Create A Separate Worksheet That Has The Data In And Reference Cells On Budget Worksheet?

Feb 7, 2014

I need to reference the projected and actual expenses from the total on worksheet 'expenses' So i did so, however, if I change the drop down on the expenses worksheet to only display housing data, then the projected and actual expenses on my budget worksheet changes as well to the new data portrayed on the expenses worksheet.

I need to reference the cell, without it changing when I change the category display, but I need the cell to change accordingly if I enter new data in the overall tablet on the expenses worksheet.

Or do I need to create a seperate worksheet that has the data in and reference my cells on my budget worksheet to that new worksheet?

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Budget Worksheet - Lock Cells With Formulas

Jul 24, 2014

So I am trying to create a budget worksheet for past and future expenses, basically an excel checkbook with running balance

In Column A I have my debits/credits

In Column B I have my running balance so that there is a current total next to each of the debit/credits in column A, it is formulated as follows, it adds the cells directly above it to the cell directly to the left of it (i.e. Cell B10 = B9+A10, which was dragged and iterated to many cells below)

I wan to be able to drag in drop cells in the A column (Just moving them up and down different cells in the A column) with out it changing formulas in the B column.

I tried the $ trick so that for example B10 = B9+$A$10 but if I moved cell A9 to say A10, I get a reference error in cell B10 (why is it doing this when B10 is locked with $)

I then tried going to format and locking the B column and not the A column and then protected the document but I still get the same REF error.

I know I can copy and paste with out effecting it but this is tedious, the whole reason I did this was so that I can move around bills EASILY and play around with what get paid when. There has to be a way to do this, but I'm probably searching with the wrong keywords.

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Force Enter Data In 5 Separate Cells In Worksheet

Jul 24, 2014

I am trying to force users to enter data in 5 separate cells in a worksheet. I have tried editing code I have found here, but just can't get it to work.

It is in the second sheet of the workbook and the sheet is called Invoice - the cells I want to force entry into (and the message I need) are as follows.

J2 - You must enter the salesperson's name
J4 - You must enter the customers name
J5 - You must enter the customer's address
J6 - You must enter the customer's postcode
L2 - You must enter the Invoice number

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Excel 2010 :: Create Separate PDF File For Each Worksheet - Different Name

Mar 29, 2014

I need to create a separate PDF file for each Excel Worksheet, each worksheet has a different name.

I am using Excel 2010

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Create A Spreadsheet That Will Keep Track Of Budget Spent And Budget Remaining?

Dec 17, 2013

I am trying to create a spreadsheet that will keep track of budget spent and budget remaining.

I need the values to take what is spent from expenses claim forms that are filled out,

Each budget category has a code and within that code there are sub heddings

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VBA Script To Create Excel Reference To A Cell In Different Worksheet

Dec 18, 2013

I am trying to create a budgeting spreadsheet that contains 26 worksheets that represent 2 week expense cycles. The worksheet will tally all the expenses in its 2 week cycle, compare them to a target budget, and calculate the remaining budget. I would like to roll the remaining budget over to the next 2 week budget cycle by having a cell refer to the remaining budget in the previous worksheet.

I am trying to accomplish this using the following VBA script. I get an error (Run-time error 1004: Application-defined or object-defined error) on the 3rd to last line of the code. I think the issue is with how I am constructing the wsReference variable. I have seen other codes do something similar (VBA - How to refer to a different worksheet cell) but I am not having any luck.

Sub Budget_Rollover()
Dim i As Long
' Loop through all the worksheets, starting with the second sheet
For i = 2 To Worksheets.Count
Dim wsReference As String
Dim wsName As String
' Define the name of the previous expense cycle worksheet


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Formatting Budget From Master Worksheet Using Table

Mar 19, 2013

I have a Master Worksheet that I am using to populate other worksheets using the Table function. I would like to keep the format the same as the Master worksheet even if lines get added or deleted. I have seen that others group the sheets together when making the changes but I can not really us that options. I will be giving the Budget to someone else to fill out and they will not know how to do that.

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List Multiple Cells In Separate Worksheet

Mar 19, 2014

Is there a way to display multiple cells in a separate worksheet that are a part of multiple worksheets? Please see below.

Worksheet 1 has list of email addresses in column A
Worksheet 2 has list of email addresses in column A

How to have Worksheet 3 display email addresses in column A that were on Worksheet 1 and Worksheet 2? Considering all duplicates are removed from each worksheet.

