Create Chart From Table Of Data?

Jun 19, 2014

Trying to create a chart from a table of data, however my column of data has zeros throughout. How do I insert a chart with just the data that are not zeros?

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Macro To Create Gaant Chart Style Table From Leave Data?

Jun 11, 2014

I have a leave history report with data for leave taken for the 2014 year. The sheet contains the following headings:

Name; Leave Start Date; Leave End Date; Date Paid; Days Taken; Roundup; Offset

The roundup column rounds the days taken up, for example if someone took 0.4 days off it would round it to 1.The offset column just subtracts the Roundup value by 1 (=Roundup-1) I think we will need this for what I am trying to do.

I have created a new spreadsheet labelled gaant chart, this shows the name of the employee with the working dates for the year and has the following data:



What I would like for the macro to do is lookup Employee 1 from my gaant chart table and search the leave history data if it finds a relevant start date for the employee it marks that date with a 1, it then looks in the offset column and marks the number of offsets to the right. For example if employee 2 took leave from 1/1/14 to 3/1/14 the macro would mark a 1 on the 1/1/14, and search the offset column which would have 2, it will then mark a 1 in the 2 cells to the right of 1/1/14 also (these being 2/1/14 and 3/1/14)

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Excel 2003 :: Filter Data In Graph / Chart (without Having To Create New Chart)

Dec 29, 2011

I have a spreadsheet created in Excel 2003 (which is what we use at work, unfortunately).

My employees periodically take a test to ensure they have certain items memorized (or are making progress to that end). The spreadsheet rows show all 46 of my employees, and their test scores. The columns are the dates that the tests are administered. I can create a line graph based on the chart data, and interpolate these data with no problems.

The problem is that there are 46 employees! 46 lines on the same graph make for a very cluttered, hard to understand visual. I want to simplify the view by "filtering out" some of the data.

I have an additional column in my spreadsheet for each employee's work area (Area 1, Area 2, etc), and another column with data based on first letter of last name (the values here could be "A-G", "H-M", "N-S" and "T-Z", for example). I figure i could filter my line graph based on these two columns. For example, somehow select just Area 1, and reduce the number of lines on the graph to 16. Or better yet, Choose "Area 2" AND "A-M" and end up with 7 employees (and therefore 7 lines on the graph).

Here's what i have tried:

1) Select the work area column, and use the Filter, which created a drop-down list at the column heading. When i use this drop-down list, i can easily filter the data in the worksheet by Work Area, but this is not reflected in the line graph, which still shows all 46 lines. The problem was that i forgot that i had set the Calculation Options to "Manual". Setting this to "Automatic" (or leaving it on Manual and pressing F9) solved the problem, as the chart now updates when i use the filters. Calculation options are under the "Formula" tab in 2007, or in Tools -> Options -> [either calculation or formula, i forget what it's called] in 2003.

2) Create several separate line graphs in several separate sheets. I wouldn't want to assign someone else the task of maintaining a spreadsheet of such inefficient design.

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Create Dynamic Chart From Source Table?

Apr 17, 2014

I have a table of company data, and I want to be able to select different companies data and create a chart automatically perhaps by pressing a 'create' button.

The table data contains three values I want to populate in the chart: red & green sales which I would like shown as a stacked bar, and red as a percentage of total sales which I would like on a different axis as a line.

I tried to create a macro but my VBA skills are almost non-existent.

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Create Pie Chart From Table Summary Results

Jul 2, 2009

Attached is five months of dummy sales data for eight products. My objective is to filter this data with date ranges (using Column A in Data sheet), and have the corresponding pie slices (shown in Pie Chart Sheet) be the summation of the Products grouped by their designated letter. Currently, the result I am getting is 6 pie slices for "Product A" and this is wrong. I want to see "Product A" show up only once in the LEGEND and only as one aggregated pie slice. The same holds true for the rest of the Product Letters.

I want to avoid using Pivot Tables. My objective is to keep my layout clean and simple. I would like to know if anyone out there could help me figure out a formula that will automatically catagorize all of the resulting filtered data by the Product Letter they share. Once the formula categorizes or groups together all of the resulting filtered data by Product Letter, I would like the formula to calculate a summation for each Product Letter category. After the formula finishes the summation task I would like the formula to feed these results to a Pie Chart. The resulting chart I would like to see will show individual pie slices for each Product Letter resulting from the date range filtering operation performed on Column A. The resulting letters can be anywhere from "A" to "H". My goal is to only have one individual pie slice representing each of the Product Letters resulting from a Date range filter. I thought such a task would be as easy as baking a pie, but it's turned out to be beyond my Excel skills.

