Filtering For Unique Values. But Keep Only First Entry

Jul 23, 2009

i need to filter and delete duplicate values. where i have some issues is that i just need keep the first entry and delete the second (and so on) entry. means when i have a list with ids and hours like that:

id1 hours1
id1 hours2
id1 hours3
id2 ...

i need to have id1 and hours1 but delete hours2 and hours3. hours is the result of a formula. i tried with advanced filter but it somehow just hides me the duplicates and it sums me the hours.

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# Of Unique Dates Per Unique List Entry

Oct 22, 2009

Each product is represented by a serial number (column A).
The can be sorted on column A from smallest to largest prior to calculating results if that helps.

The repair list contains 1 entry per spare part used, so the same serial number may occur several times.

Furthermore, a product may have been repaired on several instances - so the serial numbers can span several dates (column B).

The solution i am looking for should return the number of unique repair dates per serial number. That way i can see, how many times each product has been repaired. Results can be displayed in an individual column.

Sample list:
Serial........Repair date

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Filtering By Cell Entry - Clearing Filter If Blank

Nov 7, 2013

I'm wanting to filter a set of data by inputting in to a cell. And it works perfectly...

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If (Intersect(Target, Range("B4")) Is Nothing) _
Exit Sub
End If
Cells.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="=" & Range("B4")
End Sub

The only thing is I now need is for the code to clear the filter if the cell (B4) is blank. It currently filters out all the data if the cell is blank.

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Filtering For Unique And 1 Duplicate

Aug 7, 2009

create a lookup table in access from this excel spreadsheet. Column : "Unit Name" - has some unique and majority are duplicates Unit Names. I want to filter for Unique names and for one name of each duplicate. This will give me all "Unit Name"'s we've entered to date.
When I enable filters for the headings of each column, The list of what I need is there...while in the "Unit Name" Column. If I click on the filter drop down....that the list. My thing is how do I get that on the sheet it self.

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Filtering Unique Entries

Jul 20, 2006

I have this 2 columns, A(region) and B(location), and I need a macro to filter the unique entries in Columns A and return both the unique values in A and their corresponding values in B. I've attached a file on it with sheet 1 having the data to be worked on and sheet 2 being the output that I require.

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Filtering Unique Duplicates With Timestamps

May 28, 2012

I am relatively new to Excel so there may be a easy way to do this that I just can't see. Here's the background:

My raw data contains 10,000+ entries with many duplicates. Each entry though has a time stamp like so:

Unique Identifier: TimeStamp
S1111111111 10th July 02:00
S1111111111 10th July 02:10
S1111111111 10th July 00:50

What I want to do is to isolate the duplicates in this sheet of 10K+ that have the earliest timestamps and delete duplicates with later time. So in the above example, I would only be left with the 3rd entry as it has the earliest timestamp.

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Filtering For Unique Entries Based On One Column

May 1, 2009

This may be a basic question but I haven't been able to find the solution:

I'm using Excel 2003. I have a list with repetitive entries in one column and unique entries in the other columns. Example

0001 a
0001 b
0002 c
0002 d
0003 e
0003 f

I need to filter the list so that only unique entries in the first column show up, but I need the rest of the information to carry with it. Example:

0001 a
0002 c
0003 f

I can't use the Avanced Filter > Unique Entries Only function because the information in the adjoining columns is not unique.

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Unique Entry With Condition.

Jan 3, 2008

I've found part of my answer from searching for a previous thread and altering to suit my needs.
I've got the array formula:
This gives me the correct number of unique entries. What I'm after is the number of unique entries that start with 1042

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Summing Appropriate Cells If Last Entry Of A Unique Id Is Encountered?

Jul 1, 2014

ID = 1: The B Number is the same for entries of ID =1. Thus where ID = 1 and Last is indicated, Cost = 10.

ID = 2: The B Number changes four times. In cell G20 (Last of all ID =2) Cost = 20+30+40+30 = 120. You are basically summing at each instance the B Number changes.

ID = 3: Cell G24 = 100 +30 (two instances of B Number changing)

ID = 4: B Number is always the same. Cost = 50

ID = 5: B number changes 3 times, Cost = 50+120+140 = 310

In essence, the idea is that if the ID matches for all rows of particular client, the total cost = individual cost. However, if the ID changes multiple times for a single client, the total cost becomes the sum of changed costs, but not the entire column, just summing at each instance it changes. And this summed cost must be entered whenever we see the last instance of a unique ID (This is indicated using Column F).

The problem that I'm running into is that currently I am doing this manually with my actual data set (has nearly 200,000 rows). What excel function or VBA code could I write to automate this entire process?

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How To Ensure Cell Entry In A Range Is Always Unique

Jun 18, 2013

I have a range B1:B20. These cells are populated by the user and I want to ensure that no two entries are the same. Is there a way of presenting a dialog box that prompts the user to enter a different value if the value they are trying to enter is already entered somewhere in the range?

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Filter Show The Most Recent (highest Row) Unique Entry

Jul 30, 2008

Is there a way to make Advance Filter show the most recent (highest row)unique entry instead of the first entry (lowest row)?

