Ctrl-A Selecting Limited Range Of Cells

Apr 8, 2009

I have a spreadsheet wherein if I press ctrl-A (normally Select All) it is only selecting a limited range of cells ($B$12:$M$22). If I press ctrl-A again from there then it selects all.

I can see something like that being useful in some cases and annoying in others, but I have no idea what is causing it. Some of the cells in that range are locked and others are not. Some of the cells outside that range are also locked while others are not. In any case, the sheet is not protected.

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Macro To Paste Values Instead Of Formula When User Uses Ctrl-C And Ctrl-V (no Command Button)

Jun 10, 2013

I was thinking of how the Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) macro can be used to paste values instead of formula when the user uses Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V. Instead of assigning a macro to a command button for user to activate.

Suppose I have a worksheet where the range ("D7:D56") is where I would want the user to paste his values in it.
I have to factor in the possibility that these values have formulas attached to them, and that the user is not tech-savvy enough to know about the "paste special --> values" functionality of excel, and chooses to use the Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V method instead.

What then appears are ####### which might alarm the user.

Neither would we want the user to press a button (which we can assign the xlpastevalues macro as an alternative) as that adds an extra step for the user. There is also a chance the user might not use the button, or overlooked it.

Is it possible to use the Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) macro, or sth similar, to paste values instead of formula when user uses Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V?

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Selecting Range Of Cells

Jan 31, 2009

I am trying to select a range of cells. The range I need to select starts in Cell A1. I need to select every row with data in column 1 up to the first row with no data. I then need to expand the range to all columns up the last column with data, including columns with blank cells.

The problem with my code relates to the selection of columns. It is only selecting up to column F. Column G is empty, Column H has data, Columns I-J are empty, Columns K-R have data.

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Selecting Non Sequenced Cells In A Range

Mar 1, 2010

I'm trying to use the SUM function with non sequenced cell but the Range or any other function won't allow me to activate the selecting cells if there are more then 41 cell, I wrote somthing like so:

Sub Test()
Dim str AS String
Dim R AS Range

str = "A1,A3 ...... ,A57" 'this is only an example, assum that there are _
more then 41 cells
Set R = Range(str) 'Here is the Problem, I get a Runtime error 1004 _
Application-defined or object-defined error
End Sub

But if the str input was a 41 or less Cells address string then it works

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Selecting A Range Of Cells With R1C1 Notation

Oct 31, 2008

I'm trying to select a range of cells using the R1C1 notation. But I'm making an error in the syntax. I know it's really simple, I just don't know what's wrong.

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CTRL SHIFT Down When Blank In Range

May 26, 2014

know the keybaord shortcut to select a range? Indeed, how can i trick excel to use CTRL SHIFT Down in a range with blank data and to select the last data in the range?

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Formula Required To Return Limited Range Value?

Jun 12, 2014

I'm looking for a formula to do the following:

I'm building a table (see attached) where I could have a value in cells D6 to P6 that ranges from 0 upwards. In the respective cell beneath each 'value' cell (D7 to P7) I need a formula that will return a figure of 10 if the value in the cell above is 0.4 or below reducing to 0 if the value in the cell above is 1.0 or above.

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Last Blank Cell Within Limited Column Range

Mar 17, 2008

I understand the following code finds and selects the last empty cell in column A

Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Select

I am looking for a way to find last empty cell withing a specifice range of cells in column A. Example, I want to loop through from A6 to A16, find the last empty cell and fill it up.

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Selecting A Range Of Cells Relative To The Current Cell

Oct 31, 2006

I would like to select a range of cells relative to the current cell and move them to the right two cells. Basically, if I were in cell A1 I want to be able to have a macro select A1 - A8 and move them over by two cells leaving A1 and A2 blank.

Excel 2003

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How To Ctrl-F Only Selected Cells

Apr 7, 2013

Can you ctrl-F for only highlighted cells? I want to change all cells with '#VALUE!' in them, however, I only want to do this for a few columns.

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Excel 2007 :: Automatically Selecting Cells - Highlight As Range

Jul 29, 2008

I'm new to Excel 2007... whilst I'm managing to find most things I'm used to using in 2003, I have an issue in one workbook that I can't figure out.

