Creating Multiple Array Names

Mar 23, 2012

I need to create multiple arrays arr_1(), array_2(), array_3() etc. Each array will be used to store different data.

My idea was to create a for loop like the one below, which doesn't work.

For i=1 to 180
String = i

then initialize the array
Dim arr_& String ()
Redim arr_& String(1 to 183)

Next i

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Creating Names For Multiple Individual Cells

Jun 6, 2008

I have a thing about named ranges and cells, but was wondering if there is a way to create names for multiple cells using set criteria. I think the best was to explain this is with an example that I have attached. Ideally I would like to name the individual cells in the range C3:d4 by concatenating the right column and bottom row to give one unique name. However this doesn't combine them. I have listed the names that they should be and corresponding cell in C8:D11

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Excel 2010 :: VBA / Creating Multiple Workbooks From A Template And List Of Names?

Aug 20, 2013

The easiest way I can describe the scenario I am trying to create, is to use a company list of personnel (my index) and to generate a time-sheet workbook per person based on a pre-populated template. This time-sheet is saved as the persons name and has the persons name entered into cell D:10

I have a workbook which contains two worksheets;

1) An Index sheet which contains a list of names that I wish to use in Q16 downwards (note the length of this list will vary each time I run this)

2) A "template" sheet which I wish to duplicate in new workbooks

3) A second "data" sheet that I wish to copy across in new workbooks

I need a macro that will take the "template" and "data" sheets and copy it into a new workbook, renaming each new workbook to each name in my Index sheet. I also want that same Name to be copied into cell reference D:10 of the "template" each time.

The end result is that I should have a series of new files generated and saved which are named the same as the Index list, with both the "Template" sheet and the "Data" sheet present, with the cell D:10 pre-populated with the Name provided in the "Template" sheet.

I'm using Excel 2010.

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Create Array Of File Names/sheet Names

May 1, 2008

Two part question:

1) I'm relatively new to arrays, but what I need to do is generate a list of file names and the sheets within each one. I would like to use an array for this, but since I don't have much experience.... well....that's why I'm here. Can someone point me in the right direction?

2) And the second part of this.... I was planning on using the FileSystemObject to determine the files in a selected folder and loop through that list of files, opening each one and harvesting the required info (file name and all sheet names). Should I use the FSO or is there something built into Excel that might be better (and also limit the number of dependencies for this little "project" of mine).

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Creating Array From 2-dimensional Array

Nov 28, 2011

I'm new to arrays. They seem promising for what I want to do though...

Heres where I'm at. I have some data like this:

items freq 1 0.5 2 0.5 3 0.5 4 0.25 5 0.25 6 0.125

Now, I've created a 2 dimensional array, as such:

Sub testarray()
Dim arr1 As Variant
Dim rng1 As Range
Dim lngX As Long

Set rng1 = [A2:A6]
ReDim arr1(1 To rng1.Count, 1 To 2)
For lngX = 1 To rng1.Count
arr1(lngX, 1) = rng1.Cells(lngX, 1)
arr1(lngX, 2) = rng1.Cells(lngX, 2)
End Sub

Now, what I need to do, is create an array for each freq of all the items that share that freq. Essentially I need this:

0.5 {1,2,3} 0.25 {4,5} 0.125 {6}

Now, I was thinking, if I could create a dictionary object and make the key the freq (so my keys would be 0.5,0.25,0.125) then I could assing the "item" an array (or another dictionary) holding the items that apply to that freq.

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Creating Method To Track Names?

Jan 17, 2012

I need to create a method to track names. As I add the name in the column of faculty names, I need to be able to track it either below or under another tab. So...


I need this column of information to somehow reflect that I used smith for three classes already, Jones twice, and the rest once (so I do not over-schedule one faculty member and under-utilize another)

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Creating List Of Duplicate Names

Jan 18, 2012

I want to create a list of names where the name is multiplied by the number on the second column. See below example.

NamesTickets EarnedMark5Hazel2Art4

On the other sheet's Column A

What macro can I use?

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Creating New Worksheets From A List Of Names

Oct 11, 2006

debugging issues without changing the code dramatically. I think I've basically "got it" but there are a few lines that I think are problematic. I've written notes to highlight my thinking.

Let me give a basic discription of what I'm trying to do: This file lists where a company has offices. I'm want my subroutine to 1) Sort the cities in alphabetical order (this occurs at the end of the code), 2) for each of the cities listed in "AllCities" worksheet, check whether there is a additional corresponding worksheet of the same city name, and if there isn't one, the subroutine would automatically add it, and 3) delete any worksheet of a city name that is NOT found in the listings found in the "AllCities" worksheet.

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Creating Sum Of Numbers Based On List Of Names

Jan 27, 2013

I am a small business owner with little experience in Excel and I have been trying to set up a worksheet that will organize my products and finances. I organize sets of various products and sell them in bulk to customers. I was trying to recreate this in Excel so I can figure out the total price for each of these sets and easily edit them.

