Deleting Multiple Rows With Multiple Criteria

Feb 6, 2007

I have a need to delete multiple rows with multiple criteria; criteria contains about 400 different and unique entries that have to be deleted. The code I obtained from this forum was modified but only deletes some entries and bypasses others. Row 1 is header and column 1 contains criteria that it it meets the " Case" it is supposed to be deleted. Example of code is below the Case has been shorted, for posting but normally each case runs the maximum length allowed. Please let me know where I messing up, I am thinking the it needs to be looping until all entries are deleted but I don't know how.

Sub DeleteRecords()
Dim n As Long, lastrow As Long
Dim ty As String
Dim a As Integer
lastrow = Range("D65536").End(xlUp).Row
a = 1 'this is the column in which you will find the notation finance numbers (Col X = 24)
For n = lastrow To 2 Step -1
ty = UCase(Cells(n, a))
Select Case ty..........................

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Count Rows Meeting Multiple Criteria Of Multiple Values

Aug 10, 2009

I am trying to find a formula to count rows that meet multiple criteria, but one of the criteria can be multiple values. I have a list of people with a list of clients that they are responsible for. Each person is responsible for 10-20 clients. Every day I run a report that shows the project worksheets submitted for each client and if money has been awarded or not.

I'm wondering if there is a way to count, for each person, the number of project worksheets that show "awarded" in column K. That would mean that I would have to look for, for each person, any of their multiple clients in column B and "awarded" in column K.

I am trying to put the formula in D2:D9, as I use A2:D9 for a chart. O1:P79 contain the names of the people and the applicants that they are responsible for. A17:D158 contains the list of project worksheets (updated daily). I used =SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF(B17:B999,P1:P14)) to count the actual number of project worksheets for each person, but I can't figure out a way to modify that to add in the "awarded" criteria also.

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Delete Rows Where Multiple Column Meets Multiple Criteria

Sep 29, 2011

Need to create a macro?

Delete rows where multiple column meets multiple criteria.

delete rows where
Column H is less than 10000
Column C is empty(blank)

Those 2 criteria have to occur at the same time..

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INDEX With Multiple Criteria And Returning Multiple Rows But Only The Two Most Recent

Jun 10, 2013

I have a spreadsheet of prices (raw data), and I need to pull out both the most recent price for each item for a specific customer code for each item, as well as the second most recent price, (essentially the old price), for that customer code for each item.

I have columns for ITEM (code), PTC (Customer Code), PRICE, and EFF (Effective Date). For each item code, there are multiple prices for multiple customers, such as in the linked workbook.

I am currently using the formula, =INDEX(PRICE,MATCH(1,(F2=ITEM)*(G2=PTC),0)) to pull out the last price. This works because the last price is on top based on sorting. What I need is a formula that pulls out the next oldest price for that item/ptc combo. I tried using the SMALL function to no success.


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Copy Rows Meeting Multiple Criteria On Multiple Columns

Dec 18, 2006

1. Copy data from original file (I do not want to do anything in the original file) into the spreadsheet (Target worksheet)where the code should run.
2. In sheet 1 of Target Worksheet, there are 2 columns which I need to set criterias on namely Column D and Column L
3. In Column D, I want to specify 3 criterias namely A, B and C
4. In Column L, I want to specify 5 criterias namely London, Frankfurt, New York, Sydney and Tokyo
5. If Criterias in 3 and 4 are met, copy all rows into Sheet 2 of Target Worksheet

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Deleting Multiple Rows?

Mar 15, 2013

I have a large list of coordinates that I pasted from a website, and in Excel it has an emty row between every coordinate. I have about 2,000 cordinates, so ~4,000 rows. Is there a way to delete every other row besides manually?

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Deleting Multiple Rows?

Jan 18, 2013

In my spreadsheet, column A can contain the same word over several rows. If column B is blank at any time - I want to delete all rows that have the same word in column A.

Apple 1
Orange 2
Peach 1
Peach 2

So in this example - I want to delete rows 1 and 3 that show the word Apple.

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Sum Multiple Criteria In Multiple Columns And Rows

Jul 10, 2013

create a formula,for multiple criteria with multiple results in rows.


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Adding And Deleting Multiple Rows

Jul 9, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with multiple similar entries I would like to add up. What would work well for me is to be able to input a column like a and a target column like e.

So in this case it would search throughout column a and wherever it finds a duplicate entry add column e and then delete one of the rows. I could then run it again under different column criteria if needed.

So if I had the below sheet:

I could search by column a and add up column h to read like this:

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Deleting Rows NOT EQUAL To Multiple Criterion

Apr 28, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with several thousand lines on it and I only want certain rows from it. Unfortunately I cannot use a sort as I have to keep groups of data in the same order (the line count in between the data that I need left behind isn't always the same so I can't go that route either). I was hoping there was some code to delete all rows other than those where the cell in column A contains either "NAME"; "Data1" or "Data 2".

I tried the code below but that didn't work.

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Deleting Rows Based On Multiple Filter Options?

Aug 3, 2012

I need to review a 400,000 row spreadsheet and remove all records where 5 columns are populated with data so I am only eft with records that are missing information.

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Deleting Rows Where Cells In Multiple Columns Are Blank

Apr 17, 2013

I work with a spreadsheet every week to input values and subtotal them. These values change constantly and instead of going through and manually deleting each row in a 100+ row spreadsheet to be able to import into another program, I'm looking for an quicker way to keep my data in order but consolidate by getting rid of only the rows where both column A and B are blank.

Here's an example of what I'm working with:


This is what I need the final product to look like:


So I would like to quickly delete rows 2, 5, and 11. All of the other answers I've found only show how to delete rows based on empty cells in only 1 column. How can I quickly delete the rows where both columns are empty?

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Deleting Multiple Non Contiguous Rows From A TABLE Based On Selection In A Listbox?

Feb 6, 2013

I have two pieces of code that perform virtually identical functions on different sets of data.Basically, the code deletes rows of data based on a selection in a listbox. One code works perfect, the other has an issue.

The Issue:

When I select a single row for deletion, or multiple contiguous rows, everything works fine. It is when multiple Non-Contiguous rows are selected that the problem occurs. I get a "Delete Method of Range Class" error.

The data for the code that doesn't work is in a defined TABLE, the date for the code that does work isn't. So I assume this is where the problem lies.

I converted the data for the code that did not work from a table to a range, and everything works fine. However, I would really prefer that this data remain a table. There is consistently going to be rows added and deleted, and a table will take those adjustments into account, whereas a named range shrinks each time I delete a row, and doesn't grow as I add rows.Here is the code that works:

'Delete Selected Offers
For r = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1 [code].....

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Excel 2003 :: Deleting Rows For Multiple Files In Separate Workbook

Sep 10, 2012

I'm new to this forum and to VBA

First-off, I'm using Excel 2003 SP3.

The setup: A software application I regularly use produces csv data files (in this case approx 300 files). These I have converted to xls format using a separate macro. The files are in one folder and named as follows eg

G1 18800.xls
G1 18802.xls
G2 18975.xls
G3 19881.xls
G3 19990.xls
G5 19990.xls

The files contain the following data:

01-Oct-03 08:00 0 0 FALSE 0
01-Oct-03 08:01 0 0 FALSE 0
01-Oct-03 08:02 0 0 FALSE 0
01-Oct-03 08:03 0 0 FALSE 0
01-Oct-03 08:04 757 20 FALSE 0.18
01-Oct-03 08:05 1714 32 FALSE 0.44
01-Oct-03 08:06 1524 32 FALSE 0.39
01-Oct-03 08:07 1665 45 FALSE 0.47
01-Oct-03 08:08 1644 42 FALSE 0.46
01-Oct-03 08:09 263 8 FALSE 0.06

I then created a macro using code I sourced from the internet, and included some addtional commands (filename, copy/paste). See below. This macro opens the all the xls data files in the folder and copies the relevant data to an analysis workbook [Analysis sheet, Results sheet, Master sheet] ie the data is copied from the data file and pasted into the Analysis worksheet. Then the results are copied from the Results sheet to the Master sheet. So far so everything works.

My problem is this: I'm stumped at how to delete rows from the xls data files before running the analysis workbook and macro. In other words, after converting the csv files to xls format I need to clean the xls data files.

I have a separate xls file with criteria data in two columns:

FileName Date
G1 18800 06-Oct-03
G1 18801 02-Oct-03
G1 18801 03-Oct-03
G1 18801 05-Oct-03
G2 18795 14-Oct-03
G2 18795 15-Oct-03
G2 18795 16-Oct-03
G2 18795 17-Oct-03

The rows in a particular data file, with dates that are not present in the Criteria workbook must be deleted. This to be done for every data file in the folder. Also, I need to exclude rows for specific time periods eg 12H00AM - 04H00AM from all the files irrespective of date.

the code needed [should a separate macro be run or can code be placed within the present macro?]. I've tried looking for something similar on the internet, but my requirements seem too customized to be able to adapt the code that I found. And of course this is waaaay above my present skill level!

Option Explicit

Sub CopyPaste()

'This code opens up data files (xls) in a specified folder and copies data A1:G17281 to an Analysis workbook (Analysis sheet).

'The data from the Results sheet is then copied to the Master sheet.

Dim wkbDest As Workbook
Dim wksDest As Worksheet
Dim wkbSource As Workbook
Dim wksSource As Worksheet
Dim MyPath As String
Dim MyFile As String


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Delete Rows With Multiple Criteria

Sep 8, 2009

i have several student ID results that have conditional formatting in place. I'd like to KEEP the following data but delete/hide everything else:

1) Filter out purple rows
2) WITH filtered rows: KEEP any scoreA that's 100% or less than 85%
3) Look at Score A and Score B - KEEP if the difference is greater/less than 5%
4) If a student took testB but didnt take testA, KEEP.

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Multiple Criteria From Differing Rows

Mar 18, 2007

I need to return a value if multiple criterion are met from different rows. I tried an if and formule but will not get a value since information is not entered on the same row. My criteria is text and numbers.

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Macro To Delete Rows Containing Multiple Criteria?

Feb 23, 2011

how they can be used to delete rows that meet multiple criteria, however all the examples I have found seem to be rather complex and personal to the individuals as opposed to being rather generic. Many people, including myself would find it useful to have a simplified generic answer that can be applied to all kinds of criteria. Such as if the data in column B = x and the data in column C = y delete the row. Here is my example.


In column A - Date e.g. 05/02/2011, 06/02/2011
In column B - Day
In column C - Time (in format 09:06:21)
In column D – Service numbers dialled (70, 110, 224) two to three digits long


Delete the row if the criteria in:
Column D = 10, 40, 192 or 244
Column C is between 09:00:00 and 16:00:00

macro code or at least a link to a thread that they think gives a scenario as simple as this.

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Averaging Multiple Columns / Rows If Two Criteria Are Met

Apr 30, 2014

I have a dataset consisting of concentrations of parameters (alpha and beta) at different locations over multiple years. I've included an example dataset here.

I need to calculate an average and standard deviation for each parameter that spans multiple locations and years (but not all locations and years).

Example 1: Calculate the average and standard deviation of alpha values from years 2009 to 2012 at locations A and C.

Answer should be: Average of {0.84, 0.47, 0.27, 0.14, 0.36, 0.65, 0.66, 0.85} is 0.53. Standard deviation of {0.84, 0.47, 0.27, 0.14, 0.36, 0.65, 0.66, 0.85} is 0.26.

