Excel 2003 :: Average Of Values Across 5 Sheets With Two Criteria
Jun 12, 2014
I have a couple of issues and if its okay will post two threads to make it easier to follow due to my basic skills in Excel.
I have a workbook with 5 sheets. The first sheet is a stat sheet which picks up data from four other spreadsheets. I want to work out the average working days taken to complete a case but this data is across multiple sheets.
So for example Column E in each sheet tells you what type of case it is i.e. investigation. Then column T tells you number of workings day it took to complete the case. To work this out I have used the following formula:
I know its very basic but its the only way I know how to work out an average in Excel 2003. I need to add a second criteria where on every sheet it looks in column G for date the case was allocated. As I'm only looking to report in the current report year I want it to look for cases where the value in column G is =>01/04/14 but =<31/03/14.
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Feb 9, 2014
I have saved this on a 2010 workbook as I am at home but this will be used on a 2003 workbook.
I have several projects on one spreadsheet which multiple users will be working and I am trying to create a summary sheet of the work carried out.
Each user is expected to carry out a task on each row of the data held in each worksheet (research, call, update etc) and each task (Option 1-5) is assigned a value. Each user is expected to meet a certain level of points per day to calculate productivity.
I am looking for a sumproduct along the lines of the summary sheet attached but mine just takes one sheet into consideration and I need one for all sheets.
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Dec 4, 2013
I have a worksheet which has various figures for each day of the week however I need to establish the weekly average of these figures.
Due to the way in which the figures are displayed, I am unsure how to use a formula which does not require a range with cells located adjacent to one another.
I have attached a test sheet as an example. The cells in yellow require the formula and I need a weekly average for criteria 1-3. This formula also needs to be compatible in Excel 2003
Test Sheet.xls
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Jan 5, 2012
I have a sheet set up with date in Column A, time in column C and numbers in column D, starting in row 2 down. I made a pivot table with the dates grouped by day, 7, to show a week and I can group the time by hours, 6am, 7am, 8am. but what I want to do is group the time for times between 2 times, like from 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM, 10:01 AM to 2:00 PM and 2:01 PM to 8:00 PM, what I am wanting to do is group by week, group by the times above and average the numbers for that time. Is there anyway to do this in a pivot table? Or some other way? this is for use in Excel 2003
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Nov 5, 2009
I would like is the average of numbers that are on certain sheets with a certain criteria. I have an excel example that might explain more.
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Dec 24, 2012
I am currently using Excel 2003. I have a worksheet with two tabs.
First tab has a list of bank Names. Second list has Bank Names and balances.
I need to find out the the average from a Bank in the first tab, to the same bank on the second tab that reflects the balances.
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May 29, 2013
I am trying to do the following.
Thursday=0 (I have got a value return of 7.5)
Saturday=0 (I have got a value return of 5)
Sunday=0 (I have got a value return of 5)
I need to work out averages for cells higher than zeros, in other words, I need to ignore those.
Also say I have got an average of 5 by Tuesday and no number yet for the rest of the week, I still get an average of 5 for all days left which I do not want.
I am using excel 2003 and formula =SUM(RANGE)/COUNTIF(RANGE,">=0").
I would also like to hide the annoying #DIV/0! error.
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Oct 20, 2012
I have a table in A2:F200 and want to sum the entries in column C for those rows containing both an F in column E and an L in column F. I thought this would be easy but I cannot figure it out.
I use Excel 2003 so SUMIFS don't work.
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Aug 8, 2014
By chance I have opened a sheet with some macro and after that 'right click' is not working in any of the excel sheets (even newly created ones) in sheet names tab.
i.e., I can't delete/rename/insert etc in any sheet by rightclicking the sheet name.
Even the Edit->'delete sheet' is disabled. However, Insert->worksheet is enabled.
How to make the right click enabled. (excel version 2003)
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Jan 26, 2013
How many tickets are created and fixed by a user for a certain period. See below. I've tried countif but it doesn't seem to be working for many criteria.
Start Date
End Date
Assigned To
[Code] .....
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Jan 23, 2014
I have 4 columns of data, and need to average values that correspond to certain criteria from the other 3 columns. Attached is an example of my data and the desired output. The averages need to come from non-blank cells from Inputs 1 and 2 that match the criteria from the Name column.
