Multiple A Logical Result Array With A Text Array And Return Text
Aug 6, 2009
I need to multiply an array of logical results ( returned as {1,0,0,0,1,0 et.}) with a text array (a reference column) and return the text in the reference column in case the value in the logical array is 1.
I've been searching the forums and web trying to figure out how to extract a text value from a 3D array result, to no avail or well beyond my understanding.
I've attached a file which shows an abbreviated version of the search (from the original 49 col x 400 row, which shows the name to date array which can return a sum.
What I'm looking to do is identify within this array result if there has been a text entry, and return the text as opposed to a sum of the remaining values. This is essentially a double check to make certain that there aren't hours scheduled when other events such as vac/loa/etc are also booked.
I have an Array formula that returns a value from several rows below: =MAX(IF($P$8:$AQ$8="Today",$P13:$AQ13))
Row 8 contains only text and only one occurrence of the word "Today". Row 13 has only numbers. The corresponding value directly below the column containing the word "Today" is returned successfully.
I now need a similar formula to return a text entry located in the same column but on the previous row (row 12) directly above the value just returned and this row contains only text entries.
Using the above formula and referencing $P12:$AQ12 returns 0 as expected.
I have an array of data with multiple codes stored in text...
I want to set a formula in a cell to look for all instances of specific text in an array. Then compare the value of all of the column headings, which are numbered across the top of the array, which contain a match in that column and return the highest value.
Example: 10x10 array, columns 1,3, and 5 contain "text" somewhere in those columns. Formula would return 5.
I've been given a spreadsheet that is poorly constructed but I'm not allowed to alter.
The layout is: Box Name Box Date ID1 ID2 ID3 .... Where there is not a fixed number of IDs in each box (There are five different sheets so I'll have some fun concatenating results)
Given a list of IDs I need to return the box name and box date that the ID's file sits in. The spreadsheet has blanks everywhere and the numbers contained in rows are non-consecutive and smaller values can appear later in a column than larger ones.
I think I need some combination of index, offset and maybe sumproduct? TBH, I avoid sumproducts like the plague, preferring to utilise sumifs and dynamic named ranges since this improves clarity so I'm basically a newb at them.
Any skeleton framework that you think would work to return the text values for the LHS where the number could be anywhere? Once I can see a rough example I should be able to get to grips with the logic and wrangle it into the necessary solution.
I have a table with subtotals that I need to find the largest value for the subtotal results and then return the cell contents for the corresponding row.
I have attempted to use the hlookup function, but keep getting a #ref error (probably because I am just not that familiar with the entire formula requirements).
I attempted to nest in the 'largest' function to the lookup function, but have so far been stymied....
I am looking up a risk matrix to return the risk rating... it is very simple, it works on one sheet, but on a different sheet (looking up different data, but same basic format) it returns exactly the opposite rating.
My formula is: =INDEX($G$6:$K$10,MATCH(I19,$G$5:$K$5,0),MATCH(J19,$F$6:$F$10,0))
Here is F4 to K10
I have data validation on I19 and J19 based on the cells below
Priority Very Low Low Medium High Very High
[Code] ..........
BUT... when I put Very Low and Very Low in the two cells (I19 and K19) I get Very High as the return.
I have the following two columns, and would like to obtain for each individual Company, the corresponding Country values excluding duplicates as text in a single cell.
Company 2Country B Company 2Country C Company 3Country C Company 3Country C Company 5Country A Company 5Country C Company 5Country C
For example: - For Company 2, a cell containing "Country B, Country C" - For Company 3, a cell containing "Country C" - For Company 5, a cell containing "Country A, Country C"
I've approached generating an array using an IF statement, as in =IF(INDEX(A1:A8="Company 5",,),INDEX(B1:B8,,)," "), which returns the following array: ={" ";" ";" ";" ";" ";" ";" ";"Country A";"Country C";"Country C";" ";" ";" ";" "}.
The question is: how do I get that array to produce, as text in a cell: "Country A, Country C". Note that the duplicate Country C has been removed.
There are a few "StringConcat" User-defined functions that I've found elsewhere on the internet, but they don't seem to be able to handle to conditionally generated IF Index array, which I would think is key to parsing between Countries corresponding to each Company in the list.
