Delivery Report Summary - Monthly Total Sheet On 4 Individual Weekly Sheets?

Mar 3, 2014

We have a weekly "On-Time" report that shows early, late, on time, or no data. Each week has a total percentage of early, late, on time, or no data deliveries. I now need a monthly total on a seperate worksheet, but for some reason I can not get the percentages to total correctly. I am attaching the spreadsheet.

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Summary Timesheet Report From 52 Weekly Sheets

Mar 8, 2008

i have daily time sheets that make up a week and have 52 sheets for each week...there are contract numbers and contract ticket numbers that i want to use as criteria to sum the total hours of each day and export the data to a sheet that will keep a running total of all hours booked to those contract number and contract ticket number over the coarse of the year as i fill out the weekly time sheets.

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Copy Data From Weekly Report To Monthly Report

Jul 2, 2008

How do you create a macro to copy the information from my weekly reports to a monthly report and be able to update automatically. If you had 4 worksheets (for each week of the month) and 1 mastersheet for the whole month in a workbook. All titles are the same and If you needed to copy all the data that is in the columns, say, A through I, starting with row 4 to however many rows are in a given week. The reports can be made up of numicerial values, text and dates. Let me know if more information is needed or an example worksheet.

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Take Individual Dates And Total Into Summary Page Automatically

Apr 23, 2008

I have multiple tabs for each month (Jan, Feb, etc) for the 2008 year and I have a Summary tab.

For the individual months, I have each calendar day in a column and whether the day was for sick, vacation, etc in the rows. So if someone was sick in April, I would mark the day they were out of the office. And so on...

Well now I need to figure out how I can take those individual dates and total them up in the summary page automatically.

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Open Workbook On The Weekly Report Sheet

Nov 20, 2009

I want the work book to open on the "Weekly Report" sheet.
I have this code, but keep getting a subscript error.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Sheets("Weekly Report").Select
End Sub

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Summary Report Of Multiple Sheets

Sep 19, 2007

I have a project that is quickly growing out of control.

I workbook made up of 14 worksheets. Oct - Sep, Summary and main.

I have been entering all my data in main, which is A - AB. Various types of data, dates, dollars, names, etc. I have been trying to sort the 'main' worksheet into the separate months based on a date in column B.

For example if the date in column B is 1 Aug, I would like the entire row copied to Aug 07 worksheet. Then in Aug 07 worksheet is the formulas to calculate the data needed for Summary page.

Pretty simple, except I cannot get it to do that. I have tried to pivot, auto sort, and a few various VBAs to no avail. One of my Googles turned up this site and many pointers have been found and are close, but most are focused on combining. The workbook is a tad over 1mb so I did not post it yet, but can if needed.

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Lookup A Name On A Random Sheet And Return Hours Value To Weekly Summary Page?

May 21, 2014

I have created the bulk of the worksheet, and I am now on the summary page. My challenge for the summary is looking up when someone's name appears in Column A on any of the sheets, then summing the hours per week that the person worked.

The main sheets are to track hours, and billable dollars per project, but the summary is to track total hours per team member per week to make sure staff is being full utilized.

In the examples I have attached Aaron's summary should have 13 hrs per week listed. I do not have the foggiest clue how to do a lookup on a name when the position and sheet is random, and return a value summed for each week.

On the summary sheet I did copy rows 1&2 so at least the summary columns match the sheets.

Example 1 is a sample of the detail on 1 of the 5 sheets that in this example could contain Aaron's name in any random place in column A. Example 2 is my hope for the summary page, that will sum those random hours per week matching the headers on the Detailed sheets.

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Formula To Populate From Monthly Sheet To Summary Sheet

Jul 7, 2014

refer to attached file.

I have monthly sheet Jan,Feb,Mar.....Dec.

I also have Summary Sheet, Cell A85:C96 is labeled as Jan,Feb.....Dec (Vertical) Cell B84:E84 refers to Store1,Store2,Store3 and Store4.

