Determine File Extension With FileSearch Method
Aug 23, 2007
I am attempting to write a macro that will open every file in a given folder, then save the files with a new file names while keeping the original file extension. The files I'm opening with excel have file extensions of ".VA", ".TOU", and ".KVA". The new file names I want to save the files with are contained in cell A1.
An example would be:
The excel macro opens file "R003890.TOU"
The macro assigns a the value in cell "A1" (B1040) to a variable
The macro assigns the file extension (.TOU) to a variable
The macro saves the file as file name variable and file extension variable (B1040.TOU)
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Sep 24, 2007
I have a macro running in Excel 2003 that uses application.filesearch. I discovered through another post that this is not included in Excel 2007. A replacement was suggested and I cannot get it to work. Can someone show me how to replace application.filesearch in my macro with the replacement code? I'm a real novice and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Or if you have a better solution I'm open for that as well.
Here's the original that works in 2003, the suggested replacement code will follow.
Sub GoGetData()
Dim lCount As Long
Dim wbResults As Workbook
Dim wbCodeBook As Workbook
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
On Error Resume Next
Set wbCodeBook = ThisWorkbook
With Application.FileSearch
'Change path to suit
.LookIn = "C:Temp1"
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Jul 6, 2009
I am writing a class to be used in Excel 2007 that will mimic the action of the FileSearch in 2003, but I am stuck with the sort.
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Sep 14, 2007
I was using the following macro on Excel 2000, 2002 & 2003 for many years without a fuss. Recently, I upgraded to Excel 2007. When I run the macro now, I get the following error message:- Run-time error 445 Object doesn't support this action.
Sub test()
With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = "C:Documents and SettingsDesktopCommercial Database"
.SearchSubFolders = True
.Filename = "*.*"
.TextOrProperty = "BANK"
.MatchAllWordForms = True
.FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles
If .Execute() > 0 Then
MsgBox "There were " & .FoundFiles.Count & _
" file(s) found."
End If
End With
End Sub
Additional info:- The 1st line of my code which is With Application.FileSearch is highlighted in yellow when I run this macro.
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Mar 12, 2014
How can I save worksheet from existing workbook as a new workbook with extension .xls or .xlsx depending on the version of Excel on which the original was opened and no matter the extension of original?
My code that I was trying to create all above does not work, because even if I am using Excel 2007, 2010 or 2013 it will still be saving only as .xls.
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Sep 20, 2013
I saved my worksheet in vba .xlsx and for some reason, when I go to the folder that it's saved in and try to open the file I get an error message saying "excel cannot open the file 'PO Acks fo 09-20-2013.xlsx' because the file format or file extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file"
This is weird because I have another file that I save right before this that opens just fine without an error. Getting frustrating. When I go into the ~Users folder it shows as an excel file and saved as .xlsx.
Where would the link be missing?
Here is the code
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
"G:PURCHASINGSupplier ServicesGroupSharePublic~UsersPO Acks for " & Format$(Date, "mm-dd-yyyy") & ".xlsx"
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Feb 18, 2009
I have a sheet I am working on that was given to me by a supplier and for example the cell in A1 is '2008_world_soccer'. How do I add '.jar' to the end of the filename bearing in mind the filenames are not the same length in each cell. So it would then read '2008_world_soccer.jar' or ''2008_world_soccer_GB_test.jar' etc. Any ideas that would saving me having to edit and type .jar at the end everytime for over a thousand records?
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Dec 7, 2009
I have a list of file names in an excel sheet. The requirement is to find the extension of each file in the next column. For example
file name 123.456.789.jpg
extension jpg
file name 123.abcd.789.xlam
extension xlam
is there a worksheet function equal to InStrRev in vba?
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Feb 21, 2013
I opened a file, by file I mean a "file" with no extension that has commas separating it.
So I recorded a macro to open up the file and this works fine.
How do I close it? I tried
wk1 = ThisWorkbook.Name 'Main Worksheet
But the problem is that "wk1" is not set equal to the name, probably because the file is not an excel file, it has no extension.
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Jun 26, 2014
I need a VBA script which only opens the file with the highest extension.
The files are test.aa1, test.aa2 and test.aa3. This can go up to 5. In this case the filoe test.aa3 should be opened.
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Mar 31, 2009
creating a macro that will inport file exention which has WK4 , i have lotus notes at work i have exported email file to drive U: , i require a macro to pick this file up and export to Sheet Group_Mailbox. The range is A9
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May 15, 2009
Apparently my program quits after i try to open an excel file. If you open the file manually you get an error upon opening the file...something like this:
"File you are tyring to open is in a different format than specified by the file extension".
The problem is i am using an excel macro using VBA and once the file is opened the VBA execution quits.
The excel file turns out to be an xml file which excel can open the file and have the VBA continue running if i RENAME the file with an "xlsx" extension. The problem is that i cant ask the user to rename the do i get VBA to open the file without an issue?
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Jul 9, 2013
I have a column that looks like this, beginning on C10:
File Name
I want to copy the extension of each file to a new column (File Type). How might I go about this?
