Excel 2003 :: Cannot Use SUMIFS Function / Finding Alternative

Jan 26, 2012

I know you can't use the SUMIFS function in 2003 but give alternative in 2003


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SUMIFS Alternative

Jun 17, 2009

I've been looking for an alternative to SUMIFS as I have a sheet I need backwardly compatible with Excel 2003. I've looked at SUMPRODUCT which I understand is a good alternative to COUNTIFS but does not allow for summing. I've now moved on to looking at an array formula I picked up from an internet search, but it's not working properly for me. The crux of my Excel 2007 formula is:

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Excel 2010 :: Camera Function - Take Picture Of Graph And Pasting To Alternative Sheet?

May 21, 2014

Excel 2010 and the camera function.

I have been using it to take a picture of a graph, pasting to an alternative sheet within the same workbook, and renaming the picture by a defined name. S by selecting the names from a drop down list the picture will select various different sized graphs defined within my drop down.

What I am experiencing is when I initially do this the pic works great and resizes automatically with each selection, however the next day some of the pictures resize and some do not.

Is this a glitch within excel or am I missing a setting which will resolve this?

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Excel 2003 :: Finding Average With Multiple Spreadsheets?

Dec 24, 2012

I am currently using Excel 2003. I have a worksheet with two tabs.

First tab has a list of bank Names. Second list has Bank Names and balances.

I need to find out the the average from a Bank in the first tab, to the same bank on the second tab that reflects the balances.

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Excel 2003 :: Finding First Empty Cell In The Sheet?

Nov 8, 2011

I have two work sheets where I have data.

Sheet1 contain daily input table which as follows:
Name salaryBonusXX10002XY9001YY11002ZY15003ZZ12502AA10502AZ9501

Sheet2 have table where all the information is saved. So we can say this is database of sheet1. Which store every day information of sheet 1.

SALARY DATABASEMonth Name Salary Bonus


I want that when I finished writing on the sheet 1(which i do manually) then with macro it go the sheet 2 and find first empty cell in the name column and past the all the data of sheet1 table. Months I will put manually. I am working on MS2003.

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Excel 2003 :: Finding 3rd / 2nd And Highest Values In A Column?

Mar 7, 2013

I have a spreadsheet and on sheet 1 it currently has 45791 rows filled with data and it increases each day.

Each row looks like this


On Sheet 2 I have 3 columns. These are the list of horses that are running on a particular day.


What I want to do is to be able to list in columns D,E,and F on sheet 2 the last three ratings the horses achieved from sheet 1.

how to acquire the latest rating of the horse by using the following formula.


This works a treat but for the life of me I can't fathom out how to get the formula to pick the latest three ratings and place them on sheet 2.

I am using excel 2003

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Countifs Alternative On 2003 With Multiple Cells And Worksheets

May 18, 2009

I created the following in Excel 2007 but need to come up with a replacement formula in 2003.

=COUNTIFS('Data High'!AM2:AM999,"0",'Data High'!AN2:AN999,"Non Corp",'Data High'!AL2:AL999,"No")+COUNTIFS('Data Medium'!AI2:AI2000,"No",'Data Medium'!AJ2:AJ2000,"0",'Data Medium'!AK2:AK2000,"Non Corp")+COUNTIFS('Data Low'!AA2:AA5000,"No",'Data Low'!AB2:AB5000,"0",'Data Low'!AC2:AC5000,"Non Corp")

With this spreadsheet i pull data straight from a database and place it in to 3 separate worksheets. The first worksheet which is the summary sheet then updates all the totals of certain occurrences. The above formula is the same format for all fields in the summary with a few variations. But they all have the following in common. They draw data from all 3 worksheets and total it all up, and each countifs looks at 3 different cells.

In terms of replacing it i have tried to use something like =SUMPRODUCT(--('Data Low'!AA2:AA5000="No")*('Data Low'!AB2:AB5000="0")*('Data Low'!AC2:AC5000="Non Corp")) but don't seem to be getting it right.

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Convert SUMIFS Formula In 2003

Oct 9, 2009

How would I convert the following formula into Excel 2003?


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Convert SUMIFS Formula For 2003

Dec 30, 2009

Need convert the following formula so that it would work in Excel 2003: =SUMIFS($BB$4:$BB$500,$E$4:$E$500,"Abbeywood First",$L$4:$L$500,"Autumn"). I could play around with it for hours and get nowhere, so I'll just turn to the experts.

