Delete Every Nth Group Of Rows

Mar 12, 2007

I'd like to select a range and then delete the top 10 rows, then skip down 500 rows and delete another 10 rows, and so forth until the end of the range.

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Delete Some Rows Subtotal By Age Group Then Grand Total

Oct 21, 2011

Import Financial System -Recaps Trial BalanceFrom Date:31-Jul-2011,To Date:27-Aug-2011,
Requested By:Jenny Drumm,30-Aug-2011 9:28 AMAge Range: 0 - 30, No. of recaps: 231
Broker File NumberAgeVendor/Co/DeptFirstBankAssistsFRTBRODTYLoadsInvInvClaimsGL AcctTRUETRUEBalanceCostFeeRecptsAdjRecptsROE VarLC Var

[Code] ........

There are more age groups, & some groups have hundreds of lines. Each of the total line in the report has a number plugged in by the system, which, because of rounding, may be off by several cents. I figured out how to move the rows with Broker File Numer, etc & the row after it up above the first Age Range.

What I need to do next is:Delete all rows between "Age Range: ....." and the start of that range's data.Delete all blank rows between "Totals" and the next "Age Range: ...."Delete 5 rows after "Grand Total"Put a formula in the row immediately above each age range's "Totals" for each column, summing all the data for that column, in that age range. (Hopefully with the word Total in column B of that row, too)Put a formula in the row immediately above the "Totals" after "Grand Total" that adds together each of the Age Range totals.(I did figure out how to get the "Balance" cell in each row to sum that row going right to left, so at least I got a start! For that I'm using


LR = Range("C" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row
With Range("R10:R" & LR)
.NumberFormat = "#,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00)"
.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
.VerticalAlignment = xlTop
.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(ISNUMBER(RC3), Sum(RC5:RC17), " & Chr(34) & Chr(34) & ")"
End With

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Excel And VBA - Insert Group Of Cells Or Delete Them?

Apr 12, 2013

I am working on a contact information form for given relationships, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to design a button that copies the "form" (not an actual VBA form but a grouping of formated cells for information collection) and inserts it into the document. I would also like a button that deletes unused and empty forms so that we only print forms that are filled in.

I tried recording a macro to do it, but it's messy and creates issues with hidden rows and pagination.

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Macro To Find Word And Delete Group Of Cells?

Aug 1, 2014

I have an excel file, where there is a section "Additional Requirements". This section is repeated like 20-25 times in the sheet and has a group of merged cells below it to enter data as shown in the picture. Issue is that majority of these "Additional Requirements" are not filled by the user. Hence maybe only 3 or 4 are filled and I have to manually delete the rest. I tried the code below, but it doesn't do anything.Running the macro just jumps the cells slowly downwards the sheet. Maybe if the macro runs 10-15 times it reads the whole code and then moves on to the next row.8-1-2014 12-43-27 PM.png What I'm trying to achieve is:

1. for the macro to find "Additional Requirements"

2. Then check the Merged cell below it (thus the offset)

3. If this cell is blank, select this cell and the cell containing "Additional Requirements"

4. Delete entire rows of these cells/delete the selection (entirerow.delete). (I read somewhere to set a variable as selection and clear it, hence ive included in the unreadable code. This wasn't working either)

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Macro To Group Rows

Mar 24, 2009

i have a macro that will group duplicate cell with a border base on column a

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VBA To Highlight Every Other Group Of Rows?

Mar 5, 2014

I am looking for a VBA to highlight a every other set of rows in a data set in grouped by name. I am able to do so by using conditional formatting but being that I will be doing this on a frequent basis. I have attached an example of what I'd to do.

If c2 = c1 then copy row color, if c2 does not equal c1 then highlight row light grey.

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Group Rows And Total

Feb 20, 2008

I have a sheet named “Input” where the name of the persons appear more than once as the same is made by consolidating monthly sheets.

Now I want to make summary of each persons to a new sheet named “Output”.
In the new sheet, the name should appear once.

The name should summarize the total of all the columns corresponding to the name.
For eg name Ashu may appear more than once in the Input sheet but in the Output sheet this name should appear once and shall summarizes all the amount for all the rows where Ashu has appeared and so on.

******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - RowBasedTotal.xls___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutB16C16=ABCD1NameAmount1Amount2 2Ashu10050 3Basu200100 4Natu300150 5Garu400200 6Ashu500250 7Basu600300 8Natu700350 9Garu800400 10Aayur900450 11Mayur1000500 12Basu1100550 13Gastu1200600 14Natu1300650 15Garu1400700 16Total105005250 Input [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.

******** ******************** ......................

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Group Numbering Rows By Logic?

Mar 27, 2014

I tried to make attached worksheet self-explanatory. find attached.

Basically, I want to number group of rows based on a logic (blank A,B, and C columns)


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Select Rows By Group For Sorting

Oct 29, 2009


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Formula For Adding Group Of Rows?