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May 21, 2007
Has anyone got the add in code? I have my own custom menu bar on my excel. But every time i want to add a new link i must go into the code and manually add the file name extension and relevant VBA code. Is there a method of just entering the file extension in a cell range and excel will automatically update or pick up or link from this location?
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Apr 8, 2008
I'm trying to insure that when a file name is inputted into cell "DA7" that the string ends with a ".xls" extension. I'm using "DA7" as a target and have written the following code. When executed nothing happens.
If Target.Address = "DA7" Then
Dim ta As String
ta = Target.Value
If Right(ta, 4) <> ".xls" Then
MsgBox "The file name must end with a '.xls' extention"
End If
End If
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Feb 11, 2009
I have been trying to process Excel files in a directory with the following
Sub FindExcelFiles()
Dim foldername As String
Dim FSO As Object
Dim fldr As Object
Dim file As Object
Dim cnt As Long
foldername = "c:usersseagreendesktopTuesdayFeb102009week ending feb 7 2009 esting2"
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
Set fldr = FSO.GetFolder(foldername)
For Each file In fldr.Files
If file.Type Like "*Microsoft Office Excel*" Then
cnt = cnt + 1
End If
Application.StatusBar = "Now working on " & ActiveWorkbook.FullName
DoSomething ActiveWorkbook
Next file
Set file = Nothing
Set fldr = Nothing
Set FSO = Nothing
Range("A1").Value = cnt
End Sub
Here's the stub for the subroutine that's being called:
Sub DoSomething(inBook As Workbook) 'Massage each workbook
'Debug.Print "Hello"
Debug.Print ActiveWorkbook.FullName
End Sub
I am using Excel 2007. I found out I cannot use Application.Filesearch as Microsoft has dropped this method for 2007. My problem now is that I just see "Now working on c:usersseagreendesktopTuesdayFeb102009week ending feb 7 2009 esting2file1.xls written six times in the immediate window.
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Aug 21, 2012
I have a folder containing 1000's of files. All the files end in .txt (for example test.txt) but are actually excel files. When I go to open the files with excel I get the following warning:
The file you are trying to open is in a different format than specified by the file's extension. Verify that the file is not corrupt and from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to continue?
I click "yes" and it opens fine as an excel file.
I want to merge all these files one after another into one file.
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Jun 23, 2014
I have a master workbook that contains macros and has an xlsm extension.
One macro in the workbook copies one of the worksheets to a new workbook. I then want to save this new workbook as an xlsx file. I use the following code line:
.SaveAs Filename:=Extract_Save_Name & ".xlsx", FileFormat:= _
xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, CreateBackup:=False
However, when I run the code I get an error:
"This extension cannot be used with the selected file type."
The new workbook does not contain any macros and if I save the workbook "manually" as an xlsx it saves fine.
If I change the code above to have "xlsm" it works fine - but I don't want that extension.
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Aug 6, 2009
Is there anyway I can test / inspect a file before attempting to open it to check that it is indeed an Excel workbook?
I don't want to do it by file extension as that can / will be changed, but rather wondered if there was anyway to examine the ACTUAL file?
I'm wondering if all Excel workbook files start with a particular section of data or anything?
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Jan 24, 2008
Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim myPlace
Const mFileLoc As String = "c:documents and settingsdcrakerdesktop est location.xls"
Set myPlace = Sheet1. Range("F1") 'currently has formula ->=CELL("filename",A1)<-
If myPlace = mFileLoc = False Then
MsgBox ("Warning, File is in incorrect location. Please contact David for corrections"), vbCritical
'add codes to disable macros from running (still need to find this)
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
>What happens, is it always tells me that the file is in the wrong location. I want it to be able to see what is hardcoded in VB and compare it to active workbook paths, and if it sees a change then it knows that it is in a different location.
> used the macro recorder also to make sure that the filepath was correct in the code also.
It happened, and could happen again someday. The company upgraded the server, and all the files were moved around. When the User accessed the file that I had created awhile ago, he couldn't figure out what happened. For some reason, my computer did okay on finding the correct file.
What it's suppose to do:
It will popup a message, informing the User that the file is no longer where it should be and may not work properly.
And then I have to add/find codes that will not allow the macros to run, so that I can come in and fix the problem.
It took me about 2 1/2 hours to figure out what happened and since I might not remember next time this could happen.
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Aug 21, 2013
Im working on a document for work, its sort of a learning hobby tbh, something i want to learn. Im trying to do things myself from the books etc, vids from the net. This one i cant find the answer to so before i go ahead i would like to see if it can be done
Basically, we have a few documents that change every day. we get the raw data, and delete coloumns, change the size to autofit width etc...
(im creating a main macro to do that now)
But with that data i need to..
open a new book (but the book name is never the same... book1, book2 as you know)
paste the data
save it
.... the file name! needs to be something like this "Department 20130401" which i saved on 01/04/2013
if i did the document on 10th september.. it would be "Department 20131010"
I have Coloumn A with the dates 01/01/2013 etc
and Colounm B with Department 20130101 etc
Cell ("I1") has =Today() in it
could a macro change the filename from a vlookup result?
