Group Multiple Rows Of Data That Have Staggering Values In One Row

Jan 17, 2013

I have a smaller spreadsheet with 40k rows/34 columns of data. Column A has serial numbers and does contain duplicates. The rest of the columns have varying data pertaining to those serial numbers. I'm sure there is an easy way to do this, however I have just not had enough coffee today because it is not coming to me. Here is an example of the data (not all columns obviously) and I put in ZZZZZ for each blank cell in the table and each space you see is the column break just for visual because I couldn't get it to paste here and have the staggering that it is doing.

See the laddering effect that is going on? When the data was imported into excel it created a new row for every value. What I need is all of the values in the same row EXCEPT if there are two part numbers referenced for the same serial number. In that case I would want two rows of the same serial number showing only the part number, description and two dates for that serial number in each row.


[Code] .....

Would like it to be like this (for the above data):
87654321SN987 PARTTONERFALSE1/1/201312/31/2013FALSE

Quick note, each serial number does NOT always have the exact same amount of repetitive rows. So there aren't 10 rows of 12345678, 10 rows of 87654321, 10 rows of 12345679, etc. They can be different. I do not have the original xml file used to import or i would just reimport it correctly this is all i have to work with.

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Create Formula To Group Insurances When There Are Multiple Rows Of Data

May 20, 2014

I am trying to develop a formula that will tell me whether an account has both Medicare and Medicaid or Medicaid HMO insurance. An account can have one or more lines, and one or more insurances. I manually completed the sample file in column 'D' (see attached) to come up with the desired output. The criteria is below:

-If the account has Medicare and Medicaid financial class, then it is a '5'.
-If the account has Medicare and Medicaid HMO financial class, then it is a '6'.
-Otherwise, it is a '0'.

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How To Create A Macro To Auto Group Rows That Has No Numerical Values

Apr 17, 2014

creating a Macro to automatically group rows that has no numerical value, for example:

1. 13.4
2. 0
3. 0
4. 33.3
5. 0
and so on...

So for this exercise I need excel to automatically group row 2, 3 5 with one click, and leave other rows with actual numbers visible on the sheet.

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Finding Top 2 Values Per Group Based On Multiple Criteria

May 21, 2007

I am trying to find the top two values per group based on multiple criteria. The list I'm working with is not sorted and would be better for it to not have to be sorted as on-the-fly sorts will likely often occur from the raw data and I wouldn't want that to mess up the results I'm looking for here.

As an Example, here's what I'm trying to do:

Make Model Rating
Ford Bronco 64
Chevy Corvette 94
Dodge Intrepid 83
Chevy Chevette 34
Dodge Viper 72
Ford Escape 21
Ford Expidition 53
Chevy Impala 67
Ford Fairmont 11
Dodge Dart 33

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Sorting Data In Multiple Tabs By Group

Dec 31, 2012

I have imported data into excel arranged as per the following and there are separate tabs per year. I a trying to summarize and phase the balances per client..i.e 07,08,09,10,11,12.

Therefore if client x balance in 2007 = 10, 2008=11, 2009=10, 2010=2, 2011=3 and 2012 = 5 and so on...then total the balance owed as of now and also phase it as illustrated below. I've tried vlook up's?


[Code] .....

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How To Group Data (rows) Using Month And Year In Date Column Using Macro

May 11, 2013

I want to group data (rows) using month and year in date column using macro.

For example.

Date ID Amount
01/01/2013 12345 $100
02/01/2013 13452 $73
03/01/2013 12232 $50
04/01/2013 34232 $125
01/02/2013 12322 $67
02/02/2013 12345 $100
03/02/2013 13452 $73
04/02/2013 12232 $50
05/02/2013 34232 $125
01/03/2013 12345 $100
02/03/2013 13452 $73
03/03/2013 12232 $50
04/03/2013 34232 $125

I want to group rows by mm/yyyy in date column. Also I want sum amount column by month.