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Mar 20, 2014
So I am trying to pull data from multiple sheets. I've gone through the thread, but haven't found an answer yet (or didn't work hard enough). On Sheet1, yellow highlighted column, I am trying to look up the I.D. Code for 36 month residuals. As you can see, I have to use multiple conditions on different worksheets.
I have to use most of Sheet1 columns to find the answer. I just can't figure the formula out.
I don't have Excel 2007, only 2003 I have.
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Oct 13, 2011
I have been given an excel model to review;the workbook has 53 sheets. I would like to know if there is a way to create a flowchart/matrix with the relation of all the sheets. I would like at least to get a list of all the sheets related to each sheet. All what I was able to do is to get all the sheet names in one sheet. (I am using Excel 2003).
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May 10, 2012
I wrote a macro to select multiple sheets by name and hide them, but I keep getting the following error message:
"Object variable or with block variable not set".
Below is the macro:
Sub HideSheets1A()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
If ws.Name = "Variance Evaluation" Or "Investment" Or "Costs & Incentives" Or "Revenues Total" Then ws.Visible = False
End Sub
I use Excel 2003
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Jan 1, 2014
How to use countif in Excel 2003, for multiple range and criteria ? Can 'Nested ifs' be used? If so, a sample of such ifs
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Apr 30, 2012
Using Excel 2003.
In column Y, I have a list of employee numbers (there are a random number of blank spaces in between each number)
In column AE, I have a list of clock in times (there are a random number of blank spaces in between each clock in time)
In column AY, I have a list of the same numbers from column Y (there are no blanks in this list)
Column BB. I am looking for a formula to place in cell BB2 and copy/paste down that will match the number in column Y and return the first non blank cell from that point in column AE.
10062 is employee number in cell AY2. Her employee number (10062) is also located in cell Y5. Her clock in time is located in cell AE7.
10099 is employee number in cell AY3. Her employee number (10099) is also located in cell Y14. Her clock in time is located in cell AE16.
What formula can I place in BB2 so that it returns the clock in time of employee 10062. Then copy and paste so that BB3 returns the clock in time of employee 10099?
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Nov 20, 2012
How can I rank with 4 criteria that are ranked differently? (Greater/ lesser etc)
Ranking - Online Spreadsheets - EditGrid
I had a look into this, but I got a bit confused with how isnumber, big, small and rank actually work
Using Excel 2003.
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May 12, 2014
I posted an earlier question about using a countif formula with two sets of criteria, Below is the formula I was given but for the life of me I can not get it to calculate. I have created a drop down box for each agent at my work and a drop down box for pass and fail. I want to keep a running total if they pass or fail on an assigment. I have labeled my worksheet phone.
=sumproduct((Phone!G:G="Fail*")*(Phone!B:B="Smith, John*"))
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Jan 3, 2008
The attached workbook has two tabs:
1. Burn Rate - this is where I need my formula to calculate
2. prorder - this is where the table will be
What I need:
1) from 'Burn Rate', get the 'PO ID' we will look up in the table.
2) go to 'prorder' - when the 'PO ID' there matches that same 'PO ID' from the other worksheet - take the value in column F - this is the number that will be averaged.
In other words - in 'Burn Rate', for a given 'PO ID' (column A), I want to average all of the values that are found in column F in 'prorder', and return that average to 'Burn Rate' (column B).
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Feb 25, 2008
I have an annual leave (vacation) work book with a summary page work sheet and separate work sheets for each month i.e. Jan, Feb, Mar.....to......Dec. In order to protect the formulas I have protected them by allowing only access to the input cells on each work sheet and the protect each work sheet.
When someone either joins or leaves the team I have to manually unprotect each sheet and protect again when I have completed the amendments to each of the 13 tabs.
macro code I would need to unprotect all the works sheets in one go (as I use the same password for all the sheets) and reset the passwords (protect) the sheets with more macro code.
I will be running the two macros from my own personal.xls file and ideally they would be fully automatic i.e. I would not need to input the passwords in to unlock or lock the work sheets as the password would be written in the code already
Excel version 2003
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Jun 24, 2012
I need to calculate the average spend on a day of the week over the month, so all Monday's or all Tuesday's, etc. One sheet is one week so I need to average b16 on 6 sheets as an example.
I used =AVERAGE('WEEK1:WEEK6'!B18) to calculate average over the six Monday's. The issue is, as in other posts, how do I ignore the cells that have a zero or null value.