For instance if a spread sheet has

1 1
1 2
1 3
2 1
2 2
2 3
3 1
3 2
3 3

I want to keep the "1 3", "2 3", and "3 3" entry, not "1 1", "2 1", and "3 1".

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Create Unique Reference Number For Data Entry

Mar 20, 2007

I'm making a user form in excel/vbe, that will enter data into a worksheet behind the form. I would like to make a unique reference number that is automatically generated by the form as the next in the series. It can be as simple a number as 00001 so nothing too complicated I hope.

When the user opens the user-form i would like the reference to appear on the form so that they know what it is. Then when they enter the data I want the number to go in the database with all the rest of the info they have entered and also for a message box to come up reminding them to rememeber their number.

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Count All Unique Values (text) + Definition Of UNIQUE :D

Aug 24, 2009

If I have multiple entries with different but repeatable text values in one column - how do I count all unique ones ? Is there a function or does it have to be a pivot table of sth ?

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Count Unique Instances Of Date While Filtering Based Upon Date And ID Number

Aug 14, 2014

I have a list of ID# (Col A) and dates (Col B). The ID # of reference is Col (F) and today's date (Col G). I need to count how many future dates there are in the list (Col B) that are unique and in the future from today's date.

I'm still fairly new to all these formulas and functions which is why I'm not attempting this in VBA.

I've attached an example work book and I would like the result in H2.

Example Workbook.xlsx‎

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Filtering Linked Values

Jan 13, 2010

either writing a formula or coming up with some way to filter out certain values and it's stumping me... it's probably way more simple than I'm making it I've got an attendance spreadsheet with employee names going down the first column and dates going across the top row, managers use codes to indicate sick, personal time, etc.

There is a separate spreadsheet for supervisors to track vacation (don't ask me why) and I was asked to link the data from that spreadsheet into the attendance one described.

Linking is no problem, since it's the beginning of the year I'll just do a copy & Paste special.... paste link and they can still use that 2nd vacation spreadsheet to update both places for vacation time. However.... the vacation sheet has some extra info they don't need/want to see on the attendance one (ie. Lv @ 12:30, Holiday, etc.) How can I filter that out so that the only thing that appears is the V for Vacation that is linked & other attendance codes that are entered (S for Sick, etc).

I'm using Excel 2007

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Filtering 100s Of Values At Once?

Feb 10, 2013

I am trying to find a way to quickly and efficiently filter an existing spreadsheet i have set up. My current spreadsheet is an excel sheet that has a couple thousand items and in the next column is the price for each item. My customers send me an email with a list of items ranging in anywhere between 1 and 1000 items requesting pricing. Is there anyway to quickly and efficiently filter the existing price list for the items my customers are requesting pricing?

Currently i have a filter on the item list but selecting each item is cumbersome and a waste of time.

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Filtering By Multiple Values

Mar 20, 2013

I need to filter 20 out of 100 text values (3 letters each) in a table.

The 20 values are listed in a separate column and I don't know how to filter by that range without manually selecting all of those 20 in the filter?

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Filtering Out One Column With Values From Another

Jul 12, 2006

I am trying to do is filter out one column of data with another. Basically if a value from column A is in column B... delete it.

Here is code that I am using:

Sub filter_out()
' filter_out Macro
' this will scan one column and remove cells from it that
' are in it that are in another column

Dim INV As Range
Set INV = ActiveSheet.Range("A2")
Dim MW As Range
Set MW = ActiveSheet.Range("B2")

I keep getting object errors and it fails...

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Filtering Rows With Particular Values In A Column

Apr 3, 2007

I have been trying to transpose a piece of code that was put on this forum back in 2005 into my own Workbook but have been unsuccessful. The original piece of code filtered a column for unique entries and then filtered the main sheet for each unique entry and cut and paste each row that the unique value occurred in and in a new worksheet. A new worksheet would be created for each unique filter.

So what I am trying to do is look up a list of values that i have in a list on the worksheet. Then for each entry in my list, create a new page and cut and pasted the filtered main worksheet into that page.

Finally return to the main worksheet and then remove all filters.

I have attached the original file that was submitted so you can look at how it works and I have posted a sample my worksheet (with some things disabled to reduce file size but hopefully you will get the layout. However I don't currently have that sample on this computer. It is posted on another thread under the title "Selecting rows with specific values in a column".

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Macros For Filtering Values In Pivot Table?

Oct 2, 2012

I am currently using the following code below in the macros for filtering out a certain set of activities in fields LVL to be "0"

Dim PI As PivotItem
With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Lvl")
.PivotItems("0").Visible = True


I now wish to filter lvl activities with pivot items " 0" and "1" as well.

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Filtering Duplicate Values With Distinct Scores

Feb 24, 2014

I have an excel which is containing records of users who have given an online test.Many users have given the test multiple times. I need to extract the records of every individual with the highest score. example it could be individual A, B and C have given the test 3 times with different scores achieved. I need the records of A, B and C in which their score was maximum.

