Create Quick Link To Combine Data
Mar 17, 2014
I downloaded a spreadsheet with multiple same names such as
Name Week ending Days off
John Smith 1/31 2
John Smith 2/7 1
John Smith 2/7 3
Peter Sun 1/31 1
Peter Sun 2/7 2
Andy Mann 3/14 3
If I want to sum these up by name, what's the best way to do that?
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Jun 28, 2013
I have two worksheets, one with detail monthly information and one with YTD information. So let's say the three numbers I want to capture in the YTD sheet are in columns B, G and I on the monthly sheet. January's data might be in B5, G5 and I5. February's data is in B12, G12 and I12 and so on.
On the YTD sheet in cell C2 I link to Monthly!B5 and in C3 I link to Monthly!B12 so cells C2 to C13 on the YTD sheet show the monthly totals from column B on the detail sheet. On the YTD sheet, cells C20 to C31 show the monthly totals from column G on the monthly sheet, so cells G5, G12, etc. And finally, cells C40 to C51 on the YTD sheet show monthly totals form column I on the monthly sheet.
In the past I've always created all these links manually. After creating the links in C2 to C13 on the YTD sheet, is there a way to use a formula in C21 that uses the link in C2 to create a link for G5?
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Aug 17, 2009
Is it possible to have a macro create a hyper link once data is entered into specific cell, i have a multi sheet work book used as a stock card system.
Each stock item has its own worksheet and the product code is entered in to cell E3
(which in turn has a macro in it to change the sheet name to match the product code).
the macro also inserts a row of info into row 5 of another sheet used as a summary sheet ( CONTROL.SHEET or SHEET 4) using copy and paste link.
i need a macro to generate a hyperlink in cell D4 of the control sheet between the row info and the matching product code sheet ( the product code is displayed in cell E4 of the control sheet.
I only input one item at a time and then manually cut and insert the row info into the stock list on control sheet. so every time i input a new item, the row info is always in row 5 of the control sheet.
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Jan 30, 2014
im currently working on contact details for each of our client. Attached here is the sample worksheet im currently working on. As the title suggest is it possible if i click the company name i will be directed to its contact details on the other sheet?we need a worksheet that functions like this: if we click the company name, it will direct the user to its contact details or will display ONLY its contact details.
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Apr 5, 2006
I am using an excel add-in to create a DDE link between a market data provider and my spreadsheet. ( Add-in is called SigTools.xla )
DDE link works fine and target cells are updated dynamically as market data changes so my excel sheet values are changing constantly.
The formula =WinRos|LAST!GOOG will update target cell with most recent market prtice for Google.
Since this formula is not an excel formula I can't reference excel cells with formula - ie =WinRos|LAST!Indirect&A3 or anything like this won't work.
I thought a Macro might work to simulate "typing in correct formula" and I created following Macro which I thought would work but unfortunately it does not.
Sub Macro2()
Dim strSymb As String
strSymb = Cells(4, 1).Value
Application.Goto Reference:="TargetCell"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=WinRos|LAST! & strSymb & "
End Sub
The idea was that Macro would behave just as if I typed in =WinRos|LAST! & strSymb & and substituted the symbol name contained in Cells(4, 1) - whatever that happenned to be.
Seems reasonable but I get an error "Application-defined or object-defined error"
Alternatively I could re-type the formula each time but it would be much better to somehow reference a specific symbol in a particular cell via functioning Macro.
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Jul 29, 2014
I almost get my eyes killed whenever at the end of the month
I have issued invoices with reimbursements to Mr. A so on 30th of the month, I issue a statement to summarize my invoices and reimbursements as above example. Note : An invoice and a reimbursement are always in a file(sheet1 and sheet2) and a solo reimbursement is a file(sheet1). "Invoice"(Folder) in drive D contains Invoice00100(SI11) & Reim00111(SE55).
Samples of invoice and reimbursement
Solo reimbursement is the same as above reimbursement table
code that can extract all excel file in "invoice" folder and auto create as my first above table. I would like to manual select the files which are taken to extract to the statement.
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Jan 17, 2007
on a workbook I use.
The workbook (26-11GL.xls) contains a varying number of sheets.
Sheet 1 - Menu
Sheet 2 - DS1
Sheet 3 -DS2
Sheet 4 -DS3
Sheet 5 - DS4
Sheet 6 - Company1
Sheet 7 - Company2
Sheet 8 - Company3
Sheet 9 ....14 Company 4,5 etc
Sheet 15 - CompanyTotals
What I would like to do is when I open the workbook on the Menu page I would like to have some links / buttons that will automatically create a new worksheet called DS5 which has all the formatting, formulas etc from DS4 (or the last complete DS sheet)
If this is possible I would like to be able to add Company worksheets as both DS sheets and company sheets can have from 3 to 35 sheets in either area.
If possible I would like the new DS sheets to be named with the next valid number.
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Nov 7, 2013
Columns A, B, C and D contan a list of Names, I want to be able to in column E list all the items in A,B,C and D with out duplicates. How would I do this?