When I click in some single cells (not all), that cell and several below it automatically highlight as a range... left-clicking initially highlights the cell, but as you release the mouse button, the others below it also highlight.

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Copy/Paste Range(s) Without Activating/selecting Range(s)

Oct 2, 2008

To initialize some cells/ranges, I am copying a given range and pasting it to another given range using the. Copy and .PaseSpecial methods. However, it would seem that both methods actually select the range(s) for the operations, i.e. the given ranges(s) are activated/selected thus changing the focus on the spreadsheet. I would like to perform both operations without actually selecting the given ranges.

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Subscript Out Of Range When Selecting Range In Closed Worksheet

Apr 28, 2006

I am receiving a 'subscript out of range' error on the lines of code below.

I would note that all variables are declared and all seem meaningful as regards what you would expect at that point.

Below is a snippet from the immediate window which indicates what the values are:
completecashname C:CashDevelopmentMyFolderoutputCASH042706.xls
cashsheetname Formatted Sheet
cashcurrcolumn A
cashfirstrow 2
cashlastrow 876

Also the workbooks are both closed at this point (but it makes no difference)

Set CashCopy = Workbooks(CompleteCashName).Sheets(CashSheetName). _
Range(CashCurrColumn & Cashfirstrow & ":K" & Cashlastrow).Value
Set PelPaste = Workbooks(completepelname).Sheets(PELSheetName). _
Range((PELCurrColumn & PELlastrow)).Value

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Selecting A Range Based On Date Within That Range

Sep 26, 2007

What i'm trying to do is select a range based on the date which happens to be in the first column of the range.

For example, I have a column (A) that contains dates and column (B) that contains names.

Its easy enough to select the entire range using


I need someting that will analyse column A and conditionally selct the range based on the date in column A (ie. it will only select the rows where column A has todays date).

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Selecting From One Set Range To Another

Jul 11, 2014

So in my code I have two set ranges and want to select from one set range to another. The code I have now does not work because I cannot select Range("POBRF:PO"). This is the code.

ARow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set POBRF = Range("A1:A" & ARow)
BRow = Range("I" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set PO = Range("I1:I" & BRow)

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Selecting A Range Using VBA

May 28, 2009

I am having trouble selecting a range in my data to copy to another worksheet. I have declared two variables (startcell and endcell), as seen below, as strings:

Cells.Find(What:=startdate, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate

startcell = ActiveCell.Address

Cells.Find(What:=enddate, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate

endcell = ActiveCell.Address

After this I would like VBA to copy all the variables in a range that is bounded by startcell and endcell. Here is what my code is currently for selecting the range:

Range("A2:" & endcell).Select

Instead of A2, I would like to select startcell, but I cannot figure out how. Currently I can get VBA to recognise endcell. For example, using the formula above I can copy the range from A2 to endcell. However, when I try and use startcell as the beginning of the range (in place of A2) the code does not work.

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Selecting A Certain Range That Changes

Jan 17, 2007

I have two tables in two different worksheets. In the first table, rows get deleted if the value in column 'S' (the first row to the right of the table) is not '1', and columns get deleted if the value in row '2' (third row above the table) is not '1'. In the second table, the number of columns stays always the same but rows get deleted if the value in column 'N' (first column to the right of the table) is not '1'.

After the rows and columns are deleted the tables get pasted in a ppt presentation.
Now the problem: I am a beginner in VBA and up til now I am only able to define a certain Range, e.g. ("A5:M17"), to be copied and pasted into ppt. But since the tables will sometimes be bigger than other times depending if rows/columns are deleted, I would rather define a dynamic Range. The top left cell of both tabels to be copied is always 'A5' but the bottom right cell changes.

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Selecting A Range And Then Summing That Range

Jul 19, 2006

I am trying to select a range of numbers based on an active cell. I then want to sum those numbers and have that total reported to a specific cell.

For example:

Say I have a column with a list of dates (Jan/04 thru July/06). I want the user to be able to click on any given field and have that field plus the 11 fields above it summed and reported. Any help?

I came up with something like

ActiveCell.Resize(12, 1).Select

This only selects the data from the active cell and goes down...I need the opposite. I need it to select the 11 cells above the active cell (plus the active cell) and sum that data.