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Filtering On Specific Values Contained In Column

Oct 13, 2011

Column A
Row1 Orange-Apple-Pear
Row2 Orange-Grapes-Melon
Row3 Berry-Apple-Melon
Row4 Banana-Grapes-Melon
Row5 Orange-Grapes-Banana

Given the information above:

I want to find a macro that will auto filter on for example
"Banana" would filter to rows 4,5
"Orange" would filter to rows 1,2,5
"Apple" would filter to rows 1,3

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Filtering & Deleting Non Numerical Values Throughout Worksheet

May 11, 2006

how to find a certain criteria and delete the entire row that the criteria is in. I am more interested in finding certain criteria with vba, in my case any text/non numerical values and clear contents from that cell for the entire worksheet while retaining the rest of the cells that have numerical values in them. My data has --- in cells that represents missing data which would be easier if it was completely blank.

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Filtering Based On Values In 3 Dependent Dropdown Lists

Feb 6, 2014

I have a dynamic dropdown list in B3. The dynamic dropdown list in B4 is a result of my choice in B3, and my dynamic dropdown list B5 is a result of my choice in B4.

When changing a value in B3 the dropdown lists B4 and B5 will be reset. This is done by this VBA Script in my worksheet.

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Create Report In The Another Sheet Filtering Two Column Values

Nov 14, 2009

I need to create report (just summing up) based on values in two different columns. I need a VBA to do it as the column values may vary at any time.

I have attached a sample workbook for your kind reference.

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Loop Filter Criteria: Sheet Filtering It By Different Values

Sep 22, 2006

I'm looping through a sheet filtering it by different values. As of now I just have the same steps repeated 13 times. I want to do a loop instead. So my question is, how do I change the criteria of the filter? I want to perform the specific functions for each JD1 through JD13

Sub Full_S_BreakdownWIP()
jd1 = "FSC"
jd2 = "SA"
jd3 = "SC"
jd4 = "OA"
jd5 = "CA"
jd6 = "DC"
jd7 = "GCA"
jd8 = "PAR"
jd9 = "LG"
jd10 = "RA"
jd11 = "DM"
jd12 = "SR"
jd13 = "USA"
For i = 1 To 13................

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Macro To Give Count Of Unique Values After Comparing Comma Separated Values?

Mar 2, 2014

I need a Macro (not formula) which compares the comma separated values present in Column "I" with individual values present in Column "D" and generate the count of unique values in Column "J".

The sample sheet has been attached for reference.

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Excel 2011 :: Pivot Table Filtering On Values In Specific Subcolumn

Jul 19, 2013

Is there is some way to filter based on the value in a specific subcolumn.

Using the example of a list of salespeople and their transactions over the year, who sell multiple products, the PT is Sales Person name for the Row Labels, and Type of Product for the columns. The resulting PT has 3 columns, for each of the products - e.g. table, chair couch, and the Values are the total number of that item sold. Is there any way I can filter, so that I will see only those sales people who have sold 3 tables or more lets say. (Thus enabling me to quickly see what other products those sales people have sold.)

(The actual situation is a lot more data heavy than that - it is actually a list of donations for a non-profit, coming in from hundreds of people, across a dozen different categories; I am trying to analyse the extent to which people who gave for a particular category (Direct Mail solicitation) also gave across other categories.

So far I've manipulated things by inserting a '% of row total' value into the PT and then using countif/sumif functions outside of the PT to figure out how many people donated solely to this category (= 100% of row total), and how many donated to other categories too (= more than 0% of row total, less than 100%), which gives me a decent summary of sole donations to this cause vs other categories too, but doesn't visualise what the actual other categories donated to were. I've also investigated making a PT of the existing PT, but I'm not sure if that's even possible...)

(I'm using Excel 2011 for Mac, but if there's some other version that would make this possible, I may be able to use another computer.)

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Excel 2010 :: Produce Unique List Of Key Values With Second Values Concatenated Together

Sep 15, 2013

I have some data with recurring key values and differing values in the second column, I need to produce a unique list of key values with the second values concatenated together.(See below)

The data can be 10 rows to 5000 and I can have anything from 5 to 150 sheets (Separate data sets), a macro would go a long way to keeping me sane.

Sample data Required Output
A | B Z
1| 10 | a 10,a,b,c
2| 10 | b 11,a
3| 10 | c 12,a,b
4| 11 | a
5| 12 | a
6| 12 | b

My system is Windows 8 Excel 2010.

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Formula For Obtaining List Of Unique Values But Not Including Values Which Contain IC

Aug 14, 2014

1. Using a formula, I am trying to to obtain a list of unique values (string) (caveat: see #2) from the range E2:E10000 (arbitrarily chose 10000 - the row number is variable)(see #3).

I currently have a formula that seems to work for this purpose but I don't know how to add the condition in #2 (below)

2. To include all unique string values except those starting with the letters "IC"

3. Is there a way to make this formula so that it can only seek values up to the last row, and not go to the 10000th row if not necessary? The E column has no empty cells until after the last row that contains data.

Here is the formula I currently use which serves #1 (above):

[Code] .....

Any way to improve/simplfy this formula for the purpose describbed in #1? How can I add the condition in #2? Can you see a way to include #3? The most important issue here is #2.

Example of desired results:

Column A | Column B
CC |
DD |
DD |
IC |
IC |

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