I have a fomula field in row 67 and 68 .Row 67 calculates the average and row 68 calculates the improvement i.e. average(row 68)- last row inserted(row 67). The values for improvements are not showing correct value. C68 seems to give correct value but B68 and D68 is giving wrong value.
B68=4.8-4.5 =0.3 but it shows 0.4
D68=11.3-10.2=1.1 but it shows 1.0
I have a fomula field in row 67 and 68 .Row 67 calculates the average and row 68 calculates the improvement i.e. average(row 68)- last row inserted(row 67). The values for improvements are not showing correct value. C68 seems to give correct value but B68 and D68 is giving wrong value.
B68=4.8-4.5 =0.3 but it shows 0.4 C68=14.9-15.1=-0.2 D68=11.3-10.2=1.1 but it shows 1.0
I have attached the sheet also.
Sheet 1.xlsx - Speedy Share - upload your files here
I have a workbook with calculations for a sale less the assorted fees and at the end giving the final amount from a sale.
I have noticed that some of the rows are not giving the correct amount in them. In other words the addition of some columns in that row are not adding up correctly. It is only off by 1 cent (either over or under), but I can't figure out why.
I have the feeling that I am going to want to kick myself when someone explains this to me (I just know that I know the answer but for the life of me I can't right now).
I'm trying to add the total product sold by a group of sales person for example : Chad + Javier. My actual worksheet includes 600 rows of salespeople and 20 rows of product, i'm using this simple example to get the message across.
I was using =sum(sumif(A1:A9,"Chad',D1:D9),sumif(A1:A9,"Javier",D1:D9)), the formula should have given 91, but instead is calculating 113...
Salers PersonProduct AProduct BProduct C Chad567 Chad567 Chad567 Chad567
=SUBSTITUTE(A1) in cell 'A2' gives me: 1234567890 =ISTEXT(A2) in cell 'A3' gives me: TRUE
BUT, =A3+1 gives me: 1234567891
Hows that happening? Substitute function gives me the output which is a TEXT, and how is it that when I add 1 to it, I get an answer? Shouldn't I get a #VALUE! error instead?
I'm trying to create a formula that will added the correct amount in the correct cells, I have create a dunny sheet in trying to achieve this. If Cell B8:B11 = ABS or Dum that any points won should be added to Cell L8:L11 right now its adding it into K8:K11. If Cell B8:B11 = is Blank any player points should be added to cells K8:K11. I'm using this formula throughout cells K8:K28 =IF(J8>J25,1,IF(AND(J8<>0,J8=J25),0.5,0)) Any thing in red is incorrect anything in blue is what I'm trying to achieve.
I have a formula that is correct all the way up to adding the last *K9. here is an
C9 a number 4 then add 1 to it which makes it 2 now * it by D9 which is the number 384 and the answer is 768 now * that by K9 which is 6 and you get 4608 I'm getting 2310 using this formula... =IF( C9=0, 0, C9+1*D9)*K9.
I'm getting a mismatch error on my If activecell.value > 5 Then portion of this code. I'm trying to say if the value in column AG is greater than 5 then create an email address from the first and last name. I've even made sure to copy and paste the formula results as values.
Code: Sub CheckPFPDates() Dim OutApp As Object Dim OutMail As Object Dim cell As Range Dim emails As String Dim salution As String Dim currenttime As Integer
I am having an issue with this formula. The formula works for 85% of my data. I worked through the formula and found that the error occurs within the networksday part of the formula. For some reason the it gives me a 0 when it should be giving me a 1. This causes the solution to be a negative and create the error. I placed an example of when both the formula works and doesnt work. I tried many things. Love to get some other ideas why this is happening. Its a altered Daddylongleg formula....
1. Is there a way cells with formulas cannot be tampered even if they are not locked? So when I enter a data on a cell with formula, the formula won't be erased? The sample below shows that C1 and C2 has formulas but let's say I enter a value on C1, the formula should still stay? Is this possible?
A B C 1 5 10 =SUM(A1:B10) 2 2 4 =SUM(A2:B2)
2. Let's say I have a total of 125 (A1) and I need to get the answer (B1) where it has 5 with No. 3 on top (subscript) of 5? How to create a formula for this (I hope I make sense)?
We receive about 20 sales files of several hundred lines of data each day from various agencies. I want to create a macro / VBA code which checks that the data submitted is correct so that we can upload it into our database without import errors and / or having to manually check each line of data.
I envisage something like an output report:
##################### 149 entries Column A - Date - OK Column B - Customer_Phone - Errors (Should be 11 digits) Row 21 - Customer_Phone - Error (Not 11 digits) Row 108 - Customer_Phone - Error (Contains letters) Column C - Outcome - OK Please correct and re-check. #####################
I have a table with 3 columns of dates and then a column with Set # that I feel in the box #.
I need to see how many items processed for each set per day.
Example: [url]
The problem is that it counts the correct amount but not with the correct dates. The formula that I use is: =SUMPRODUCT(--($I$3:$I$8<>"")*(($C$3:$C$8=39601)+AND($E$3:$E$8=39601)+AND($G$3:$G$8=39601)))
What I am doing is selecting the field in A which equates to the lowest value in C (C= hourly sales), then I am subtracting 60 mins from the value selected in A. This in effect will give me my closing Times i.e. find the cell with Zero Sales then subtract 1 hour to find what must be the closing time (assuming of course that there is at least ?1 of sales per hour while open).
My cells in A are formatted as h:mm AM/PM, as is the format in the formula cell
Assume cell A1 contains a date in DD-MMM-YYYY format. I would like to have a formula that looks in A1 and compares to the current date (TODAYS Date) and if the value in A1 is todays date or greater return "YES" and if not return "No".