I've tried adjusting this which was in 1 post
with this
=AVERAGE(IF(1+1=2,IF('WEEK1:WEEK6 '!B180,'WEEK1:WEEK6 '!B18))) which returns #REF!
this from another post
=SUM('WEEK1:WEEK7 '!B18)/COUNTIF('WEEK1:WEEK7 '!B18,"0") which returns #VALUE!
and this
=AVERAGE(IF('WEEK1:WEEK7 '!B180,'WEEK1:WEEK7 '!B18)) which returns #NAME?
The cells on each sheet are sum formulas for other cells on the sheet not just numbers on their own.
Using windows 7, excel 2003
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Dec 20, 2012
Having a hard time putting this one together..Trying to do: Create a formula that counts how many cells in Column L, that fall within a date range and also have a specific category of "text" (Column E). What I've tried:=COUNTIF($L$4:$L$166,"
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Nov 13, 2013
I'm using Excel 2003 and I need to calculate the number of occurrences on according to different criteria in two separate colums.
I am on Sheet 3 and the data I am analyzing is on Sheet 1, titled "RATES". I wish to know how many occurrences are when the word "GB" appears on column B (cells B2 to B100) along with a value greater than zero on column M (cells M2 to M100). The word "GB" does not appear alone but is part of a string of text with different words, I think this is relevant.
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Jul 5, 2014
I am setting up a template to use to track candidates throughout their lifecycle. I am also creating a 'summary report' on another worksheet that counts total number of candidates, counts the number of candidates that have been submitted to the client, count of the number of candidates that have been interviewed by the client, etc.
How do I count the number of candidates in the spreadsheet?
In Cells A6:B5, I have "Submitted"
In Cells A7-?? I have dates for those candidates that have been submitted.
Then a new section titled, "In Process"
A list of candidates are contained within that section.
Then a new section titled, "For Review"
There are multiple sections, so the date in Column A1 may not always be in a constant row, as it depends on how many candidates are within a certain 'phase'.
I have a column I5, titled "Status" This column has a built in drop-down list that contains pre-defined status, for example, "Submitted", "Candidate Declined", "2nd Message Sent", etc. I need to be able to create a summary report based on a count of candidates that fit certain 'Statuses'. For example, count the number of candidates that were Interviewed. This could be a combination of Statuses: Phone screen with client, 1st F2F, 2nd F2F, etc.
(At home, I am using Excel 2003. At work, I am using Excel 2007. So if it's easier to create in Excel 2007, that's fine.)
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Mar 12, 2014
I have attached a workbook (excel 2003), I have few userforms in it.
I tried to copy data from all the tabs in the workbook to "Master" tab but getting an error.
You have to login to file details are as below:
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Dec 20, 2012
I am looking for a way of creating the following conditioned concatenation.
I have two tables, let's call them "summary" and "detailed".
The "detailed" table is something like the following:
The "summary" table below gets info from the "detailed" table. The 'ID'is now unique. I'm looking for a formula on the 'VOL (concatenated)' column cells it should get all rows from the "detailed" table with the same ID and then concatenate the 'VOL' column results, comma separated:
ID (unique)
VOL (concatenated)
V01, V03, V05
V01, V04
PS: I have people using this table with office 2003, so compatibility is necessary...
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Mar 21, 2014
I am trying to implement a count on a table that splits up the number of customers associated with a list of managers. Sample data attached.
Count function.xlsx
So, I need some way to display a single instance of each manager name with a count of how many customers are associated with that manager. The number of managers and the number of customers associated with each manager does vary and are displayed in separate columns per the attached.
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Nov 6, 2013
I have 2 arrays that look like this:
Mercedes ________________Mercedes
BMW ____________________Fiat
Fiat _____________________BMW
VW _____________________AUDI
Porsche __________________Ferrari
As you can see, list 2 had some additions (Ferrari,Lamborghini) and a different overall order. I want to input the 2 additions on list 1 right after the last cell(Porsche). List 's 1 order cannot be changed. I have to do it on Excel 2003.
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Feb 15, 2005
Using Excel 2003. I have a data range for a graph. The values in the cells are the results of a simple If function - If(m28>0,n28,0). The results are taken from a larger data input exercise. But, the graph line (a simple graph!) plots the FALSE value (0) when I would like there to really be no value & hence no plotted point if the result is FALSE.
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Sep 9, 2013
I have this code working fine in excel 2007 but I need to get it working in excel 2003.
I have attached a test document to show what I'd like to do. It is basically adding values if the column next to it is in a certain range.
counting columns in Excel 2003.xls
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