " Dc " Jones).
I need to then change the lowercase char to uppercase.
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Feb 27, 2013
So I have this list (I made it a little bit shorter).
So what you see is two different tasks (01 and 02) and three different conditions (A, B and C). In column B you see the result I would like to have. '/Searchtask_01.html' in A1 belongs to conditions A, because it is in session A. However, '/Searchtask_01.html' in A10 belongs to conditions B, because it is in session B.
How to get the results in B with a formula?
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Jul 22, 2014
There are two problems to solve :
My Excel workbook is composed of 2 sheets. The first one is a Dashboard (Sheet1) and the second one (Sheet13) is where the data is.
I would like to press a button on the first one, enter the text to be found into an Inputbox and then copy-paste cells from the second sheet (containing the data) into the first one.
The data is structured in rows, from A to V columns.
I would like, according the row where is located the found cell, copy given given cells from Sheet13 to Sheet1.
Right now, I have a macro performing the search like desired and selecting the found cell :
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim FindString As String
Dim Rng As Range
FindString = InputBox("Entrer le contrat de support - rechercher (DSI....) ")
If Trim(FindString) "" Then
With Sheet13.Range("V:V")
Set Rng = .Find(What:="*" & FindString & "*", _
[Code] .......
I would like to copy cells located in the columns A, B, D, E, F, K, S, (T:U) from the row where the searched string has been found in Sheet13. It has to be copied on Sheet1, on two rows : (N29:Q29) & (N30:Q30).
When a new research is done, the previously copied cells should be cleared out.
2. The second point is about duplicating a button with an associated macro. The macro is running like I want but I have to insert 299 more buttons, with the updated formula according to the row where it is located.
However, one part of the macro has to stay the same because all of these 300 buttons increment a single counter located on Sheet1.
Sub Button2600_Click() If MsgBox("Etes-vous sûr de vouloir ajouter 1 année de support pour" & vbNewLine & Range("E7") & " " & "(" & Range("F7") & ")" & " ?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Modification du Contrat de Support") = vbYes Then
Sheet13.[A7] = DateAdd("yyyy", 1, [A7])
MsgBox "Contrat étendu d'une année."
Dim x As Integer
x = Sheet1.[R11].Value
Sheet1.[R11].Value = x + 1
End If
End Sub
You can get the excel workbook at the following link : [URL] ....
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Apr 4, 2007
I'm just new here as well as in Excel-VBA stuffs. I will appreciate if someone could help me. Here is the scenario. I have a data piled in a single column and different rows. Like this one:
I need to select and copy all rows in between the occurence of "spot.return". There are a total of 80 occurences of "spot.return".
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Dec 28, 2008
I am trying to use cells.find to find a cell containing "Date". However, it also finds cells with "Start Date" and "End Date" and any other instance of the word date. Is there anyway to make it match ONLY IF the cell contains EXACTLY "Date" and nothing else?
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May 5, 2014
I have fixed headers on row 16, from columns A-AC.
I want to be able to delete the entire column, if the row has a certain string, such as "Chart ID" .
I also want to expand it to include other strings such as "Month" and "Source" . So if it contains any of these words, the columns should be deleted. It should be an exact match (as other headers contain the word "month").
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Jan 30, 2008
I need to write a macro that will search column A and find the word hospital or HOSPITAL and if found delete the entire row. The code I have below will do this ONLY if hospital or HOSPITAL is the only word in the cell. However in my column A there are numerous words in each cell i.e Saint Mary's Hospital.
Sub KillRows()
Dim rngNew As Range
Dim rngDelete As Range
Dim aCell As Range
Dim lastrow As Long
Set rngDelete = Nothing
Set rngNew = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1", Range("A65536").End(xlUp))
For Each aCell In Selection
Select Case aCell.Value...........
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Dec 22, 2013
I have the following type of info in A1,A2,A3...
citySan Jose
My goal is to get as close as possible to this,so it will be easier to sort and manage
nameHarryage50citySan Joseheight180
I can't use the "" sign as delimiter to separate them into different columns because the age,city,name and height fields are in random positions on different cells.The good thing is person's name will always come after "name" string, age is alwals followed by "age" string, so it cannot be like nameheight40Michigan180
I think the following would be the easiest method(not for me tho).If on B1 I had a formula that said "find the string "name" and write anything after it until you reach the next "" character".On C1 field I could have a formula "find the string "age" and write anything after it until you reach the next "" character.On D1 I would have the same for "height" string,then on E1 for city string.
