Counting Using Multiple Criteria

Jan 12, 2010

I am trying to count the total number of oil rigs which have revenue in column H (postive or negative revenue, just not zero), revenue in column L, and have the owner name "Transocean" in column B. I'm trying to use this SUMPRODUCT formula but it's not working.

=SUMPRODUCT(--('Golden Source'!H2:H6280),--('Golden Source'!L2:L6280),--('Golden Source'!B2:B628="Transocean"))

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Excel 2010 :: Counting Cells With Multiple Criteria On Multiple Sheets In Workbook

Aug 5, 2012

I am using MS Office 2010. I want to count---on multiple sheets---the number of times that a given cell is greater than another cell if and only if a third cell is equal to a given value. I want to do this for 4 sets of data on each sheet. I thought I had it figured out with this formula---


but it returns a value of zero each time. Clearly there is an error in the formula.

Here is some background:
-- $H$1:$H$43 is a block of cells that has the names of the sheets in the workbook
-- E1 and F1, G1 and H1, I1 and J1, K1 and L1 are the four groups of cells that I am comparing.
In the entire workbook, I want to add 1 (counting function) only when:
R1=2 AND E1>F1 or
S1=2 AND G1>H1 or
T1=2 AND I1>J1
U1=2 and K1>L1
on each appropriate sheet in the workbook.

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Excel 2003 :: Formula For Counting Values Across A Range Using Multiple Criteria Across Multiple Sheets

Feb 9, 2014

I have saved this on a 2010 workbook as I am at home but this will be used on a 2003 workbook.

I have several projects on one spreadsheet which multiple users will be working and I am trying to create a summary sheet of the work carried out.

Each user is expected to carry out a task on each row of the data held in each worksheet (research, call, update etc) and each task (Option 1-5) is assigned a value. Each user is expected to meet a certain level of points per day to calculate productivity.

I am looking for a sumproduct along the lines of the summary sheet attached but mine just takes one sheet into consideration and I need one for all sheets.

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Counting With Multiple Criteria

Oct 7, 2009

I have common tasks where I need to sort through large amounts of data to receive a total number of line entries matching multiple criteria in different columns. I've attached a Workbook with a simplified example. On STATS!B1 I would like to total, from DATA!, all lines which have "1A" in A:A and any of the following in E:E (RP, SAO, AE, RSNR).

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Counting Cells With Multiple Criteria

Jan 23, 2010

Column A contains "Power","Instr","EHT", Column AJ contains "25M32", "25M35","25M39"and the a date is in column AE. I need to count how many time the date appears in AE if column the cell in A is "Power" and the cell in AJ is "25M32".

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Counting Items With Multiple Criteria

Sep 8, 2006

In column A, it contains the monthly salary data of each employee, then in column B, it contains the classification level data, Like Grade A, Grade B and Grade C. In this exercise, it want to find out the statistic as follows:

1. How many employee's monthly salary is below 10K and their classification level is Grade A, B or C
2. How many employee's monthly salary is above 10K and their classification level is Grade A, B or C

So any formulars can do that in instead of using the sorting method?

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Counting Unique Values With Multiple Criteria?

Aug 13, 2014

I am looking to count the unique amount of customers who are listed in column C based on the criteria that they purchased the product on the 1/08/2014 and that the product came from Department 3. The output I am looking for in this example would be 3. I can do it for this example but when I have 300 different customers it starts getting tricky and I'm a bit stumped on how to incorporate an array formula into a countifs() function or whether there is an alternative.

Date DepartmentCustomer
1/08/2014 3 A
1/08/2014 3 B
1/08/2014 2 C
1/08/2014 3 D
4/08/2014 3 A
5/08/2014 2 A
5/08/2014 3 D

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Counting Multple Criteria In Multiple Cells

May 7, 2009

In the attachment at the bottom of the page I want to count the symbols in the blue selected area when they are apear into the cells in the red selected area. The catch is that I want to treat the each of the "RED", "BLUE", "GREEN" as a single colum so to speak and have a value "1" or "0" apear in the back circled area.

Eg, For MrB there is nothing in the "RED" column (B7:D7) so that gives a value of zero in cell cell "P7". In the "BLUE" column (E7:G7) there is a circle which will give a value of "1" in cell "Q7". In the "GREEN" column (H7:I7) there is a double circle and a square symbol and that will return a value of "1".

I hope this makes sense. I have tried to do this with counta, but that will also count cells when a space bar is used and that makes it difficult to make sure that I am getting the right info. I also tried VLOOKUP and COUTIF but this is beyond my level.

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Formula For Counting 2 Different Criteria In Multiple Columns?

Jun 17, 2014

Fixed data labels over a number of columns and i want to count the number of times 2 of these appear however when ive tried to use the countifs function it will only count if in the first colum of the range selected and for example if A2 says 'FRANCE' and D1 'RED'

Ie i have been using COUNTIFS('Datasheet'!BB:BE,A1,'datasheet'!BE:BH,D1)

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Counting Unique Values With Multiple Criteria?

