Delete Records When Cell In E Is 0 Or Blank?

Oct 31, 2008

I d like to find a method with which I can delete records from E starting from E2 that have 0 or even blanks with a macro.

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Delete Records When A Cell In E Is 0 Or Blank

Oct 31, 2008

I d like to find a method with which I can delete records from E starting from E2 that have 0 or even blanks with a macro.

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Blank Records Not Being Appearing In Pivot?

May 17, 2013

I have an excel table as below from where I am generating a pivot table:

Project Name
Is this a new Project?



[Code] .......

The pivot looks like this:

I just need to show the records which are "New Projects" (for which "Is this a New Project?" is "Yes"). Hence I am filtering the pivot for "Yes" records only.

All regions are not appearing in the pivot. I also need to show other regions which are missing (viz,ESE & WE) with 0 values.

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Listbox Records Showing As Blank

Mar 27, 2014

I have the following bit of code that runs and is working MOSTLY correct. The code looks at the value of the combobox, loops through a range, finds the values in the assigned range that match the value in the combobox, and then adds the items to the listbox in multiple columns.

As I said, the code is MOSTLY working correct. Everything works, okay, except that only the first records shows up.

It's counting correctly, as I also have a label that does a listcount that is displaying the correct number. The problem is, that all other 95 records (the value I am searching in the combobox I have confirmed relates to 96 records) except the first one show as blank.


Sub cmbVolumeSKUs_Change()Dim r As Range, rAll As Range
Dim sTerm As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
sTerm = frmL.cmbVolumeSKUs
With Sheets("Volume Pricing")


EDIT: After reviewing the code line by line, it looks as though each new record is actually overwriting the first row. The record count is accurate, but each record found is being overwritten by the next. How can I get by this?

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VBA - Delete Row Where Specific Cell Is Blank

Aug 30, 2012

I have written such loop which I want to delete entire row when a given cell is empty:

lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For Counter = lastrow To 2 Step -1
If Cells(Counter, 6).Value = "" Then
End If

It works not the way I want. It has ommited some blank rows and also removes 5th row everytime I run it.

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How To Delete Entire Row That Has Blank Cell

May 14, 2014

VBA codes in filtering blanks.

Here is a screenshot, and what i want to do is to delete the entire row that has a blank cell. In which here, the 5th row, 7th row and 9th row.

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VBA To Delete Column If Certain Cell Is Blank

Jun 20, 2014

I need a code that will delete an entire column (J) if J6 is blank.

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Delete Row If Blank Cell In Column

Jan 8, 2008

way to find blank cells in a column(s) and delete the rows corresponding to the cell number. I found this code in one of the previous threads on ozgrid but it just doesnt work for me because it is slowing me down. Please help (I am working on around 60000 rows in Excel 2007)

Sub DeleteBlankARows()
With Application
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
. ScreenUpdating = False
Dim r As Long
For r = Cells(Rows.Count, 11).End(xlUp).Row To 1 Step -1
If Cells(r, 11) = "" Then Rows(r).Delete
Next r
.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub

a way to do the reverse viz. for a particular column, I'd like to delete the row corresponding to the non-blank cell in the column.

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Delete Row If Non-blank Cell In Column

Jan 17, 2008

Yes thats exactly what I am looking for. deleting rows if a cell in a particular column is not empty/has data.

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Search Cell If Blank Delete Cell Shift Values Up

Oct 22, 2009

The below code is what I have and it works but what I need is for it to loop until it doesn't delete anything. How can this be done?

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How To Filter And Delete Records

Jan 20, 2014

I am new to to VB Scripting, filter the records. In the attached file there are multiple records which needs to be filtered. Once all the records are filtered, i want to delete the entire row of that record(s). I want to filter column 'F' with the values mentioned in Sheet2. I tried recording a macro, but it is not allowing me to do so as the macro has some limitations. The search and delete row loop The main purpose is to delete the row of the value, if not found, move on to next value in Sheet2.

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Delete Records In Set After Classification?

May 23, 2014

I have a large (300K+ records) database with a sizeable amount of duplicate records. I want to delete the duplicates but this is not a matter of simply Remove Duplicates; I need to evaluate them before I do.