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Sort And Group Names Then Sum Associated Numerical Values For Each Group - Sort Total

Apr 18, 2014

I have this massive spreadsheet, with the maximum rows excel will fit on one sheet. In the interest of simplicity, this is what the raw data looks like:

Last First Amount

Jones Jim $1000
Jung Joe $700
White Jon $100
Jones Jim $200
Jones Jan $300
Jung Joe $800
White Jon $200

What I want to do is automatically get excel to group all the same names together. Then I want it to sum all the values for each name, then order by largest total value for each person, then order that by name alphabetically. In other words, the above would look like this after the sort:

Last First Amount
Jung Joe $800
Jung Joe $700
Jones Jim $1000
Jones Jim $200
Jones Jan $300
White Jon $200
White Jon $100

Or, if necessary, there could be sum total rows under each name...although I don't have spare rows, so IDK. I could delete some rows if I had to, but would rather not.

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Multiple Ccolums/rows To Get Data From Multiple Columns/rows (vlookup)

Jan 15, 2010

I have created a spreadsheet to show some reports and I wanted to serch for some datas which overloops themeselves. If you can have a look at a test file I attached you will see the full picture. I have 2 tables, where the 2nd one is on the right side of the 1st one. 1st table:..............

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Count Rows Meeting Multiple Criteria Of Multiple Values

Aug 10, 2009

I am trying to find a formula to count rows that meet multiple criteria, but one of the criteria can be multiple values. I have a list of people with a list of clients that they are responsible for. Each person is responsible for 10-20 clients. Every day I run a report that shows the project worksheets submitted for each client and if money has been awarded or not.

I'm wondering if there is a way to count, for each person, the number of project worksheets that show "awarded" in column K. That would mean that I would have to look for, for each person, any of their multiple clients in column B and "awarded" in column K.

I am trying to put the formula in D2:D9, as I use A2:D9 for a chart. O1:P79 contain the names of the people and the applicants that they are responsible for. A17:D158 contains the list of project worksheets (updated daily). I used =SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF(B17:B999,P1:P14)) to count the actual number of project worksheets for each person, but I can't figure out a way to modify that to add in the "awarded" criteria also.

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Split Multiple Values In A Cell To Multiple Rows?

Mar 4, 2013

if there is a way to split multiple values in a cell to multiple rows. example check the attached sheet, macro/function with in excel etc.

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Change Color Of Group Of Cells Based On Data In Another Group Of Cells

Jan 12, 2014

Conditional formatting. I want to change the color of a group of cells based on data in another group of cells. Example:

If cells G8 and G9 (which are merged) are between 80% and 94%, then I9,I10,I11 (which are merged) will turn Yellow. Also, under the same scenario, IF G8 and G9 is greater than 94%, then cells I9, I10, I11 will turn Red.

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VBA Code To Sum Values Across Multiple Rows

Dec 6, 2012

I got the following code to sum values for columns from this post in the forums. It works perfectly


With xl.ActiveSheet.Range("A7").CurrentRegion
If .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).value <> "Total" Then
With .Offset(.Rows.Count).Resize(1)
.Formula = "=SUM(R2C:R[-1]C)"
.Columns(1).value = "Total"
End With
End If
End With

However I would like to do the same for the rows of data in my sheet, with a "Totals" column added on to the first empty column to the right. To provide some background, my worksheet is very similar to a pivot table. So the actual data starts a few columns to the right from A, and it extends to the right for an unkown length. I am using xlToRight to set a variable 'a'.

I like this code because it doesn't Dim any new variables because this will have to be re used about 5 times in the context of a loop and I already have way too many variables going. But if I have to use them it is okay.

I tried modifying the above code with .FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(RC[-11]:RC[-1])" to no avail.

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Hiding Rows Based On Multiple Values

Aug 7, 2012

I've tried several approaches on how to code this, but can't figure out how to work it. I have a large spreadsheet; which dynamically changes in both column and row counts. So, I have an array of values. If any cell has a negative value, that cell text needs to be changed to red AND that row needs to remain displayed. If ALL values in that row are >=0 then the row can be hidden.

The array is actually a pivot table named QTD

For Example: If cell D5 = 5 and F5 = -3 then Row 5 should remain displayed.

