Data Entry And Editing Using A Form

Apr 12, 2006

I am trying to figure out how to enter and edit data using a form for stock traceability.

I have created the form with the headings etc and everything works well at data entry.
However, I am trying to create a search and edit form that searches and edits existing entries.
A third form displays the data in form format when the user types in the appropriate ID.

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Form For Data Editing

Jan 29, 2008

I have 5 columns Data sheet in Excel and >5000 Rows. Time to time I have to change data parameter of some certain item (complete Row). I want to Database form (Userform) which can add new item, find and can modify, or delete from sheet. I Shown userform format in attachment without macro

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Creating A Data Entry Form

Feb 6, 2009

I know this problem could be easily solved with the use of access. Unfortunatly I can only use excel. I am creating a uniform stock database. I a trying to create a user friendly face sheet, so that the operator does not have to have any knowledge of excel to use it. My question is to do with a data entry form. Sheet 2 of my spreadsheet has a list of all uniform in stock. At the moment it has two coloumns, "uniform type" and "uniform size". Is it possible to create a form on sheet 1 (the user interface) where a user could imput the type and size of an article of uniform that had just come in, and have it automatically added ot sheet 2?

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Code Data Entry Form

Oct 10, 2007

i have some data and i want search a record by two fields ("hsc and section") with in my data and i want to edit the remaining fields.

the fields of record are "hsc, section, amt, bcrc, date, prno"

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Press Button To Open Form For Data Entry And Then Send Matching Data To Another Sheet

May 5, 2009

Now that the calculations are working, with the press of a button, I need to be able to select a range of dates and copy all lines within the range to a seperate sheet with the desired name under the same headings they currently reside under. I have included some modified code that is being used in another spreadsheet that was created for me, but I do not pretent to understand all of it and I no longer work with the creator of the spreadsheet. How do I use a button to open the form for date selections and entering the name of the new sheet, and then use the start button on the form to begin the matching and copying to a new sheet? If there is an easier way I am all for that too.

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Create A Custom Data Entry Form

Jan 30, 2008

I am having trouble creating a custom data entry form in excel. What steps would I need to take..

Attached is a example of the data, the Headers are in bold, the highlighted columns are to be drop boxes.

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Creating A Form Style Data Entry

Jan 21, 2010

I'm wanting to create a simple form type interface for the viewing and changing of data one record at a time. What I'd like is on sheet one, and simple portait form to display

First Name
House Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2

on sheet two each column will be one of the above fields and each row will be a new record. Is there a way to do this in excel? Im trying to create a simple user experience that hide the rows & colums.

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How To Validate Time In Data Entry Form

Apr 12, 2012

I'm making a data entry form for a user, and one of the fields is in a time format (mm:ss). Is there any way that I can validate that field in "cmdOK_Click()" so that when the user clicks "ok" on the data entry form, if they haven't entered a date a msgbox comes up.

I tried IsNumeric with an If function but to no prevail.

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Customer Service Data Entry Form

May 8, 2009

Have a small data base with customer details and comments. I would like a form to sit over that so that people on phones can enter customer # and check info and add further comments etc. for a specific customer. Before I try and design a form is there any templates for this type of thing. Have done a Google and Ozgrid search, but I maybe asking the incorrect names for the procedure.

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Multiple User Data Entry Form

Jun 28, 2007

Basically at the moment our static data group use a generic sheet which lists all possible field variables. However, what I want to do is design something which only shows the fields that need to be filled out (ie if the field is shown it needs to be input).

Once the form is filled out it will get saved and sent via email, where it is then printed out and input by our data group. One way I thought about approaching this was to have 18 sheets which are hidden, and which are then selected when a report type is filled out. The other way would be to have IF statements but I think that would get complicated on the one sheet. Just really looking at ideas at this stage.... For example there are 30 fields on the sheet that we use now, but some reports may only need 5 of these fields - I therefore need to "hide" the remaining 25...

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Data Entry Form With Password Protection

Jun 28, 2007

I making a data entry form that sereval employees will be using. But what I need is data quality protection. My idea is to have a userform with a combo box. The employees would select there name from the combo box and then enter there personal password to get access to the data entry information, which will appear if the password is correct but kept hidden if password is incorrect. I have a example.xls without any code contain in it.