I have an array 4x4 in size I need to be able to tell it to look up and find a specific value.. possibly within a chunk above or below a value and then spit back a true/false which I will turn into text
example E1 = 99 I want to look up in the 4x4 array of B5:E8 when it finds any value that matches it , in this case its in B1 (99), it spits back a true into box E2
In an ideal world I want it to find any value that is within 0.25 of the value either way meaning if the value in E1 = 99 then I want it to return true for any value that is greater than 98.75 and less than 99.25
I am remodeling my home and have put together a budget template. I have uploaded the file to make things easy to understand. Basically I want to return the values from column F and G on sheet "ledger" to the corresponding account name to column H in sheet "budget". For example, rows 14, 21, and 22 in the "budget" sheet currently correspond to the "fuel" account. I would like those values in column G (or F) to be added and calculated in cell H58 in the "budget" sheet.
I am trying to populate many arrays with the same code using something like this. For this test, assume the following data in A1.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
Code: Sub populate() Dim firstArr(5), secondArr(5), thirdArr(5), fourthArr(5), fifthArr(5) As Integer Dim r, c, num As Integer
The above code does not work of course and falls over. I am unsure whether I should try and concatenate with something like this eg "" & arrName(i) = Cells (r,c) or go down a different route.
In the attached sheet, I want to look up values from table (A1:G5) and then for each occurrence of a particular number, return the value in the same row in column H, and sum when there are multiple values (see green shaded area for desired output. For example, the number 8 occurs in E3, E4, and G5. I want to return the sum of the corresponding values in column H (1,5, and 2). I've spent hours trying to work this one out, I'm sure this is probably an array formula, but I can't manage to make it work.
I have this formula but it only gets the 1st Reuse code, I want it to get ALL reuse codes for that item.
{=INDEX('Reuse list '!$P$2:$P$24489,SMALL(IF('Reuse list '!$E$2:$E$24489='Status Sheet'!A11,ROW('Reuse list '!$E$2:$E$24489)-ROW('Reuse list '!$E$2)+1),1))}
For i = LBound(arrXl) To UBound(arrXl) MsgBox (LBound(arrXl)) 'If 1st char is different from 3rd char then remove all of string after 1st char
If Left(arrXl(i), 1) <> Mid(arrXl(i), 3, 1) Then arrXl(i) = Left(arrXl(i), 1) End If 'If 1st char is different from 7th char then delete string after 5th char If Left(arrXl(i), 1) <> Mid(arrXl(i), 7, 1) Then arrXl(i) = Left(arrXl(i), 5) End If
The lbound function returns the value of 1 as the lower bound, I do not have "Option base 1" set so I was expecting the lbound value to be 0. The first 2 cells in the F column are blank so this may have something to do with it, I am unsure if cells in excel can be null if they can be null one cell may be null and the other may be a zero length string but I am unsure about this.
The ubound function returns a value of 487.
The code breaks when I try to access an element in the array so it breaks on the line:
If Left(arrXl(i), 1) <> Mid(arrXl(i), 3, 1) Then
and returns the "Subscript out of range" error message.
I am building a marketing dashboard that shows the effectiveness of two campaigns based on where the campaign has been deployed (website, email, facebook, twitter, google+ etc.). In each campaign I have a checklist (using developer ribbon) with these different dimensions.
I want a formula that checks the checklist, identifies all the boxes that are unticked and returns them in a single cell. The cell would read:
To increase traffic to the Shampoo campaign (Campaign A), expose it to Google+ and Facebook as these channels generated 578 and 2009 visitors respectively for the Makeup campaign (Campaign B).
I already have it working for returning a single value with the following formula but need it to return multiple values.
=IFERROR("To increase traffic to the "&B4&" campaign, expose it to "&INDEX(L4:L10,MATCH(K5,M4:M10,FALSE))&" "&"as"&" "&"this channel generated "&VLOOKUP(INDEX(L4:L10,MATCH(K5,M4:M10,FALSE)),L26:N31,2,FALSE)&" visitors for the "&D4&" campaign","")
I am building a marketing dashboard that shows the effectiveness of two campaigns based on where the campaign has been deployed (website, email, facebook, twitter, google+ etc.). In each campaign I have a checklist (using developer ribbon) with these different dimensions.
I want a formula that checks the checklist, identifies all the boxes that are unticked and returns them in a single cell. The cell would read:
To increase traffic to the Shampoo campaign (Campaign A), expose it to Google+ and Facebook as these channels generated 578 and 2009 visitors respectively for the Makeup campaign (Campaign B).
I already have it working for returning a single value with the following formula but need it to return multiple values.
