Distribution Of Cells In A Spreadsheet

Jan 23, 2007

There are 16,777,216 cells in a spreadsheet. These cells are distributed in a spreadsheet by 256 columns and 65,536 rows.

Can I in any way distribute these cells otherwise?

Say distributing them in 512 columns and 32,768 rows?

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Excel 2007 :: Retrieving Count Distribution Of Groups Of Cells?

Jan 27, 2013

I have a .csv open in Excel 2007 that looks like the following

1 566
1 566
1 566
2 341
2 341
3 566
3 566
3 566
3 566

There is a one-to-one relationship between Column A and B, but B is not unique (but can only take a small set of valid values). I wish to query how many id's (Column A) contain a particular property (Column B). If the example above ended before the "...", I would like to get as the output:

566 2
341 1

because the property 566 is owned by two id's (1 and 3) and the property 341 is only owned by the id 2.

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Multi-Spreadsheet Formula Down To Populate The Other Cells In The Total Spreadsheet

Jan 4, 2010

I have attached a document paralleling a document I am working on. The dollar amount in each spreadsheet represent sales. I have entered in values into the candy, soda, and chips spreadsheet. I have also linked values for candy into the total spreadsheet. My question is can I somehow type something or drag the formula down to populate the other cells in the total spreadsheet?

The idea I am thinking but which I don't know how to implement is to list all the items (as in column G) and list all of the relevant cells (e.g. B1 in the Candy spreadsheet) as in columns H and I (Note that all items will have the same cells but the cells will have different values...e.g. all three items have a cell B1 and B2 in their spreadsheet but these cells contain different values). I then try and fail to create a formula in cell B3 of the Total spreadsheet. I am trying to create a formula of the following nature:

='(Spreadsheet Name From Column G)'!(Cell Name From Columns H and I)

The Second half of the formula doesn't really concern me (i.e. the cell name from column H and I). However I am perplexed as to how to achieve the goal in the first parentheses above.

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Copy Certain Cells From 1 Spreadsheet To Other Spreadsheet Depending On Condition

Jan 13, 2010

I have noticed that the basic problem I have is a common one on this forum with different varibles for different people. I have attached a dummy copy of the spreadsheet that I am using.

I need to copy cell information for one spreadsheet to one of 2 other spreadsheets depending on a dropbox condition. The master spreadsheet is the Issues spreadsheet, and depending on whether the user chooses Transferred Complaints or Transferred Offences (in Column K) I need to transfer certain cells to the Complaints or Offences spreadsheets.

The information I need to transfer from Issues is: .....

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Copy Content Of Cells From Different Spreadsheet To Particular Cells Of Single Main Excel?

Feb 27, 2014

how to copy the content of cells of different xcell files from a given directory into a single formatted xcell sheet.

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Oct 24, 2005

I know EXCEL has functions for both the NORMAL DISTRIBUTION and the
cumulative value thereof...

but is it possible to graph this data..

(I imagine if I sort the data and then calculate the ***. distributions into
a column...then chart it, it should work; BUT IS THERE ANOTHER WAY?)

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Distribution Formula

May 22, 2009

I need a formula that distributes a % based on position.

The positions are 1 through 20, and each one has a corresponding % value ...

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Using The Binomial Distribution Function

Sep 10, 2008

I have been working on a problem that requires being able to calculate the chances of any winnng a series of coin tosses with a weighted coin.

The coin has for arguments sake a 65% / 35% chance of landing heads or tails and to win the game you need to hit your side 9 times.

Can you use excel to calculate things like: If heads takes the lead 1-0, what does that mean the its overall percentage chance of winning? If the score is 7-3 to tails, what are the chances of either side gaining victory? etc, etc.

I thought that there would be a way of setting up a spreadsheet that listed the goal (first to 9, 12, 15 or whatever) and below this the percentage chance of heads and the percentage chance of tails. Then somewhere would be a box to enter the current score (0-0, 3-5, 1-1 or whatever) and beside this the current chance of heads or tails gaining victory.