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Oct 15, 2008
I was wondering if there is any code using an on-click method. When clicking a button i need excel to exit the file/sheet without saving (no prompts) and then re-open the exact same file/sheet once it has closed.
In a way this is like a refresh button.
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Dec 10, 2008
I'm trying to get the Find and FindNext methods to work. Column C contains serial numbers and there's a chance that a serial number might appear more than once in the column. What I'm trying to do is get Excel to find the first occurance of the serial number, find what row it's on and then see if this matches the variable 'CurRowNo' (defined earlier in the code). If it doesn't I want it to look at the other occurances of the serial number, find what row they're on and see again if it matches CurRowNo.
The variable 'EngCount is the number of occurances of the serial number (also worked out earlier in the code). I've got the code below, but I get the error 'Method Range of Object Global Failed' on the FindNext line. I have no idea what this error means or why it's happening.
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Nov 11, 2008
I am trying to use a sub to count files that some one has helpd me out with in the past. It was working but for some reason now it is not. I always have 0 returned as the number of files in the selected location (SourcePath), which is a filthy lie as there are files in there. The idea is that all .xls and all .xml files are deleted, and then if the folder is empty, that is also deleted, but as the Count_Files sub is always returning 0 the code is trying to delete the folder, which causes an error as it has files in it.
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Dec 11, 2007
I can't seem to find Zip Files with FileSearch..I'm trying to search for and copy specific zip files from my temporary internet files folder to another folder. But it doesn't find them. It works with any other type of file. But it just won't find Zip files. And it's not because it's the temporary internet files folder, because it finds OTHER typs of files in the same folder, just not zip files.
I Have also tried using "*.zip" - Does not find any files, when I know they are there.
And Have tried "*.*" DOES find hundreds of files...
I have also tried serching in a Standard Non Sytem Non Hidden Type of folder. DOES NOT find zip files.
Even more maddening, It worked yesterday.....I already tried system restore.
Sub testing2()
Call GetFromTemp("")
End Sub
Public Function GetFromTemp(Fname As Variant)
Dim i
'Copies Downloaded Zip file from Temporary Internet Files to Downloaded Database FilesTemp
'Fname is you want to search for in Temporary Internet Files
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Aug 19, 2008
I understand that Microsoft left Filesearch out of VBA for Office 2007 because it was buggy. Sadly, however, I still need it. It would help if they placed a comment in VBA help that stated that it was discontinued. As it is, they make it look as if Filesearch is still available for use. OK, I'll stop ranting now.
After reading several earlier posts, apparently I have to use the Dir function. I learn visually and cannot figure out how to use the function from the VBA help file since there are no examples. Does anyone have an example of code using the Dir function to insert filenames in an array? Once I see the code, I'm sure I can adapt it to suit my needs.
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Feb 9, 2009
When I noticed that FileSearch was missing after I updated to Office 2007, I decided to recreate the class and save it as a file to import anytime I needed to use it. I tried to use as little code as possible, so if there is some property you would need to add then you may have to add it yourself, but this will at least give you most of the funcitonality of the original Class without having to update your existing code too much.
You have to just reference the class and then it can still be used in a with block or however you are accustomed. Here are the two class files that I have, the first I named FileSearch (go figure):
Dim pLookIn As String
Dim pSearchSubFolders As Boolean
Dim pFileName As String
Public FoundFiles As New Collection
Public Property Get LookIn() As String
LookIn = pLookIn
End Property
Public Property Let LookIn(value As String)
pLookIn = value
End Property
Public Property Get SearchSubFolders() As Boolean
LookIn = pSearchSubFolders...................................
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Jun 27, 2007
I have created a macro that must extract data from other workbook. It opens the workbook, with an exist, and isopened control, and then open it. Itīs running well, but i found while making another macro, that if the file direction is "", then i cant run the exist control. Next you have the code im using. In the first version, i had .LookIn = ThisWorkbook.Path. Now Iīve tried:
1. Dont put .LookIn, and fName is ""
2. .LookIn = ""
.FileName = "Challange%20Cost%20Proposal%20Sheet.xls"
Both are failing, it says, the file doesnt exist. If i try directly WorkBooks.Open "", it opens correctly, but i would have a control, because the original file name could change, and the macro would crash if does.
Function OpenWorkBook(fName) As Integer
If Exists(fName) Then
If (IsOpen(fName) = False) Then
Workbooks.Open (fName)
OpenWorkBook = True
MsgBox "The WorkBook " & originWorkBookName & " is already open."
OpenWorkBook = -1
End If
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Apr 19, 2009
I have just received an eMail from my accountant and here file name extension is .xlsx. I have never seen this before. Can someone tell me why the x on the end of the extension? . Also, when it opens, a Message Box is displayed: File Conversion in process.
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Jan 8, 2014
Based on a certain customer agreement code in excel, "YES-N", then I need to add one year onto the date listed on the renew date column.
I need the result in cell 'AP'.
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