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Dec 16, 2009
I need to combine the category sheets back into one main table, knowing that there may well be an increase in the number of categories, as well as the number of rows in each category sheet.
I have attached a sample workbook - if anyone can help me with the code so that when the macro is run, the data in sheets A, B and C are combined into Main Table.
the macro would also then update the Pivot table, that would be the icing on the cake (I have shown the pivot table configuration I need, in this case using only the data from sheet 'C', for reference)
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May 4, 2014
I have 16 different workbooks for different regions of my company. Each workbook has one worksheet (sheet named each region name), and all workbooks are formatted same regarding column names. Ultimately, I would like to combine all workbooks into one summary workbook where I can build a pivot table and pull out various data. Do you think this method is the best way to do what I am trying to do? I am very novice when it comes to VBA. I have written the code below, however, it is not working.
Sub GetSheets()
Path = "C:UsersDanielleDesktopWorksheets"
Filename = Dir(Path & "*.xls")
Do While Filename ""
Workbooks.Open Filename:=Path & Filename, ReadOnly:=True
For Each Sheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
Sheet.Copy After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
Next Sheet
Filename = Dir()
End Sub
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Apr 28, 2009
I have two files,
1. Form Templete & 2. Student Data Index. (Both files will be placed in same folder)
About Form Templete : This is a simple form, containing some fields. Fields which i require are Form No., Student's name & Standard.
About Student Data Index : This file is to maintain records.
Each time when I fill form for a new student i will copy paste the form templete file & rename it by form no. (Entered in the Form Templete file, Form No. field)
My question is : Is it possible that whenever i create a new file in the same folder with student's name the required fields in the Student data Index get filled automatically, apart from that the new file created get hyperlinked & when i click on form no. the form for that student gets open?
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Aug 3, 2009
I know how to create a text link to other cells within a work book but how can I create a button which will do the same?
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Nov 16, 2006
This link worked perfect for my needs: Create a List of Hyperlinked Files:
But is there any easy way to only show the filename insted of the full path for the name of the hyperlink? Now it shows it like :C:MyDocumentsTestings est1.xls
I only want it to show as: test1. I still want the hyperlink to work
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Sep 23, 2012
I would like to know how to combine multiple cell value from each column to create a unique value. for example column A will have values (a,a,b,c,d,e,e,f,i,j) and B will have (1,2,1,1,3,4,5,5,6,7) and C has ( xxx,yyy,zzz,xxx,yyy,zzz,xxx,xxx,yyy,zzz).
i need to create a list of unique possible combination of data into column D.
I have placed below example and how to create a similar code and what functionality does this.
A Code
B Code
C Code
D Code
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Jan 27, 2008
How to create an area in excel where by if a customer enters an account number all of their account details would be automatically entered into the address fields?
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Oct 9, 2013
I've been playing about with this for ages, I have row 'U' which I manually link to local JPG files. Basically it has the word "HERE" and linked to a JPG that opens when you click it.
I'm really looking to just RIGHT CLICK a cell in column U, it opens a file browser, when I select the file it places HERE in the cell and links it to the file I've selected.
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Sep 23, 2011
I am building a rather good size userform. It is getting really lengthy code-wise because I want certain things to be enabled and disabled on the form as they click on certain options.
I know I can hard code the lines but so I am trying to come up with some coding elements where I will not have to add 20+ lines of code for everytime I want to add a new feature.
Here is one of the functions that I have, There is going to be several of these:
Private Sub chkMore2_Click()
If chkMore2 = True Then
cboProtocol2.BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque
cboApplication2.BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque
txtLowPort2.BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque
[Code] .......
So If I click chkMore2 ... all of the 2nd elements will be editable. If I click chkMore3 ... then all of the 3rd elements will be editable, etc. etc.
So I tried to play with this code example:
Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()
If CheckBox1 = True Then
Call Changeit(1, "yes")
Call Changeit(1, "no")
[Code] ........
Excel 2007 does not like the .concatenate element.
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Nov 3, 2013
I am working on Excel 2010. I want to find a way to link data from one spreadsheet to another one and whenever I update the first spreadsheet, the second one will be automatically updated?
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Feb 5, 2009
if there is a quick way to add any number of tabs to a spreadsheet.
ie one particular spreadsheet i need to have 32 sheets (tabs) but am getting seriously bored to right click insert worksheet time after time. there must be a quicker way?
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Jun 4, 2008
The goal of this code is to check between two sheets, if it finds a match between both sheets (somewhere in column A) then it should copy E,F,G columns from Sheet2 to Sheet1..
The Sub Test()
aLastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count ' last row of active worksheet; assume master is active sheet .....
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Jul 31, 2008
I've been having a play with sorting integers in A1:I1 (because that was the example in Wikipedia). I've got some code that kind of works, but the recursion is entirely manual.
(I know it's only a mickey mouse example, and no practical use!)
Sub quicksort()
Dim iPivotIndex As Integer, iPivotValue As Integer, iTempValue As Integer, iStoreIndex As Integer, i As Integer
Dim iStartNumber As Integer, iEndNumber As Integer
'how do I give it the original iStartNumber and iEndNumber
iStartNumber = InputBox("Start")
iEndNumber = InputBox("end")........................................
