Create Formula To Group Insurances When There Are Multiple Rows Of Data

May 20, 2014

I am trying to develop a formula that will tell me whether an account has both Medicare and Medicaid or Medicaid HMO insurance. An account can have one or more lines, and one or more insurances. I manually completed the sample file in column 'D' (see attached) to come up with the desired output. The criteria is below:

-If the account has Medicare and Medicaid financial class, then it is a '5'.
-If the account has Medicare and Medicaid HMO financial class, then it is a '6'.
-Otherwise, it is a '0'.

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Group Multiple Rows Of Data That Have Staggering Values In One Row

Jan 17, 2013

I have a smaller spreadsheet with 40k rows/34 columns of data. Column A has serial numbers and does contain duplicates. The rest of the columns have varying data pertaining to those serial numbers. I'm sure there is an easy way to do this, however I have just not had enough coffee today because it is not coming to me. Here is an example of the data (not all columns obviously) and I put in ZZZZZ for each blank cell in the table and each space you see is the column break just for visual because I couldn't get it to paste here and have the staggering that it is doing.

See the laddering effect that is going on? When the data was imported into excel it created a new row for every value. What I need is all of the values in the same row EXCEPT if there are two part numbers referenced for the same serial number. In that case I would want two rows of the same serial number showing only the part number, description and two dates for that serial number in each row.


[Code] .....

Would like it to be like this (for the above data):
87654321SN987 PARTTONERFALSE1/1/201312/31/2013FALSE

Quick note, each serial number does NOT always have the exact same amount of repetitive rows. So there aren't 10 rows of 12345678, 10 rows of 87654321, 10 rows of 12345679, etc. They can be different. I do not have the original xml file used to import or i would just reimport it correctly this is all i have to work with.

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How To Create A Macro To Auto Group Rows That Has No Numerical Values

Apr 17, 2014

creating a Macro to automatically group rows that has no numerical value, for example:

1. 13.4
2. 0
3. 0
4. 33.3
5. 0
and so on...

So for this exercise I need excel to automatically group row 2, 3 5 with one click, and leave other rows with actual numbers visible on the sheet.

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Using Data Validation To Create List Dependent On Multiple Rows?

Jul 28, 2014

I have three individual lists and I am using a formula like this for each of them =OFFSET(Table1,MATCH(F15,Table1,0)-1,1,COUNTIF(Table1,F15),1)

for my final cell I need to create another data validation list which is depenant on the values selected in the previous three lists.. how I would alter the formula to allow me to do that? I tried using and after the match to match all three tables but it never worked

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Create New Sheet For Each Group & Copy Needed Data To Each

Mar 11, 2009

I have just inherited an Excel spreadhseet that displays job titles and what types of documents each one should be trained on. What I am trying to achieve is a formula, or something to that sort, that will look at each job individually and tell me only those documents that they need to be trained on and list it on a seperate sheet.

If you look at the attached document you will see that the first 2 columns contain a document number and description. Across the top you see each of our job descriptions. In the middle you see an X that indicates that person should be trained on that document.

So once more, I would like to take each Job Description (seperately) and list only the documents that have an "x" in their column on another sheet. I already have the sheets created, I just need to know if there is some kind of formula or macro that can do this for me.

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How To Create IF / AND Formula Draws Data From Multiple Tabs

May 21, 2014

Is it even possible to create an IF/AND formula that draws data from multiple tabs?

For example,

(assume there are tabs named exactly the same as each of the data entries in column A)

IF A2 = "ARI" then D2 = ARI!H3. Is this possible?

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Formula For Adding Group Of Rows?

May 1, 2012

In columm (A) I have a row for each day of the year, that is, 1/1, 1/2.....12/31 which has a corresponding value in column (B). In column (K) I have a row for each week of the year, that is, 1, 2....52.

In column (L), what formula can I use so that each row will sum the values of a seven day period from column (B)?

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Sorting Data In Multiple Tabs By Group

Dec 31, 2012

I have imported data into excel arranged as per the following and there are separate tabs per year. I a trying to summarize and phase the balances per client..i.e 07,08,09,10,11,12.

Therefore if client x balance in 2007 = 10, 2008=11, 2009=10, 2010=2, 2011=3 and 2012 = 5 and so on...then total the balance owed as of now and also phase it as illustrated below. I've tried vlook up's?


[Code] .....

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Formula To Group And Sum Up Data?

Jul 26, 2014

I've got a table containing different codes and their values:


I'd like to group them so the code shows up just once whith its' value summed up:


See the file attached.

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Formula To Identify Group For The Data?

Feb 12, 2014

create a formula for my data. I want to pun binning as per criteria given.

Bin 1: IR < 150 & VR >62
Bin 2: 150<IR<300 & VR >62
Bin 3: IR >300 & 62< VR <30
Bin 4: IR >300 & VR <30

Example data

Data 1 : IR = 80 & VR =68 --> Bin 1
Data 2 : IR = 200 & VR =68 --> Bin 2
Data 3 : IR = 300 & VR =25 --> Bin 4
Data 4 : IR = 350 & VR =45 --> Bin 3

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Formula To Group Series Of Data

Feb 21, 2007

adapting a formula which I was provided on the forum earlier in the week (I have attached a worksheet as an example). The formula is in column A in the following format ‘=IF(B4=B3,A3,IF(OR(AND(B3<=B2,B3<=B4),AND(B3>=B2,B3>=B4)),A3+1,A3))’.

It is used to number groups of data and it should increase by an increment of 1 for each group. The groups are defined by a changing angle (column B) which runs from high to low (group 1) then low to high (group 2) etc.

The formula in column A works fine until the angle column does not change for 1 or more data points (which sometimes occurs on the change over between groups). See row 430 and 331, the group 6 needs to either be included in group 5 or 7 and then the current group 7 needs to become group 6 and carry on as normal. Is there any way of adapting this formula or changing it to account for this problem?

I have a lot of data series like these and the repeated angles could occur between any groups not just at group 6 as it has done in this example.

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How To Group Data (rows) Using Month And Year In Date Column Using Macro

May 11, 2013

I want to group data (rows) using month and year in date column using macro.

For example.

Date ID Amount
01/01/2013 12345 $100
02/01/2013 13452 $73
03/01/2013 12232 $50
04/01/2013 34232 $125
01/02/2013 12322 $67
02/02/2013 12345 $100
03/02/2013 13452 $73
04/02/2013 12232 $50
05/02/2013 34232 $125
01/03/2013 12345 $100
02/03/2013 13452 $73
03/03/2013 12232 $50
04/03/2013 34232 $125

I want to group rows by mm/yyyy in date column. Also I want sum amount column by month.

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Function/formula To Copy/past Multiple Data Rows In Excel Worksheet

May 19, 2009

I am trying to find a way to copy and paste multiple non concurrent rows of data from one spreadsheet to another.

Ex: I have a large worksheet with approx 20,000 rows of data. I need to copy
and paste every 100th row to a new worksheet.

I think this might be possible by setting up a formula and linking worksheets,
but I'm not exactly sure how to do it.

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Create Multiple IF Statement And Multiple VLOOKUP Within Same Formula

Aug 11, 2014

I am trying to create a formula which looks in 1 cell to determine 'IF' it states either "BUTT CUT" or "DIE CUT" and then does a VLOOKUP in a table array for each which ever column relates to asnwer to 'IF statement.

This is as far as I have got but even this won't work:


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Create Multiple Rows Per List, One To Many

Dec 21, 2006

I'm trying to do. I have a sheet that gets popluated and once populate needs to create a one to many output sheet. See example. Sheet1 (gets populated from another process):


Sheet2 (is my output sheet, which I then save into a text file to be imported into a different application):
and so on...

Although there is other stuff that I'm doing, this is the jist of it.

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Multiple Ccolums/rows To Get Data From Multiple Columns/rows (vlookup)

Jan 15, 2010

I have created a spreadsheet to show some reports and I wanted to serch for some datas which overloops themeselves. If you can have a look at a test file I attached you will see the full picture. I have 2 tables, where the 2nd one is on the right side of the 1st one. 1st table:..............

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Create Multiple Files For Multiple Groups Of Data

May 9, 2008

I have one main Excel file with information (in example file - columns A & B). I want to create 4 other Excel files that will draw from the main one (in example file - columns D, F, H, & J). I want the information in Excel file A, B, C, and D to be continuous information that matches the main file. For example, the letter A matches up with numbers 1,3,4,10,11,13,15,17, and 19 in the main file. When I open Excel file A, I want a continuous list of these numbers. And I want this for all 4 Excel files which draw from the main one.

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Create New Radio Button Group

Sep 13, 2012

I am using the developer tools and have created a set of radio buttons that work fine.

On the same worksheet and tab I have created a second set of radio buttons but all the radio buttons are grouped as the same set.

How do I define the second group as a second group?

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Create Formula With Multiple Values

Feb 26, 2010

I need to create a formula that will allow me to use two sheets within the same workbook. I set up a dropdown box in my B2 cell in my first worksheet. My A4 cell is where I am trying to create my formula. I am not even sure how to say what I need. My drop down is filled with numbers from 1-211. I started my formula with =IF(B2=1,Sheet2!B3) this much I can get to work. It fills in the correct information. I do not know how to get it to continue. I need B2=2,Sheet2!B4.

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Create New Column To Group Subcategories Into Categories

Apr 6, 2012

I have a column that has subcategories, and I would like to create a new column that would group those subcategories into categories.

Is there a formula that once it detects a certain word in the subcategory should give a certain category name that I choose?

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Create Workbooks & Worksheets For Each Group In Table

Jan 17, 2008

I have a workbook that contains one worksheet with data. This data has 7 columns and is a database metadata report.

The columns are as follows:

Joined Tables
Column Name
Column Alias
Column Description
Column Data Type
Column Length

From this data, I am looking to have a script that automates the creation of a new workbook for each unique value in the Table column (i.e. tablename.xls) and saves them to my local drive. Each workbook then would have x number of worksheets named joined table 1, joined table 2, etc that relate to the name of the table in the original Table column. Finally, each worksheet will contain the related Column data for each Joined Table as mentioned above.

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How To Create Scattered Plot With Repeating Values In The Same Group

Mar 20, 2014

I have data that is something like this:

Group Assets
1 200
1 300
2 150
3 50
1 500
3 100

I want to create a scattered plot charts based on the data above but I cant get it to work for some reason. I want to have the "Group" on the x-axis and the "Assets" on the y-axis. I don't want to combine the same group number (for example to have group 1 with total assets of 1000, I want to keep it as 200 300 and 500 because I want to show which group is more represented than other group.). I have tried sorting the data by group and also with out sorting but the data doesn't plot at all (everything looks clustered at the 0 level on the x-axis instead of the respective asset level.

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Create IF / LOOKUP Formula To Look At Multiple Sheets Within Workbook?

May 5, 2014

New to using Excel formula's and am trying to create an IF/LOOKUP formula to look at multiple sheets within a workbook and display the information within the 'compare' sheet.The yellow cells are where data will be entered.

What I am trying to achieve:

Type the store numbers on the compare sheet (B2 and D2). For the sheet attached I have put 190 (in B2) and 2012 (in D2)

B2 store shows the predicted and actual values of 190 in columns B & C

D2 store shows the predicted and actual values of 2012 in columns E & F
(No need to worry about variance and difference columns)

So, if I change the store numbers in B2 and D2 to any of the sheet numbers, I want it to display the correct info for that particular store within the compare sheet.

I have attempted a formula, which you can see... I have basically looked at some previous sheets that had IF and LOOKUP on it and tried to replicate that for my sheet, but with no luck.

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Create Line Graph That Will Incorporate Multiple Columns Of Data In One Series Of Data

Sep 27, 2011

I am trying to create a line graph that will incorporate multiple columns of data in one series of data. The reason I do not place all of the data in one column is because it could exceed the maximum amount of rows allowed in excel. Also I need the data split up for viewing purposes.

I can easily just graph one column but how do I combine all the columns into one line graph with the data being in separate columns. Basically all the columns will be my Y values and X values are just 1:n.

Example Below:

Column AColumn B Column C159261037114812

Now in the example all of the values are x values.

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Create Individual Worksheets For Each Related Group Of Table Range

May 25, 2008

I have a huge worksheet containing Blackberries expenses of my company divided by multiple sections. Each section follows the following pattern: Example:

Client 222-5555 MY COMPANY NAME LCC
International Calls
- Call to Bahamas on June - $50,00
Local Calls
- Call to NY on June - $ 30,00
Total Price - 80,00

I would like to select each row between client and total price and paste then on multiple sheets in order to create individual invoices. The selection must be based on the client number (for instance 222-5555) that is part of the cell value.

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Macro To Create New Rows As Per Data?

Sep 20, 2013

I have 2 sheets in one excel file.

I need a macro to check how many rows have value in sheet b and then insert rows accordingly in sheet A between cell B11:B100.

For E.g. if there is value from cell A1 to A150. than I want the macro to add 50 more rows in Sheet A between Cell B11 & B100 and also copy the formula that is there in cell N11 to Z100.

Data in cell A1 to A150 can be between 0 to 999

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Change Color Of Group Of Cells Based On Data In Another Group Of Cells

Jan 12, 2014

Conditional formatting. I want to change the color of a group of cells based on data in another group of cells. Example:

If cells G8 and G9 (which are merged) are between 80% and 94%, then I9,I10,I11 (which are merged) will turn Yellow. Also, under the same scenario, IF G8 and G9 is greater than 94%, then cells I9, I10, I11 will turn Red.

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How To Seperate Data In A Cell And Create New Rows

Jun 23, 2013

I am somewhat new to excel and have a task I have a catalogue that I need to separate multiple printer models that all have the same part # into individual line items. This will save me weeks of work.

I have this:


And want to end up with this:



Or even this:




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Create List From Data On Multiple Sheets

Aug 19, 2009

I have data contained in matching cells from several sheets. I need a worksheet that reflect the summary of the data from the worksheets. No formula is required. I just want my summary worksheet to list the all the data from my other worksheets. I might end up having about a hundred worksheets that I need included in the summary. Attached is a sample. It would be better if the summary automaticaaly updates as new worksheets are added.

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Create Multiple Sheets And Copy Data To Them

Oct 1, 2007

I have a worksheet with a list of project managers and a bounc of data on them.

How can i make a new file with sheets for every project manager in the list and copy the data for each one into his own sheet ?

Every project manager has many lines (there are about 200 managers and 30 000 lines and 30 columns )

I have managed to create a sheets for project managers from a list of unique entries but that's all.

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