The real dataset is large, including 7 different parameters and more than 30 locations. I need to perform these calculations for many parameters, so am looking for a formula (or array formula) that will do this in as little cells as possible. Can this be done by formula or will I need a macro?







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Sumproduct For Multiple Criteria Across Columns And Rows

Jan 10, 2014

I've not used SUMPRODUCT previously and can't understand how to get results for the attached.

I've tried SUMIFS but it doesn't work because I'm looking down columns and across rows, I'm assuming.

I've attached a summary of what I'm trying to achieve. I want to sum all costs with an R,P,I,G, etc. in column C for December '13 (E3) in the top table.

The second table is actually in a different sheet but is the source of the data I need added.

Sumproduct P&L.xlsx‎

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Extracting Certain Rows Based On Multiple Criteria?

Oct 29, 2013

There is no where else for me to go. My problem is: I have a table with over 30,000 rows and columns A - W. The first column A contains UNIQUE ID. Column G contains CATEGORY CODE.


Since Unique ID (column A) can be listed more than ones, I need to select only those records (rows) that correspond to the following: Category Code (column G) is either 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and not any other. I hope you can see the attachment, UNIQUE ID = a;does not satisfy my criteria as it does contain Category Code 14, it also contain other codes. The final result from the sample provided would be extracting data for UNIQUE ID = e (since it is the only record that does not contain any values other than 14, 15, 16, 17, 18).

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Delete Rows Multiple Criteria W/Numbers

Dec 23, 2009

I am trying to use the code below to eliminate data in a spreadsheet based on certain criteria. I have been able to get this to work with text fields just fine, but now I am running into an issue with numbers. I am trying to get this code to delete rows if they have the word "unknown" in column C and if the value in column B is greater than 900 hours (999:00:00), the numbers in this column are formatted as [hhh]:mm:ss. What should I tweak to make this work?

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Match Two Criteria And Return Multiple Rows

Oct 26, 2011

I'd like to return multiple rows with two matches on criteria (ID and First Term). I'm able to return all grades for a given ID but do not understand how to get the second criteria, First Term, in my statement.

=INDEX($F$2:$F$12, SMALL(IF($A16=$G$2:$G$12, ROW($G$2:$G$12)-MIN(ROW($G$2:$G$12))+1, ""), COLUMN(A1)))

Code reflects the ALL GRADES data below.

1 Biology 301 12345 4 B 123456
2 Biology 302 23456 4 B 123456
3 Biology 303 34567 4 A 123456
3 Biology 338 65432 4 C+ 234567
3 Biology 338 54321 4 A 345678
1 Biology 336 43210 5 B+ 456789
1 Biology 337 43210 2 A 456789
1 Biology 338 65432 4 B+ 456789
1 Biology 301 12345 4 A 567890
2 Biology 302 23456 4 A 567890
3 Biology 303 34567 4 A 567890

Row Labels Min of TERM Count of GRADE First grade All grades
123456 1 3 B B B A #NUM! 234567 3 1 C+ C+ #NUM!

345678 3 1 A A #NUM!

456789 1 3 B+ B+ A B+ #NUM! 567890 1 3 A A A A #NUM! Grand Total 1 11

* Need all grades where TERM = Min of Term

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Counting Number Of Rows With Multiple Criteria

Dec 8, 2006

I have a sheet with "Yes", "No', and "N/A' in most of the Columns. (E - Q) and about 100 rows of data.

I only want to count the number of rows that have "No" in column E and Yes in all the others. If "no" occurs in any of the other columns in that row (D-Q) I dont want it to be part of the count.

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Sum Range: Multiple Criteria In Rows & Columns

Oct 20, 2006

I posted this on Mr Excel, but did not get an answer. I hope someone here can help.

I have a rather large financial worksheet that I am trying to extract some specific data from.