What I've been trying to do is to take a list of the items and assign a price to each of them. This is on a sheet titled "Prices." Here's an example:


On a separate sheet titled "Sets," I created lists of items included in each particular set. To easily add or change the products I used drop down menus.


I would like for the sum of the price of all the items listed under each set to add up automatically in the "Total" row. For example, in cell B7 it should display the number 10. Here is a list of the following formulas I've tried:

[Code] ........

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Creating A Drop Down List For Names And Addresses

Apr 2, 2008

I have a form where I have to have the following info on the top left corner of the form for our clients:

TO:Name of client
Address, city, zip...
Phone number
Fax Number

I need to find a way to create a drop down list where I have my contacts information so that if I pick a name, it will show up on my form but also have the address, the format as above so that I don't have to keep inputting the information manually as there are over 20 names.

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Creating A Drop Down List For Names And Addresses ...

May 24, 2008

I'm writing a purchase order entry form for my company. I've used the above formulas to create drop down lists with addresses for each of our stores and vendors, but I need form to automatically select the correct "ship to:" location. Some stores will always have merchandise shipped to the store regardless of the vendor. Other stores will always have the product shipped to a warehouse location, but in a few stores the product will be shipped either to the store or a warehouse depending on the vendor.

I've been able to work out the formulas for the stores that have shipments always to one location by creating a second address table and linking the selected store to it.

Here is basically what I need:

Store A + Vendor A = Store A
Store A + Vendor B = Store A
Store B + Vendor A = Warehouse
Store B + Vendor B = Store B
Store C + Vendor A = Warehouse
Store C + Vendor B = Warehouse

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Macro For Creating New Excel Workbook Based On Partner Names

Sep 22, 2011

Macro for creating new excel work book based on Partner names.

I have a master file which contains 3 worksheets -
1 - Code Summary
2 - Labor
3 - Expense

On column "T" of code summary tab I have a list of Sales Partners. So I want a macro which will create a new workbook for every single Sales partner on Column "T" of code summary tab along with corresponding data from column A:T on code summary tab.

The macro should also take data from the other 2 tabs Labor and Expense for the respective Sales Partners. On Labor tab the partner info is on column "Y" and on Expense tab the partner info is on column "M". So the new file should be renamed after the Sales Partner and have 3 worksheets just like the master file.

Basically I have a master file which has data for all Sales Partners. I need individual files for each sales partner for sending to respective partners.

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Creating List From Array?

Jul 7, 2014

I am trying to create a list from an array. Said array contains formulas that return numbers from input contained in an other table. I would like the list to list the numbers in ascending numerical order.

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Creating Multidimensional Array?

Feb 27, 2013

I want to create a multidimensional array. Basically, I want to tie a file to a sheet. I want to import the following files:

"Status report.xls",

to the following sheets in my workbook:


Basically, I would like to pass the array by reference. Basically, the code below imports the file into my workbook, but I since I have several files going into sheets in the workbook, I don't want to write the code 5 times. I figured the best way would be to create a multidimensional array and pass through my procedure below.

Sub import_Employee_Data()
strSourceFile = ThisWorkbook.Name
strPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & ""
strFirstImportFile = strPath & "byemployee.csv"
sDestSheet = "byEmployee"
If Len(Dir(strFirstImportFile)) > 0 Then


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Creating An Array From Several Seperate Cells

Mar 5, 2008

I am trying to do is, to sum up the values in an array, given that the cell value is not an error.
If the cells were in order, the following array formula would solve it easily:

But my problem is that, my cells are not in order. To be more specific, I want to look at A1, B12 and C13, and sum them up with an array formula given the condition that cell value is not an error. Of course, in my case, I have too many cells.

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Iterate Array Names With Integers

Jul 5, 2014

Suppose you have 3 variant Arrays, named sArrPos1, sArrPos2, and sArrPos3.

What is the syntax for using an integer variable to specify which of the three to work with?


[Code] ......

I want to work with sArrPos1 first, then sArrPos2, then sArrPos3, but can't hard type them.

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Populate Names And Positions From An Array

Sep 11, 2008

I have a complicated one here (at least for me)...

I have a very simple sample spreadsheet showing exactly how I'd like it to work but couldn't find out where to upload it? I can upload or send to you privately, if need be? May make it much easier to understand the desired end result.

I want to populate as follows:

Column A: "IN TIME"
Column B: "NAME"
Column C: "POSITION"

I have a date in cell D1 - today().

I need to search for that date in a column between range AA2 and BN2. When it finds the date (let's say it finds a MATCHing date in AA2), it will then search that entire column cells AA30:AA1920 and look for "server". When it finds "server" it will then grab the in time which will always be 4 cells directly above where it found the position ("server"), and then the name of the person, which will always be in column X, 6 cells above the position.

There will be multiple instances of "server", and I want to populate the columns A, B, C with all the servers it finds first for that day with their name, in time and position. then a blank row.

Then, I want it to find "Bar" positions using the same formula and method, and populate that right below the server data, then find "line", etc.

Ultimately, I'm trying to make a daily staffing plan, where all the people that are working on that date, it will show their in time, name, and position in columns, A, B, C as far down as necessary.