Feb 25, 2009

I'm trying to get a count of unique values in column B when criteria matches for columns A,C and D. The worksheet I'm trying to complete looks like this:

2366 2005 T [number of corresponding unique values of B]

For example:

2366 2005 T 2
(as opposed to 3)

655 2005 2366 T
656 2005 2366 T
656 2005 2366 W
659 2005 2367 W
659 2008 2369 W
659 2006 2370 F
659 2005 2370 W
660 2005 2370 W
660 2008 2371 W
660 2006 2371 T
660 2005 2371 W
661 2005 2372 W
661 2007 2372

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Counting Number Of Rows With Multiple Criteria

Dec 8, 2006

I have a sheet with "Yes", "No', and "N/A' in most of the Columns. (E - Q) and about 100 rows of data.

I only want to count the number of rows that have "No" in column E and Yes in all the others. If "no" occurs in any of the other columns in that row (D-Q) I dont want it to be part of the count.

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Counting Unique Values With Multiple Criteria

Feb 26, 2009

I'm trying to get a count of unique values in column B when criteria matches for columns A,C and D. The worksheet I'm trying to complete looks like this:

2366 2005 T [number of corresponding unique values of B]

For example:

2366 2005 T 2
(as opposed to 3)

655 2005 2366 T
656 2005 2366 T
656 2005 2366 W
659 2005 2367 W
659 2008 2369 W
659 2006 2370 F
659 2005 2370 W
660 2005 2370 W
660 2008 2371 W
660 2006 2371 T
660 2005 2371 W
661 2005 2372 W
661 2007 2372

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Counting Unique / Different Values Based On Multiple Criteria?

Jan 21, 2014

I have a large sheet (several thousand rows and growing) - see a small cut of the data. The columns following on from this have a list of people's names, hence why a lot of the data repeats (as a number of people attended each program).

Clinic Title
Start Date


formula that will automatically give me that answer?

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Formula For Counting Occurrences That Meet Multiple Criteria?

Mar 8, 2012

I have a row that contains a different time (hh:mm) in each column where each column represents a different date which is display in row 3. If there is no time the cell is populated with "N/A"

I want to count how many cells for a specified Month/year are not equal to "N/A". I have been able get each selction criteria to work but when I try merging numeric and non-numeric queries I lose it.

The following formula was able to give me the count of cells "N/A"
=COUNTIF('Master Data'!$UA59:$ALZ59, ">0")

and this gave me a count by Month/Year
=SUMPRODUCT(--(YEAR('Master Data'!$UA3:$ALZ3)=2012),--(MONTH('Master Data'!$UA3:$ALZ3)=1))

When I tried creating one COUNTIF I was unable to get it without an error as I needed the YEAR/MONTH functions.

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Counting Blank Cells In Range And Multiple Criteria

May 29, 2013

I have the following table

Team A
Team A


I need to fill the following table in another sheet counting the amount of Blank cell there are according to Month, Team and if the name row is filled. I have tried Sumifs, sumproduct,countblank typing them in as arrays but don't seem to be getting anywhere

Team A
Team B

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Counting Unique Values From Column Meeting Multiple Criteria?

Jun 26, 2014

I am working on an attendance spreadsheet in Excel 2003 at work that will display data showing number of learners allocated to an activity, number unallocated, number attended, number not attended, number of acceptable reasons and number of unacceptable reasons by Block Letter. My problem is that for a number of reasons the same learner number is allocated to a number of activities each day. I need to know how many learners from each block have been allocated, not how many allocations each learner has from each Block.

I have tried different formulas, but fast running out of time

I have attached a modified sample from the main spreadsheet

I need : Cell H4 to calculate the number of unique values from Column C on Mon tab but only meeting the following criteria Mon!$N$3:$N$4000="AM", Mon!$O$3:$O$4000=D4, Mon!$B$3:$B$4000="mon1" I can then apply to the other rows.

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Counting By 2 Or More Criteria

Jun 2, 2009

i have to create a summary of the productivity of the administration staff in my office. i have a table of raw data that shows the jobs they open each day, but i need to find a way of counting the number of those jobs.

i've included an example so that its easier to understand what i'm getting at.

on the first sheet (Jobs) i have the table of raw data. each administrator opens jobs each day which can either be S (standard) or W (Warranty). the second sheet (Summary) shows the way i need the data to be summarised. effectively i need to narrow my count by 3 criteria (Date Opened, Job Type and Administrator).

i've used DCOUNT functions in the past to count data by more than 1 criteria, but as this system will be in place for every day of the year, that means i would have to produce a table for every administrator and every type of job and every day of the year. which would be 3650 different tables, and that's too many.

is there a way i can do this more effectively? or can i somehow make the DCOUNT tables relative so that the table can look up the date required, reducing the number of tables required to 10?

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Counting Until Criteria Met

Oct 18, 2009

I am looking for help on 2 aspects on my spreadsheet.

My Spreadsheet looks as follows:

My first query is - How can I create a formula which will show in cell G3 the amount of cells from a number value in f3 (inclusive) down until the next number value is reached (but not including it)?