Worksheet 1 (column A)


Need to have Worksheet 3 display as: (column A)

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Find Data In Separate Worksheet

Jun 26, 2009

I would like to put together a macro that would compare a list of part numbers against a database, and recommend alternative vendors for the part. The actual VBA I think I can handle, my problem is with the formula, array or whatever is needed to return the results I am looking for.

I have attached a sample workbook to this message that contains two worksheets. The "Sample Database" is an example of the format of the database (in Excel format) that I will be looking against. This data may be a hundred columns wide, and thousands of rows long.

The "Vendor Reference" worksheet shows an example of the data that would be returned if the "perfect" formula were entered into the cells. (I'll explain what I mean by "perfect" in a moment.) It also has an area designated for testing formulas to see what is returned. It's blank, because none of my tests returned anything but errors.

You will notice the column headings on the "Sample Database" worksheet. Columns A and B will always contain the part number and product description. The remaining columns will contain vendor specific data, with perhaps 25 different vendors, and 3 columns per vendor. These columns would be "PV", (for Primary Vendor), the vendor number, (010299, for example), and the Vend Part#.

If there is an asterisk, "*", under the "PV" column for that vendor, that means they are the "Primary" vendor. The cost from that vendor is listed under each vendor number. There may be instances where 2 different vendors are listed as primary. If that's the case, the formula can simply return the FIRST one found.

Here's what the "perfect" formula would return: .....

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Adding Data To A Separate Worksheet

Mar 14, 2007

I have a userform which when you enter data and hit submit, inserts data into a seperate sheet in the same file. Code below

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Sheets("Purchase Order").Select

UserForm1.tbJobNo.Value = _
Sheets("Purchase Order"). Range("I4")

UserForm1.tbJobTitle.Value = _
Sheets("Purchase Order").Range("K4")

UserForm1.tbOrderNo.Value = _
Sheets("Purchase Order").Range("I49")

UserForm1.cbdirector.Value = _
Sheets("Purchase Order").Range("K43")

Instead of placing the data into another worksheet i would like to put the data into a closed xls file named Purchase Order Database.xls.

How can adjust the code for it to do this?

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Get Master Worksheet To Separate Data Into Various Worksheets?

Jun 17, 2014

i have a worksheet that has information filled in columns A-N and rows 3-7262 (not including title and labels)

i need a macros that will separate this data into multiple worksheets based on the word in Column A; these words could be HDA, CCR/NHT, GRU/ATU (essentially dividing this data up by area name, there will be 14 worksheets)

i would also like to be able to update this master worksheet and have it be reflected in the multiple worksheets that are divided by their areas.

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Compare Data In Separate Workbook Or Worksheet

Jan 30, 2010

Im working with a huge amount of data in BOOK1.xls and once or twice a week I received an update of the list.

1. I need to compare and find out from the new updated worksheet if there is a new revision, and if there are new documents added to the list. I have tried Vlookup..but it didnt work for me. Ex. Doc1 has revision 1, 2 in my BOOK1 that I am working on. Note that there is a repetition of the DocName, Doc Number except for the revision.

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Automatically Add Data To Separate Worksheet & Stop Duplicates

Sep 27, 2009

Need to write the VBA code required to automatically add the names of the buyers & sellers as the auction info is entered on the Auction worksheet to the Transactions worksheet of the same workbook? Any member name should only appear once as this will be the list whereby we will generate the receipts by Location order when auction is finished.

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Formula Reference Cells & Ungroup Worksheet

Oct 21, 2007

"Enter a formula that adds the total gross sales for the first quarter in cell B6 in the Q1 worksheet and total gross sales for the current quarter in cell G18 in the Q2 worksheet"

**First ungroup the grouped worksheet

How am i going to formula a total gross that i don't even know what is the first quarter? i don't see anything for first quarter? and in Q2 worksheet G18 i already did =SUM formula Ungroup the worksheet? i don't think my worksheet is even group?? how i ungroup it?

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Pivot Table - New Worksheet Auto Create To Right Of Existing Worksheet

Sep 2, 2013

The new worksheet is created to the left of the existing source worksheet.

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Excel 2007 :: How To Change All Reference Cells In Worksheet

Aug 26, 2010

Here is my situation:

I created one worksheet called: Assumptions. In this worksheet I have 6 different columns representing 6 different cases.