I have a column with numbers ranging from -5 to 250. I want to write a formula to correct the numbers in the next column. If the number is less than 0, I want to replace it with 0,if the number is greater than 150 i want to replace it with 150 and if the number is in the 0-150 range it should be kept the same. Is there a way to use inequalities in a formula to do this??
Excel 2003 SP2 -------------- I have been programmatically setting the formulae in a worksheet. I have various formulae:
Example 1 - =COUNTIF(Data!M$6:M$9871,3)/$E$4 The cell is formatted Percentage, 2 decimal places. Using the formula evaluator the value returned is 56.80% The cell displays 56.80%, all is good!
Example 2 - =SUM(IF(Data!$J$6:$J$9871=$D8,IF(Data!$M$6:$M$9871=3,1,0)))/$E$8 The cell is formatted Percentage, 2 decimal places. Using the formula evaluator the value returned is 53.37% The cell displays 0.00% !?!
I am trying to get a list of states, based on their expiration date.
I have all 51 states listed, some states have 2, 3 or more licenses, so I created a column that I hid of the state abbreviation, for the use of formulas.
If the license expires in 30 days or less I want to display the state abbreviation. I couldnt figure out how to do an array output, so this is what I am trying to come up with.
I have a what I believe to be a consistant formula on lines S12-S18 for gathering the sumproducts for dates on column O. Only problem is that the sumproduct formula is not working on line S18 correctly. I keep looking it over and I can't figure out why it is not returning the correct amount for that cell.
Here is the formula I am using:
Please see attached line S18 for the error I am getting.
Attached you will find the spreadshhet in question. If you click on the click here button input the following info:
8.0 3508949 80 0 0 25
the sheet will auto populate all numbers. this part is working properly. MY issue is if you look at the Bad Debt number, the correct response should in cell f21 should be $636.46 because in order to hit the next level of pay, you must at least hit $3,424,082.00. I can not figure out how to get the correct formula that will put the right pay out. Basically in order to hit a certain level of payout you must hit that next number, even if you are a $1 higher you can not get the pay out. So for example if your bad debt is $3,424,083 you would be paid out at 100%, not 120%.
I want to create a Macro that uses IF statements to enter the CORRECT VALUE into COLUMN βQβ in the ACTIVE WORKSHEET. I am providing an example of what the data set looks like at the very bottom of this post. I want to use a Macro as oppose to Formula in the worksheet because I want to turn the Macro into an Excel Add-In.
I want the Macro to do the following THREE THINGS:
1. IF the Value in COLUMN L is β0β THEN enter βn/aβ into COLUMN βQβ 2. IF the Value in COLUMN L is β2β THEN enter βn/aβ into COLUMN βQβ 3. IF the Value in COLUMN L is β1β THEN use a formula that looks like this:
= O8 + ( ( O8 / P8 ) * (First SUM the HOURS in COLUMN O for all the ROWS that have the SAME VALUES in COLUMN C and H and a β2β in COLUMN L and then MULTIPLY that Result against those rows with a β1β in COLUMN L whose COLUMNS C and H values match up exactly with those of the Summed Hours). The RESULT of the FORMULA would be entered into COLUMN βQβ. Once you look at the example at the bottom of this post it will definitely start making sense. I highlighted rows 8 β 11 for you in red in the data set at the bottom of this post just to center the attention on the rows I am talking about.
Here is an example of how the formula will work:
I will use ROW 8 from the data set below as an example. From the dataset I know CELL O8 equals 10 and CELL P8 equals 76. Now I will SUM the HOURS in COLUMN O ROWS 10 and 11 for ALL ROWS that have the SAME VALUES in COLUMN C and H in this case the values are βTimesβ and βPMβ and contain a β2β in COLUMN L which happens to equal 3, then that 3 should only apply to those rows with a β1β in COLUMN L whose COLUMNS C and H values match up exactly with those of the Summed Hours. So now I plug that into the formula: =10+((10/76)*(3)) and MY RESULT which will go into COLUMN βQβ IS 10.395.
Here the DATA SET:
Col A Col B Col C Col D Col E Col F Col G Col H Col I Col J Col K Col L Col M Col N Col O Col P Col Q Col R Col S Col T Row 1 B ID Name Org Div T Number Model Make S Function E Function Type Description P ID OG Hours Sum EA P Hours Sum P S Hours EQ
This is what is happening in Column Q Explanation of Formula
Row 2 Times Cont 2 28 28 n/a
n/a If formula populates Column Q cells with "n/a" if Column L cells contain a "0" or "2".
Row 3 Times Cont 1 404 1194 413.4740369
O3+((O3/P3)*28) You get the Sum "28" by adding all the "P Hours" in Column O that match these 3 values: 1. The "Org" value of "Times" in Column C 2. The "S Function" value "Cont" in Column H 3. The "P ID" value "2" in Column L
Users copy and paste source data from a report into worksheet 1 each month. Data from last month is deleted and data for the current month copied into worksheet 1.
I am trying to write a formula within worksheet 1 to check that data for the current reporting period only is in worksheet 1. For example all data from last month's reporting period has been removed and the only data in worksheet 1 is the current reporting period.
Reporting period is shown in two columns Year and Period number (1 to 12).
In column A i am using the following formula to output "Our Apple" when "Apple" is in column D and "Our Banana" when "Banana" is in column E:
[Code] .....
I would like the formula to also output "Big Apple" immediately underneath "Our Apple" when its present, and output "Big Banana" immediately below "Our Banana" when it is present.
The yellow column is how column A should look after the formula edit.
I'm using "Mangal" Hindi font for entering the data but I'm not getting Hindi numbers in the output by formula. The output is in English numbers which I want in Hindi numbers. The marks are in Hindi numbers but the output is in English numbers.