=IFERROR("To increase traffic to the "&B4&" campaign, expose it to "&INDEX(L4:L10, MATCH(K5,M4:M10,FALSE))&" "&"as"&" "&"this channel generated "&VLOOKUP (INDEX(L4:L10,MATCH(K5,M4:M10,FALSE)),L26:N31,2,FALSE)&" visitors for the "&D4&" campaign","")
I know something very similar was posted before, but unfortunately, it wasn't what I was looking for. I have a Worksheet tracking several associates and the department they have done work in. (Our associates are contractors for other departments). I need to have a final worksheet that allows me to pull up a name, and display every dept they worked with in the past week.
I can manage an array formula that returns a value based on a criteria. Simple. But I want to add in an additional couple of criteria. Now I'm stuck....
My sheet looks at a manually entered postcode, finds out what region this is in, and returns a list of postcode I have defined as being in that region. (So the postcode WF1 3JY would return a region of Yorkshire, and list postcodes of WF, BD, L, etc)
I also have a list of engineers, with a column for their home postcode.I want to be able to list all the engineers from my list whose home postcode matches any of the values on the already created list from the postcode and region entered. So far I have this, which finds me all the engineers for just one postcode area.
I have a spreadsheet where in cell E2 there is a drop down box with the following options to select: Warranty Replacement, Insurance Claim, Billing Issues, Retention Opportunities.
In cell F2 is where wait time minutes are generated depending on what is selected from the drop down box in E2. I am trying to create a nested IF formula for the following scenario:
If A2 < (9*A3), then Cell A4 will say "Plastic", otherwise it will look to the next function, which is If A2 < (10*A3), then A4 will say "Compact", otherwise, it will look to the next one which is If A2 < (15*A3), then A4 will say "Semi-Compact" otherwise If A2> (15*A2), it'll say "Slender". so at the end, Cell A4 can only be one of these: 'Plastic' or 'Compact' or 'Semi-compact' or 'Slender'. How can i combine all the functions together?
I'm trying to add an enter space to text with the combination of a loop and an array, but I cannot find the right combination so that the final result appears as so:
ArrayItem Desired Text or via excel =NamedRange&" Desired Text"
Here is the code for the loop, trying to add the appendage to the first item after the if.
I have an array where every cell's text starts with "Sum of" then the rest on the information. Each cell's text is different except for the "Sum of". There are thousands of cells. Is there a way to select them all and edit out the "Sum of" part only and leave what is left?
I have a list of ID Numbers and Dates. Let's call this "List 1".
I also have a second list "List 2" which also contains a list of ID Numbers and Dates as well as a third column for Rating.
I am trying to extract the Rating for each ID Number from List 2 and display in List 1. The problem is that the Rating can change with time, so List 2 contains several different Date and Rating values for the same ID Number.
What I need to do is lookup the ID Number from List 1 and return from List 2, for that ID Number, the Rating at the closest date prior to the date for that ID Number in List 1. Example below:
I use the following sum array formula in a range of data, but receive a #VALUE!-error, because of some lines with text. Is it possible to ignore text like this by using IF(ISERROR...) or something else, combined with the array-formula below.
I am working with imported survey data - all the questions are sorted by columns with each respondent's answer in rows. One open ended question on the survey asks people in which states they have lived, so each response cell can contain multiple text values if they have lived in multiple states (and they often respond in full sentences - as in, "we lived in Texas for three years then moved to Arizona"). How do I search all the rows in that whole answer column to count all the mentions of each state? (To complicate matters, the search cannot be case sensitive - although I guess I could do a find and replace to fix the variance).
Join an array with Text elements to create a string that can be Evaluated
So for instance if I have Array("A", "B", "C") and I want to evaluate("=({" & Join(array, ",") & "})="A)"). Is there any way to do this without having to loop or push to a Named array first? I'll even take this evaluate thing if I can do it with text and numbers
i am not good in programming.In an outlook i am trying to write a maro.
I am reading lines from a text using readLine(), how i can store each line into an array using vbscript. I write the code as follows,
While Not F.AtEndOfStream s = F.readline Start = InStr(s, "@") If (Start > 0) Then - Here i need an array, when start>0 , store that line into an array
I have a worksheet (WORK1) that contains two columns of values that I can add to or change if necessary. The first column would be a text string (STRING), the second column would be its category (CATEGORY).
Example: STRING CATEGORY Chevron Gas Exxon Gas Vons Groceries McDonalds Hamburger
In a separate workbook (WORK2), I have a column (A) which contains text. Ex: