Average Values That Correspond To Certain Criteria?
Jan 23, 2014
I have 4 columns of data, and need to average values that correspond to certain criteria from the other 3 columns. Attached is an example of my data and the desired output. The averages need to come from non-blank cells from Inputs 1 and 2 that match the criteria from the Name column.
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Feb 27, 2009
I am trying to develop a crop rotation for my one acre farm using a spreadsheet, but am running into some trouble. I will describe a simplified version of the problem:
Column A contains a list of numbers say (10, 40, 50, 20)
Column B also contains a list of numbers: (3, 6, 9, 2)
A given row, therefore, contains a set of these: Row 1 contains 10 and 3, Row 2 contains 40 and 6, etc.
In Column C, I want to be able to put in a Column A value and get back the Column B value from the same row.
For example, in column C, I want to type 10 and have excel give me a 3.
It looks something like this: .....
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Jan 3, 2008
The attached workbook has two tabs:
1. Burn Rate - this is where I need my formula to calculate
2. prorder - this is where the table will be
What I need:
1) from 'Burn Rate', get the 'PO ID' we will look up in the table.
2) go to 'prorder' - when the 'PO ID' there matches that same 'PO ID' from the other worksheet - take the value in column F - this is the number that will be averaged.
In other words - in 'Burn Rate', for a given 'PO ID' (column A), I want to average all of the values that are found in column F in 'prorder', and return that average to 'Burn Rate' (column B).
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Jun 12, 2014
I have a couple of issues and if its okay will post two threads to make it easier to follow due to my basic skills in Excel.
I have a workbook with 5 sheets. The first sheet is a stat sheet which picks up data from four other spreadsheets. I want to work out the average working days taken to complete a case but this data is across multiple sheets.
So for example Column E in each sheet tells you what type of case it is i.e. investigation. Then column T tells you number of workings day it took to complete the case. To work this out I have used the following formula:
I know its very basic but its the only way I know how to work out an average in Excel 2003. I need to add a second criteria where on every sheet it looks in column G for date the case was allocated. As I'm only looking to report in the current report year I want it to look for cases where the value in column G is =>01/04/14 but =<31/03/14.
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Jun 25, 2012
What I am trying to do is sum values for each day of the month up to a designated date.
A1=any date of the month
A2-A31 = 6/1/2012-6/30/2012
B2-B31 = values that correspond to each date
how can i sum the values in column B from the beginning of the month to A1?
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Feb 15, 2013
We are working on a peer review form using Adobe formscentral (quite handy) It will export to excel which is also handy. The problem is, the questions are not 1-5 but are strongly disagree - neutral - strongly agree. However, we still want to be able to "score" people. How do i make a word like "strongly agree" worth 5 points, so i can get a total and average?
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Mar 15, 2014
I added an attachment. Column A is my "week number" and column E is my sales amount.
I'm trying to create a formula that sums the sales amount, only if it corresponds to a certain week number. I know sumif formulas, but can't get them to work well for this. For example, I want it to sum all the sale that happened in week one, then all the ones in week 2, then all the ones in week 3, and so on. There has to be an easier way than doing a sumif for each individual week and manually changing the week number in the sum if formula.
Could there be a character you can use in a formula to make the sumif week number "running?" So you could then just type in the formula once and pull it all the way down for the year, so the formula will work for the every week throughout the year?
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Sep 23, 2011
A VBA problem has given me a workbook with two sheets. The first one lists the product names and their unit prices, and there is a third column labeled quantity purchased that is blank. The second sheet is an invoice, which will list the product name, the unit price, the number of units sold and the total price of the purchase. Assignment is to create a sub that will automatically fill out the invoice with any number I type into the blank column. Any good code to get two sheets to correspond in that way?
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May 22, 2014
To be more specific, I work with highway signs, and they all have codes. the codes are priced according to their size, sheeting, and aluminum structure.
so codes can be something like : GS-4, IB-12, RB-21, and their sheeting could be: 231, 241, 245S, 420P, and their price is dependent with the size, materials, and quantity ordered. So a quantity of 3 or less of a flat sheet of aluminum, with HIP reflectivity sign would be a 231, where 4 or more of that same sign would be 241.
A workbook has the contracted price, the cells are in order. The order sheet I use is separate from this. But I have to look for each sign for all the info. How can I get the one cell to recognize the Code, along with the Quantity ordered?
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Feb 28, 2014
Making a Statistics Report of Manpower for a construction site. Like to know,how can i fill data according to correspond Month and Date.
One of my cell containing month and another cell containing date and another cell containing date in one sheet using as Front page
I fill the month and date with data validation , and third cell i will fill it according to data value
Month : ( fill by data validation )
Date : ( fill by data validation )
Manpower : ( this cell will filled according to manpower per day )
In another sheet i made a calender of year 2014. Month in row and date in column
Jan Feb March
once i fill the data in first sheet in third cell, the value need to add to second sheet ( Calender ) according to corresponding month and date
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May 23, 2013
I have a sheet (like example attached). it's broken out by month for many decades. certain columns like B-N need each field populated. There are others like O, P, Q, where I need to delete all cells except for 2 months that year (in this example, all except May and November).
Is there a shortcut method to do this quicker?
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Dec 23, 2011
Is there a formula that would allow you to take the average of all values within a range but not count the zero values? I thought something like this might work but it's not. Neither one worked.
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Apr 30, 2014
I worked on a countifs function, but i needed a average of column N.
the countif formula is
A2 = current month
With the exceptions from above i need to get a average from column N.