May 1, 2012

In columm (A) I have a row for each day of the year, that is, 1/1, 1/2.....12/31 which has a corresponding value in column (B). In column (K) I have a row for each week of the year, that is, 1, 2....52.

In column (L), what formula can I use so that each row will sum the values of a seven day period from column (B)?

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Macro To Group Rows With Zero In Column O

Feb 12, 2014

I have about 30 worksheets in the same workbook that are identically formatted. My critical/formula data range starts in Cell A537 and ends in cell O576.

Column O is just a sum of Columns C through N.

I would like to know if I can Group (not hide) the rows that have a zero in Column O. Now with 30 worksheets, I will have some worksheets that may have 5 rows grouped and some with 20 and so forth. The numbers are not identical in the 30 sheets meaning not the same rows will be grouped in all 30 sheets.

That piece there might complicate things. Basically, a macro that looks through each worksheet and and starts grouping the rows that has a 0 in column O.

I also want to restrict my macro to the range above.

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Copy Group Of Rows To New Sheet

Jul 10, 2007

I have a workbook with data that represents trouble tickets assigned to different applications and sorted by application. I want to select all of the rows assigned to one application, and paste them into a new worksheet, then do the same for the next application, and so on. I don't know which specific applications I will be looking for, as this will change from day to day (the system has more then 160 apps). I've attached an example.

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Tab: Show The Marks When I Group The Columns Or Rows

May 14, 2009

I have this tab that won't show the marks when I group the columns or rows.

I know it is grouped becuase if you copy the data to the blank tab the marks appear fine. Copying the data is an easy work around but I would really like to know the root cause of this. The issue was only with this tab. I used to have a ton of other tabs and they grouped fine.

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Simple Macro To Group Rows For Form?

May 11, 2014

I am creating a new form, and have 2 option boxes. I have linked these checkboxes to a cell which gives a calculation depending on what is selected (cell E10). If the value of this cell is 2, then the person has selected that they don't need to fill in the details below. If this is the case then I would like to hid the entire rows below (rows 18 - 45 to be precise).

At the moment I have used data validation to blank out these rows, but I'd much rather group them automatically to avoid a large gap between the option boxes and the next section.

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Assigning Row Heights To Rows Based On Group Level?

Mar 31, 2014

*I have my document ordered hierarchically with group functions.

*Aesthetically I would like to have the font size get smaller the more levels into grouping they are.

*For aesthetic reasons I have merged cells rendering auto-fit useless as it auto-adjust to the first column's font size even if it has no characters in it

I find myself contemplating manually adjusting all 500 some rows of data.. probably by selecting ranges with ctrl or shift clicking my way through the document, grabbing ranges based on how high their grouping is, and adjusting the whole selected group at once, so they all have a uniform height setting.

Can I do some kind of conditional formating based on group level? like all group level 7 rows have a row height of X.

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Group Multiple Rows Of Data That Have Staggering Values In One Row

Jan 17, 2013

I have a smaller spreadsheet with 40k rows/34 columns of data. Column A has serial numbers and does contain duplicates. The rest of the columns have varying data pertaining to those serial numbers. I'm sure there is an easy way to do this, however I have just not had enough coffee today because it is not coming to me. Here is an example of the data (not all columns obviously) and I put in ZZZZZ for each blank cell in the table and each space you see is the column break just for visual because I couldn't get it to paste here and have the staggering that it is doing.

See the laddering effect that is going on? When the data was imported into excel it created a new row for every value. What I need is all of the values in the same row EXCEPT if there are two part numbers referenced for the same serial number. In that case I would want two rows of the same serial number showing only the part number, description and two dates for that serial number in each row.


[Code] .....

Would like it to be like this (for the above data):
87654321SN987 PARTTONERFALSE1/1/201312/31/2013FALSE

Quick note, each serial number does NOT always have the exact same amount of repetitive rows. So there aren't 10 rows of 12345678, 10 rows of 87654321, 10 rows of 12345679, etc. They can be different. I do not have the original xml file used to import or i would just reimport it correctly this is all i have to work with.

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Group Respective Rows Of Text Matching Cell Value

May 1, 2008

I am trying to select all cells in a range whos contents match the contents of a specific cell so I can group the respective rows of these cells. I did a forum search but I am not sure if I have found what I am looking to do. I am a very basic user of VB so keep answers as simple as possible.

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Create Formula To Group Insurances When There Are Multiple Rows Of Data

May 20, 2014

I am trying to develop a formula that will tell me whether an account has both Medicare and Medicaid or Medicaid HMO insurance. An account can have one or more lines, and one or more insurances. I manually completed the sample file in column 'D' (see attached) to come up with the desired output. The criteria is below:

-If the account has Medicare and Medicaid financial class, then it is a '5'.
-If the account has Medicare and Medicaid HMO financial class, then it is a '6'.
-Otherwise, it is a '0'.

