Count Unique Logs With Multiple Conditions Of Multiple Sheets

Oct 8, 2007

I've got no clue about all this, but I've had to get specific formula examples and fill in the blanks in order for my timesheet to work. There's just one final problem if somebody could please help.

This is a timesheet for a 5 day work week. I need to count the number of unique log numbers for a specific activity. The log numbers counted must be unique across the entire week, not just for each day, which means I want the formula to count the unique log numbers across multiple sheets.

The formula also has multiple conditions. I got 2 columns. The first part of the formula needs to verify a word, say, "split" and if it does it checks the adjacent cell for a unique log number. If both arguments are true, it counts the log as 1 unit.

Here is a working formula for only one page.

Here's 2 problems with this formula:
1. I will count if it encounters a blank cell in the Log numbers the first time (which will happen as not every activity we do has a log#), but it will stop counting if it encounters a second blank cell.

2. I don't know how to make it work across several sheets.

This is an alternate formula which works and skips the blank cells, but I don't know how to add the multiple condition of "split" and to have it work across multiple sheets. I just copied it Microsoft. As I said, I don't understand it, I just fill in the blanks.

SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(LEN(C4:C29)>0,MATCH(C4:C29,C4:C29,0),""), IF(LEN(C4:C29)>0,MATCH(C4:C29,C4:C29,0),""))>0,1))

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Count Number Of Unique Values Based On Multiple Conditions

Feb 22, 2011

I'm having a problem with a spreadsheet in Excel. I have in column terras, codti problem and several cells that are repeated. I'm stating that terra appear only once, the information in column each issue should appear in different columns with the sum of how often they appear and codti according to terra.

In excel is best illustrated what I mean!

In total, 5267 lines and need to do this with all. You can do this in excel?

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Count Unique Occurrences Based On Multiple Conditions In Another Cells

Sep 19, 2013

I am trying to count the number of unique entries in a sheet, that also satisfy 2 other conditions.

I've attached an example sheet : Example email report.xlsx

The result I need is: The number of unique values in column E, that also have NULL in column G and NULL in column I.

So, in the example, the result would be 7.

I know I can do this by conditional formatting and filtering, but would prefer a formula, and perhaps also a macro that I could apply as the number of rows in each sheet is up to 20000, and each month's sheet will be a different size.

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Count Unique Values With Multiple Conditions Array Method

Apr 28, 2014

I need to modify the underneath Count Array Formula to count unique values based on multiple conditions. I can get the formulas to work with NUMERIC values in Column A in the N1 & N2 tabs. However, I cannot get the formula to work when column A contains TEXT values in the TX1 & TX2 tabs.

I've attached the XL file for your review of the project.


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Advanced Filters - Having Multiple Filters And Conditions (Unique Count)

Jun 7, 2006

I have a problem with the attached spreadsheet. I have certain letters (A,B,C etc.) that are shipped to various regions. I would like to have a count on top to count the total number of orders, but one that also counts the total number of unique orders. However, this unique count has to be dynamic and must be able to adjust accordingly to the filters (by default, if no other filters are applied, should be 15). For example, if I apply the "Ship To" filter to Canada, the total number should be 19, but the unique count should be 12. If I change the "Ship To" filter to US, the total number should be 9, and the unique count should be 7. I've tried to use the advanced filters but if I apply the unique entries filter, it is only a one time calculation. Also, the advanced filter gets rid of my other filters.

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Counting Unique Values With Multiple Conditions

May 7, 2014

I need counting unique values with a number of given conditions. I need this to be a formula so that I can just add data to my spread sheet and it will automatically calculate.

The formula I have is:

The goal is to count all of the unique value in column G:G that meet certain criteria (have ending times greater than Z3 and beginning times less than Z4, etc.). Once I get the formula to work, I'll simply drag it down to have it calculate for similar lightly changing criteria (like different beginning and ending intervals). However, the formula doesn't seem to be working. It's only giving me zero values (I have "ctrl-shift-entered").

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Lookup Unique Based On Multiple Conditions ...

Jan 2, 2009

I am looking for a solution other than using an advanced data filter for unique records only.

I would like to take a large list (columns A:D), and automatically filter for unique records and other conditions and paste the results in different tables (Group A & Group B).

Group A only includes records with value ="A" in the checksheet column.
Group B includes records with value <>"A" in the checksheet column.

