What I would like to do is combine all data (from sheet: Page1,Page2, and Page3) into one sheet named 'Consolidated'. Unfortunately, as you will see from the attached file, my programming and understanding of VBA programming is pretty naive.
What I am after is, when I combine the data, from all sheets into the one, the data should be
1. Automatically Sorted by Patient Name
2. Group, results of the same patient from all sheets one below the other in seperate rows
3. Delete any other rows that may have a patient name and ID, but rest of the rows (New Mole,Clinically Suspicious......Benign Naevus) are blank. (This happens because of the way I have designed my userform. For first visit the details are entered in Page 1, then for second Visit Details are entered in Page2, and for third visit in Page 3. So when I enter the first visit details, the Patient Name and Patient Number are copied into Page 2 and Page 3 even though the other details remain blank. I have done it this way because, if say the Patient comes for visit the second time, the clinician may or may not be aware which visit this would be for the patient. So as soon as they enter patient number, it will give them a message that Patient already exists. So when they click Open Existing Patient Record, the form autopopulates with any notes from their previous visit into the respective page (i.e Page 1,Page 2 or Page 3).
Page 1 (Page 2 and Page 3 are exactly the same)
Patient Name
Patient Number
New Mole
Clinically suspicious
Changed from mapping Photo
Level of Suspicion: Score
I am trying to combine several workbooks containing data in multiple sheets into a master workbook. All the workbooks have the same number of worksheets. I would like to combine all data in Sheet1 into a new Sheet1, all data from Sheet2 into a new Sheet2, etc.
I am trying to build a list of account numbers based on conditions in a spreadsheet. Every account number will look like: XXXXXX-XXX-XXX, depending on if there is a 'Y' in both fields...see attached. I am desperate to get this done and have hit a complete road block.
combining 2 rows of data if certain conditions are met. I have attached an example of my worksheet for reference.
What I want to happen is if a number in column J is followed by an "x" then the values in columns AQ and AR should be combined with the row of the same number (e.g. if 236x is in column J2 then the values in AQ2 and AR2 should be combined with AQ3 and AR3 because 236 appears in column J3, the same process needs to be repeated for 237x with 237 etc.).
I have a dataset that, due to the nature of how it is generated, separates certain orders into separate rows. Which orders these are is irrelevant, I just need a quick and easy way to make excel re-combine these rows in to one entry, and sum up the data in one particular column in the process of doing this.
The separate entries of a single order can be identified by the data in 3 columns matching - I have attached an example.
The constituent parts of the same order can be identified when the country, city, and code columns all have matching data as you read down. E.g., where
Country City Code a 1 12345 a 1 12345 a 1 12345
Where this is the case, I want excel to automatically sum the count of shops for this order and then delete all but one of these rows, with the remaining row now containing this summed figure. Failing this, a new worksheet being generated/a new column giving me this data would be good.
I have about 20 workbooks with different file names for different projects all saved in the same folder. Each workbook has about 10 worksheets and each worksheet is named in a similar fashion in each of the 20 workbooks (eg. revenue, cost, variance etc.). I want to pull out a worksheet named ' forecast' from each workbook into a master workbook so that the master workbook would contain the 20 forecast worksheets.
I have a worksheet that has about a dozen sheets that are all the same, just different data. Each sheet is like a checkbook register that has date, memo, amount.... each sheet is for a different account. I have a form that I enter the info into, it puts it into the right sheet and sorts that sheet. This part all works.
But now, I want to take all the info from the different sheets and combine it into one master register sorted by date. I won't make changes to info in this master register, it would just be for info, so it doesn't have to work backwards. I need this to be automated.
Obviously, it's easy to copy all of them to different areas in one sheet, but I want to have them all in the same columns, and that is what I can't figure out. My sub registers don't have the account name listed for each entry, as it isn't necessary as the registers are labeled. But, the entries in the master register would have to have them to figure out where they came from. I can solve this by adding it to the sub accounts and hiding it or something if that is the easiest way. I also need to make sure it doesn't remove duplicates.
I have an excell spreadhseet that has more than 100 sheets and I would like to combine all these sheets into one master sheet (Sheet1 = MasterSheet) within this workbook. Each sheet has different number of rows used. I just want used ranges to be copied over to a master file appending the previous copied range.