However, I'd like them auto grouped together by position, so I'd like the formula to somehow populate all the servers first, then all the bartenders, then hosts, then line, etc.

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Creating Array Of Numbers With Specific Definitions?

Feb 3, 2014

Lets say I need an array of 100 numbers from zero to 100. I want a mean of 75, and SD of 12. Or the same data based on a skewness and kurtosis value. Can I do that in Excel?

I'm just generating fake datasets for my stats class to analyze.

Edit: I found that =norminv(rand(),,) will work.

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Creating An Array To Output Titles(text)

Jan 8, 2010

i am trying to create an Array that will print the stock number as a title on row A. e.g. "Stock 1" in A2 "Stock 2" in A3...etc. here is what i have attempted:

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Creating Array Of Number From A Single Cell Value

Jan 17, 2014

I had some number combinations as this 5-23-34-233, 50-233-34-45, 34-5-23-45-67. The length can be variable in column A.

I want a formula which should return array of numbers of each cell in column A. So if A1 has 5-23-34-233 so the formula should return array like {5,23,34,233} and like wise.

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Creating An Array Of Data Based On Certain Criteria

Jan 22, 2009

[Sheet] .....

I have the above sheet, what i need to do is pull all records to a seperate sheet. The records need to be between the start and end dates and have no full reply. Please help. I am using excel verion 2003.

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Populate Multiple Array Variables With Same Code By Dynamically Changing Array Name

Sep 9, 2012

I am trying to populate many arrays with the same code using something like this. For this test, assume the following data in A1.






Sub populate()
Dim firstArr(5), secondArr(5), thirdArr(5), fourthArr(5), fifthArr(5) As Integer
Dim r, c, num As Integer


The above code does not work of course and falls over. I am unsure whether I should try and concatenate with something like this eg "" & arrName(i) = Cells (r,c) or go down a different route.

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Array With Button Names, Call Them One By One In A For Loop

May 12, 2009

I am having a problem calling buttons. I have an array with button names and another array with their caption texts and I would like to call them one by one in a for loop:

For i = 1 To UBound(button_array)
Sheets("Statistic").Shades(button_array(i)).Caption = button_text(i)
Next i

But the only way I seem to be able to call them is by their set names, like:

Sheets("Statistic").statistic.Caption = button_text_ENG(i)

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Fill Array With Userform ComboBox Names

Apr 13, 2009

Is it possible to count the number of comboboxes on a userform? Or better yet can I fill an Array with all the combobox names on a userform? I can count the controls on a userform but I'm trying to count just the comboboxes? Instead of all the labels and textboxes and frames.

I would like to loop through them for validation instead of doing it by each one by itself!

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List Names Of Sheets In Workbook Into Array

Oct 19, 2006

Need a way to generate a list (i.e. array) of tabs available in the current spreadsheet?

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Code To Find All The Worksheet Names And Initialise Them Into An Array

Jan 28, 2009

How can I write a piece of code to initialise an array with all the worksheet names. I cannot be sure how many worksheets will be in the file as it generates different numbers each time.

I used to just declare with sheet names, but I can no longer do that.

arrVals = Array("Subnets1", "Subnets2")

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Write Names Of Named Ranges Of Specific Sheet Into Array

May 21, 2008

I am trying to enter only the named ranges in the active worksheet into an Array.
The amount of named ranges can be from 4 to 7 per sheet.

I'm self taught at VB (This posts on this forum have taught me - thank you!) and have got the below code working on a Workbook - but not on a worksheet level.
ActiveSheet.Names.Count returns nothing, changing to ThisWorkBook.Names.Count returns the sum of all .Names in the workbook.

Sub aTest()
Dim sArray() As String
Dim sJoin As String
Dim y As Long

x = 1
y = ActiveSheet.Names.Count
z = ActiveSheet.Name

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Create A List Of Unique Names From A List Of Multiple Names

Oct 21, 2009

I have a database output file where one of the columns contains managers names, often more than once. I want to apply an autofilter on manager name and then copy the result to another sheet or sheets. My criteria for the autofilter is a variable pointing to a list of names that at present I maintain by hand; a for-each-next loop then cycles through the names.

What I would like to do, before running the autofilter code, is to create the list of names via code. This would then automatically pickup names that are missing.

The code I have so far is below:

Public Sub find_managers()
Dim managers1 As Range
Dim names1 As Range
Dim n1 As Variant
Dim n2 As Variant

In my mind it should check the names in the unique list against the imported list and add any missing names.

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Multiple A Logical Result Array With A Text Array And Return Text

Aug 6, 2009

I need to multiply an array of logical results ( returned as {1,0,0,0,1,0 et.}) with a text array (a reference column) and return the text in the reference column in case the value in the logical array is 1.

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Creating Multiple Charts Via VBA

Apr 11, 2007

am trying to create multiple pie charts now but I'm having problems my errors are highlighted in red. What I'm trying to achieve is to create a pie chart for the first table then another for the next table and so on but its not working out.

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