I need a formula to summarize the monthly value for each storein row 60.

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How To Consolidate One Month Individual Report In Single Sheet

Jul 7, 2012

Every month I need to consolidate the individual report in a single sheet for that I was doing with copy paste options but I need this to happen through macro or some other short way.

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Copy Week Total In Weekly Sales Worksheet To Appropriate Week In Monthly Sales

Oct 14, 2009

I need to copy the values of a range on the weekly sales worksheet to the monthly sales worksheet. The last column is the total on the weekly sales. Part of the heading of the total column is the week ending date (e.g. 10/17/2009. On the Monthly Sales I have the months in columns by week ending (e.g. 10/17/2009).

Range I4:I28 to the monthly sales worksheet by date.

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Automatically Create Summary Report On Another Sheet?

Jun 21, 2014

I need to create a summary report on another sheet, but it is beyond my capacity.

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Summary Report Sheet From Data Table

Apr 30, 2008

I'm going to try to explain this as accurately as possible. This is my first post, and I'm seriously struggling with VBA, but i'm confident that someone out ther will have done this before.

I have a single workbook which has a single datasheet, and further sheets representing different months of the year.

Sheet 1 ("Data") contains the following columns and data:

DateStart MileageEnd MileageBusiness TripBusiness Mileage
01/05/2008013 get 13
03/05/200826100 euro 74
04/05/2008100113 adf 13
07/05/20081131238 alex begg1125
09/05/200812511288 service 37

I then have a series of Summary sheets which are supposed to summarise the data on this single data sheetl. But this is where I have issues.

Basically, from the list of data above (running from 1st may 2008 - 31st December 2008), I want to pull out, per month all of the trips in that month. So for May (shown above) I need the date, business trip name, and the business mileage where the business trip name <> "".

To compound the issue, the columns that these are moving into are columns 1, 2 and 6 in the summary spreadsheet.

I have used some example code from cpearsons website to give me a list of nonblank cells in the Business Trip column, and this has worked, but I can't pull the other two columns out effectively.

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Creating Individual Report Cards (worksheets) Based On Template For Report Card

Aug 30, 2013

I have two worksheets in my report cards:

1) Data - the students are listed in Column A, math scores in Column B, reading scores in Column C and science scores in Column D. The grades of 300 students are entered in this sheet.




2) Report Card template - This is the report card that needs to be generated for each student. It's pulling the student name and grades from the Data worksheet.

Student Name




How do I create worksheets (report cards) for additional students? I have 300 students in the school. I need the next worksheet to reference Data!$A3. I know how to cut and paste the report card template and then edit =Data!A2 to be =Data!A3 to create a report card for Sally. How do I create the 300 report cards I need?

I've been teaching for 13 years. I can create a report card for each student in my class and edit each worksheet individually for each student. Now I've been asked to do this for the whole school and I don't know how to create the other 299 sheets I need.

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VBA Sum (summary Will Appear At The Bottom Of The Sheet With A Total )

May 22, 2009

I have a worksheet which contains details of a storage rack. I would like to be able to identify lines which have identical values in columns B, C and D then take the value in column E and add it to all other occurances when B, C and D are identical. A summary will appear at the bottom of the sheet with a total next to it.

The full list is 600 rows in length....

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Producing Table Of Monthly Values Based On Monthly Growth Rate And Yearly Total

Mar 6, 2013

I have a table of yearly totals for the amount spent by x. I also have a growth rate for each month so for example in 2001 in jan the growth rate might have been 0.3% and feb 0.5% What I want to do is for each month based on the growth rate and the total produce a value for each month which sum to the total amount. It's also important to note that it restarts each year.

Link for excel file is here: [URL] ...........

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Adding Weekly Totals To Monthly?

May 14, 2012

I've got data in E4:I4, Monday - Friday.

What I need to do, is add the total of those 5 figures in a total, but then clear the data in those 5 days.

