Sum Function Visible Cells Only In Excel 2003
Apr 28, 2009
I have a worksheet of data that has 12 columns of numbers (sourced from an external data source) that I have a subtotal for each row. I need the user to be able to hide columns that they do not want included in the subtotal. I have found references to Subtotal(109,D2:Q2) on the net that apparently does this but it doesn't make any difference whether or not I hide columns (I am not using filtering).
Does anyone know how to do this using a formula, (I would prefer to keep this a macro free worksheet)
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Nov 2, 2012
For some reason, I cannot get why I keep getting an error saying that excel cannot set the property of a pivotitem's visibility. I use excel 2003.
For Each pi In ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Group Code Description").PivotItems
check = pi.Name
If check = group Then
If pi.Visible = False Then
pi.Visible = True
[Code] .........
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Oct 23, 2007
I have a custom function that is interferring with VBA. If I remove the function the VBA works fine, if I put it back to do what it needs to do, the VBA does absolutely nothing. Any ideas on how to make things work together? Here is the custom function and it is in a module where the VBA that isn't working is in the main Workbook page, but it is a Worksheet Change VBA affecting the same page as the custom function.
Function Sum_Visible_Cells(Cells_To_Sum As Object)
For Each Cell In Cells_To_Sum
If Cell.Rows.Hidden = False Then
If Cell.Columns.Hidden = False Then
total = total + Cell.Value
End If
End If
Sum_Visible_Cells = total
End Function
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Jul 12, 2014
I cant find out of include the submit button. I can fill out the field but not submit.
Use excel 2003
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Jan 26, 2012
I know you can't use the SUMIFS function in 2003 but give alternative in 2003
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Jun 7, 2014
I am using Excel 2003
I have used =IF(I6=J6,1,0) but I want a 0 value if the two cells are blank. How do add this to the formula?
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Oct 16, 2013
I've been left with a macro built in 2010--but I need it to run in 2003.
I've identified a Remove Duplicates function as the cause of a bug, how to translate this to a 2003-friendly macro? This will be an action in a much longer macro. What I am trying to do is check for duplicates in a particular column (Column C), and remove any duplicate row (it doesn't matter which duplicate is removed).
'Remove duplicates
Sheets("Input sheet").Select
ActiveSheet.Range("$B$4:$H$2005").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=3, Header:= _
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Nov 27, 2012
I am trying to insert three columns within a large amount of data. I am using Excel 2003 edition. The three columns need to measure max, min, and standard deviation of month long ranges and the data goes all the way back to 1993.
Currently, I have a column that has the correct ranges but finds the average for each month
And many more ranges as it dates back all the way to '93. Is there a possible way to insert these three columns with their respective commands (=MAX... =MIN... etc.) while keeping all the ranges from the AVERAGE column.
In effect, I am looking to solely switch the begining of the column command
(=AVERAGE($H7214:$H7243)) to (=MIN($H7214:$H7243) etc...
While keeping all of the specified ranges from the AVERAGE column.
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Oct 10, 2011
I recently upgraded from Excel 2003 to 2007, and the worksheet change procedure that i have embedded in my worksheet no longer fires when the criteria are met. If and if I fix it to work in 2007, will it still work in 2003?
Here is my procedure:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rngCell As Excel.Range
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("C19:R19")) Is Nothing Then
For Each rngCell In Intersect(Target, Range("C19:R19"))
If rngCell.Value = "BLACK" Then
MsgBox "Please select a shading style", , "Shading Style Required"
End If
Next rngCell
End If
End Sub
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Mar 15, 2014
I'm using Microsoft 2010 and as like many others here I cannot find a way to paste into visible cells only i.e. the data I want to add to my variables is only available for every five years, but my data ranges 1990-2010 each year, so I have filtered my data to the 1990,1995,2000,2005,2010 so that I can paste the new data in, but of course it pastes into 1991 1992 1993 etc instead of the filtered results.
I've tried the find and select visible cells only but it says when you try and paste into them that it is not possible for more than one cell at a time.
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May 28, 2012
I am using excel 2007 on a 64 bit windows 7 machine if that matters.
Anyways, I am trying to copy a range of cells from one workbook and then paste that range into another workbook, but ONLY on the visable rows in that notebook.
The first workbook has no hidden rows so I don't need to do any go-to specials to copy them, but the second one of course does have them.
This is a simplified example.
- Workbook 1 has column A with cells 1-10 with data in them that are going to be copied
- Workbook 2 also has a column A, but it has information in cells 1-15 with cells 6-10 hidden from view.
- The copied data from workbook one needs to only land on the visible cells (read: cells 1-5 and cells 10-15)
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Mar 25, 2012
I am trying to conditionally format the top middle and bottom thirds of a range of data. Problem is, that the range needs to be flexible as sometimes there may be a maximum of 36 cells with data, but sometimes there may be less (so there are blank cells in the range that need not be counted). The methods I have tried always include the blank cells, and so it is not equally formatting the thirds (as it includes the blanks cells as part of the bottom data)....
Here are the 2 methods Ive tried so far using excel 2003)
Top 34%:
$38)*34%)),MAX( $D$3:$D$38))0,LARGE($D$3:$D$38,INT(COUNT($D$3:$D
$38)*67%)),MAX( $D$3:$D$38))0,LARGE($D$3:$D$38,INT(COUNT($D$3:$D
$38)*100%)),MAX( $D$3:$D$38))
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Dec 19, 2013
I am working in Excel 2003. I consider myself a little more experienced than a beginner, but not quite an intermediate. My problem is, I am doing percentage changes comparing the average year-to-date data of 2009 through 2012, and then I am attempting to get the percentage change of the current year-to-date data to the average of the aforementioned years.