Does anyone have any ideas how to do this so that when I paste the large list in columns A:D, the other tables (Group A & Group B) are automatically populated?


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Counting Unique Values With Multiple Conditions

May 7, 2014

I need to count unique values with a number of given conditions. I need this to be a formula so that I can just add data to my spread sheet and it will automatically calculate.

The formula I have is:

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How To Use Count With Multiple Conditions

Aug 4, 2005

I have a table in Excel:

The first row is time in years.

The second row is method name,say,"A","B","C".

I want to count the number when the time is less than 5 years AND "A"
method is adopted.

I tried this:
count(if(AND(C2:Z2<5,C3:Z3="A"),C2:Z2) but it didn't work.

how to revise the formula?

In the mean time, count(if(C2:Z2<5,C2:Z2))worked as well as

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SUMPRODUCT - Count Multiple Conditions

Feb 16, 2006

Ive started using the sumproduct function to count multiple conditions which is useful

howveer if i want to count those records in one column that meet a condition and those records in another column that meet anyone of a number of conditions how can i do that?

the only way i can think is like the below


Rather than having to eliminate red and yellow i would like to say is green or blue.

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Count Cells Using Multiple Conditions

Jul 1, 2008

I have 3 sets of data - Process, Step, and Time Range. I am trying to generate schedules based on Process, with Step being the vertical axis, and Time Range being the horizontal axis. Hence, I'll have schedules showing that for each Process, the number of cases that each Step that has taken, for example, "0-7 Days", "8-14 Days", etc.

I have four Processes in total - A,B,C, and D; 15 Steps from 1 to 15; and 7 Time Ranges. I have attached a sample .xls showing the schedules that I would like to popuple the counting onto. A little more details, not all Processhas all 15 Steps, i.e. Process A has Step 1 thru Step 9 only, Process D has Step 1 thru Step 15 excluding Step 11 & 12I am actually creating a template where data will keep on expanding and updatingwould prefer excel formula rather than VBA code as I am not very familiar with what to do with VBA codes

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How To Add Range From Multiple Sheets With Conditions

Nov 13, 2006

I'm creating a summary sheet that adds up all the data on sheets between start and finish where A2-A25 is SU and B2-B25 is 004*04. Background info: SU stands for SetUp, and 004*04 is a workcenter number (its not 004 times 04) I'm trying to calculate the total number of Setups for each workcenter.


gives me a #NAME? error.

Example Data on each spreadsheet:

SU 004*02
SU 004*04
SU 004*04
SU 004*02
SU 004*04

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Count Rows Matching Multiple Conditions

Nov 17, 2009

I want to count all instances if the following conditions are true. In quotations, are the names that I am using for column ranges. Here are my conditions, I want to count the rows that have the following conditions.

When "dates" or J2:J25 is less than or equal to today's date
"HTeam" or W2:W25 is equal to Civil
"Percent" or K2:K25 is equal to 100

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Combine Data From Multiple Sheets With Conditions

Dec 27, 2012

What I would like to do is combine all data (from sheet: Page1,Page2, and Page3) into one sheet named 'Consolidated'. Unfortunately, as you will see from the attached file, my programming and understanding of VBA programming is pretty naive.

What I am after is, when I combine the data, from all sheets into the one, the data should be

1. Automatically Sorted by Patient Name

2. Group, results of the same patient from all sheets one below the other in seperate rows

3. Delete any other rows that may have a patient name and ID, but rest of the rows (New Mole,Clinically Suspicious......Benign Naevus) are blank. (This happens because of the way I have designed my userform. For first visit the details are entered in Page 1, then for second Visit Details are entered in Page2, and for third visit in Page 3. So when I enter the first visit details, the Patient Name and Patient Number are copied into Page 2 and Page 3 even though the other details remain blank. I have done it this way because, if say the Patient comes for visit the second time, the clinician may or may not be aware which visit this would be for the patient. So as soon as they enter patient number, it will give them a message that Patient already exists. So when they click Open Existing Patient Record, the form autopopulates with any notes from their previous visit into the respective page (i.e Page 1,Page 2 or Page 3).

Page 1 (Page 2 and Page 3 are exactly the same)
Patient Name
Patient Number
New Mole
Clinically suspicious
Changed from mapping Photo
Level of Suspicion: Score


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Nested If Conditions From Multiple Range (sheets)

Jan 29, 2009

I want to auto fill certain columns in sheet A from sheet B & sheet C based on conditions

For Eg:

Sheet A:


Position Name

Personnel Name

Personnel No.