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VBA Data Entry Form - Populating Separate Book

Sep 30, 2009

I have built a data entry form (Input tab) and have code populating a table (Table tab). Currently both are in the same book, but I would like to house them in separately.

What is the proper VBA syntax for this? Will both books need to be open in order to populate the table?

The 'real' data is hosted on sharepoint and is getting darn big. The result is problems opening the doc and looong save times. My thought was to have the secretaries doing data entry open a single sheet (Input Form) which will then populate the data in another sheet. I'm dreaming, aren't I...

I know Access would solve everything, but for cost reasons I am stuck with Excel.

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Tranferring Variable Entry From Form Entry To Macro

May 1, 2009

I used a form with textboxes for data input for one of my vb macros. Currently I have the private sub from the form transfer those entries to a remote cell on the spreadsheet, (like in column "HZ"), so that the macro that will actually utilize them can retrieve them. Is there a way to pass that data directly from what is entered in the form in the textboxes to the macro that will actually use them?

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Post To Different Sheets In Excel User Data Entry Form

May 27, 2014

User form data entry.

I need to save the data of For Eg. A form in Sheet 1, B form in Sheet 2, C form data entry in sheet 3.

what is happening now is that, all the entries are going in the Active Sheet that is open in the excel file. I want to automate the process of data entry, by making it enter data from specific form in specific sheet.

1st form

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
eRow = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
Cells(eRow, 1) = ComboBox1.Text
Cells(eRow, 2) = TextBox12.Text
Cells(eRow, 3) = TextBox2.Text
Cells(eRow, 4) = TextBox3.Text
Cells(eRow, 5) = TextBox4.Text

Unload Me
End With
End Sub
2nd form

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
eRow = Sheet2.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
Cells(eRow, 1) = ComboBox1.Text
Cells(eRow, 2) = TextBox14.Text
Cells(eRow, 3) = TextBox2.Text
Cells(eRow, 4) = TextBox3.Text
Cells(eRow, 5) = TextBox4.Text
Unload Me
End Sub

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Custom Data Entry Form To Post To Separate Worksheets Dependent On A Variable

Nov 25, 2009

I have a custom data entry form which is working fine. The form completes customer data for reviewing at a later date. I have now been asked to change it so it will seperate the data in to customer's who require some documents sent out and some that dont.

Is it possible to have a combobox on the form and if the options on the combobox are Yes and No (original), when either option is selected the data will complete on to a seperate sheet for cases with documents required or documents not required?

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New Form Per Entry

Sep 21, 2013

I have a workbook I need to input information into sheet 1 and have it populate and print sheet 2 for every row that filled in. Sheet 2 is set up to take the data in various cells. Is this possible?

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Button To Open Entry Form

Mar 23, 2014

Excel has a built in data entry form window which is opened from the ribbon, how can I create a button which opens this form for a specific table on the worksheet. It should allow the user to create or edit entries in the table. I tried creating a macro to select the data range and open the form, but this returns an error.

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Require Entry In User Form

Jan 19, 2009

I want to require that certain Text Boxes in a User Form have entries and I am coding the message box improperly.

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Force User Form Entry Only

Dec 30, 2007

I want to change data through a user form and disable users from going around my form. I want users to see the underlying spreadsheet as the form manipulates data.

If I enable a form in Modal mode users can bypass the form. If I use it without modal form I can't change data from my form. I seem to be in a catch 22.

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Create Form To Output Data And Erase Form Once Data In Ouput

Sep 20, 2007

I am trying to create a form to use as a golf tracker. I basically have created a scorecard where I input the date, score, fairways in regulation, greens in regulation and putts. I want to be able to put that information just like if it was a scorecard and then have a button that says submit. Then that information is output into individual sheets (i.e. one for scores, one for fairways, one for greens and one for putts).