Then when I input the data for the next week in to those days, I want it to add to the previos week.

So basically;
In week 1 the 'Total' is just week 1
In week 2, the 'Total' is week 1 & week 2'

I will only be going up to week 5. (only week 5 once in a 3 month period, so 2 4 weeks and a 5 week)

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Excel 2010 :: Summary All Statement From 4 Worksheets And To Summary All Total ICC

Dec 23, 2013

excel 2010. This workbook has 4 worksheet(Process Engineer,OSBL,OSA,Lab Operator) I want to know what is the best excel formula/function to summary this 4 worksheet.

Example:I want a formula/function to summary all the statement from 4 worksheets and total number of answer "1" per statement from 4 worksheet.

Sample Statement below

"Demonstrate Interpersonal (People-to-People-) Skills" Question:What is the formula if above statement contains this statement in 4 worksheet?As i checked the total is 4 then What is the formula to get all total answered ICC on this statement from 4 worksheet?

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Summing Daily Weekly & Monthly Totals

Feb 26, 2009

I assume there's a database (or pivot table?) solution for my task, which is to detect the days, weeks and months within a very long table, and obtain the totals of the data therein.

See attached worksheet.

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Calculate Rolling Weekly And Monthly Average

Feb 19, 2012

I am wanting to calculate a rolling monthly average and a rolling weekly average.

The following cells have the headers k2 has Allan, Cell L2 has Bill, Cell M2 has Charlie, Cell N2 has Don, cell o2 has Ellen and Cell P2 has Flora

Column J3 to J14 respectivley has Jan to Dec

The balance of the cells will have the data.

I then need to plot the rolling averages for each person on a gaph as teh months data is filled.

Below is the table:

Monthly Totals 2012AllanBillCharlieDonEllenFloraJan0.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.000

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Given Weekly Data Coming Up With Monthly Amounts

Sep 5, 2009

I am to the end of my wits - or maybe it's impossible to do the following with formulas?

I have the data like this:
Column A: Date (which is basically the date for the beginning of weeks)
Column B: Month of the date in Column A
Column C: Year of the data in Column A
Column D: Weekly data.

A: DateB: MonthC: YearD: Weekly data

Maybe it's because it's Friday night, but I just can't invent how to do the following:

Create a new column E that would contain the monthly sum of ColumnD across all weeks of this month - but entered only against the first week of that month (that is currently in Column A)
I.e., in my example it should be:

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Consolidated Monthly View Of Weekly Cost And Labour?

Jan 24, 2013

I am trying to build a Project Labour tracking sheet and would like to create a consolidated (monthly) view of labour spent over the life of the project. I have created attached sample sheet to explain it more clearly. Is it possible to have month by month view of individual teams for actual and forecast tracking in Proj Summary tab?

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How To See Percentage Of Items Received Daily / Weekly / Monthly

Apr 20, 2013

I'll use following as an example.

I work for a supermarket, I receive many fruits per day and I want to see what percentage of them are bananas, apples, oranges, watermelons etc.

Are there any templates of pie charts and bar graphs that I can use for this that will show the percentage of said fruits daily, weekly and monthly?

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Automatically Split Weekly Data Into Monthly Totals

Mar 13, 2012

I have the following setup:

52 weeks of 2010 cost with the following structure:

week number | wk1 | wk2 | wk3
week ending | 1/10/2010 | 1/17/2010 | 1/24/2010
weekly cost | 57,000 | 35,000 | 42,000

I want to be able to use the above data to present a summary, but instead of weekly, list the data on a monthly basis:

month | Jan | Feb | Mar
monthly cost | wk1-4 | wk5-8 | wk9-12+3days wk13

Any way to set this up automatically instead of having to split the weekly data as many months share the same weeks?

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Data From Master Sheet To Individual Sheets By Unique

Dec 4, 2006

[data] ....

With the above data, I'd like put all of the data for each respective dept on it's own sheet. Obviously I have many rows of data and departments so manually would be almost impossible.

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Transpose Links From Individual Sheets To Master Sheet

Apr 21, 2002

I have multiple sheets on which users enter data in Cells B3 to B21 on each sheet.

I have a master sheet where the information entered on individual sheets is copied by links. On the master sheet the information is displayed in Rows. Thus data on Sheet1 B5:B25 is displayed in Row 6 cells H6:Z6 of Master Sheet, data on Sheet2 is displayed in Row 7 cells H7:Z7 etc. The formula in H6 of the Master Sheet is =Sheet1!B5, in H7 it is =Sheet2!B5 etc. It is of course not possible to use Autofill to copy formulas across on the Master sheet. It can be done manually but there are hundreds of cells to fill.

Is there an elegant way to copy the formulae on individual sheets onto the Master Sheet.

I want to be able to repeat the procedure later if additional sheets need to be added.

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Add Summary Sheet Of Other Sheets

Jan 27, 2014

I've got a multi-sheet workbook and I'd like to have a summary tab of all of the tabs that have a name starting with "Site"....I have Site 123, Site 234, Site 567 and Location Listing. I've run a macro that I found on the internet and it works to copy all content to the new sheet, but, I prefer that the macro not need to be run to update the summary tab each time a change is made to one of the other sheets because this workbook is for someone that wouldn't know how to run the macro.

Every "site" sheet has the same columns, but the number of rows is different.

There will be new "site" sheets added and I want to make sure there is a way to update the summary sheet when new "sites" are added.

What is the best way to do this or is it even possible? I've attached my example workbook.Tracker.xlsx

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Running Total From Daily Worksheet Into Monthly Total

Jun 13, 2014

I am trying to create a very basic workbook that has 2 worksheets. one is a daily input for tonnes, that then just gets cut and pasted to a different program, and the other worksheet is the running total. i.e., it adds up every time you update it.
been trying to figure out a macro so when you press the update button it then just updates the monthly total.

Colac Production.xls

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How To Get Summary / Count Of Task On Weekly Basis

Dec 10, 2013

I am trying to make my excel sheet more robust to get data on weekly basis. I assign tasks to different members of team by entering the assigned date in column next to the member names. Next week, say on Monday, I need to get total number of tasks assigned for each of the members till Friday (last working day of previous week!). I need to get this data every week.

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Weekly Summary From Daily OHLC Data?

Feb 15, 2014

I have daily Open, High, Low, Close stock prices. Separately, I need the same data but in weekly format, so:

1. The weekly open is the open of the first working day.
2. The weekly high is the highest of each of the daily highs.
3. The weekly low is the lowest of each of the daily lows.
4. The weekly close is the close of the last working day.

How can I do this using formulas?

OHLC sample.xlsx

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Copy From Different Sheets To Summary Sheet

Sep 22, 2009

I have a problem with a macro script I need to write (unsure where to start probably). I’m using Excel 2003. In my spreadsheet I have many worksheets (90+) and I need to copy information from specific cells (the same for each sheet, but the cell range varies each month) from any identified worksheet in the spreadsheet (the specific sheets I want to copy from will differ from month to month but are given in a list.). Then paste this data in sequential order of identified worksheet but transposed into sheet Summary. In effect this is:

1.Identify the sheet name from the ListingOrder in worksheet LISTING
2.Identify the monthly range of cells
3.Copy the data (Indicator, Month, Name and Activity)
4.Go to sheet SUMMARY
5.Go to next available cell in column A
6.Paste special, transpose
7.Loop to next sheet name in the ListingOrder
8.Undertake actions 1-7 until all relevant sheets have been copied from and pasted to Summary sheet.

The end result is as shown in the Worksheet SummaryExample – no need to worry about formatting. Samole data and SummaryExample in attached spreadsheet. Sorry I can’t offer any script at present – I’ve been trying to work it out using Vlookups etc but get the feeling it would be easier via a macro.

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