Merging / Appending Folder Of Files With File Extension?
Aug 21, 2012
I have a folder containing 1000's of files. All the files end in .txt (for example test.txt) but are actually excel files. When I go to open the files with excel I get the following warning:
The file you are trying to open is in a different format than specified by the file's extension. Verify that the file is not corrupt and from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to continue?
I click "yes" and it opens fine as an excel file.
I want to merge all these files one after another into one file.
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Jul 30, 2012
I have a folder containing text files. Any way by which I could merge all the text files into one file - one after another?
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Jan 8, 2013
I am having couple of excel files with same sort of data. Want to merge all the data from differnt files into a single excel file.
How could I do this??
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Mar 15, 2013
I need a macro in a workbook to look at all the files in the same folder that have "*att*.xls" in the name and determine and copy from the range A15:W515 only the rows that have data in at least columns A, C and D. Each file will vary as to how many rows there will be and there are more than the files with "*att*.xls" in the folder. The data will be on the only worksheet in each file and the worksheet is named "G2WAttendee_xls" the data from all the files need to be copied to the file called "Consolidated webinar reports.xls" (I am using Excel 2003) and to a sheet called "Attendance Data" and added to the end of the last paste.
At the start of the macro the current file "Consolidated webinar report.xls" should be saved to a sub folder of the current directory and have the date saved added to the name. The sub folder is called "Completed reports". The data in the original file on worksheet "Attendance Data" should be deleted.
At the end of the process all the files that have had data copied from them should be moved to the sub folder "Attendance reports consolidated" (This could be done as each file is closed if that is easier).
I have headings in row 1 of the "Attendance Data" worksheet that match the headings in the various files in the folder (which will always be in row 14 of the individual "*att*.xls" files).
The folder with all the files and the "Consolidated webinar report.xls" file is at path "Z:P and S MEvaluationsWebinar series 2012-13TB".
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Jul 8, 2014
I am thinking of an extension. Every time it finds a empty row where it pastes in. Is it possbile to insert as many rows as the range object is before we paste in the range?
Ex: If the source sheet has 10 rows that's going to be pasted into the destination sheet. I want first to insert 10 rows into destination sheet at "*" and then paste in the 10 rows from the source sheet.
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Jul 25, 2007
I need some VBA code to cycle through each and every folder and file in a given root directory and write the file name string to a cell. (does not need to look at the content of sub-folders only the names of all objects sitting directly under the given root.)
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Dec 1, 2007
I am trying to copy the following files to a single folder; I have 200 excel files each in individual folders and each of these excel files is named like this; order_a1.xls, order_a2.xls up to 200. Each order_-.xls is in an individual folder. This is because each member of staff has a folder called orders with their own copy of order_a..xls IN IT. oNLY ONE FILE PER FOLDER. These folders are on a server called F.
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May 23, 2008
this query has now took a peculiar twist in the fact that my boss now wants to change the goalposts
here is a thread with the code in
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Nov 26, 2009
I wish for a macro to look in to a directory which remains constant, but then looks within a folder which is specified via a cell value in order to load a specific sheet from each file in to the workbook I am currently using. I wish for the loading to be done without having to open the workbooks manually, so something which opens them copies the data from the sheet specified and then closes.
This data is then to be pasted in to a new sheets within my workbook which are named after the file names that it pulls the "dump" sheet from.
As a side note, I will be using these sheets to produce calculations hopefully automatically as soon as they are loaded. They all have the same "shape" but contain differing data. Will it be easier in the long run for me to use this method of pasting data to new sheets named as their file names assuming there will be around 25 "dump" sheets needing to be loaded or would i be better having them paste all to one sheet just underneath each other with a couple of rows separating them?
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Aug 29, 2012
I have a requirement to search workbooks in a particular folder with specific string in file name. For example, let us assume I need to find a file which contains the name 'RR' in it. The position of 'RR' will vary with files i.e. 'RR' might be present either in the beginning, middle or at the end of file name. All I wanted is to search for file with 'RR' and do some activity and close the file and then goto next file. Similarly, the next search has to be performed with the files containing the name 'BB' in it.