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Macro To Create A Statistics Table From Another Data Table (containing Merged Cells)

Apr 14, 2009

I would like to have a macro to automatically generate a statistics table (on the "statistics" tab) with the 5 following fields:
Fragment names / # samples / # of failed samples / % of success / # of variations in the fragment (SNP). At the bottom of this table, I would like to have a cell with the average % of success for all fragments. The data to generate these statistics are on the "gene name" tab (please note that this name will change every time I will work on a new gene). To make things easier, I think the macro should be run from this tab.

1. The Fragment names are displayed in row #5. I use one column per variation per fragment. If one fragment has 3 variations, there will be three columns and I will merge together the fragment name cells. The fact that some cells are merged can be a problem when copy-paste to the stats table (as I would like to get rid of the merging).

2. # of samples corresponds to the number of cells in blue in column A. The number of samples can change from one report to another but is always constant in the same report.

3. # of failed sequences. In the table, I type "Failed Sequence" (if the analysis has failed) and "Missing Sequence" (if the analysis has not been done). When a sample is failed or missing, it is for the who fragment, no matter how many variation there is in the fragment, so I usually merge the cells of all variations for this failed sample.

4. % of success: this is quite easy #sample/#of failed+missing sequence for this fragment

5. # of variation is equal to the number of variations for this fragment (can be 0, 1, 2, etc.). When there is no variation in a fragment, I put '-- in all cells of the corresponding fragment on the "gene name" tab. Fragment 3 on my file is an example of 0 variation.

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List Box To Create Chart Data

Nov 18, 2008

I am trying to have a list box that when clicked will change the chart data to whatever is selected. There are 2 options you can choose from. Order Cost (Net) and Order Total (Gross) The problem I'm running into is that the data is in 2 different rows. How can I create the drop down box to display the one that is selected? ...

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Create Bar Chart With Ordered Binary Data?

May 28, 2013

I want to create the chart below. I have data that is coded with a binary flag (0 = red, 1 = blue) that is also ordered. For example, the data I would use to hypothetically create the left hand column below looks like this

Binary Flag






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Create Three Stack Bars Chart With Different Data

Oct 17, 2008

Here is my scenario, I have the following data:

Data Series 1

Tot 10

Data Series 2

Total 10

Data series 3
k=4 (d+e)
l=3 (f+g)
m=2 (h+i)
n=1 (j)

I want the three stack bars together, for the series 2 & 3 I want them without any gap so I can see how data series 3 is created.

I can't find a way to create a three stack bars chart that don't have the same number of data series, I don't want percentages.

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Loop Through Data And Create Chart With A Number Of Series

Apr 8, 2008

I am looking to create a number of series on a chart (xyscattersmooth) from a datatable. Below is my data Table....

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Dropdown For Dynamic Sheets With Static Data To Create Chart

May 20, 2013

I need drop-down combo box to change a graph based on the option selected in the drop-down

Challenge: my Combo box resides on the First sheet only, but the items that populate in the drop-down list are dynamic and change depending on how many sheets exist for this document. The options in the list are Overall, Week 1, Week 2, ... Week N. Overall needs to sum up the data (or I can pull just from the summary page if I am lazy) and the Week N corresponds to a specific sheet added.

I currently am able to get my drop down to populate items correctly, and my macros to create the sheets dynamically with templates just fine (not bad for newbie).

So what I need to figure out is how to tie my drop down to make a scatter plot/bar graph based on the selected option and action. I can't find an attachment option here but here is some code:

Sheet 1 Code:

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Me.ComboBox1.AddItem "Overall"


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Create Macro To Chart Data With Location As Object In Active Sheet

Oct 11, 2006

I have been trying to create a macro in excel to chart a selection of data and to output the chart on the active sheet where the data was taken (as opposed to a named sheet). So basically, I have about 300 worksheets with data, and I would like to have a button on each page that automatically charts that data when clicked, and outputs the chart to the page where the macro was clicked. However, I have not been able to figure out a relative reference that will allow me to make the LocationasObject reference simply the ActiveSheet as opposed to a specifically named sheet. See my code below, which references an output to a worksheet called "Charts". Right now, all of my charts are outputting to the sheet called "Charts", as opposed to the active sheet.

Sub ConsDiscChart()
ActiveCell.Offset(29, 11).Range("A1").Select
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Range("A1:B1").Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Range("A1:C24").Select
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlLineMarkers
ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:="Charts"
With ActiveChart
.HasTitle = False
.Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).HasTitle = False
.Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).HasTitle = False
End With
End Sub

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Total In Data Table On A Chart

Jul 9, 2013

I have data which I have plotted in a stack bar graph. I have then got the data in a table below the graph and it is all good. I would like to put a total on my data table so the user can see the total value of the stack bar.