I have completed the first case in a different worksheet called: WL. I would like to copy this case/worksheet WL and be able to change all the reference cells used in case#1: WL to case#2: FA. So all the cells used in my Assumptions worksheet were in the B columns for case 1: WL, for case 2: FA they will all be in the C column, same row, different column.

Any quick way to do the changes?

My case #1 worksheet as over 10 000 formulas, I really don't want to change each and every formula.

I was thinking there was a way to highlight ALL the reference cells used in my Assumption worksheet, so I would have had to drag from B to C cells, only 50 cells. But I can't find it.

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Highlight Cells Based On Cell Reference On Another Worksheet

May 27, 2014

I am trying to find a way to automatically highlight all the cells specified by the cell references in a column on another worksheet (which will constantly have new values added).

On the attached sample, the 'Data Before' tab shows the base data before any highlighting. As cell references are added to the 'References' tab in 'column A' I want the respective cell to be highlighted on the 'Data Before' tab resulting in the 'Data After' tab and each time a new cell reference is added to the 'References' tab, the respective cell is then highlighted on the 'Data Before' tab.

I would like to have control over the highlight colour so that a different highlight colour can be specified for each date change, i.e. all cell references that are shown on the same date are the same colour but where the date changes a different highlight colour can be specified.

Highlight by Cell Reference.xlsx‎

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Reference Worksheet Where Sheet Name & Address Reside In Cells

Jun 9, 2009

I have a master sheet named "Summary" and a number of following identically formatted sheets with lots of different names. I intend to pick out information from cell F7 of each of the following sheets and make the information show on the summary page. On the summary sheet in column A is the name of all the following sheets (spelt correctly), and in columns B, C and D are the spaces for the information I need on the summary sheet.

I need to set up a formula across columns B, C and D that I can copy down, which picks out the name of the sheet from column A and the cell reference within that sheet. So far I have experimented with formulae similar to the below which all keep returning with #REF! I hasten to add that all the Sheets are named and spelt correctly: =INDIRECT("'"&$A1"'!",$F$7)

The F7 would be changed for other cells in columns C and D, and so when I copied this down through all the following sheets on the summary page it should give me hte right results...

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Returning Data From Separate Worksheet By Matching Multiple Criteria - Vlookup / If Combo?

Jun 8, 2014

I am attempting to place a formula in cell b3 in the attached spreadsheet on the "sheet to pull data into" tab 1 (cell is highlighted yellow) to retrieve value in the yellow highlighted cell in the "Sheet that contains data" which is on a seperate worksheet within the same workbook.

The cells highlighted red in the "sheet to pull into" tab (cells: a1, a3, b1, and b3) are the criteria that needs to be matched to those cells on "sheet that contains data" tab in order to ensure the value returned is correct.Sample of problem.xlsx <----see the attached sample spreadsheet.

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Make Array Reference Cells On Another Worksheet Of Active Workbook

Feb 27, 2014

My company has complicated time sheets because we have several tasks that are billed differently to different people. Once a month we have to sit down and compile everything from several forms and so forth. I have created a worksheet that pulls all the numbers together so that they can simply be copied and pasted into our reports. The hope was to simply copy this worksheet into a time sheet workbook and it will pull out all of the correct numbers. Although all the time sheet workbooks are set up the same way, whenever I copy the file into another time sheet workbook the program keeps its references from the workbook it was in. Make sense? is there a formula that I can insert into an array to tell it to pull the information from the worksheet with the same name, but in the active workbook?

here is one of the equations I am working with:

{=TRANSPOSE('1st week'!A10:L48)}

so it would look something like this maybe

{=TRANSPOSE('[active workbook]1st week'!A10:L48)} but this doesn't work of course.

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Create Worksheet And Copy Cells Using Macro

Oct 15, 2012

Iam looking for macro to copy rows based on partial cell content of a column. I have an excel spreadsheet called "arc.xlsx" from which I would like to copy data to other few new excel files when certain criteria are met. The excel file contained location is C:Documents and SettingsxxxxDesktopCompany.

Below is a sample of arc.xlsx

I1 999999 1 SMITH 0 8 9
I1 999999 ab SMITH 4 8 9
I1 999999 cd SMITH 4 10 9
I1 999999 1 SMITH 4 1 10


I would like the macro to copy rows that have 'ab' in the column c (with title BR)and save it in a new excel file with name ab.xlsx in the same location folder.And the same for 'cd', '01' and '02' by saving the data in files with name cd.xlsx, 01.xlsx so on.