I want to auto fill in Sheet A for the columns:

Personnel Name
Personnel No.


If the employee is active in Sheet B then fill in Sheet A to the related position No.


If the employee is mapped to org. (Yes) in Sheet C then fill in Sheet A to the related position No.

i have written the below formula but not working properly:


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Countif Multiple Conditions: Look At Two Columns And Set A Criteria To Count

Jan 15, 2010

I want to be able to look at two columns and set a criteria to count. I want to look at column A and if its blank then look at column B and if it has a value of more than 0 then count.

1 1.00
2 Yes 4.78
4 5.00
5 Yes 4.89
6 11.99

So this example would count 3

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Unique Count With Multiple Criteria

Jul 7, 2009

For example, each job has a specific ref number and within that job ref number there is a number of lines of data, some of which we ignore and some of which we include. Each job will have a planning time using an old methodology (Planning A), a planning time using a new methodology (Planning B) and an actual time. There are a few other variables too such as the category of work.

I am trying to count the number of each unique ref no. within the sub category of work I am looking at (there are circa 50 sub categories of work). Each ref no. will only have 1 combination of work cat and sub category.

For example: ....

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Count Unique Values With Multiple Criteria

Oct 27, 2011

I have this formula to give me the number of unique locations and it works fine for cell J1:


What I am trying to figure out is how to populate cells N4:N5 and N8:N9 for unique locations by Fruit & Vegtables by Area A and Area B. I just have some basic data for this example as the spreadsheets are 30,000+ lines long.

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Count Unique When Multiple Criteria In One Range

May 17, 2012

I have two ranges of data and want to count the unique number of times the values in column A occur if they have two values in column B. For Example:

ColA ColB

I want to count the number of times value in ColA has the value 1014 AND 3063. My intention is to create a table that cross references the two


I searched and found answers where multi criteria were in multi columns but I can't seem to find a solution to this means of find the unique count in ColA.

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Count Unique Items With Multiple Criteria

Aug 12, 2009

1 Yes Red Green
2 Yes Blue Black
1 No Blue Black
2 No Blue Green
2 Yes Red Black

I am interested in finding the number of unique entries under column A where column B = Yes; Column C = Red OR Column D = Black (answer is 2)

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Count Quantity Of Unique Combinations Of Multiple Columns

Apr 20, 2014

I have two columns in a spreadsheet, and I need to write a formula to determine how many times each combination shows up. Example:

SKU-A Location1
SKU-A Location1
SKU-A Location2
SKU-B Location1
SKU-B Location7
SKU-B Location7
SKU-B Location8
SKU-B Location8
SKU-B Location8
SKU-B Location8

I want it to have the data converted to be like this (with the third column being the the number of times that combination appears):

SKU-A Location1 2
SKU-A Location2 1
SKU-B Location1 1
SKU-B Location7 2
SKU-B Location8 4

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Count Unique Records With Multiple Criteria With Formula

Sep 18, 2006

Count unique records in Column B where.

... Column H >=A1 and <=A2

... Column H <>"" and Column I <>"expired" and <>"" and Column I >=A1 and <=A2

... Column H <>"" and Column I ="expired" and Column H+120 >=A1 and <=A2

... Column H <>"" and Column I >=A1 and <=A2 and Column J =""

A1 - user defined (start) Date 1
A2 - user defined (end) Date 2
Column B - 6 digit number (or blank)
Column H - Date 3 (or blank)
Column I - Date 4 (or "expired" or blank)
Column J - Date 5 (or blank)

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Count Unique Values With Multiple Criteria And Using Wild Cards?

Oct 18, 2012

I am looking for a formula which will allow me to count unique values in a database, based on multiple criteria. Sample file attached (Formula required in cells J and K).

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Find Common Values Across Multiple Sheets Based On Unique ID

Oct 24, 2013

The old thread is here: [URL] ....

There are three sheets in the workbook, Project, Tasks and Details and the expected resulting sheets are RESULT, In_Tasks_but_NOT_in_Projects and In_Details_but_NOT_in_Projects .