I can't see how to get a total into the data table using the chart functionality. I have got a total in my data series but including this in my chart data just corrupts my graph as it doubles the height of it by including the total along with the data that generated the total.

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Format Data Table In Chart

May 29, 2006

how to change the orientation of values in data table values (x axis) by 90 degree in the attached sheet

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Line Chart With Data Table

Aug 21, 2007

Does anyone know how to create a data table associated with a line chart? The Data Table option is available for a bar chart, but not line.

The goal is to have a table that displays the data just under the chart. There are multiple charts per page, so the association of the data table is ideal.

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Column Chart Using Dynamic Data Table

Aug 4, 2014

I'm using a table with dynamic data to populate a column/line chart.

The data is based on monthly targets achieved and forecasted. With each month, the information will update. The graph needs to have only the current month and future months to be displayed and I don't want to include the previous months information in the chart. The information in the chart automatically updates and loses the previous month's data. Unfortunately, the graph plots the blank data and has a blank entry on the graph. This means that the information I need starts in the middle of the chart and has a line that shoots up from 0 to the current month's value.

Is there any way that I can omit the month altogether?

The data source I am using is below:

MonthTarget for month* (examples)

October 100,123,669
November 125,154,586
December 150,185,503
January 175,216,420
February 200,247,337
March 225,278,254
April 250,309,171
May 275,340,089
June 300,371,006

As you can see, July August and September are not included. I want to be able to start the graph from October in the above example. In the following month, I want to use the same data but October Figures will not be required. How can I achieve this?

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Organizing Data Table In A Bar Chart Layout 5

Jan 31, 2014

I have a bar chart that monitors month over month activity. I use Layout 5, which allows for the numbers data to neatly be organized in a table below the bar chart. However, i recently started using the data on a secondary axis to accurately reflect trend lines. It works great, but now the data table below displays redundant information. see attachment.


I just want that data in the data table to be displayed once, completely leaving of the axis legend.

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Pivot Chart And Read Data From Table

Mar 3, 2009

I have created some pivotcharts in Excel 2007, but I have a serious problem with them The labels (usernames actually) in the data table are impossible to read (pls see attachment) If I make the letters smaller it is unreadable, if I make them larger it is still the same. how I can make the data table "resized"?

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Chart / Data Table Total Row Without Graphical Representation

Nov 8, 2011

I'm trying to get a chart to show the Grand Total for the following rows without graphical representation. However, everytime the Grand Total is part of my dataset it appears as a stacked column. I do NOT want to see it as part of the chart.

Grand Total 10
A 3
B 2
C 5

As you can see the Grand Total line will be equal to adding up the one column of all rows in this chart. I can get the Grand Total line to appear in my data set, but everytime, it appears in my graph.

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Excel 2010 :: Add Another Data Into Pivot Table Chart?

Jul 30, 2012

Can Pivot Table chart add another data from another sheet? I attached the link for this file (Add data1), it is because the file consists of several sheets and I do not know how to show here.

I would like to add the data from the "Rate" sheet into the Pivot Table chart (Chart.PT). I made an example by using normal way (Chart.Case (9)), the column series in the chart is the one I added from the "Rate" sheet. I wonder if I could do the same in pivot table chart.

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How To Create 2 Variable Data Table

Nov 25, 2013

I am trying to create a 2 variable data table. I have the variables in a different sheet from the datatable sheet, and I read here XL: Error Message: "Input Cell Reference Is Not Valid" that if I link these variables to the active sheet where the datatable is located it should work, but the table is showing the same result in all the fields.

When I put the put the variables value in the same sheet as the datatable and link to these values from the other sheet the table is working fine, so I know that my design is correct but it has to do with referencing or something else that I need to set but I am not sure what it is

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How To Copy And Paste Excel Chart And Data Table In PowerPoint

Jan 23, 2013

I have a chart and a data table (please see attached file named "delete_1.xls).

I need to present these 2 items in a single slide of PowerPoint.

I have done like this.

-First copied the chart from Excel.
-Then pasted it in PowerPoint using "Paste special".
-Then clicked "picture (windows metafile)" this is to reduce memory consumption

Then repeated the above steps for the excel table too.

The PowerPoint slide that I got cannot be attached as system doesn't allow me.

Question: I wanted to a give a paper copy of the PowerPoint slide to my Director who needs a PowerPoint slide and not an Excel chart. But in the slide, the numbers of the table look much juggled and as if the numbers are too closely typed.

I tried with various different fonts in Excel and then copy and pasted in PowerPoint but the problem persists.