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VBA Code To Create Border Around Used Cells In Worksheet

Nov 20, 2013

I'm writing/recording a macro and would like some VBA code. I'm trying to make a border around all used cells in my sheet. When I use the macro there will be a variable number of used cells.

I'd like code that says:

If cell A2 has text then format cells A2:CL2 with an outline border Repeat for each row in the sheet until there there is no more text in column A.

Also, not sure if it matters, but I'm working on a mac.

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Reference Data Validation List On Another Worksheet

Apr 22, 2008

I have a spreadsheet in Excel 2003 with many sheets all of which need to have for some columns the data entry restricted to a specific list.

To do this we have created lists defined and held in a separate sheet and then attempted to reference these from all the other sheets using Data -> Validation and then entering the relevant list in the Validation criteria.

The 1st sheet we set the Data Validation up in all is fine. The 2nd sheet however I get an error pop-up stating 'You may not use references to other worksheets or workbooks for Data Validation criteria'.

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Create New Worksheet From Form Vs. From Existing Worksheet

Feb 11, 2009

I have code in a worksheet that creates a new worksheet when clicking a button:

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Create Formula That Transfer Data From Each Worksheet Tab?

Jan 12, 2014

I need a temporary database. What I need to do is to transfer data from each tab to a Masterfile tab. For example. I have Jan 1, Jan 2, Jan 3 tabs I need this to automatic transfer to Masterfile tab. I know I can copy/paste this BUT I have a LOT of data's like way back to June 2013 to present so I really need a way to do this easier.

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Transfer Data From Database To Old Worksheet And Create It With New Name

Jul 22, 2014

I already transfer my data from database (excel.xlsm) to an old worksheet (excel.xlsx) with a table by using VBA. Now I want to make this old worksheet become a new file with new file name like yyyy/mm/dd/where. Is that possible?

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Create New Workbook From Existing Worksheet Data

Feb 17, 2009

I am working on this estimating template. To be used on Excel 97, 2000 and XP systems.

I have a few issues i am unable to resolve.

There are 2 of the worksheets (Short Quote and Stores Req) which individually need to have a button on them so i can create a new workbook as an exact coy of that sheet. but with just the values and not the formulas.

Also i am unsure on the macro on the workbook currently( as i dont know how to do macros) i dont know what it does?

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Copying Column From Separate Tabs In Same Worksheet Into Another Worksheet With Each Column

May 30, 2014

I have 10 tabs in a workbook, the first five tab is for 5 Departments for the Month of March, the other 5 is for the same 5 departments for the Month of April.

I want to compare a particular field for each Department for the two months. The field is in column N.

Is there a code that will copy column N for Finance March, Column N for April and paste them into another worksheet in the same workbook in Column A and B, then go to the next department HR and copy Column N for HR March and April and paste in the same worksheet where Finance already as in column D and E, then go to Operations March and April tabs and paste into the same worksheet as column Worksheet G and H.

Basically the copied columns are pasted March April next to each other for all the businesses in the new .

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Excel 2003 :: Copy Data And Then Increment Cell Reference From Different Worksheet?

Nov 28, 2013

I've got 2 worksheets in the same workbook.

Sheet 1 contains huge amounts of data - thousands of rows and multiple columns

Sheet 2 - I want to extract the data from sheet 1 column A into sheet 2 column A but only the data from every 21st row.

I want to be able to copy the formula automatically down, otherwise it will take hours to do it manually. So far I can only get the cell reference to increment by 1 each time after copying.

So what I'm trying to achieve is :-

Sheet 2 A1 = Sheet 1 A1
Sheet 2 A2 = Sheet 1 A22
Sheet 2 A3 = Sheet 1 A43

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Create A New Worksheet And Move All Data Below And/or To The Right Of That Cell To The New Sheet

Oct 31, 2007

situation: 3 rows of data, row 1 has HDR in several cells (always in A1).


1. search row one for next example of cell containing HDR, excluding cell A1.
2. IF found, create a new worksheet and move all data below and/or to the right of that cell to the new sheet.
3. Repeat steps two and three until the search does not turn up another HDR except in A1.

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