Sub MergeSheets() Dim strSheet As Object Dim LR As Long, LC As Long Sheets("Sheet1").Name = "MasterSheet" LR = Cells.Find(What:="*", SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, SearchOrder:=xlByRows).Row For Each strSheet In Sheets If strSheet.Index 1 Then
I've got no clue about all this, but I've had to get specific formula examples and fill in the blanks in order for my timesheet to work. There's just one final problem if somebody could please help.
This is a timesheet for a 5 day work week. I need to count the number of unique log numbers for a specific activity. The log numbers counted must be unique across the entire week, not just for each day, which means I want the formula to count the unique log numbers across multiple sheets.
The formula also has multiple conditions. I got 2 columns. The first part of the formula needs to verify a word, say, "split" and if it does it checks the adjacent cell for a unique log number. If both arguments are true, it counts the log as 1 unit.
Here is a working formula for only one page. =COUNT(IF(D4:D29="split",IF(FREQUENCY(C4:C28,C4:C28)>0,1,)))
Here's 2 problems with this formula: 1. I will count if it encounters a blank cell in the Log numbers the first time (which will happen as not every activity we do has a log#), but it will stop counting if it encounters a second blank cell.
2. I don't know how to make it work across several sheets.
This is an alternate formula which works and skips the blank cells, but I don't know how to add the multiple condition of "split" and to have it work across multiple sheets. I just copied it Microsoft. As I said, I don't understand it, I just fill in the blanks.
I have 6 spreadsheets all within the same folder, these are pretty much identical (rows, colums, sheets within them) apart from the names of the files.
I then have a master spreadsheet within the same folder where I want to combine all the data, from all the sheets within each book (if that makes sense!) apart from the data on the last sheet within each book as this is the reference data, onto one sheet within this master file. If possible I only want to copy rows accross which have complete data too.
So: (names not correct) From book1.xls copy all data on sheets (sheet1, sheet2 etc) except last sheet From book2.xls copy all data on sheets (sheet1, sheet2 etc) except last sheet combine onto masterfile.xls on sheet1.
I have searched on here and can only find how to do it with the first sheet in each workbook, not looping through all the sheets in each book. Please see below.
I need to combine the category sheets back into one main table, knowing that there may well be an increase in the number of categories, as well as the number of rows in each category sheet.
I have attached a sample workbook - if anyone can help me with the code so that when the macro is run, the data in sheets A, B and C are combined into Main Table.
the macro would also then update the Pivot table, that would be the icing on the cake (I have shown the pivot table configuration I need, in this case using only the data from sheet 'C', for reference)
I am trying to do is to combine multiple sheets from multiple workbooks if in the created parameters table it has a 'y' next to it. (So you can specify which workbooks to copy from and which worksheets to copy from) - please see example file to get a better understanding.
Example file: Master
What I have is a parameters table which defines which workbook/worksheet to look in (please see attachment) on the 'parameters' worksheet.
I also have a 'raw data' worksheet within the same workbook where I want the combined data to go.
File a.xls/b.xls/c.xls etc
Theses are the workbooks where all the data is held which I want to combine, each workbook is the same, just different 'data'. - they are all in the same path too.
In the first column in the parameters table I have the available workbooks: a.xls b.xls c.xls etc and next to it a 'y' or 'n' - 'y' if I want to copy data from that workbook or a 'n' if I don’t.
In the second column in the parameters table I have the available worksheets: sheet1 sheet2 sheet3 etc and next to it a 'y' or 'n' - 'y' if I want to copy data from that worksheet or a 'n' if I don’t.
In the attached example I have code which loops through each file a,b,c dependent whether it has a y/n next to it but I need some code to get it to copy data from the specified sheets in the second column (if it has a Y next to it) in the parameters table to the raw data worksheet in the master workbook with the filename of where the data came from in column A (eg A.xls).
I'm creating a summary sheet that adds up all the data on sheets between start and finish where A2-A25 is SU and B2-B25 is 004*04. Background info: SU stands for SetUp, and 004*04 is a workcenter number (its not 004 times 04) I'm trying to calculate the total number of Setups for each workcenter.
I have data in two sheets. None of the sheets the rows and columns are fixed. I want to copy the data from the two sheets and paste it in the third sheet. I have attached a sample sheet for reference. I need to set it in page width so that I can print that.
I have a workbook with three sheets: Collections, Client and Interest New sheets created from a range in Sheets("Interest"). The range in Sheets("Interest") holds the client names.