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Mar 10, 2009
I have 2 rows of data
1. title
2. value
Row 1: Title1, Title2, Title1, Title4, Title2, Title1
Row 2: 2 , 3 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 6
In the above I am looking for the average of Title1, where the value is greater than 0. There are 3 occurances of Title1, but only 2 have values. The answer i am after is Sum is 8, average is 4 (ie 8/2 and not 8/3)
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Dec 5, 2012
Ceate a formula for weighted averages according to criteria?
I want to know what was the average price I bought a product at on today's date. The average price needs to be weighted against the quantity of product sold.
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Oct 10, 2006
I have information I'm trying to evaluate. Average Close time. but I need to evaluate it for each month. Forinstance if my average close time was B. and the close date was c. I would need the average(b:b) but only from fields that had a close date of July in column C. is this possible? I hate to have to break up the data set 12 times. (i'm reporting individually for each month of the year so we can see trends.)
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Nov 5, 2009
I would like is the average of numbers that are on certain sheets with a certain criteria. I have an excel example that might explain more.
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Aug 4, 2009
In column A is the staff name, column B is the start date, column C is the end date and column D is the difference.
I need to find the average number days for task completed for each staff for the week. I need a formula that will look for a particular staff name in column A ( which appears many time randomly in column A for each day of the week) and calculate the average days for the total task completed for the week.
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Aug 26, 2006
I have two columns. Column A has lots of repeated values, and column B is a list of numbers. For example:
A 1
A 3
A 4
A 2
A 6
B 1
B 1
B 2
B 1
C 3
C 3
C 2
C 4
Is there any way to output the following:
A 3.2
B 1.25
C 3
Where the second column are the averages. Any Excel function or VBA method will be fine.
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Oct 18, 2006
i have a excel spreadsheet that contains point of person. Every week a person can or can not compete. That means that there is some days that is blank wouthout points. I want to get the latest 5 points of a person and then out of that 5 i want to get the top 3 point.
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Jan 5, 2007
I have trouble finding the right formula for a weighted average price. The formula which i used in cell B2 of the attached file doesn't exclude irrelevant numbers. In the formula "= sumproduct(a5:a21;b5:b21)/sum(b5:b21)", i like to exclude cells B8, B9, B15, B19, B20 because the list prices are missing. How can i exclude these irrelevancies in the formula above?
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Sep 19, 2007
I have a large set of data. I need to be able to search this data routinely using an origin and destination zip code and sum the search results. Is this possible in Excel?
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Oct 8, 2007
I am trying to create a macro using arrays to calculate average sales from a list of sale amounts that originate from different cities. Each city has its own city code and I want to display the average amount of sales for each city. The attached file is the template that ive created to do this. I am having trouble getting the arrays and loops to work. If anyone can help me out I would greatly appreciate it.CitySales2.xls
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Aug 25, 2009
I have a data set that looks something like the following:
I am having trouble creating a formula that would calculate the weighted average cost depending on the type (i.e. weighted average cost of $28.84 for A, weighted avg cost of $70 for C).
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Jul 3, 2013
I'm trying to sort column G for any "Approved" or "Denied" outcomes then find the time difference between columns E and F then divide that difference by the number of approved or denied in column G. I've tried a number of combinations of SUMIFS, IFS, COUNTIFS, and Ave formulas but can't come up with one that works. Here's an example of what I'm trying to do:
Sum E-F if G= "Approved" or "Denied" / the number of "Approved" or "Denied" outc
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Nov 10, 2011
I need to figure out a way to get an average for the numbers in column A, but ONLY those numbers in column A that have the number "1" in column B. example:
Column A Column B
3 5
6 1
4 1
The average would be "5", because the numbers 6 and 4 have "1" next to them in column B.
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Feb 27, 2012
I have a series of numbers in the column AB56 going downwards and in AC56 going downwards their respective counts in a data-set.
What I would like to do is find the average of the min and max, the min and max for the average calculation are both determined by looking at the count column, isolating the max, isolating the min, provided they both have a count greater than zero then averaging both results.
0.15437019 2
In this calculation the MAX is 0.155326043 because it has a count greater than zero, the MIN would be 0.138120697 as it has a count greater than zero, the average of both would simply be 0.1467. i.e. Average(0.155326043,0.138120697)
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Feb 29, 2012
I am trying to work out average for a particular area based on a criteria.
Area time
A 01:00
B 02:15
A 01:15
C 01:16
B 01:30
C 03:15
In Cell
E100 - 103 I'm trying to work up the average of each area and using the following formula.
I keep getting an the following error #value!.
i changed the average to median and still get the error.
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Feb 27, 2013
I have to find the average of a set of data with a lot of different criteria. I think an array formula would work wonderfully but I just cannot seem to get it.
My example: I have a large set of data that I must get multiple averages from that fall within differing sets of criteria. For my example we'll just say that I have to find the average of the number column that occurs on or after Jan-12 (January 2012) and is type "p1" or one that has no date and is type "p1" and to not average numbers that are equal to 0. So logically it would look like this: If date
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Apr 6, 2007
I have a data base with 12 columns of data. I need it to look for one criteria in one row, match it, look for another criteria in another row, match that, and then once those criteria are met, average those rows that met the criteria with the statistics in that row that contains a value.
Such as:
Monica 2 Timed 310 Michele
Tom 3 UnTimed 410 TC
Art 5 Timed 216 TC
Monica 4 Timed 415 Michele
Tom 6 Timed 200 TC
Tom 4 Untimed 216 TC
Art 8 Timed 410 TC
What I need is the formula to search in through the data, look for Tom, then find all the ones that say UnTimed, and then average the number in column 2 that match those criteria.
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