So for the first instance - it would be f3 down to f14 - which is 12

My second query is a little more complex...

I am looking to display - for the same criteria above - all entries in column B in their own seperate cell. So for the first number - it would show 02B:D5 in cell H3, 15B:C5 in I3 and so on...

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Counting Words Given Two Criteria

Jun 11, 2014

I want to count words given two criteria.

So I basically want to combine the COUNTA function and the COUNTIFS function.

I have attached a sample spreadsheet in the post.

Test Excel.xlsx

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Formula For Counting If Two Criteria Meet

Apr 6, 2013

I need to count the number of occurances that meet two criteria i.e.,

Status needs to be UNSOLD
Size needs to be =>10.5 and also <12.5







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Duplicates Counting With Plural Criteria

Jan 20, 2010

This is a follow-up of my previous post which was brilliantly solved. I found out that I need someting additional, which is over my head really.

I know have the following formula: IF(SUMPRODUCT(($G$4:$G$3000=$G6)*($AA$4:$AA$3000=AA6)*($O$4:$O$3000=O6)*($I$4:$I$3000=I6))>1,....

However, I want to change the end into something which can count the number of appearances of the duplications in a specific row, so I would get results saying that they appear 1 time, 2 times, 3 times or 4 times (4 being the most) in the list and could be placed after the text value of O and I (I398&" "&O398,"-"))?

I hope I formulated this well enough....

Also, does anybody have an idea how I can message my file? I've got close to 3000 rows all the way up to AB and my pc now starts to complain...

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Counting Even If Doesn't Meet Criteria

Jun 23, 2009

I am trying to use this function to figure out averages for tests. there can be up to 25 tests in the sheet which is where the "YES" comes in. If the test booklet was used for this class then YES will be placed in the cell in field B2:B26.

Now thes issue I'm having is that the formula is doing the math for the fields C2:C26 if there is a number in them if there is even if it does not say YES in the B2:B26 field.

Here is the formula/function I'm using:


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Counting Rows Based On Different Criteria

Oct 28, 2008

I've got two worksheets. One contains data from a query, the other worksheet should count rows in the queryresults based on two criteria. See example.

I tried doing it with sumproduct in the normal variant and the array-variant...

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Counting Data Based On Two Criteria?

Aug 29, 2013

I have data in my worksheet as follows

table.tableizer-table {
border: 1px solid #CCC; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif
font-size: 12px;


I want to create a sum of all values in column B (Data Size) that correspond to the same Dept-div code in column A

Ex: 0667 the total should equal 43268.8 for the two cells.

I need to count all cells in these columns versus a specific range?

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Counting Result Within Date Criteria

Feb 28, 2014

I am trying to make a document that counts some results within a range. The criteria of that sum is that it needs to be within a date range. I made a small example in a new document to make things clearer.

Link if it does not work for image: Image - TinyPic - Gratis foto's delen en afbeeldingen & video's hosten

The results between D10 and lower need to be count towards the total on top in one of the cells of January or february (And more in the real document). I need it to automatically stick it in the total of January or February. I need excel to check the Cells in C10 and lower for the date. If the date is in January i want it to automatically write it in total of the corresponding month.

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Formula For Counting Based On 3 Criteria

Aug 15, 2007

Need to writing a formula that will calculate the number of times a contract is used each month. Problem is that RMA numbers sometimes repeat. So I need to count the contract number for every unique RMA in a month......

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Counting Data Based On Criteria

Aug 11, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that has Leads in column H for eg Advertisements and Presentation dates in column K

I need to set up a formula that will count the number of dates (Items) in column K that is applicable to the item in column H for eg Advertisements, Referrals etc . There can also be blank items in column K which can be ignored

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Counting Entries Using Time Criteria

Jun 6, 2006

I need to generate a report that indicates how long it took a vendor to respond, and indicate if the time was less than 2 hours.

I'm having trouble with a formula that will indicate how long it took for the vendor to respond during business hours (8-5 monday through friday). I can easily calculate the total elapsed time, but I'm at a loss on how to account for the after hours time period.

Would this be better handled with VBA?

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Formula For Counting Row Once When Two Columns Meet Criteria?

May 17, 2014

BP Formula.xlsxI'm not sure what formula to use or if Excel can do this. I want to use it to determine number of blood pressures in a certain range. So if I use column A for SBP (systolic BP) and column B for DBP (diastolic BP). I want a formula to tell me if column A is between 140-159 or column B is between 90-99. I can get that part, but what I'm having trouble with is it counting each row twice if both column A and B meet the criteria, whereas I want every row (person) to only be counted once if either column A OR column B meet the criteria. (See attachment)

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Counting A Column Based On Two Sets Of Criteria

Jul 23, 2009

I'm using a sumproduct forumla to count rows based on specific data in multiple columns. So if column A equals 1 and column G does not equal 6 and column M equals 4 then count that row. I know how to do this. The problem I'm having is that I want to count column A if equals 1 or 2. I tried adding an OR comand in with my sumproduct but it doesn't seem to work that way.

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