Then the template in Sheets("Client") is copied and pasted into the new sheets
For each new sheets cell B6 holds the client name and .Range("A10:A1317") holds the dates Sheets("Collections").Range("D10:D1317") holds the dates and .Range("D8:WC8") holds the Client Names if Sheets("Collections").Range("D8:WC8") = new sheet.cells(6, 4) then if Sheets("Collections").Range("D10:D1317") = new sheet .range("A10:A1317") then copy the value in Sheets("Collections").Range("D10:WC10").offset(0, 3) to new sheet .Range("C10:C1317") end if
My workbook contains information about investigations. Each investigation gets a number and a line in the workbook. Many infos are stored: dates, subject, ...
A dynamic table contains all those informations, which allows me to manipulate data pretty easily.
Issue: For one of the characteristics of the investigation (let's say names), several results might have to be entered. For example, one investigation can have 3 different names, the next one only 2 and another one can have 6.
This causes a problem regarding the manipulation of the data.
Right now I have 10 columns "name 1" "name 2" .... and only those who need to be filled are filled. I can't however efficiently manipulate the data. For example, George could have been entered in "name 1" for the investigation 1 and in "name 2" for another investigation. Using a pivottable, to track George I'd have to select him in all 10 columns.
It seems to me the best choice would be to somehow index the names into a single column with each name linked to its investigation number..
With the index function I have 2 issues:
- It starts by going down the 1st column, then goes to 2nd, ... where I'd want all names of 1 row then names of 2nd row.
Solved this with this formula:
I turned my "names" columns in a ranged name "Names"
but - When fields are empty I get 0s. When I try to remove them with an if statement, it'll just give me empty cells. I'd prefer to skip the empty cells.
Also, I don't know how to 'link' them to my investigation number...
I have this (dynamic) table:
investigation number name 1 name 2 name 3 001 George Paul 002 Chris George Suzy
And I want something like this:
Investigation number Names 001 George 001 Paul 002 Chris 002 George 002 Suzy
Is it possible to combine datas from over 200 cells (all cells are from the same row) in one cell? I have tried CONCATENATE function and e.g. =A1&B2&... but is there shorter formula for this?
I have attached a spreadsheet. I have a data set with ID's in column A and data in columns to the right. If an ID has only one entry then there will only be a value in column B if an ID has 2 entries then there will be a value in Columns B and C, if they have 3.......... And so on....
In my attached file I have created a macro that filters each column and copies the values to another sheet. If an ID had 5 entries (B-F) I would want to have 5 rows for that ID. The attached example macro does what I want but the real data has over 50 columns. Is there a more efficient way of doing this?
I have data in multiple worksheets and I want it all combined in 1 excel sheet. The 1st worksheet is named as A and all the data in column labled "date" as well as column labled "name" should be copied to master sheet. The range is not specific as vary every month. 2nd worksheet is named as B and all the data in column labled "date" as well as column labled "name" should be copied to master sheet. The range is not specific as vary every month. and there are some more worksheets like that. The start point of data will always be same but can end till any row. Can I get a code for collating all together in one sheet,
I have 5 worksheets (all formatted the same) with data inputs from row 19 to 119 and columns A to BA. After row 119 I have several sums based on the data that is being entered on rows 19 to 119, I don't want this data being copied over. In most cases all rows from 19 to 119 will not be used, so I would only like to copy the rows that have data. To complicate matters, there are times when there will be blank rows within rows that have data. For example rows 19 to 25 will have data and 26 will be blank but rows 27 to 38 will have data. The blank rows are identified by column A (Job Number) being blank. This occurs because a job is dropped from the schedule and is no longer necessary.
In the end, I would like to have a button using VBA that will first clear the data in the new sheet (the sheet that is being populated with the information) and then re-populate it with updated data from the 5 worksheets.
so basically, here's an example of what I have. The spaces in between represent different cells:
Name Corporation Type Group Vicki SchweitzerAon ConsultingBusiness GroupCouncil 1 Vicki SchweitzerAon ConsultingBusiness GroupCouncil 2 Vicki SchweitzerAon ConsultingBusiness GroupCouncil 3
What I want to have is instead of having 3 rows in this instance, I want to have a macro that looks at rows and if it finds multiple rows with the exact same name, corporation, and type, it merges the rows to look like this:
Vicki SchweitzerAon ConsultingBusiness GroupCouncil 1, Council 2, Council 3
In some instances, I have 3 rows that might match, some its 2, some its 10, it varies.