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UserForm Initialization: Fill The Form Out Once And Click 'OK' (run The Code To Put The Form Data Into A Sheet)

Mar 31, 2009

I'm missing something in my UserForm initialization code. If I fill the form out once and click 'OK' (run the code to put the form data into a sheet), when I go back into the form all the old info is still there. If I then click 'Cancel' (Unload Me) and reopen the form, the old data is cleared out. What am I missing to make it clear it out the first time?

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Lookup/Fill-in Form ? (insert Data Fields Into A Spreadsheet Form)

Dec 2, 2008

I'm having trouble trying to come up with a way to insert data fields into a spreadsheet form. I have a travel authorization form that I would like to have automatically fill in the required fields based on typing in a name. i.e. I would type in an employees name, and it would automatically fill-in the correct address, etc for that employee. I have attached a spreadsheet that contains one sheet as the form, and another sheet containing the employee data. I know nothing about VBA, but I have a feeling that is where I need to go.

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Recall Sub In A Form To Pull Back In Data To A Form When Reference Added

Jun 26, 2013

I am needing to create a form that exports data (a quote) to an Excel Db (table) and is then able to recall the data back into the form. (the default form in excel does this and I want to copy that.)

Once the data is called back in, I can then export it to another Table to show that the quote has been approved and will be used.

I am having trouble with the VBA coding that copies the inputted quote in Cell C2 (the reference for the quote number) of the "Form" sheet and looks it up in the "Database" sheet. I have tried several variations of code, but nothing works so far.

Sub RecallQuote()
' RecallQuote Macro
Range("C2").Select 'this is the cell that holds the quote number to look up from the table

[Code] ......

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VBA For Editing In Store Data

Jul 29, 2014

Currently We enclosed a Workbook (with exiting VBA code) In this workbook 3 sheet exit (Edit, Details, Summary)

In Details Sheet store Detail Entry of Invoice & in Summary Sheet we store all generated Invoice details in summary form

We want new VBA or correction in existing VBA.

My Exiting VBA work following..

When Enter Invoice Number in Edit Sheet (Cell B2) then Display Entered Invoice Data

First Code Find Invoice Number in Summery Sheet if Invoice Number found then Record Display of Selected Invoice

Here we Edit As per our requirement then We Press Y in Edit Sheet Cell C30

If Found C30 "Y" & "Data ok" in E30 then DELETE Selected Invoice Data From SUMMERY & DETAILS SHEETS & COPY THIS EDITED DATA (RANGE A33 TO G33 In Summery Sheet & Range A35 to A60 in Details Sheet)

My Exiting code work perfectly as per above

We want only following thing

Currently when we copy edited data that move to end of sheet We want to Change & same place where data exit previously before edited. Because serial number disturb.

NOTE : in Editing Time is it possible Few Item Delete or Few Item Add

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User Form-Easy Selection Of Data To Be Filled In The Form

Jun 3, 2006

find the attached workbook

I have a Database and user form, in the user form i have a field named “Vehicle No” this is a combo box from which a user needs to select the Vehicle numbers, and all these are working fine now, I need your help in the following:

When user selects the second field named "Select Vendor name" i need a pop up window which shows all the Vehicles belongs to the vendor which they have selected, and with the popup window user selects the vehicle number then the Vehicle number combo box should be filled.

Currently users have to select by scrolling through Combo box which takes long time and difficult to find by scrolling.

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Look Up Data And Plug Into Form - User Form In Reverse?

Jan 14, 2009

I have created a registration workbook for this year's youth sports league. All of the information is entered into a User Form and separated onto it's appropriate sheet designated by the child's age. Next year, I would like to use this year's workbook to look up returning players.

Will it be possible to add a "lookup" button into my form, or create a lookup program, that once the registrar clicks on the correct player, the information is plugged into the User Form, the registrar adjusts the age and any necessary info, presses enter, and the information is copied into the appropriate category in the new workbook? I haven't worked with User Forms long enough to know if they can be filled in that way, but if this can be done, you are the people who would know.

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Editing Refreshable Data Tables From Web

Dec 4, 2013

I have multiple data tables that are linked to a site. My issue is that there are breaks in the data every 15 cells with a row that shows the column categories. I locked my top row so I don't need the recurring column categories at all, but when I delete them and refresh the data they reappear.