If Cell D6 = 5 and F6=0 then row 6 should be hidden because all values are > 0

Then I was thinking of using the case statement to hide the rows but can't figure the syntax. I'm open to any other means of performing the taks as long as the initial array dynamically to encompass all the data.

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Separating Values In A Cell Into Multiple Rows?

Nov 14, 2009

I need to separate multiple values separated by comma in a single cell into individual rows. However, I also need that the data in the adjacent columns of the original cell also to be repeated in the new rows. The problem is illustrated in the attached file.

that the table is just a sample and most of the tables I work with contain at least 15,000 rows,

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Duplicate Values Multiple Rows To Be Highlighted?

Jan 8, 2013

how to highlight in one rows and 3 column if there is a duplicate.. i have attached here as an example....NameMatch.xlsx

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Combining Some Of Rows Values Based On Multiple Criteria (2)

Apr 18, 2014

I have a table based on transport numbers who sometimes have doubles. Example:

Number Postcode Value1 Value 2...
106200 8500 10
106200 8500 5
106200 8600 6
106201 5500 4
106202 4000 1
106202 4000 1

So it works as following:

A transportnumber can have multiple instances of itself, such as 106200. This transport number can also have multiple instances where the postcode is the same. These are the rows i want to combine

So shortly:
Transportnumber double/triple...+ Postcode double/triple...= combine these rows.

if only transport number is double, or only postcode, then dont combine. I want it to combine 2 columns of values, one will b the kgs, other one a price.

So example of end result for 106200 would be
106200 8500 value+value (these 2 rows matched so it combined the 2 values i want it to)
106200 8600 value ( this was unique so it stays unique)

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Displaying Multiple Values Without Using Macros Or ROWS Function

Mar 13, 2009

is to display a set of data based on filtered information.

My Data base:
Company Department Name
A X John
A Y Joe
A X Jane
B Y Bob
C Z Kate
A X Kerri

Based on user selection of Company and Department, I want to be able to display the relavent names.

If user chose Company A, and Department X, I want to be able to display

I've used the ROWS, Index, Small combination that works perfectly (Please see sample below). However, since the this software doesn't support the ROWS function, and doesn't support Macros.

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Return Multiple Values From Columns To Rows Between 2 Dates

Feb 8, 2013

I got a good start on what I need to do from this thread here: [URL] ......

A user will use a userform to enter in results from a room inspection into one sheet and then on another sheet selects the maid and it pull up the matching room inspections. I wish to then limit it to a date range which can be found in two cells.

Currently cells D2:H2 contain the array

[Code] ......

and cells D3:H3 contain

[Code] .........

I would like to further limit those searches by restricting the date range, Cells D4 and E4 contain the first of the month and last of the month respectively.

I would like to avoid the easy answer, start a new workbook each month, but I won't be the person entering the data or using the separate sheet to conduct performance reviews so it needs to be one workbook that lasts from month to month.

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Sort Text Into Rows By Multiple Delimiters / Values?

Nov 19, 2013

I am trying to consolidate an .835 raw text file that is full of receipts and payments into rows by specific values/characters. Once opened within notepad/text format, I figured out that the ~CLP is the referencing value/character used to break up each individual payment.

I need to somehow use the ~CLP as the value(s) to sort the text into new rows, with each row pre-leading with the ~CLP.

For example:


New Row format needed:


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Macro To Search Multiple Values And Delete Rows.

Nov 5, 2008

How to create a macro to search a value and delete the row but I'm having trouble trying to get this to search multiple values. Keep in mind I'm really new at attempting to create a macro so this may look terrible ;-)

I have a list of 20 numbers (changes from time to time) and I need to filter any row containing any one of these numbers out of my results each day. I am currently able to filter a single group of numbers but get an end error every time I attempt to string a group of numbers.

This is what I have so far and is an example. We'll use three numbers as an example.

"12345","12346","12347" are the numbers that we'll use for the example that I need to filter. The code that I have is:

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How To Count Rows With Defined Values In Multiple Columns

Nov 7, 2005

I need a formula or function that will sum the number of occurences a
specific text string is entered into cells in column B. I only want to count
the occurences when a number that is in column A (on the same row as the
text) is equal to a specific number. Sounds easy but it's very frustrating.