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Apr 21, 2006
I have a few thousand files that all have the extension of .kdm.kdm. I need to change them all to .kdm.xml. All of the files are in a single directory on my hard drive. I know there's a way to do this in VBA that's simple, but I can't seem to locate it in any of the books I have....
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Mar 12, 2014
How can I save worksheet from existing workbook as a new workbook with extension .xls or .xlsx depending on the version of Excel on which the original was opened and no matter the extension of original?
My code that I was trying to create all above does not work, because even if I am using Excel 2007, 2010 or 2013 it will still be saving only as .xls.
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Sep 20, 2013
I saved my worksheet in vba .xlsx and for some reason, when I go to the folder that it's saved in and try to open the file I get an error message saying "excel cannot open the file 'PO Acks fo 09-20-2013.xlsx' because the file format or file extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file"
This is weird because I have another file that I save right before this that opens just fine without an error. Getting frustrating. When I go into the ~Users folder it shows as an excel file and saved as .xlsx.
Where would the link be missing?
Here is the code
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
"G:PURCHASINGSupplier ServicesGroupSharePublic~UsersPO Acks for " & Format$(Date, "mm-dd-yyyy") & ".xlsx"
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May 17, 2013
i have many excel workbooks in a folder i want a macro that will get the names of all the files and make the file names so extracted as a hyperlink to open the files.
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Dec 7, 2013
I have some daily text files in a folder (so about 30 of them each month), which in the end of month, I need to open them up in excel, format them so that I can use the information for my analysis.
I would like to create a macro, to quickly open them all up at once and save them each individually in .xls or .xlsm format.
I am new to VBA and after some research online, I was able to have the files open with the following code. but now I don't know how to proceed further to save them one by one with the same name but in .xls or .xlsm format.
Sub Opentxtfiles()
Dim MyFolder As String
Dim myfile As String
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Dec 26, 2007
I would like to Merge several Spreadsheet together from a folder, and the number of the spreadsheet within the folder is not specified as it varies depending on day. I am just wondering if this is possible. I have tried using the normal record function but they merge the spreadsheet but I dont know how to get it to look for other files in a folder.
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Feb 18, 2009
I have a sheet I am working on that was given to me by a supplier and for example the cell in A1 is '2008_world_soccer'. How do I add '.jar' to the end of the filename bearing in mind the filenames are not the same length in each cell. So it would then read '2008_world_soccer.jar' or ''2008_world_soccer_GB_test.jar' etc. Any ideas that would saving me having to edit and type .jar at the end everytime for over a thousand records?
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Dec 7, 2009
I have a list of file names in an excel sheet. The requirement is to find the extension of each file in the next column. For example
file name 123.456.789.jpg
extension jpg
file name 123.abcd.789.xlam
extension xlam
is there a worksheet function equal to InStrRev in vba?
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Feb 21, 2013
I opened a file, by file I mean a "file" with no extension that has commas separating it.
So I recorded a macro to open up the file and this works fine.
How do I close it? I tried
wk1 = ThisWorkbook.Name 'Main Worksheet
But the problem is that "wk1" is not set equal to the name, probably because the file is not an excel file, it has no extension.
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Jun 26, 2014
I need a VBA script which only opens the file with the highest extension.
The files are test.aa1, test.aa2 and test.aa3. This can go up to 5. In this case the filoe test.aa3 should be opened.
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Mar 31, 2009
creating a macro that will inport file exention which has WK4 , i have lotus notes at work i have exported email file to drive U: , i require a macro to pick this file up and export to Sheet Group_Mailbox. The range is A9
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Jul 5, 2007
I want to allow users to place files (.jpg, .tif, .pdf, .pps etc) into a network folder and then have my program open each file and display it for 30 seconds then close the file and the application before opening the next file.