I've tried setting up something like this but am a bit of a dufus when it comes to knowing how, where and when to use the different functions of excel.

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Distribution Of Data From Different Dates

Jan 11, 2010

I'm looking to analyse is how long these articles take to reach maturity from their date of publication (so, when they achieve their optimum performance).

I'd then like to further analyse this across various metrics like article type/producer etc., which, I guess, would be in some kind of Pivot Table filter-type-thing.

Here's an example of some of my data:

ArticleName - PublishedDate - OctViews - NovViews - DecViews - ArticleType - Producer
Article1 - Oct-08 - 3701 - 4856 - 4561 - Food - ABCTV
Article2 - Nov-08 - 0 - 9824 - 1256 - Food - ABCTV
Article3 - Oct-08 - 1358 - 8953 - 9652 - Tech - XYZ.com
Article4 - Oct-08 - 1351 - 2354 - 3562 - Tech - ABCTV

The part I'm finding tricky is this; what we'd like to do is rather than look at a specific date (say, articles published on 09/04/08) it would be useful to combine all the dates so that the first month something is published is Month 1, regardless of the date it is actually published.

As the same article can be from the same producer but published at different times, if I could remove the "Jan-Mar = Month 1-Month 3" problem it would allow us to graph all the data into one snapshot of the publishing process and find trends. If this could then be cross examinable by the ArticleType etc. it'd be really useful.

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Random Distribution/Allocation

Nov 1, 2009

I have a spreadsheet which has a list of staff (column B) and work categories (row 3).

Row 4 is updated each day with a count of the incoming work for each work category.

I want to be able to randomly distribute (as evenly as possible) the no of work items in Row 4 between the doers (B7:B13). Each item of work also has to be checked so I would also like to randomly distribute the checking between the checkers (B16:B18)....

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Normal Distribution Graph

Nov 16, 2006

Say I measure the height of 1000 people and I have those in a column in excel. It should be a normal distribution with mean x and standard deviation y. How do I actually graph it so I can see the normal distrubution curve that looks something like this:

I tried making a scatter graph but it graphs them point by point. I want the height to be on the x axis and something like frequency on the y axis.

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Probability: Binomial Distribution

Nov 27, 2006

There is trading system which generates a winning trade per ONE stock in ONE month’s time with a probability of 5/12 (0,4166%). If the system trades 10 independent stocks the probability of any number of winning trades occurring out of all of them in ONE month is shown below:

None 0,0046
One 0,0326
Two 0,1047
Three 0,1995
Four 0,2494
Five 0,2172
Six 0,1272
Seven 0,0519
Eight 0,0139
Nine 0,0022
Ten 0,0002

I took these values from a book…I tried to reproduce these values in the spreadsheet that I attached. My table looks as follows:

0 0,0046
1 0,0033
2 0,0023
3 0,0017
4 0,0012
5 0,0008
6 0,0006..........

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Is Random Normal Distribution Possible

Jul 18, 2007

i have some number that i want to put in a normal distribution

so.. i have age ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) and have the number of times that the kid wake in the night ( 10, 12, 9,11,8,9,7,9,11) and want to do the normal distribution grafic with that .

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Even Distribution Of Units Across All Prices

Sep 15, 2007

Refer to the attached sample workbook,
(Keep in mind that there is an error in the sample workbook; Im not sure how to remove and re-attach the sample workbook as this is my first day on this forum.)

Cell F19 should contain =D19*B19

Column 1- These values will not change and represent price/cost of each UNIT
Column 2- "UNITS" the quantity or number of items at column1 value
Column 3- "$ AMT" the total cost of UNITS at that price/cost, i.e. Column1*Column2

Im looking for a way populate the values in Column2 when, "NUMBER OF UNITS" AND "AVERAGE COST PER UNIT" are changed

Ideally speaking, As few units in one row as possible to allow for a good mix.
For example: What i don't want is $9000*86 for 774k.