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Copying Rows With Multiple Colum Values To New Sheet

May 21, 2008

I need to copy specific rows that have a specific value in colum B and Colum M to new worksheets.

So from below attached screenshot , say for an example macro shud filter rows that have "BigPond" in coloum B ,"RG2" in column M & "INT" in column W and i dont want all cells in these rows , i only want copy cells under column C,AK,AL,AM (in this order) to my other excel sheet that is named "BigPond" and it should paste it starting from Row5.

I want to avoid recording a macro as it selects a range and i am expecting more new rows every week so if a record a macro the cell range for selection changes and i get incorrect result.

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Macro To Group Rows

Mar 24, 2009

i have a macro that will group duplicate cell with a border base on column a

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VBA To Highlight Every Other Group Of Rows?

Mar 5, 2014

I am looking for a VBA to highlight a every other set of rows in a data set in grouped by name. I am able to do so by using conditional formatting but being that I will be doing this on a frequent basis. I have attached an example of what I'd to do.

If c2 = c1 then copy row color, if c2 does not equal c1 then highlight row light grey.

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Delete Every Nth Group Of Rows

Mar 12, 2007

I'd like to select a range and then delete the top 10 rows, then skip down 500 rows and delete another 10 rows, and so forth until the end of the range.

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Group Rows And Total

Feb 20, 2008

I have a sheet named “Input” where the name of the persons appear more than once as the same is made by consolidating monthly sheets.

Now I want to make summary of each persons to a new sheet named “Output”.
In the new sheet, the name should appear once.

The name should summarize the total of all the columns corresponding to the name.
For eg name Ashu may appear more than once in the Input sheet but in the Output sheet this name should appear once and shall summarizes all the amount for all the rows where Ashu has appeared and so on.

******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - RowBasedTotal.xls___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutB16C16=ABCD1NameAmount1Amount2 2Ashu10050 3Basu200100 4Natu300150 5Garu400200 6Ashu500250 7Basu600300 8Natu700350 9Garu800400 10Aayur900450 11Mayur1000500 12Basu1100550 13Gastu1200600 14Natu1300650 15Garu1400700 16Total105005250 Input [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.

******** ******************** ......................

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Sum Values Belonging To The Same Group?

Jun 9, 2014

I have to perform the sum of some values. In particular I want to sum only values that belongs to the same group (indicated by a value in a column) (see the attached file). how can I do it avoiding the pivots?

Attachment 324006

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Sort A Group Of Values

Mar 31, 2007

I would like to know how to sort a group of values/scores (values from row 1 belong together etc) ....

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New Line After Each Group Of Values

Mar 28, 2007

I want to do is insert a new blank line after each group of values eg

Column A

In this I want a new blank line to run in between the two names. However, the problem maybe when I add in new names because I will want them to be all grouped in eg Adding another Richard in will sort out the group to be this

Column A



Would I therefore be better off running a simple tidy up macro after new text had been inserted which reordered the text in column a alphabetically, then added a blank row between the names. Does anyone have some VBA code knocking round that does this? I have found this code here as a starting point (though I dont understand it)

Sub InsertBlankRows()
Dim currentCell As Range
Dim s As Integer, i As Integer, e As Long, c As Integer

Set currentCell = ActiveCell

Do While Not IsEmpty(currentCell)

s = currentCell.Value
e = currentCell.Row
c = currentCell.Column

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Finding Duplicate Rows Based On Values In Multiple Columns?

Mar 28, 2014

I have a data set which has 6 columns (and lots of rows). Every row is different but I want to aggregate them based on 4 fields and then find the average of the numerical column for the results. I basically want to Group based on 4 fields and find the average of the 5th field.

My initial approach was to introduce a column which is a combination of the 4 fields I want to group by, simply in the Excel file (=A2&B2&C2&D2) and then find duplicates of that. I have a solution for this in VBA but when importing new data sets in this method is very slow, so I want to be able to do the whole thing in VBA.

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