What things I should do in Excel table so that cell values are clear in the Table presented in PowerPoint ?

Attached File : Delete_1.xlsā€ˇ

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Gather Data From A Table To Create A Tombstone?

Jul 6, 2012

They sent me a workbook with a lot of information including Employee Name, Position, Supervisor name and Organizational Unit (in columns A, B, C and D respectively). With this data, I need to create a "Tombstone" for each supervisor with his/her name, organizational unit, and the name and count of each position he/she manages. For example:

John Smith
Analyst - 10
Programmers - 15

Now, I was able to easily get the names of all the supervisors and their respective organizational units in the tombstones. However, I'm stuck trying to find a quick way to enter all the positions each supervisor manages and their count. And with more than 300 supervisors in my company, doing this manually would take too long.

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Automatically Create List / Table From Data That Changes Often

May 30, 2013

I have a client list/table that gets new data each day. (ALL) - see file

I need to create separate lists/tables on new sheets from the main data sheet (ALL) base on certain conditions/criteria...

On the (ID) sheet I need all the clients that have ID numbers to display, on the (Reg no) sheet I need all the clients with Reg numbers to display... etc.

Like I said that the main data sheet grows each day and the lists/tables on the other sheets needs to automatically include all the new clients that's entered.

Is there a way to do this using formulas or do I need code to do this?

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Macro To Create Table From Spaced Data

Aug 26, 2009

I’m trying to do is create two tables from data evenly spaced throughout columns A to I. To make the screenshot easier to view I moved the second table under the first. The data is arranged so that each “Subject” has 42 columns and is arranged by “Type” and then by “Subject.”

The tricky part is that the number of subjects will vary so everything has to be done in some sort of loop. From the little I know about VBA I was able to record and edit a macro to add spaces every six rows and average the “MaxResponse.” (that’s what stage the screenshot was taken at) To make the table I think I need to write some sort of Dim statement but that is way beyond my comprehension.

Here is a link to a photo of the table

Excel 2003
VBA 6.5
Win XP Pro

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Create A Chart To Create Totals Based Upon Different Keys

Aug 7, 2006

Trying to create an excel chart to create totals based upon different keys. I
need to be able to calculate how many customers there are by Manager and then
By Rep. Then to figure out how many were New, Current, Total # of RSVP and
attended for that Rep. Below is how I have started but I am having some
problems getting certain parts. I know when I get one the rest will fall into
place. I can calculate how many total customers by manager and by rep just by
doing a Countif command but how do I determine the # of New, Current etc. Is
there a If Than command? Managers Totals are simply his reps totals.

1 Manager Rep Customer New Biz Current # RSVP # Actual Attend

Need totals to look something like this....

1 # of Cust # New # Current #RSVP #
Actual Attend
2 Manager
3 Rep 1
4 Rep 2

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Copying Pivot Table To New Sheet - Chart Data Range Grayed Out

Jun 4, 2012

I have a user that uses pivot tables and charts every month to do a report. He wants to copy his charts every month and then just change the month in the data for the pivot table, but not matter what he tries its tied to the previous month and then chart data range in the select data source properties is grayed out. how to get this to work?

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Determine The Source Data That Was Used To Create The Pivot Table?

Sep 7, 2009

Given a pivot table, is there any way that I can determine the source data that was used to create the pivot table?

I suspect that the pivot table was created using only part of the data, but I'm not sure.

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Create New Table (or Matrix) From Exported Set Of Data From Website

Jun 19, 2014

I have a set of exported data from a Project Management SW (activecollab). The result is an excel .xslx file with a table inside with a lot of cells I am not going to use. Additionally, what I would like to do is creating new tables on other sheets that use only the data I want from the export. For example, I have two projects and three employees. I want to create three tables with the names of the three employees. In each table I want the tasks done by them and the time they will spend on them in order to create a Gantt chart. I need a solution that allows me to create new tables with selected data from a bigger cluster (the export). you do not need to give me the exact solution, I only need to know whether it is possible or not and where could I get the info to do what I want.

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Create A Pivot Table That Displays Data By Month?

Jan 15, 2014

I have written two macros to create a pivot table that displays data by month. I created a column that is a flag that indicates if the if an instance occurred in the last 4 months(later used as a filter). The issue is how to handle defining the last 4 months. If the current date is prior to the 16th, I want to define the last 4 months as not including the current month. If it is after the 15th, I want define the last 4 months as including the current month. Currently I have two different macros and I make the decision on which to run. I would like the macro to handle this for me. Below is the cell formula that I use to set the flag if it is in the first half of the month.

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(RC[-3]>EOMONTH(TODAY(),-5)+1,1,0)"

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