How to delete these rows? Could I possibly run a macro that deletes the rows upon hitting refresh? Or is there a simpler way?

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Editing Data Connections In 2003

Oct 20, 2009

I have a workbook with multiple worksheets and over 25 Data Connections using MS Query to connect to different tables in an SQL Server database.

The problem is that the SQL Server database is now being moved to a different server. The database name and the schema of the tables will be unchanged. Only the server name needs to be changed from XXXXX to YYYYY.

I have been unable to find a way to successfully edit the data connections in Excel 2003. A web search produced one potential option. However, that did not work for me very well. Thought the code is designed to cycle through all tablequeries and pivotqueries, the change is only made to one of the data connections. Here is the option I tried:

Note that it is very easy to edit data connections in Excel 2007. So I also tried opening the .xls file in Excel 2007. I used the Data Connections button under the Data tab in the ribbon and was successful in editing the connections to point to the new server. However, the graphs used to display the queried data behave weird. The "format axis" settings and chart sizes change. In general, default display settings for charts seems to differ between Excel 2003 and 2007.

I used Excel 2007 to only edit the data connections and saved the workbook in the original .xls format

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Editing Data And Comparing Lists

Jun 17, 2009

I'm currently working on sorting a column of data from a PDF file into separate columns to later compare to another sheet. I'm having a few problems getting the data into a workable format, and also don't know how to compare to the other file.

Ultimately, I want the data in columns that look like this:
Name, City, State, Zip, $123.00, mm/dd/yy

Currently it looks like this:

1 Name
2 City State Zip
3 $123.00 mm/dd/yy

The sheets I'm working with are thousands of rows long, with these three rows of data repeating for every person. I have two problems with them, however:

1. I ultimately need each of those pieces of information into a seperate cell, in separate columns. I've been transposing the data then doing "Text to Columns" to get it from three separate rows in Column A to one row in Columns A, B, C etc.

The problem with this is the names aren't always uniform. Sometimes there's Mr. or Mrs. in front of them, sometimes they have a middle initial, or an "esq." behind them, which completely messes up the "Text to Columns." Is there a better way to break them up into separate cells?

2. Secondly, not all of the names are individuals- some are businesses or charities. I want to remove all of these (and the two lines of data that go with each of them), so I only have individual people. Do you have any idea of how to make excel know the difference between, for example, "Mr. John Smith" and "Smith and Sons Realty"?

3. Lastly Once I have all of this data spread out into the different columns
(Last Name, First Name, City, State, Zip, Date, Amount), I need to compare it to another list. Basically, I've got one list of data configured in a similar way, and I want to identify any repeats between the two lists. I know that excel has a way to delete repeats, but what I need is a way to delete everything BUT repeats.

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Editing In One Tab And Placing Edited Data In Queue In Another Tab?

Jun 24, 2014

I have a simple Excel file composed of three tabs:


On each tab, line 1 has the same headers: Status, Name, Surname, Issue, Details, Last Update

In the EDIT tab, line 2 is dedicated to editing the relevant information under the headers, and once done is validated with a "Done Editing" button: This button would cut line 2, and place it in line 2 of the QUEUE tab, moving down all the others in the list

The QUEUE tab lists all the issues keyed into line 2 of the EDIT tab. An "Edit Selected" button would cut the selected line (or the line in which a cell is selected), and copy it to line 2 of the EDIT tab for further editing, after which it would be placed on top of the queue once again as above.

The RESOLVED tab lists all of the issues marked "Resolved" on the Status column.

What I can't figure out are the macros for the two buttons:

- "Done editing" in EDIT tab adds today's date in the "Last Update" column, then cuts line 2, and pastes it in line 2 of the QUEUE tab pushing down all the lines in the list, and keeping any existing conditional formatting if possible (colours in the "Last Update" column, for ex.). If the status is set to "Resolved" before clicking the button, it does the same, but pastes it to line 2 of the RESOLVED tab instead of QUEUE.

- "Edit selected" in the QUEUE tab just cuts the selected line from the QUEUE tab and pastes it in line 2 of the EDIT tab.

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