If it helps: "AVERAGE COST PER UNIT" will always be a whole number rounded up to the nearest 1000.

I believe a Most Even distribution of units will work fine.

After the distribution/population of fields in column2;

D29 must equal F3
F29 must equal F7

I'm looking for something that will populate the values in D12:D27 while adhering to the two conditions above. Even when the Input at F3 and F4 are changed.

The values in "UNITS" represent the number of a specific cost item in inventory when added together do not exceed the "TOTAL COST OF INVENTORY". Depending on store location, the "AVERAGE COST PER UNIT" and/or the "NUMBER OF UNITS" will change. It will be used to help forecast how many of a specific cost item should be purchased based on the overall average unit cost without exceeding the budget or inventory space.

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Normal Distribution Chart For Set Of Data

Feb 22, 2014

How to crate a chart for normal distribution for a set of datas. say marks of students/ number of students in a class

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Probability Density (normal Distribution)

May 11, 2014

I'm trying to make a bell curve (normal gauss distribution). I have some problems regarding the probability density curve, since its values are so low. If you look column N in the attached file - I used the NORMDIST command. Values should be somewhere between 0,2 and 0,4 - but they're about 100x lower.

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Distribution Of Percentage If 2 Items Deleted

Feb 16, 2014

AMOUNT 42400 is distributed among 6 people (C) in percentage if any of them or any 2 of them is deleted their contribution percentage need to be distributed among other.

I am attaching the example sheet... EXAMPLE.xlsx‎

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Emailing From Distribution List In Excel

Jan 12, 2005

I need to know how to send an email from Outlook using a rather large email address list (500 addresses) that resides in Excel.

Also, I need to know how to hide the individual recipients and send it out under a title name. I want all of the recipients to see the title name only - and not each other.

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Macro For Data Distribution On A Table

Jun 18, 2009

I'm trying to automatize the filling of 4 different tables regarding time (hours , minute)

In other words first i need to select from about 500 products names about 180 products i need. I solved this with an automatic filter like this

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Create A Distribution List For Outlook

Nov 27, 2006

I want to email with excel, and I know how to do it if I have a distribution list already set up in outlook. I want to avoid having this DL in outlook though, and instead keep a list in the actual excel workbook. I tried having the list and then combining all the cells with a semicolon inbetween the addresses into one single cell, then assigning that cell to a variable and inserting it in the cose in place of the DL name, but it doesn't work. Apparently you can't mail to mutliple address thru the VB code, either a single address or a DL. Am I incorrect in this? So I thought maybe I could somehow create the DL first using the names in the list thru code, and then using that DL name to send the workbook.

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Cash Flow Distribution Modeling

Nov 24, 2004

I am trying to model the distribution of cash flows from a real estate investment. This is a bit complicated, but basically A1 through A37 are a series of cash flows after payment of debt service from month 0 (closing) to month 36. The real estate project has two investors, the Institutional Investor and the Developer. In this case, the Institutional Investor contributes 90% of the required project equity and the developer contributes the remaining 10%. The cash flow is distributed according to a set of parameters specifying cash flow percentage allocations and IRR targets, collectively known as a "cash flow waterfall"." As with all for-sale residential development deals, the early cash flows are negative and then turn positive as unit sales occur. The order of distribution of the cash flow remaining after debt service is paid is as follows (the waterfall):

1. Both investors receive the return of their invested capital from cash flow distributions.
1. Hurdle 1 (after the return of equity to both investors), the Institutional Investor receives 90% of the monthly cash flows and the Developer 10%, proportional to their respective overall equity contributions, until both investors achieve a 12% IRR (all IRR's to be calculated from deal inception/first dollar invested).
2. Hurdle 2, (after Hurdle 1 is satisfied), the Institutional Investor receives 60% of the monthly cash flows until the Institutional Investor achieves an 18% IRR.
3. The Final Split (after satisfying Hurdle 2) allocates monthly cash flow 50% to each investor.