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Convert Sumifs In 2007 To Something In 2003

Sep 3, 2009

Here is what I have


I need it converted to something usable in 2003

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Sum Function Visible Cells Only In Excel 2003

Apr 28, 2009

I have a worksheet of data that has 12 columns of numbers (sourced from an external data source) that I have a subtotal for each row. I need the user to be able to hide columns that they do not want included in the subtotal. I have found references to Subtotal(109,D2:Q2) on the net that apparently does this but it doesn't make any difference whether or not I hide columns (I am not using filtering).

Does anyone know how to do this using a formula, (I would prefer to keep this a macro free worksheet)

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Excel 2003 :: Macro With Submit Function Included?

Jul 12, 2014

I cant find out of include the submit button. I can fill out the field but not submit.

Use excel 2003


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Excel 2003 :: Adding ISBLANK Function To IF Formula

Jun 7, 2014

I am using Excel 2003

I have used =IF(I6=J6,1,0) but I want a 0 value if the two cells are blank. How do add this to the formula?

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Excel 2003 :: Translating Remove Duplicates Function To Work

Oct 16, 2013

I've been left with a macro built in 2010--but I need it to run in 2003.

I've identified a Remove Duplicates function as the cause of a bug, how to translate this to a 2003-friendly macro? This will be an action in a much longer macro. What I am trying to do is check for duplicates in a particular column (Column C), and remove any duplicate row (it doesn't matter which duplicate is removed).


'Remove duplicates
Sheets("Input sheet").Select
ActiveSheet.Range("$B$4:$H$2005").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=3, Header:= _

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VB Alternative To If Function?

Jun 4, 2009

I use a spreadsheet to keep track of stock at work.
The invoices are put into rows with the stock code and qty next to each other.

Invoice No | Stock Code | Qty | Stock Code | Qty | Stock Code | Qty | Stock Code | Qty ect..

I am currently using an If function to check all the cells for an instance of each stock item in a total of four columns.

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Excel 2003 :: Column Function Insert Within Large Amount Of Data

Nov 27, 2012

I am trying to insert three columns within a large amount of data. I am using Excel 2003 edition. The three columns need to measure max, min, and standard deviation of month long ranges and the data goes all the way back to 1993.

Currently, I have a column that has the correct ranges but finds the average for each month


And many more ranges as it dates back all the way to '93. Is there a possible way to insert these three columns with their respective commands (=MAX... =MIN... etc.) while keeping all the ranges from the AVERAGE column.

In effect, I am looking to solely switch the begining of the column command

(=AVERAGE($H7214:$H7243)) to (=MIN($H7214:$H7243) etc...

While keeping all of the specified ranges from the AVERAGE column.

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Excel 2003 :: Upgraded To 2007 And Worksheet Change Function Does Not Work

Oct 10, 2011

I recently upgraded from Excel 2003 to 2007, and the worksheet change procedure that i have embedded in my worksheet no longer fires when the criteria are met. If and if I fix it to work in 2007, will it still work in 2003?

Here is my procedure:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rngCell As Excel.Range
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("C19:R19")) Is Nothing Then
For Each rngCell In Intersect(Target, Range("C19:R19"))
If rngCell.Value = "BLACK" Then
MsgBox "Please select a shading style", , "Shading Style Required"
End If
Next rngCell
End If
End Sub

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Excel Goal Seek Function For Finding Values To Certain Decimal Place

Feb 17, 2010

Any function in Excel, that would allow me to have a unit cost price (for example: 0.5432) and then for a table of figures containing the pack sizes to determine the correct unit price that would allow all pack costs to be at 2 decimal places. I have included an example below:

My spreadsheet would look like the following:

Cell A1 (Unit Cost Price) = .5814
Cell A3 (Pack of 75 units) = .5814*75 = 43.605
Cell A4 (Pack of 80 units) = .5814*80 = 46.512
Cell A5 (Pack of 100 units) = .5814*100 = 58.14
and so on

I need some way of making cell A1 change to a value that will cause all cells A3 to A5 to be 2 decimal places or less.

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7 Nested Functions Alternative - Substitute Function

Nov 4, 2008

I want to substitute the following "special" characters for an underscore. i need to do 9 different characters!!! is there another way?

as you are limited to 7!!!

excel 2003!