The sheet contains budget and expense #'s for the fiscal year for several projects. The project names are listed in column G and the same project can be on multiple lines, depending on what the expense is. Column J contains either "Cap" for Capital, or "Exp" for Expense. The monthly data starts at Row L. Each month has 6 columns, the one that matters for this scenereo is the 5th one for each month, which is the Forecast Column.

Our Fiscal Year is April 1 - March 31, but this sheet ruins from March - March so that we can carry over anything from the previous year. So the forecast column for March is column "P", April is column "V" and so on, adding 6 columns for each month.......

With me so far?

What I am trying to do is get the total forecasted expenses amount for a specific project for the remainder of the fiscal year.

In other words I need to look for a specific Project Code in Row G, look for "Exp" in Row J, Then get only the numbers that are in the Forecasted Column for months in the future and add them all up.

Just in case that is not totaly clear----

criteria to meet

Column G = "Project Code"
Column J = "Exp"
Row 2 > this month
Row 3 = Forecast.......................

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Copy Rows Based On Multiple Criteria ....

Oct 31, 2006

I am trying to loop through a column and cut and copy cells containing one of ten or more criteria (text strings) to the next worksheet, which already exists.

The basic loop is set up, and I understand that an array for the multiple criteria is needed but am falling at this hurdle, as well as struggling with the routine to copy the row to the next available row on the next worksheet.

I have omitted to post my effort so far, as it's embarrassingly basic, but can anyone help with the code?

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Clear Rows Meeting Multiple Criteria

Dec 13, 2006

In my code I am searching a spreadsheet for certain states and deleting rows that have states I want to exclude. Is there a way to do this with a list of states, instead of having to make many for loops?

For i = lastrow To 2 Step -1
Cells(i, 4).Select
If Cells(i, 4).Value = "PA" Then
End If
On Error Resume Next
For i = lastrow To 2 Step -1
Cells(i, 4).Select
If Cells(i, 4).Value = "TX" Then
End If
On Error Resume Next

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Filter Rows Based On Multiple Criteria

Mar 19, 2007

Example attached. I need to filter rows based on a start date and stop date, columns C and D. So for example the filter date is 01Mar07 (located in A5). As this date in this cell is changed the rows are filtered accordingly. I need to filter rows so that any row with a start date which includes Mar 07 is shown and I need to include all rows that have an end date in Mar 07. This would result in the inclusion of an event that started in Feb and Ends in march being displayed.
Additionally, I would need to clear the filter. I'm just starting out, I'm sure this is easy for you all the excel experts., and you may probably have a better method to approach this.

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Delete Rows Not Meeting Multiple Criteria

Feb 29, 2008

I have an extremely large CSV file that I am opening via Excel. Can anyone tell me how to delete a row using multiple criteria. For Example, i want to delete the whole row if a certain cell doesnt equal GA SC or NC. I have seen how it can be done using one criteria but not multiple ones.

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Combining Some Of Rows Values Based On Multiple Criteria (2)

Apr 18, 2014

I have a table based on transport numbers who sometimes have doubles. Example:

Number Postcode Value1 Value 2...
106200 8500 10
106200 8500 5
106200 8600 6
106201 5500 4
106202 4000 1
106202 4000 1

So it works as following:

A transportnumber can have multiple instances of itself, such as 106200. This transport number can also have multiple instances where the postcode is the same. These are the rows i want to combine

So shortly:
Transportnumber double/triple...+ Postcode double/triple...= combine these rows.

if only transport number is double, or only postcode, then dont combine. I want it to combine 2 columns of values, one will b the kgs, other one a price.

So example of end result for 106200 would be
106200 8500 value+value (these 2 rows matched so it combined the 2 values i want it to)
106200 8600 value ( this was unique so it stays unique)

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Macro To Delete Rows Based On Multiple Criteria?

Jul 10, 2014

A macro is required to identify rows within a selection e.g. entire column A, that share the same value, then delete appropriate rows depending on the values in another column. The attached example details the requirements.

Extract Rec1.xlsx

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