On an overall project basis, the Developer should realize a disproportionate share of the cash flow after the second hurdle is hit. This is what is known as the "promote." The most recent 36 month (37 including Closing) projected cash flows are as follows:

($1,315,567) - Closing
($113,697) - Month 1

I realize this is complicated, but this structure is quite common to real estate, private equity, venture capital and hedge fund investments (along with most any joint venture deals with multiple classes of equity participants). The canned software that is out there that performs this type of anlysis is both expensive and rigid, and doesn't typically enable the required sensitivity analysis in structuring a deal.

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Random Number With Normal Distribution

Jul 19, 2006

in VBA the RND function generates a random number using uniform distribution (every number is as likely as any other). Is there a function to generate a random number using normal distribution where the numbers closest to the mean are more likely to occure then numbers further away from the mean. I've created the following custom function to generate a random number between two given values using uniform distribution.

Function RandNum(Min As Double, Max As Double) As Double
RandNum = (Max - Min) * Rnd + Min
End Function

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Dates Distribution Between Time Periods

Aug 30, 2007

What formula should I use if I have a list of maturity dates and current investments amounts as of 06/30/07:

06/30/08 10,000
08/31/14 18,000
05/31/08 11,000
07/31/09 25,000
06/30/10 14,000
12/31/25 80,000

and the amounts need to be distributed in columns titled:

Within 1 Yr (From 7/1/07 to 6/30/08)
After 1 to 5 Yrs (From 7/1/08 to 6/30/13)
After 5 yrs (After 7/1/13)

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Random Number Within Normal Distribution

Nov 27, 2007

I would like to create a random number based on that data.

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How To Calculate Even Distribution Between Two Values Over A Set Number Of Columns

Feb 17, 2014

I am in need of a formula to calculate the even distribution of values between two set values over a set number of columns. For example take a look at the attached screenshot. I have the numbers 2.88 and 2.44 and I need to fill in the empty cells between the two with with an even distribution of numbers in between the two (in descending order) over the 8 columns Screen-shot-2014-02-16-at-3.33.08-PM.jpg

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CountIf: Frequency Distribution Of The Yields Column

Feb 2, 2010

I'm working on has me making a frequency distribution of the yields column. If you look at M6 on the spreadsheet i'm trying to use the formula:

=COUNTIF($I$6:$I$35, "<=L6")

to represent all yields that are less than or equal to 0, in the next box (M7) I want to represent all yields that are greater than 0% and less than or equal to 1%. etc until I reach 7%, however the original formula isn't working and I don't know whats wrong with it.

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Create A Macro To Find A Statistical Distribution

Dec 17, 2009

I would like to create an excel program with Macros.
The program would allow me to find out which distribution a random bunch of data belongs to. For an example, Weibull Distribution, Exponential Distributions etc;

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Confidence Interval Calculation For Weibull Distribution

May 9, 2003

Confidence level calculation.

Background Info: I am doing a weibull analysis on failure data. Some of the data is right censored. I have already run a maximum likelihood estimate to obtain the estimated weibull parameters with Excel's SOLVER function. I am good on this part.

Now I want to calculate these parameters with a 95% confidence interval. I can't seem to find information on calculating confidence intervals with right censored data.

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Excel 2010 :: Email Each Tab To Distribution List

Nov 10, 2011

I have a Macro in Excel 2010 which emails each tab to a distribution list.

However Outlook asks for permission each time to send the email, is there a way to disable this ?, or get Outlook to grant permission for a set amount of time ?

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Email Distribution List To Aggregate In A Cell

Jun 16, 2013

I have a list of employees and their e-mail addresses. There is also a column denoting whether they should be part of an email distribution list or not (if yes, denoted by an asterisk).

I need to aggregate all of the asterisked e-mail addresses in one cell. It also needs to be "active", i.e. having an IF statement for whether or not it has the asterisk and therefore should be included. Last requirement: the addresses need to be separated by a semi-column, then space (for easy copy and paste into Excel) like this:

name@email.com; name@email.com, etc.

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