1. Set up a loop to get a directory listing of the folder and write the listing to a text file.
2. Open up the text file and get the next filename in it
3. Open the file in the associated application
4. Wait for 30 seconds (or some period of time) and then close the file
5. Repeat steps 2-4
DoIt = 1
While DoIt = 1
Open "C:TempList.txt" for output as #1
Print #1, Files In Folder
Close #1
Open "C:TempList.txt" for input as #2
while not eof(2)
Line input #2, MyFile
Display MyFile on screen
Wait for 30 seconds
Close MyFile and MyApplication that opened it
Close #2
I can get the directory listing just fine with no problems
I can open the files in the associated application just fine with no problems.
with closing the application after 30 seconds or some period of time.
I need some code that will allow me to easily send it a filename and it will know how to close the file and the application that opened it.
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Feb 8, 2009
I have an Excel application (Excel 2003) which is stored in the default Program Files folder by the Installer; for example: c:program fileszxchello.xls. The problem I am running into is this file opens as Read Only in Vista and this is interfering with the running of the application. There is no problem opening the file normally in Windows XP.
I have been able to narrow down the cause of this to the User Account Control system in Vista - if I turn OFF User Account Control, the Excel file opens normally and my application functions normally. Is there another option to open the Excel file without turning OFF User Account Control because some users may find it unacceptable to turn OFF this security feature. Ofcourse, one option is to install the application in another location, outside the Program Folder, and the file would open normally, but the Packaging Wizard that I am using to package the application does not allow me to install the application in any other location and thus, the application installs in the Program Folder and I am running into this problem of the Exel file opening as Read Only. Is there a way out of this situation where I can open the file normally (not as Read Only)?
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May 15, 2009
Apparently my program quits after i try to open an excel file. If you open the file manually you get an error upon opening the file...something like this:
"File you are tyring to open is in a different format than specified by the file extension".
The problem is i am using an excel macro using VBA and once the file is opened the VBA execution quits.
The excel file turns out to be an xml file which excel can open the file and have the VBA continue running if i RENAME the file with an "xlsx" extension. The problem is that i cant ask the user to rename the do i get VBA to open the file without an issue?
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Jul 9, 2013
I have a column that looks like this, beginning on C10:
File Name
I want to copy the extension of each file to a new column (File Type). How might I go about this?
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May 21, 2007
Has anyone got the add in code? I have my own custom menu bar on my excel. But every time i want to add a new link i must go into the code and manually add the file name extension and relevant VBA code. Is there a method of just entering the file extension in a cell range and excel will automatically update or pick up or link from this location?
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Aug 23, 2007
I am attempting to write a macro that will open every file in a given folder, then save the files with a new file names while keeping the original file extension. The files I'm opening with excel have file extensions of ".VA", ".TOU", and ".KVA". The new file names I want to save the files with are contained in cell A1.
An example would be:
The excel macro opens file "R003890.TOU"
The macro assigns a the value in cell "A1" (B1040) to a variable
The macro assigns the file extension (.TOU) to a variable
The macro saves the file as file name variable and file extension variable (B1040.TOU)
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Apr 8, 2008
I'm trying to insure that when a file name is inputted into cell "DA7" that the string ends with a ".xls" extension. I'm using "DA7" as a target and have written the following code. When executed nothing happens.
If Target.Address = "DA7" Then
Dim ta As String
ta = Target.Value
If Right(ta, 4) <> ".xls" Then
MsgBox "The file name must end with a '.xls' extention"
End If
End If
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Jun 23, 2014
I have a master workbook that contains macros and has an xlsm extension.
One macro in the workbook copies one of the worksheets to a new workbook. I then want to save this new workbook as an xlsx file. I use the following code line:
.SaveAs Filename:=Extract_Save_Name & ".xlsx", FileFormat:= _
xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, CreateBackup:=False
However, when I run the code I get an error:
"This extension cannot be used with the selected file type."
The new workbook does not contain any macros and if I save the workbook "manually" as an xlsx it saves fine.
If I change the code above to have "xlsm" it works fine - but I don't want that extension.
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Dec 16, 2008
merging two Excel files. 2009 Item List.xls file has two columns Part number and Description. Price.xls file has two colums: part number and price. I need to merge them into a file that whould have three colums: part number, description, price. There 6712 rows in 2009 Item List.xls and 4743 rows in Price.xls file. So I need them matched based on the part number, and have the cells blank for the part numbers for which the price was not assigned.
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