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How To Create A Macro To Auto Group Rows That Has No Numerical Values

Apr 17, 2014

creating a Macro to automatically group rows that has no numerical value, for example:

1. 13.4
2. 0
3. 0
4. 33.3
5. 0
and so on...

So for this exercise I need excel to automatically group row 2, 3 5 with one click, and leave other rows with actual numbers visible on the sheet.

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Delete & Merge Columns,Delete Rows With Filter, Etc

Jul 15, 2009

1. Remove J,K,N,A Columns,

2. In the last O (TIMESTAMP) column, the date is 14-Jul-09 format change it to 07/14/2009 (this format mm/dd/yyy

3.Filter L column (VAL_INLAKH) Remove all rows from whole sheet which has 0 value

4. Column C (EXPIRY_DT) date format is 24-Sep-09 , "dd-Sep-09" change to "Sep" only

respectively )

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VBA To Search Group Of Cells And Input Message If Value Is Missing From Group?

Mar 17, 2014

I am trying to write VBA code that groups cells between blank rows and inserts a message if a string of text (a name) is missing from the entire group. I want the code to search cells in column A and group the cells between blank cells. Use the name I input in an input box as the search criteria and insert a message in the Column C next to the last blank cell in the group and then move on to the next group and highlight the cell in red with bold text. I am including a spreadsheet with an example of what the sheet should look like before and after the code is run.

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Pivot Table Group :: Group By Integers And Not By Months, Years Etc?

Nov 12, 2009

I have date fields as column labels in a pivot table. When I try to group them I'm only given the option to group by integers and not by months, years etc.

I've had a look at the format settings of the column and they are formatted as date fields.

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How To Group Data (rows) Using Month And Year In Date Column Using Macro

May 11, 2013

I want to group data (rows) using month and year in date column using macro.

For example.

Date ID Amount
01/01/2013 12345 $100
02/01/2013 13452 $73
03/01/2013 12232 $50
04/01/2013 34232 $125
01/02/2013 12322 $67
02/02/2013 12345 $100
03/02/2013 13452 $73
04/02/2013 12232 $50
05/02/2013 34232 $125
01/03/2013 12345 $100
02/03/2013 13452 $73
03/03/2013 12232 $50
04/03/2013 34232 $125

I want to group rows by mm/yyyy in date column. Also I want sum amount column by month.

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Insert Group Header Based On Consistent Value Within The Group?

Feb 10, 2014

I have several groups of data in the same sheet. Each group has two blank rows above the first row of data. Each group has column "B" in common (e.g., "Phone" in the example attached). I'd like to add a title/label of "Phone" to the first column in the row immediately preceding the first row of data for that group.

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Add Rows At The End Of A Group Of Rows

Jan 26, 2014

I have spreadsheet with the following characteristics:

Column A Column B Column C Column D
A 10 A 34
A 12 A 54
A 67 B 11
A 10 B 31
B 76 C 21

I want to add the column c and d at the end of each row of column a and b like this:

Column A Column B
A 10
A 12
A 67
A 10
A 34
A 54
B 76
B 11
B 31

How can I do that?

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Use The Group Box To Group A Number Of Option Buttons Together?

Jan 17, 2013

how to use the group box to group a number of option buttons together.

Question is, lets say, i have a total of 4 group box. if i want it to work in such a way where by once 2 option buttons are being selected (1 option selected from each group box), the rest of the option buttons in the 4 group box will be greyed out. is that possible?

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Convert A Group Of Numbers To A Group Of Letters

Aug 9, 2006

My store uses a retail price "code" wherein a price like 99 in expressed as a
code like "PP"--exchanging the number digits 1-0 as letters.

Is there a function to do this automatically?

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Excel 2010 :: Delete Filtered Rows Without Deleting The Hidden Rows?

Sep 25, 2012

How do I delete filtered rows without deleting the hidden rows in excel 2010?

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Moving Data From Rows To Columns And Delete Repeated Rows

Apr 16, 2014

removing duplicate rows and move other data frm rows to columns.xlsx.

I am attaching a sample excel sheet showing what I need to do.In the first tab, I have a list that includes duplicate rows (first column only). I want to remove those duplicate rows but I don't want to lose the data in the following columns which can be unique or duplicates as well.

see the desired result tab in the sheet to get an idea of what I am looking for as the end result.

Keep in mind that the actual source file I am working with could have up to 50000 row, and the expected results could be around 2000 rows. So nothing can be done manually.

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How To Delete Copied Rows And Update Original Tab Without Empty Rows

Apr 3, 2014

In my excel I'm copying rows upon specific criteria to another tab.

The question is how I can delete copied rows and update the original tab without empty rows? (N of rows is always changing)

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