But now what I am looking for:

1. Copy the Projects data as is in the RESULT sheet.

2. Then in the Tasks sheet, if the ID matches paste the matching rows under the data from Projects (as in the result sheet with Orange colour)

3. If the ID is present in Tasks but NOT in Projects then copy it into the In_Tasks_but_NOT_in_Projects sheet.

4. Then If the ID and the Name in the Details tab matches with the data in the RESULT sheet then paste it under the ID and Name (as in the result sheet with Green colour)

5. If the ID does not match the ID in the results sheet then copy that row into the In_Details_but_NOT_in_Projects sheet.

The result of the current macro that RHCPgergo worked with are in the last sheet.

The formatting and colour of the rows doesn't matter, it is more of nice to have.

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Compare Multiple Sheets And Paste Unique Records In Seperate Sheet

Aug 4, 2008

I have 1 workbook, with 3 sheets. Sheet1 (EVER) has 3000+ rows and 12 columns of customer information. This sheet is for all customers who have ever placed an order. Sheet2 (06-07) has 1500+ rows and 12 columns of customer information. This sheet has all customers who have placed an order in the last 2 years. Sheet3 has 1 row, which consists of the column titles (12 columns) that are on Sheet1 and Sheet2.
I need to put all customers that are on Sheet1, but not on Sheet2 in Sheet3. I have tried VLookup; advanced Filter and a number of codes in the last 3 days and have not been able to figure this out.

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Creating Unique List Of Values From Column Of Data Across Multiple Sheets No Blanks

Jul 8, 2014

I have 6 worksheets in my file. In sheets 1-5, column A2:A26 list people's names. Some people's names appears on more than one sheet. Not all cells are populated with a value.



My attempt was... =INDEX('Week1:Week5-!$A$2:$A$26,MATCH(0,COUNTIF($A$1:A1,"Week1:Week5"!$A$2:$A$26),0))

where the sheets were Week1-Week5 and the values on each sheet was A2:A26. But I think there's an issue with Excel being able to 3D reference for these types of functions.

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Using Sumproduct To Count Across Multiple Sheets?

May 8, 2013

I am trying to use sumproduct to count across multiple sheets and so far have


This is my latest iteration and there have been about 50 so far, none of which I can get to work.

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Count Text Across Multiple Sheets

Jul 22, 2014

Ok so I have a workbook with 29 sheets.

28 of those sheets contain a column with text data in them.

The text data in each column sometimes contains duplicate fields from sheet to sheet.

What I want to do is fill the 29th sheet with one column containing all of the other sheets names, and one row containing all of the different text fields from the data column without any duplicates. That part has already been completed manually, however, if a new text field had to be added to a certain sheet, I would need that new field to be automatically added to the new Master sheet into the row containing all the different text fields from the data columns.

Then for each name in my new 29th sheet, I want to put an "x" in the row/column cell if that text data appears in the individual sheets data column.

E.g I have 2 sheets. The first one is called Apples, the text data column might say: green, smooth, sour etc, with each word in an individual cell.
The second sheet is called Oranges, the text data column might say: Orange, smooth, round, sour etc.

I want to fill my new master sheet with a column listing the two sheet names (Apples, Oranges), a row with all the possible text data names without duplicates (Green, Orange, smooth, sour, round in our example), and then I want to input an "x" wherever the sheet name contains specific text data from the newly created row.

In this case I would expect to see: apples.png

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Count Values From Multiple Sheets?

Apr 8, 2013

I need to count values from multiple sheets. My first sheet is called "ALL" and the other sheets are numbered "1 thru 20"

The cell I would like the counted data to appear is E9 on the "ALL" sheet

The data will be from sheets 1 thru 20 counted if row H (on all pages) says the word MED

I can get excel to do this on a single page but across multiple pages I keep getting value errors.

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Count Unique Entries In One Column That Meet Conditions

Jan 17, 2010

I tried to ask this question yesterday -- but it was a follow-up question stuck at the bottom of a thread. So, with your indulgence, here is a simpler version of the question, complete with an attached spreadsheet, if you wish to use it. I also closed the other thread by marking it "Solved", since it answered my initial question.]

The situation:

I have two columns of data. The data is not in alphabetical order, and every column includes duplicate values.

jones m
jones m
west f
jones m
west f

The challenge:

In one cell, count the number of unique names that appear in the name column 3 or more times... with the additional condition that each unique name (which appears at least 3 times) must include at least one one woman!

The correct result: ...

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