Counting Cells And Ignoring References

Aug 20, 2009

I have a range of cells (B6:M6) and I want to count how many have data. My problem is that all of the cells reference cells on another worksheet. Every cell starts out like =Bethlehem!B6. I want to ignore cells that have a reference in it when I count. I know how to do it if you want to ignore these cells as follows: =countif(b6:m6,"<> 0"). Those cell references return a 0 if they have no data in them. However, a user might actually enter a 0 in the referenced cell and I need to count that one. The above formula would exclude it.

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Counting Some Blank Cells And Ignoring Others In A Range.

Sep 5, 2009

Using formula rather than VB, I would like to calculate the number of blank cells that appear in a column BEFORE the first active cell but exclude any blank cells that appear after the first active cell. To elaborate, I have sheets that contain the days of each month and I need to exclude for other calculation purposes, the number of days (cells) where no entry of data has been input at the beginning of a month, NOT after the first data entry. ie. September has 30 days.

The first data entry is the 10th and there are no entries (thus far) after the 10th, the result that I seek, will be 20 (although only one cell has data), being the days left in the month AFTER the first entry. I have looked at COUNT functions but cannot find an solution. Perhaps it's not possible using basic formula?

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Compare Formulas Ignoring Range References

Dec 20, 2006

I would like to rotate a Line Chart 90 degrees. I tried using an XY scatter chart but my Y-axis would be time values which are somewhat random but increasing. I would like to keep the spacing between plot points consistent (Y-axis spacing). I could simply use a number list for my Y-values to get consistent spacing but then I lose the time information. I don’t necessarily need the time value on the Y-axis if I could get the information to display when mousing over the plot point. Any ideas on how I could accomplish this?

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Excel 2003 :: Conditional Format Top / Mid / Bottom 33% Of Cells But Ignoring Blank Cells

Mar 25, 2012

I am trying to conditionally format the top middle and bottom thirds of a range of data. Problem is, that the range needs to be flexible as sometimes there may be a maximum of 36 cells with data, but sometimes there may be less (so there are blank cells in the range that need not be counted). The methods I have tried always include the blank cells, and so it is not equally formatting the thirds (as it includes the blanks cells as part of the bottom data)....

Here are the 2 methods Ive tried so far using excel 2003)
Top 34%:
$38)*34%)),MAX( $D$3:$D$38))0,LARGE($D$3:$D$38,INT(COUNT($D$3:$D
$38)*67%)),MAX( $D$3:$D$38))0,LARGE($D$3:$D$38,INT(COUNT($D$3:$D
$38)*100%)),MAX( $D$3:$D$38))

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SUM Last 6 Cells With Data (ignoring Blanks In Between)

Aug 8, 2014

I want to count back the last 6 cells in column S which has data (ignoring any blank cells) and add them up.

My data is ranging betwen S62:S143 (with S144 being the cell that I want to show the total for the last 6 cells with data). I have column headings and various other bits of data from S1:S61 that I want to exclude completely but need to keep for historical purposes.

Here is an example of some of the data in column S:


This is my formula so far:


I have tried adding a negative and positive number on the end of the COUNTA formula but all it does is count all the cells within that given heigh range, not a specific number of cells with data.

I don't specifically need to use SUM. As long as I get a total.

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Ignoring Blank Cells In IF Statement

Aug 10, 2009

I've got four columns of data. The first column contains pricing for a bunch of products from our company. The other three columns contain pricing for three other competitors. So for example:

Product | Our Price | Comp1 Price | Comp2 Price | Comp3 Price
Gloves | $4.59 | $5.00 |$6.00 | $3.56
Hats | $5.00 | | | $4.59

In column G right after Comp3 Price I have an IF statement that says if Comp1 Price is less than Comp2 Price, Comp3 Price, and Our Price, to print "Comp3" in that cell. If it is not less than the comparable data, then check Comp2 Price then Comp3 price in the same fashion. If Comp1, Comp2, or Comp3 is not less than Our Price then print "My Company Name." This will allow me to see who has the lowest price for that product and also tell me if that lowest price is lower than our price.

My problem is that I can't get it to work out so Excel ignores blank cells. So for example, Comp3 has the lowest price amongst our competitors for hats and is also lower than ours. But when I check for Comp3 price being lower than Comp1 and Comp2, it comes back as negative because Excel sees those cells as zeroes even though they're blank. My formula is:

=IF(AND(C2<D2,C2<E2,C2<B2),"COMP1",IF(AND(D2<E2,D2<C2,D2<B2),"COMP2",IF(AND(E2<C2,E2<D2,E2<B2),"COMP 3","MYCOMPANY")))

This would do exactly what I need Excel to do if it would ignore the blank cells. The problem is that Comp3 has pricing for hats because they offer hats, but comp1 and Comp2 don't offer hats at all, so naturally Comp3 has the lowest price; however, according to Excel Comp1 and Comp2 have the lowest price because the cells are blank and counted as zeroes.