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May 4, 2009
just an example:-
The Column above is the first column on a selected sheet.
i will select 56 and from there (End-Shift+Down arrow) which selects all the values from 56-60...
My question is from here on if there is a shortcut key or 'vba macro' that can autonumber from 1.
Thus giving output result of..
i want to record the solution for above problem in a macro recorder for different numbers that is why i have to do (End-Shift+Down arrow)
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Oct 13, 2009
I am doing a "Lost and found" spreadsheet project for a hotel.
Each row contains the lost items with all the necessary info in separate cells (Room nr, found by, reference nr, client name, etc)
Every item is being bagged and then a label is put on it. ( has the same information but its just arranged prperly. (Like a label )
What I would like to do is to have a column in each row that has a "print" button. What would happen is that the macro would create a label in sheet2, print it on the default printer and then erase everything on sheet2. (I am kind of new to macros so I dont even know if I need to use the sheet 2 for it).
I have already done a kind of a template for the label and set it up on sheet2. I would probably manage to get the print function working with the online tutorials(if not i'll be back) but can't figure out how to do the first bit of it.
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Feb 16, 2010
I have two spreadsheets, each with about 50-60 separate worksheets in them, and each spreadsheet has simarly named tabs. I am trying to replace the values in column Q on spreadsheet 2, and move them to column O on spreadsheet 1, on each worksheet.
Is there a way to do this quickly, or will I have to copy-paste many times over?
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Feb 20, 2007
I have data in columns A:D with the headings Proposal, Sort_Code, Seq, Comm, and data in row 2:???, it is in the format below, / is to show a new column, I want to look at the proposal column (A) and the sort_code column (B) and then take all the data that is associated with it in the comm column(D) and combine it in column E on the first row of the proposal number. A Formula or macro would work for me.
0733596/001/1/line 1
0733596/001/1/line 2
0733596/001/1/line 3
0733596/001/1/line 4
0733596/002/1/line 1
0733596/002/1/line 2
0746715/001/1/line 1
0746715/001/1/line 2
0732387/002/1/line 1
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Aug 18, 2014
On Sheet1 in Range A1:A10, I have the following data: O O M3 M O O M M D9 O (in reality, the data covers the range K38:AN90, but I'm simplifying my requirement here)
On Sheet2, in Range A1:A10, I have the following data: O O O O A1V O O O O D1V
I need some VBA code that will loop through each cell on Sheet2 and where it comes to any containing the letter 'V', it will replace the data on corresponding cell on Sheet1 with that data.
In this example, after running the code, Sheet1 will read: O O M3 M A1V O M M D9 D1V.
The only other caveat here is that I need to be able to return to the original data on Sheet1 but I'm thinking I'll add some code to toggle back by making a back this up on a separate sheet so I can immediately reinstate original data on Sheet1.
I want to avoid 'Copy/Paste' and if at all possible so prefer to use Range("X").Value = Range("Y").Value etc.
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Aug 27, 2009
I have a folder that contain a list of files in shortcut type. So that i can just click it without going to different drives and paths to open those files and it really save my time.
After updating those files, i need to zip it up. There are many files to zip up and it takes time by going to its path one by one. Do you guys know is there any method to zip up those files without going to its relevant drives and paths?
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Feb 11, 2012
I wonder if there is a way to enter my formulas as an array formula using Control-Shift-Enter in a more time saving way than one line by one line
I have 600 rows of array formulas all in column E but at different intervals with some blank rows inbetween
The formulas are in place but just need the CSE to enable the array formula { }
I am not looking forward to line by line entry.
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Jul 31, 2012
Let me first quickly describe the workbook setup. I have a main workbook ("Fees") that acts as a master list for every employee's clients' account numbers. Every month, 30+ workbooks get downloaded from 3rd parties that have the client account numbers, as well as their current account value.
My macro- Loops through every employee's worksheet within the Fees workbook, and loops through every account number. It then compares the account to every account in every other open workbook. Upon a match, it pulls the account value back into the main workbook. After it finishes looping the Fees workbook, it starts to loop every open workbook, and checks every account value against every account in the Fees workbook. If it doesn't find a match, it prints the value on a Missed worksheet within the Fees workbook.
The situation- I know for a fact this a verrry slow way to go about what I need to accomplish. I am very new to writing code, and gladly can take the extra minutes to let the code execute to know 100% nothing was missed. Going forward, I would like to start trimming execution time without jeopardizing the 100% accuracy of my slow macro.
The question- Based on how I execute my loops, what is likely to trim the most time for the range lookups? I have no practical experience with Vlookup, but I understand that is a possibility I should look into. I'm vaguely familiar with Match, and arrays, and I believe they could also trim time. I also realize there are probably at least 15 other ways to go about it I am not even aware of.
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Sep 12, 2013
Is there a quick way to remove duplicate values from a ROW. The "Remove Duplicates" operation under the "Data" tab only works for a column selection and not a row selection.
One approach I am thinking about, is to transpose the row into a column, run "remove duplicates" and then transpose again into a row.
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