My question is somewhat similar to this one
Extract A String Between Two Characters
Formula which outputs the data between 3rd and 4th instances of the "_" character.Can we substitute "3rd and 4th" with a specific strings like "age" or "height" ?
=TRIM(LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(MID(A1,FIND("|",SUBSTITUTE(A1,"_","|",3))+1,LEN(A1)),"_",REPT(" ",LEN(A1))),LEN(A1)))
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Jul 23, 2007
I'm creating a simple program that copy one or more specific cell values and place it on a specific cell in another sheet using loop to make it easier... I'm having a difficult time trying to figure it out..
from sheet1 A1:A5
A | B | C
1 P45
2 P46
3 P47
4 P48
5 P49
and place P45, P47 and P48 on another cell, to be specific in C1,C2 and C3, in a different sheet
A | B | C
1 P45
2 P47
3 P48
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Dec 27, 2013
I have dates in Column I (for the whole year) and i would like to paste them into specific cells in three different Columns A,B,C (ie A2, A5, A8, A11 etc) Same Numbers different letter for each respective column. I can get it to go from one cell to another but when i try to specify specific cells
This is what i have so far:
Sub Test()
End Sub
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Mar 13, 2014
I create a macro to copy cells for data starting from A4 to N4 from sheet - Register to 'Case History' when the cells in column N are 'Yes'. Also, would like to copy specific range from A-N and not the entire row. Please refer to the attachment.
Tracker Dept..xlsx
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Jan 22, 2009
I want a macro that if a certain cell on a row in column F on my worksheet is "6" then copy the cell in columns B and H on the same row are to be copied into an array and then when the loop is done, display the copied cells in a msgbox.
Is there a simpler way to do this without fidgeting with an array?
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May 11, 2009
copy specific cells from Sheet2 to Sheet1. How would I change this macro if I wanted to copy all of Column B from Sheet2 to Sheet1
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Mar 7, 2012
I want some VBA code that will:
1) automatically check the active row to see if it contains specific text (i dont' care if there is other stuff in the cell or cells), such as "truck 1 blahblahblah" and checks for specific font color, such as green.
2) if the row does, then I want it to copy ALL the cells in the active row EXCEPT Column A (which contains the date), and then paste them twice, one 21 rows down from the active row, and one 35 rows down from the active row.
3) Once copied and pasted, modify the pasted cells slightly. The first pasted cells need to say Truck 2 blahblahblah in Column C and be in blue font (instead of the original Truck 1 blahblahblah in Green Font), the second needs to say Truck 3 blahblahblah and be in yellow font. Everything else that was pasted will be the same EXCEPT they will be in blue or yellow font.
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Apr 30, 2006
Is there a way to copy then paste specific cells from closed .xls files in one directory ( more than 500 files ), and how, if all files are with one known password protection( my own files ).
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Sep 28, 2013
I plucked a macro off an old post from here (as I always do), but I'm having trouble tweaking it.
Sub completedtest()
Dim c As Range
Dim rngG As Range
For Each c In Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, Columns("i"))
[Code] ....
As it currently stands, the macro selects the entire row of rows containing the letter Y in column I. All I need to change is, I want to simply select columns B through I, rather than the entire row.
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Aug 29, 2007
I've been tasked with developing a macro that will generate schedules. For background, we're taking a QuickBooks Customer file and exporting it to be picked up by the macro. I've got that part working, but now I need to delete various rows based on certain criteria.
The spreadsheet has a field for Job Status which we use to define whether an account is under contract (2 in QuickBooks), or some other status. Basically what I need to do is delete the entire row of data where JobStatus (Column R) is anything but 2.
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Jul 18, 2012
Ihave a list of names in column A in certain rows instead of name there is an email address in this case I want to delete the entire row
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Jan 17, 2010
I am seeking a formula which can be “dragged” which will copy certain cells upon a row onto specific cells on another tab, when i drag at present it skips rows from tab 1?
Tab1 B12 to Tab2 C8 & Tab1 E12 to Tab2 C12 & several others
Tab1 B13 to Tab2 K8& Tab1 E12 to Tab2 K2 & several others
Tab1 B14to Tab2 S8& Tab1 E12 to Tab2 S2 & several others
Example spreadsheet attached
Simple for all you Excel genius’s, I am only just getting to grips with excel & cant wait to know as much as all of you!
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