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Selecting Specific Value Within A Range

Nov 12, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with Employee details and each employee has a Indicator and a Score.
I'm battling to get Excel to do a lookup on the Indicator, find the applicable Score Range, see if the individual's Score falls within the range and then inserts the relevant % into a cell in a specific row of each employee.

If we did not have more than 2000 doing it manualy might have been an option. Also, the Percentages and Score Ranges in the matrix might change a couple of times....

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Selecting Range Up To Blank Row

Feb 8, 2009

I am having a few problems selecting a range. What I am trying to do is select a range where the number of columns stay the same, but the rows are variable; ranging from one row upwards. At the end of the rows, there is a blank row. I currently have;

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Selecting Range With Variable Row?

Apr 4, 2013

I want to copy a range where the row is variable (i in the Loop I'm doing) but the columns stay the same. What am I doing wrong?

Workbooks("Labor Info").Sheets("Transfer").Range("A" & i & ":E" & i).Select

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Selecting All Pictures In Certain Range

May 13, 2013

I was trying to select all of the pictures/objects in a certain range (A294:L1400) in order to move them all at the same time. How do I do this?

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Selecting A Range Using Variables

Jun 23, 2008

How would I select a range using variables? For example, say I wanted to say

myRange = Sheets(1).Range("A1:A100"),

but the column was variable. How would I do this if the column number was stored in a variable?

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Selecting Variable Range

Feb 26, 2009

I need to select starting with:.

Columns A-O
Rows 1 - ( LR of ColB - Col A is empty )

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Selecting A Range Of Numbers

Mar 4, 2010

I'm trying to obtain a formula that allows me to select the last 20 numbers in a range of numbers that continue to increase weekly. i.e column a3-a3000 increases by one number every week. I need the formula to sum the lowest 10 numbers of the last 20. If there is 30 numbers from a13-a33 week one. I require the formula to pick up the 10 lowest from the last 20 (a13-a33). Week two the cell increases by on to a34. The formula would then have to pick up the lowest 10 from the last 20 (a14-a44) and so on.

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Selecting A Range Using VBA Code

May 13, 2006

I have attached a spreadsheet...I'm trying to select Range A1:N16 using VBA code...


When I use this code is only gets A1:N6...: is there anyway to get it to select the range all the way to the end of the data. I tried CurrentRegion and some other stuff but can't get it to work.: The range may go upto line 500 or 3 I just never know.

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Selecting A Discontinuous Range

Sep 22, 2006

I'm trying to select a discontinous range, lets say B2:B30 & D2:D30 and this works fine using the code below:


However if I use the code below, B2:D30 is selected including column C.

Dim LastRow As Integer
LastRow = Range("a65536").End(xlUp).row
Range("B2:B" & LastRow, "D2:D" & LastRow).Select

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Selecting Generic Range

Feb 1, 2007

I'm trying to write a formatting macro that will insert a gray divider (row) into a blank line. I'm going to do this with a keyboard command, but I'm having a hard time selecting to column AJ. Obviously this command...

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select

...takes you to the end of the page, but I don't need to go that far, just to column AJ.

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Selecting A Group In A Moving Range

Nov 3, 2008

I have a spreadsheet where I need to perform a calculation on the lowest 10 of the 20 most recent entries. Currently I am just deleting the oldest entry and putting in the new data but I now desire to keep all my data.

How do I select the new range of 20 rows and then tell it to take the 10 lowest values to perform the calculation

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Selecting Data Over A Date Range

Sep 12, 2009

I have 2 worksheets where I need to transfer a certain amount of data from one to another depending on dates.

Sheet ‘A’, is the main data source. Col A holds all 365 dates from 1 Jan to 31 Dec(starting at A2), and the subsequent data for each day is held in cols B to P.
Sheet ‘B’ is the destination where the user will specify a key date in cell A3, then in A4 to A32, formulae populate the next 29 dates (ie so there is a continuous run of 30 days).

What I need to do, is to identify the same 30 day range from sheet B on sheet A, then to copy the data in Cols B to P for that range back onto sheet B (pasting in at D3)

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