So, does anyone know how to work this out so Comp3 will be counted as the lowest price for hats, ignoring the blank cells of Comp1 and Comp2?

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Ignoring Blank Cells In Formula

Feb 5, 2010

I am trying to return the criteria MET, NOT MET & EXCEEDS. This works when each cell contains a number, but when one is blank the formula below returns "EXCEEDS" I'm guessing this is because is sees a blank as zero.

=IF(BN102<$BJ102,"NOT MET",IF(BN102>$BJ102,"EXCEEDS",IF(BN102=$BJ102,"MET")))

I've tried using this alternative but it still returns the same.

=IF(BO102<$BJ102,"NOT MET",IF(BO102>$BJ102,"EXCEEDS",IF(BO102=$BJ102,"MET",IF(ISBLANK(B102)," ",""))))

Basically I need to know how to make excel ignore the blank cell and not see it as zero thus returning "EXCEEDS". Although the cell values are integers they are derived from another cell using the following formula, I'm not sure if this makes any difference


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Ignoring Cells While Calculating Average

Oct 18, 2009

I want to average the cells in column B but ignore values in the corresponding rows with a 1 or 7 in column C.

This will be used in a years data where 1 - 7 are days of the week and I want to separate weekdays from weekends when calculating an average.

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Ignoring Blank Cells While Fetching Values

Aug 18, 2014

I have created a drop down cell based on the cells in the first row of a particular table. Now when i select a particular cell from the drop down i want to fetch all the values in the respective column of the selected cell on to a different group of cells. While fetching the data to those group of cells, i want to ignore all the null, blank cells. All this actions shall be automated and shall happen simultaneously on selecting the drop down.

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Average Of VLookups Ignoring Blank Cells

Oct 24, 2011

I am trying to get a rolling 8wk avg of a large group of data. I am trying to take the avg of 8 vlookups:

=AVERAGE(VLOOKUP($A$9,'Raw Data'!$A:$DV,MATCH(B8,'Raw Data'!$2:$2,0), FALSE),VLOOKUP($A$9-7,'Raw Data'!$A:$DV,MATCH(B8,'Raw Data'!$2:$2,0), FALSE),VLOOKUP($A$9-14,'Raw Data'!$A:$DV,MATCH(B8,'Raw Data'!$2:$2,0), FALSE),VLOOKUP($A$9-21,'Raw Data'!$A:$DV,MATCH(B8,'Raw Data'!$2:$2,0), FALSE),VLOOKUP($A$9-28,'Raw Data'!$A:$DV,MATCH(B8,'Raw Data'!$2:$2,0), FALSE),VLOOKUP($A$9-35,'Raw Data'!$A:$DV,MATCH(B8,'Raw Data'!$2:$2,0), FALSE),VLOOKUP($A$9-42,'Raw Data'!$A:$DV,MATCH(B8,'Raw Data'!$2:$2,0), FALSE),VLOOKUP($A$9-49,'Raw Data'!$A:$DV,MATCH(B8,'Raw Data'!$2:$2,0), FALSE))

However, in some cases, the cell to be looked-up may be blank. Using the formula above, the result of these vlookups is "0". I want to take the average of these vlookups excluding the blanks from the 'Raw Data' sheet.

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Copy And Paste Ignoring If Cells Blank

Dec 28, 2007

I have a workbook which has data in column A. I also have data in column I. What im trying to do is copy and paste the data from column I to A but if the cell in column I is blank I need that ignored and the data thats in column A at pres kept.

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Concatenate Cells, Ignoring Blanks, Then Trim

Jul 16, 2008


I'm using the above formula to join text from columns Z through AC, separated by a comma. I now want to remove the comma at the end of the new string. Also, I would prefer it if the four cells were separated by a slash rather than a comma, but when I simply replace the commas in the formula with slashes I get an error.

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Return List - Ignoring Empty Cells

Nov 24, 2008

I don't know if this is best in a formula or macro but what I am trying to do is create a list of data with no empty cells from a list of data with empty cells.

What I want to say is if A1 is blank move to A2, if it's not return the value in A1 to B1. If A1 and A2 are blank then return the value in A3 to B1 and so on. Generally it's a sort function but I want it to happen automatcially and lkeep all my values in the original order

Original Version:

Date 1/4 Value 1/4








Desired outcome:

Date 1/4 Value 1/4

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LOOKUP Question Ignoring Blank Cells

Sep 30, 2009

I am trying to add up wins and loses for individuals on a team. 6 players
There are 3 games per match and one match a week for 15 weeks. One sheet per week.
The players are inputted randomly each week. And the scores are entered after the match.

The following is a part of the formula that I am using but it returns a #NA because the cells in the weeks not played yet are blank, players and scores. Is there a better way to do this or a way I can ignore the blank cells until they are entered. Thanks in advance.

=SUM(LOOKUP($A$17,'Week 1'!$C$20:$D$23,'Week 1'!$E$20:$E$23),LOOKUP($A$17,'Week 2'!$C$20:$D$23,'Week 2'!$E$20:$E$23),etc.)

A17 is the players name, 1st range is where the players name would be entered, 2nd range is where the score is entered.

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Ignoring Specific Values While Selecting Multiple Cells

Dec 20, 2012

I have to correct a spreadsheet that takes a bunch of values and creates an average.


I didn't create this. Anyway, the problem is that most of these cells will be empty unless a whole bunch of other stuff is filled. These N cells take several values, put them together and create a new one. As time goes by they are filled. While they aren't filled, they'll return the DIV/0 error.

So when that formula I pasted there uses all of these values, it also returns a DIV/0 error because it is getting info from cells that have this error.

I managed to correct that with this

It works like a charm save for one problem. When I use averageif I'm forced to use an interval. Along this interval other values show up (it is always a value ranging from 0 to 2). So when the formula works its magic the results are slightly skewed because of this other value that I don't want.

So I figure there must be two ways around this. The first one would be using something like averageif that lets me use several handpicked cells instead of an interval. If I try


It doesn't work, it says I have too many values. So if I could the exact same thing as I did with averageif but keeping all of these values it'd be super nice.

The other solution, less nice but equally effective I guess, is using this same interval but having more than one criteria. The first criteria would still be the one telling it to ignore DIV/0 error, the second criteria would be the one to ignore any values equal or lower than 2.

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Automatically Rank Cells Ignoring Hidden Rows?

Mar 7, 2012

Any way to automatically "rank" cells, ignoring any hidden rows? I don't even really need Excel to sort for me (although I wouldn't be opposed to that), but I'd like the first non-hidden cell in column A to always say "1" and the second one to say "2" and so on.

The back story, if you need it: I have a spreadsheet that tracks sales for 2 separate brands. I've created a macro and linked it to a listbox, so that you can choose which brand you want to view and Excel will hide all rows that aren't pertaining to that brand (I'm absurdly proud of that accomplishment). The only problem is the rankings are hard-coded, so when you hide one brand the rankings no longer make sense.

Every Monday I sort the items by the most recent week's sales and rank them from there. The addition of a second brand is obviously new to my little spreadsheet!

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Testing Contents Of 2 Cells - Ignoring Partial Matches

Jul 6, 2012

I have two columns, some of the cells in these columns contain more than one value separated by a space. Example:

Col A Col B
1.99 1.69
39.95 6 119.94 29.99 6 149.94
135 250 135.00 250.00
11.6 11.60

What I am trying to achieve is to test that the values in column A match those in column B and have a TRUE/FALSE response in column C. At present i'm just using =a=b, however I want the formula to give me a TRUE response for the third and fourth lines in my example, as I want it to ignore the zero after the decimal place, at present it gives me FALSE.

So the results I want to see in col C for the above example are:

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Ignoring Blank Cells/commonly Occuring Text

Feb 14, 2007

1. First thing I am trying to do. I have a column of cells that have multiple values, some with text and some with no values at all. I want to be able to display in A1 the most commonly occurring text in cells C1:C15, and be able to display in B1 the number of times that A1 occurs in the same range. Below are the formulas that I am using. There are two problems that I am running into: First, the formula returns a #NA error if any of the cells in the range are left blank. Second, the formula counts the spaces or zeros, so if there are more blanks than the word “amber” then A1 returns “ ” and B1 returns the corresponding number.



2. Second thing I am trying to do. In A2 I want to display the second most commonly occurring text in the range, with it’s corresponding count in cell B2, and the third most in A3 and B3, etc


C1 Amber
C2 Red
C6 Red

Desired result:

A1 "Red" B1 "2"
A2 "Amber" B2 "1"

Results with forumla as posted

A1 " " B1 "3"

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Excel 2010 :: Average Ignoring Zero Values / Non-Consecutive Cells

Dec 4, 2013


I wan to calculate the average for three cells not in Sequence using AVERAGEIF with condition (VALUE >0)

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Excel 2010 :: Conditional Formatting Ignoring Cells With No Data?

Sep 27, 2013

I'm using Excel 2010.

I have created a spreadsheet with 3 month inspection schedules on using the formula below.


I then copy this in to a cell where I want the date to appear... and then in to another cell where I want a further 3 month date to appear. Obviously changing the cell reference.

I would like the formula to ignore the very first cell "C50" if there is no date inputted in this cell.

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Select Current Region Ignoring Cells In Dropdown List?

Feb 17, 2014

I have a sheet with a data in range A1:J9. I have a drop down list in each cell from A2:A100.

I'm trying to store all values in A1:J9 in an array using the property CurrentRegion.value like below

The issue is that is taking as current region the range A1:J100, even if I don't have selected any value in the drop down list from A10:A100.

Is there a way to force CurrentRegion to select only values from A1:J9 ignoring the blanks dropdown list values or a similar way to load an array with values in a contiguous range?

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Ignoring Blank Cells/zero Calculated Values In Drop Down List

Oct 2, 2007

i have a list which is populated with data from another sheet.. if there is no data in the corresponding cell on the other sheet then the cell is blank.. i've tried using:


but it doesn't see the blank cells as blank i.e. no data in them as they contain formula's.. (even although there are no values populated) - can anyone offer any help in relation to this???

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MATCH For Multiple Criteria While Ignoring Empty Array Cells

Nov 11, 2009

I'm working with a large amount of data (A21:BZ1503) and I'm trying to identify unique situations where any pre-defined combination of multiple columns in one row is flagged by producing a pre-defined value. For example:

I have my pre-defined criteria in worksheet 'X' hidden in my workbook -- note that there are many blank cells.

Worksheet 'X'ABCDE1Dept.CourseInst.Adj.2AGSM1.23MATH101Professor1.44ENGL1051.65ENGLProfessor1.86ETST1002

On worksheet 'A' the various users enter data -- each row is a unique group with data entered into the columns -- again note a cell can be blank:

Worksheet 'A'ABCDE1Dept.CourseInst.Adj.2AGSM110Professor3ETST2204ENGL108Professor5ENGL105Lecturer6MATH101Lecturer..............................

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Excel 2007 :: Copy Column Of Data To New Location Ignoring Blank Cells

Apr 30, 2010

I am trying to create a formula which will look at the data in columns A - I (50 rows) and copy this data to columns K - S but ignoring any blank cells. Thereby consolidating the data in the upper rows with no spaces.

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Changing Hard Coded Column References To Variable References

Oct 22, 2009

I have a number of statements within the Sheet Event Code (Excel 2007). Three times lately I have added a column and had to go back into the code and find all of the references that needed changing to reflect the new column.

I have been working on this for a couple of days and even tried EE, but to no success.

I have read that Defined Names / Constants should be used as often as possible, but even trying that, the VBA code errors out or "hangs up". Even within Bill Jalen's book (VBA and Macros 2007), there is nothing that addresses this, especially using Intersect.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng As Range

On Error GoTo mEnd
Set rng = Sheets("Log").[F14:F10000]
If Not Intersect(rng, Target) Is Nothing Then
If Target = "" Then
With Sheets("Log")

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Converting Absolute References To Relative References In Formulas?

Feb 10, 2014

I set up formulas to count text characters in a range of cells. I'm tracking attendance and payments for a small yoga studio.

All I need to do is count "Y"s for prepaid attendance and "DI"s for drop-ins. I have the formulas working but they are absolute so inserting a row will break my sheet.


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Structured References And With Cell References I Get A Column Of Zeros

Nov 25, 2007

It is suppose to be that if the employee is "FT" and has worked >=4 years the return is 15. But if the employee is FT and has worked 2 years but less than 4 years then it is suppose to return 10 (these are days off) Or if the employee is FT and has worked 1 year, but less than 2 then it should return 5 days off. And all the others in the column get no days off.

I have tried to do it with structured references and with cell references I get a column of zeros!

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Use Cells For Formula References

Oct 16, 2007

I want to sum A2 to B10. The catch is: I have the letter "A" in cell A1, the number "2" in cell B1, the letter "B" in cell C1, and the number "10" in cell D1. In effect, I want to make a function =SUM("A1B1":"C1D1") such that it gives me =SUM(A2:B10). Hopefully, the answer will work for any function (e.g. SUMIF, COUNT, VLOOKUP, etc).

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Change Static References With Lookup References

Mar 2, 2009

I am using the dsum formula to sum some values...the formula in B2 is:

=DSUM(BaseSistemasFebrero,"vlfinf",OFFSET('Planes Entidades'!B$1,0,0,COUNTA('Planes Entidades'!B$1:B$49),1))

The Planes Entidades sheet the data is layed out like this: ....

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Formula In Cells With Changing References

Mar 12, 2009

I am running a research experiment in triplicate. Upon generation of data for all three, I create an averaged value of the three. I then take this value and do more calculations with it on a separate sheet. I wanted to know if there was a way in which I could quickly generate formulas based on a changing reference cell.

Example Data:

V1A 28
V2A 26
v3A 30
AvA 28

V1B 20
V2B 22
V3B 18
AvB 20

Vxy represents the value of y sample, x triplicate. V1A being sample A, first triplicate. AvX is the average of the three values.

I want to be able to generate a formula that references AvA which can be applied to the cell immediately below to reference AvB. A simple example would be to square the average.

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