I am wondering what functions would:

1) select the specific record in a set of duplicates that makes a determination of a status
2) once the status has been determined for the set, delete all other records

Fields in my database:

ACCIDENT NUM (ID field, in text or General format)
DUP (for Duplicate, indicated by a character, for now its a "?")
OCC_KILLED (in Number format)
OCC_INJURED (in Number format)
SEVERITY (in text format)

Here are some scenarios:

ACC dup K I
12345 ? 0 0
12345 ? 1 2


ACC dup K I
123456 ? 0 1
123456 ? 1 0


ACC dup K I
1234567 ? 0 0
1234567 ? 0 2
1234567 ? 0 0

This is the formula for indicating if there are Duplicate records in the larger dataset:


I need to determine the Severity of the accident based on this:

If OCC_KILLED > 0 then SEVERITY = F (for Fatal)
IF OCC_INJURED > 0 and > OCC_KILLED then SEVERITY = I (for Injury)
IF OCC_KILLED and OCC_INJURED = 0 then SEVERITY = PDO (for Property Damage Only)

I have a code already in place for how to create the value for Severity but it DOES NOT account for duplicate records:

(in SEVERITY field):

=IF(A1<>0, "F",IF(B1<>0,"I","PDO")

sampleset.xls is a sample ot the database.

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Delete Duplicate Records

Jul 15, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with a column of records (text ) from B1:B4000. I would like to delete the entire row of the duplicate record. Overall data set range is (A1:I4000). This spreadsheet may contain more than 1 duplicate record. Is there in easy fix?

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Delete Of Duplicate Records

Nov 22, 2009

I'm having trouble getting this piece of macro to work. I want to delete duplicate Id records in (Cell B12 : B124), but only those with "No" in the (Cell Z12 : Z124) will be deleted.

B12 Z12
E1 Yes
E2 Yes
E3 Yes
E4 Yes
E1 No
E2 No
E3 No
E4 No

Expected results:
E1 Yes
E2 Yes
E3 Yes
E4 Yes

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Delete Records From Spreadsheet

Jun 29, 2009

I have some data that looks like this.

No. Date
1519 06/17/2003
1652 06/30/2005

What I would like to do is delete all numbers including those with duplicates that have a date of 2004 or sooner. In otherwords, anything from 12/31/2003 and later I want to keep, but anything from 01/01/2004 until the present.

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ADO Delete Database Records

Dec 21, 2006

I'm creating an Excel UserForm where the user can view, edit, and delete records they've entered.

The following code is for Deleting a selected record, and it IS WORKING. But it seems TOO SIMPLE and I want to be sure it's correct and not leaving any loose ends in the Database file that could cause corruption later on....

Sub vCLdbDel()
Dim cnt As ADODB.Connection

Dim dbPath, dbName As String
Dim stSQLAs String
Dim stCon As String
Dim dbid As Long

Run "setvars"

'Get the dbID from the selected Item in the list
With vCL.CLdbList
dbid = .List(.ListIndex, 6)
End With

'Path & FileName to the Database File
dbPath = M. Range("G2").Value
dbName = M.Range("G3").Value

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How To Delete Blank Column Based On Cell Value

Feb 22, 2014

I have this sheet(sheet2) with some data , I have 2 macro, my problems at this time is that I am looking for macro that delete only the blank rows that under the rows with {SELECT ....} and the under the blank rows with {CELL-ENTER......} and all the rest blank leave in place , I am also looking for option to integrate the new macro with the existing one and come up with one macro that I can refer to click button , in case that it is unfeasible , it's ok with me , I just will call the other macro at the from the first macro that I have.

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Delete ALL Rows That Have Cell In Column (J) That Looks Blank

Feb 11, 2010

I'm trying to delete rows which has columns that appears to be blank. Below code worked fine but it took about 15 min for the macro to work through the spreadsheet.

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Delete Or Clear A Row If Cell In Column Is Blank

Oct 24, 2009

Is there a way to delete or clear a row on exit if no end date has gone into it. i.e. if the user clicks on the X button in the top right hand corner.

Every time the user clicks on start the date goes into the next empty row, if finish is clicked then the end date will go into the cell next to it. See example below. Here the user has started and ended correctly

24/10/09 24/10/09
24/10/09 24/10/09

In the example below the user has forgotten to click on the finish button when they first clicked on start, they exited excel instead and no end date was inputted. When the user clicked on start again the start date went to the row below, however as there was no end date the last time, this time when they clicked on end button, then end date went to the first BLANK CELL

24/10/09 24/10/09

I would want the delete row or clear row option, which ever would work best, to happen if the user clicked on the X in top right and corner or Exited excel via File.

Ideally I would like the row cleared and not deleted, I have read Clare Watts thread and we both seems to be having a similar problem, I have used some of the examples from her thread but non seem to work. So I now wish to go with a delete or clear row option on exit, if possible.

The row changes every time. The column for deleting or clearing would be A to AB. The end date goes in to Column B

So if the user clicked on start but did not click on the Finish Button then the last row with no end date would be deleted or cleared on exit from column A to AB

24/10/09 24/10/09
24/10/09(This is deleted or Cleared of exit via X top right hand corner)

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Label Mailmerge To Word - Too Many Labels/blank Records

Feb 6, 2007

I've created the following code to perform a mailmerge to word from my excel spreadsheet, but when I run the code I am having a couple problems, and I have no idea where to start looking to correct them. I set up the Mailmerge Main Document as a Word Template with the Mergefields already filled in.