=INDIRECT("_animal_"&SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(C2," ","_"),"/","_"),"-","_"),"&","_"),"~","_"), "(", "_"), ")", "_"), "$", "_"), ":", "_"))

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Use The Sumifs Function To Add A Column?

Jan 7, 2014

I am trying to use the sumifs function to add a column that is in pounds but with multiple criteria.I am trying to add a price field but between two dates (between the beginning and end of each month) another criteria from a range of cells I have copied the formula I have written below


try to explain a little column K is the column I need to sum column B is the date field that I need to extract i.e. 1st to 31st January (I have put these dates in a cell that correspond to I17 and J17)

then the last bit column W is another criteria that I need met, this works for just one cell however if I try to add another criteria in another cell it doesn't work after M17 I add to the formula ,Sheet1!W:W,"="&M18)

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Sumifs Date Function

Nov 20, 2009

Is there an easier way to construct the formula in the sales revenue col of the monthly analysis table on the summary tab so that one does not have to enter the specific dates into the formula?!

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Use Sumifs Function Applying 2 Criteria?

Aug 21, 2013


Attached is the example of the data, I am trying to sum the amount applying 2 criteria, within a particular month and other category. The formula tried is


However it is giving a value of zero only. I have tried other combinations as well.

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SUMIFS Function With OR Statement In One Criteria?

Apr 20, 2014

I need to do a SUMIFS with 2 sets of Criteria, but I need the second Criteria to be an OR Statement. The numbers I am adding up is in Column E, with any where from about 20,000 to about 60,000 records (will fluctuate all the time). The first Criteria is easy - match up the name in AG12 with any of the names in Column C. The second criteria is to match up the numbers in Column A with any of the numbers in AD1 through AD40.

I tried this but it didn't work: =SUMIFS(E:E,C:C,AG12,A:A,AD1:AD40). I've alos tried a million other variations of that, imbedded SUM(IF( statements, SUMPRODUCT statements, and DSUM statements and no luck. I can't find anything that allows me to make that second second criteria look at the numbers in Column AD as being AD1 or AD2 or AD3 so on and so forth.

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SUMIFS Formula With LEFT Function

Jan 16, 2009

have this formula..


D2847 - D3065

includes Numbers..

lets say.. i want every cell counted which has in these range the first two numbers..

every cell has..


so i count the entries which has 50.. so in total it gives a result of 3. Not summing them, just count the entries that has the first two numbers "50" in every row..

The Red Markings can be replaced, the rest should stay.. it is needed due different criteria.....

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Text Equivalent Of SUMIFS Function

Mar 8, 2013

When I need to return numerical data with multiple criteria, I use the SUMIFS and it works fine. But when I need to return a text string, the function is not called for. What function can I use to make this happen? I've tried SUMPRODUCT, which I've had success with in the past, but it's not working this time. Maybe I'm laying it out wrong, but this is how I currently have it:

=SUMPRODUCT(column of text to be returned,((column of criteria1)=criteria1)*((column of criteria2)=criteria2))

Do I need to fix this formula or use something else?

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Add Multiple SUMIFS Into A Single Cell / Function?

Jun 30, 2014

In a workbook I have a tab with multiple columns containing names, activity codes, billed hours, etc. On another tab I have created a budget for which I use the Excel SUMIFS function to check the database in the first tab for relevant entries and add them together in the budget sheet.

Now here's for the tricky part. On the budget sheet the names are not mentioned, only the job titles. So these are grouped together. This means that the first tab shows only names, while the budget tab only shows the function title.

The function I have used thus far is this:

Formula: [Code] ......

The first part refers to the column containing the billed hours, the second part refers to the column containing the names (criteria range 1), the third part refers to a specific name (criteria 1), the fourth part refers to the column containing the activity codes (criteria range 2), while the fifth part refers to a specific activity code (criteria 2).

This works really well as long as the budget tab only mentions the names, yet it only aggegates at the job title level. Would it be possible to use the same SUMIFS function to search the database for, say, all the names that fall within one specific job title? Essentially that would result in this somewhat bulky function:

Formula: [Code] .....

Clearly, Excel doesn't allow this.

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Excel 2007 :: Using Sumproduct (or Alternative) For Hundreds Of Criteria?

Feb 13, 2013

I have a some data where I need to sum some data based on date range, and dept id's. But the dept ids are parts of various groups. For ex, one group covers about 300+ dept id's. Some of them have ranges (e.g. dept 1000 - 1050) but for whatever reason some dept id's that belong to other groups sometimes fall into the same ranges.