I have a set of data with 5 columns. The first column is ID. Now I have the same ID recorded several times with different data (in the other 4 columns) against the ID. I want to concatenate the data with the same ID into the same row. The data has already been sorted by ID. If it is the first time this ID appears, record the whole 5 columns. If the ID appears again, then record only the 3rd, 4th and 5th column. When I run my code, I got error 'subscript out of range (Error 9)' . It seems that the array I use has only 5 columns. But I don't know how to modify this.
VB: Sub Patient_Detail() Dim n As Integer 'index of rows to record to Dim i As Integer 'index of column to record from
Sample file attached. How do I combine the data in columns B-E into column A? Obviously in my sample file you'd use a simple cut/paste but my actual file has hundreds of columns and rows so cut/paste isn't an option. I need to move all the data into column A.
I have four worksheets that all contain the same header row in row 1, but different data in the data rows. I would like to combine all the data from each of the 4 worksheets into a new (created by code) worksheet named "WS Combine". The worksheet named "Result I want 01" simulates exactly what I want the "WS Combine" worksheet to look like. Can this be done?
The header row, however, only needs to be brought over once (with all formatting intact; ie header pane frozen, yellow, centered & bold).
The Worksheet named "Result I want 02" simulates the second thing I would like to do. This worksheet basically looks at "Result I want 01" and copies ONLY the rows that are RED and BOLD and pastes these rows (along with the header row). This worksheet could be named "Red Totals"
A couple of nuances...
1. The rows that are RED and BOLD in the four original worksheets are not always in the same position. That's because they don't currently populate that way so I wanted to make this as real as possible. Therefore, ideally, code that says "just copy all data from four worksheets" would not be sufficient.
If it's not possible or too involved to have the worksheet named "Result I want 01" reorder the rows this way when copying them over, then having them in any order is fine.
2. I need to keep the font formatting of ALL the rows intact as future code will not work without this formatting retained on the two new worksheets.
3. It is possible that duplicate rows can be created (two worksheets have the same exact data) when combining these four worksheets into one. If this is the case, then either allow that to happen or simply delete the duplicate row, whichever is easier.
I have a table with multiple rows for some employees and single rows for others. Each employee has a unique identifier.
Employee IDT1T2T3T4123Net salesmarket assetsmarginsspeed to market123Net salesturnover per quarterProfitOn time delivery112Net salesmarket assetsmarginsspeed to market180No. of ordersturnover per quarterProfitOn time delivery180unit salesturnover per quartermarginsspeed to market98No. of ordersmarket assetsmarginsturnover per quarter
Is there a way in which I can restructure the data so that the multiple rows for any single employee are added into subsequent columns in one single row? e.g.
Employee IDT1T2T3T4T1bT2bT3bT4b123Net salesmarket assetsmarginsspeed to marketNet salesturnover per quarterProfitOn time delivery112Net salesmarket assetsmarginsspeed to market180No. of ordersturnover per quarterProfitOn time deliveryunit salesturnover per quartermarginsspeed to market98No. of ordersmarket assetsmarginsturnover per quarter
The table has approximately 15000 rows & c. 30 columns in the original format. I can use basic excel, but I've never dipped into macros or anything very complicated...
Context: My workbook contains information about investigations. Each investigation gets a number and a line in the workbook. Many infos are stored: dates, subject, ...
A dynamic table contains all those informations, which allows me to manipulate data pretty easily.
Issue: For one of the characteristics of the investigation (let's say names), several results might have to be entered. For example, one investigation can have 3 different names, the next one only 2 and another one can have 6.
This causes a problem regarding the manipulation of the data.
Right now I have 10 columns "name 1" "name 2" .... and only those who need to be filled are filled. I can't however efficiently manipulate the data. For example, George could have been entered in "name 1" for the investigation 1 and in "name 2" for another investigation. Using a pivottable, to track George I'd have to select him in all 10 columns.
I could maybe - Write all names in 1 cell, separated by something and use somemorething to virtually split that - Write each name in a row below, with the other characteristics copy-pasted (although then if I have 2 names and thus 2 rows, Excel will consider I have 2 different investigations). - ???
I am trying to combine data from multiple columns into one column. The way my data is set up there shouldn't be any columns that have data in the same row. See below for my example.