The data is coming from the first sheet in my excel workbook which has the headers for each column in Row A, and the headers match the word Mergefields I entered in my word template. When I run the following code, even though there are currently only 60 or so rows of " records" the result in word is 34 pages of my 5160 Avery Labels. After it runs out of the actual records it creates 32 pages of blank labels which appear to be printing only the current date and appear to be pulling the data from blank cells in my "ActivityDate" column of my datasource.

Also, everytime I run the macro, I get a message saying that "a table in the document has become corrupted"

Sub MaiMerge()
Dim oApp As Word.Application
Dim oMainDoc As Word.Document
Dim wb As Excel.Workbook
Dim sDBPath As String
Dim sTPath As String

Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
sDBPath = wb.Path & "CalendarStickers.xls"
sTPath = wb.Path & ""

'Create a new Word Session
Set oApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")

'Start a new main document for the mail merge...............

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If Cell In Column Is Blank / Unpopulated Delete Entire Row?

Oct 16, 2013

If cells in column A3:A10000 are blank / unpopulated I would like to delete the blank rows.

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Auto Delete Records In Excel?

Mar 23, 2012

how to automatically complete with Excel the following task:

1. I have two email databases in Excel: a master database and opt-out database.

2. I need to remove from the Master database emails of opted-out people.

3. Since the databases are large, I'd like to use a relevant Excel function to do that automatically.:

In the master list (column B) I have all the emails from the Master list. I have copied in the column C of the Master list the emails of all who opted-out. I need to remove opted out emails (listed in column C) from the master email list (column B).

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VBA To Delete Records Based On Certain Date

Jul 18, 2012

I have a spreadsheet titled "PMIX" In Columns A:F Column F has Week Ending date. Each week, I need to update this, i.e. delete the data from two weeks ago and then add the new weeks data. What I am thinking is I enter a Week Ending Date in H1, then I would like VBA to delete all rows where it has the data in H1. I am hoping for a delete function as opposed to a clear so I can shift all the rows up.

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Delete All Records Below A Variable Row Which I Select Highlighted

Mar 1, 2009

1. Is there a way to delete all records below a variable row which I select highlighted ?

2. I have a spread sheet which is located in the folder xl start. How can i find this file to delete it>

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Find First Blank Cell In First Column Of Known Range / Select And Delete From That Point

Jun 6, 2014

I have multiple tables like the one in the picture and have to duplicate this code for different known ranges.

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Adding Search Function To Delete Matching Records..

Jun 1, 2009

I'd like to do is click the delete button and when clicked, it will search for matching records in column A & B and if they match... I'm thinking the code for that is <> but I'm not sure, then delete that record, and shift the cells up. Do this until the search results are empty below the delete button. Like I said, it's probably more understandable to look at the workbook.

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Macro - Find Null Cells And Delete Records

Oct 3, 2013

Creating a macro. Need to delete records in column D from the first blank cell. 1st blank cell variable.

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Excel 2010 :: Filter To Select Records - Removing Unwanted Blank Cells

Jul 25, 2013

I have a spreadsheet which is used by users unfamiliar with Excel. They are using the filter to select records, however when this is used some records appear which have no entry in the cells of that column. Can I overcome this? There is no data in the blank cells, other than a data validation drop down.

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Find Duplicate Records Based On Multiple Columns But Keep Records

Aug 10, 2014

I have a range of columns i.e. 23 columns (i.e. B through X). Someone can write records in these columns (starting from B21).

Duplicates are considered the rows with similar data in columns 3 and 11. I know about the removeduplicate method and works really well but i want the duplicates not to be removed. Instead another column shall be checked for date of entry (user will entry date in format dd/mm/yyyy). The newest entry will change the value of the cell in column 4 (islatest column)to TRUE while all other records will be FALSE. This will work with the filtering of data on a pivot table on another worksheet.

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VBA To Rearrange 11000 Records Into 550 Rows (20 Records Combined Into Single Row)

Apr 25, 2014

Book1 and Book2 are workbooks that I have modified in order to protect private information.

Book1 will have 11,000 records (my example Book1 has only 100). I need to rearrange Book1 such that it looks like Book2. Book2 has 20 complete records from Book1 combined into one single row, and my example Book2 has populated 3 rows only (3 rows x 20 records, making 60 records now appear on 3 rows only).

Macro for getting Book1 to Book2? 11,000 records in Book1 will take a lot of hours to transform into Book2 unless a macro can do the job for me.


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