My first hope was one big range, but the overlap issue nixed that. As I mentioned there are some ranges so maybe 100 of them could be grouped into a range but I'd still have 200+ independent dept id's.

I read for 2003 the max criteria for sumproduct is 30 and for 2007+ it's 255. So maybe 2007 might cut it but this doesn't seem like the right way.

Btw, I'm doing this in VBA but I mention sumproduct because I've used it a few times within code via evaluate. Otherwise do I just have a massive string in vba (If deptid = #### or deptid = #### or deptid = #### etc)?

Again, it seems like there should be a better way. I thought about making a master list of all the dept's and sumproduct each one individually and then sum from the ones that fall under group but even then I have to identify the deptids I need for a particular group.

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Excel 2007 :: RunTime Error When Running Macro From Alternative PC

Aug 9, 2012

I am getting a "Run time error 5", "invalid procedure call or arguement" when I run a macro on a PC other tha the one on which it was created.

In this case both PC's are running on the version 2007 of Excel.

This is the highlighted statement when the macro fails

ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _
"SOCX25!R1C1:R" & Lr & "C23", Version:=xlPivotTableVersion14).CreatePivotTable _
TableDestination:="SOCX25!R7C25", TableName:="PivotTable1", DefaultVersion _

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Excel 2007 :: Alternative To Convert Formulas To Values That Keeps Hyperlinks Active?

Oct 16, 2013

I'm using Excel 2007 and I'm a VBA novice.

Problem: The macro will be assigned to a command button and will be used by laypersons when they finish filling in data on a worksheet in Workbook 1. The sheet contains maybe 30 columns and 50 rows with a mix of fixed values and values generated by Vlookup and Indirect formulas. I need to copy the sheet from Workbook 1 to Workbook 2. Workbook 2 will be for archival purposes so I want to convert all formulas to fixed values. The catch is dealing with some cells that contain hyperlinks to PDF files...

Current Solution: I currently do this with a macro that moves/copies the sheet from Workbook 1 to Workbook 2, it then selects all cells in the new sheet in Workbook 2, copies all cells, then pastes-special "as values" to the exact same cell locations. This works great for me since the cell formatting and data in the sheet are VERY irregular and I have merged cells all over the place. This method keeps the exact formatting I need maintain:

ActiveSheet.Copy After:=Workbooks("Workbook2.xlsx").Sheets(1)
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False

The problem is that a few of the cells have hyperlinks with "friendly names" and I lose the hyperlinks when I convert to values. The hyperlinks are not inserted directly, they are created by a formula, =HYPERLINK("N:Filepath"&C16&".PDF", "Click_For_PDF"), and the row and column that contains the hyper link will vary for each sheet I want to migrate from Workbook 1 to Workbook 2 using this macro. I want to keep the hyperlink active with the clickable friendly name in Workbook 2.

Possible Solution: I'm open to all types of solutions, but is there a way to essentially use my existing macro but AFTER converting to values with paste-special, go back to the original sheet in Workbook 1 that still contains formulas (or maybe a temporary duplicate sheet I migrate to Workbook 2?), search for all cells with a "value" of "Click_For_PDF", copy ONLY those cells and paste (normal) into the corresponding cell locations in the sheet in Workbook 2 that now contains fixed values? ALL of my hyperlinks have the friendly name "Click_For_PDF" so it should be an easy way to identify the hyperlink cells. The cell location of the hyperlink copied in Workbook 1 needs to carry over to Workbook 2 and I said before, the row and col vary with every sheet I want to archive with this macro.

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Excel 2010 :: Sumifs Formula Not Working?

Jun 10, 2013

I have a workbook with multiple tabs that I update every other month with current data. I have one tab for data that I clear each time and copy the updated info into. (That info is copied from another excel spreadsheet, by the way.) On the second tab I have sumifs formulas set up to pull in certain data from the data tab. This setup has worked perfectly until today. I copied my data into the one tab but could not get the formulas to calculate. It looks like the formulas aren't picking up the data. I've checked to make sure the formulas are calculating automatically. I've retyped the formula. I've replaced the =. I tried naming the ranges I wanted the data to be picked up from. I've tried changing the format of the data - general, text, numbers, etc. I'm working in excel 2010

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