I took an average of these numbers, that are pulled from other worksheets. The cells are set as "General".
112241 = 1.833333333 or rounded, 2 divided by 1 (the current year to date total), the result is -45%, which should be -50% decrease. The percent cell is set at percentage.
It appears the cells are not automatically rounding up.
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May 9, 2013
Excel 2003 user.
I have a work sheet with numerous cells coded one of two ways. Either a color of red or a color of green. Is there anyway to count how many times green cells show up? etc..?
I know I'd need to know the exact color but it would save a lot of time as I need to find out how many cells are of each color.
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Jan 20, 2012
How to count those that are formatted in RED or bold using Excel 2003 as I know in later versions that is possible but old ones I am unsure how to count them.
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Nov 5, 2012
I'm using Excel 2003. I've got two different .XLS files, each with multiple sheets.
I'm trying to create a macro which will copy a range of cells from one sheet on one .XLS file (which is closed) to a specific place on a specific sheet on the current .XLS file (which is open).
So for the sake of argument:
I've got two Excel files: C:ApplesOldFile.xls and C:OrangesNewFile.xls
OldFile.xls is closed -- NewFile.xls is open and in front of me.
I'm trying to copy the data in ranges B6:C41 and F6:F41 from Sheet2 in OldFile.xls to the same ranges on Sheet6 in NewFile.xls. There are no formulas in these cells -- just data (numbers).
I keep getting error messages, failures to copy to clipboard, etc.
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Feb 9, 2014
I have a very basic understanding of excel, I mean BASIC, for my work I have multiple dates for vehicles to go in for inspections. I would like the cells to change colours when within 30 days, 10 days and 5 days. I'm on a work excel 2003.
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Feb 24, 2014
I have a sheet witch has a number of tick boxes and depending on the response a number of hidden rows may open to allow further info to be recorded, how do I protect the sheet in excel 2003 as unlocking certain cells & protecting the sheet will not work.
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Oct 31, 2011
I am trying to rename a row of cells with incremental names. Ex.
A1=Results1, A2=Results2, A3=Results3, ...., AN=ResultsN
Of course, it can be done by setting names for each cell separately but it takes ages. I would like to know if this is possible to do that quickly due to an add-in or VBA.
I use Excel 2003.
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Dec 2, 2011
I have a sheet that column G and column H has duplicate values. I would like to be able to put a formula in a cell P4 that will search thru column G and column H and if there are any matching items then add the corrisponding number in column I.
So say cell G8, G25, and G30 have the same and H8 and H30 have the same value, i would like this to add the values of cell I8 and I30.
Windows XP
Excel 2003
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Feb 10, 2014
I am running a text comparison between customer names in 2 systems and although I can identify where they dont match I would like a bit more information as to what the differences may be:
See below sample data - 1 system may have Mr/Ms and middle initials whereas the other simply has the name is it possible to write a formula that will look at the cell and when it does not match identify the extra characters. Or if it totally doesnt match then just state incorrect.
System 1
System 2
Desired Result
Anne Duffy
Anne Duffy
[Code] ...........
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Oct 27, 2013
I need to write a macro where i need to copy set of rows from few columns of an excel sheet to another set of columns in same sheet . My excel looks something like this...
Now when i filter this table for Product PR01 only rows 1,3,4 will be visible while the other rows remains hidden
when i use the code
i get to select ones those are visible but i am not sure how i can PASTE them to rows visible under column f1020 to f1025
Tried this in a frantic effort
Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).PasteSpecial xlValues
But got an error for " multiple selection"
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Jun 11, 2013
I have two spreadsheets in Excel 2003.
Spreadsheet 1 has 10 columns of data (A-J). I want to copy a variable number of rows from spreadsheet 1 to spreadsheet 2.
When I paste into spreadsheet 2, I'd like to automatically insert blank cells in three places, taking the total number of columns to 13. I'd like columns C, F and I to be blank, and the last column with data to be M.
I will perform this task regularly, and add the copied cells to the bottom of spreadsheet 2, so I'd only like to insert blank cells within the range that I'm copying, not the entire spreadsheet.
I will then populate the blank cells with a VLOOKUP function. Do I need another macro to automatically add the formula to the cells, or is there a way to include this in the cell-inserting macro?
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Dec 4, 2013
I have a worksheet which has various figures for each day of the week however I need to establish the weekly average of these figures.
Due to the way in which the figures are displayed, I am unsure how to use a formula which does not require a range with cells located adjacent to one another.
I have attached a test sheet as an example. The cells in yellow require the formula and I need a weekly average for criteria 1-3. This formula also needs to be compatible in Excel 2003
Test Sheet.xls
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Jun 8, 2014
I have a dropdownmanu in sheet1 with different countries taken from Column A in Sheet3. I need a macro to run when i select a country example Denmark. It will fill out transmittal code and also country code in named cells for it in sheet1. Info taken from Sheet3
Transmittal code is in below testsheet in Sheet1 cell E12.
Country code is in Sheet1 cell.
But this have to be possible to change. Also the range for the country have to be possible to change.
This vba code i need to run as soon as i select a country in the dropdown manu.
But one thing i would like to solve also is. When i select a country it will create a dropdownlist in I13 taken from the info in column, i have in Sheet3 column F. So if i select example Denmark, it will show a dropdown menu in sheet1 I13, with the ledger codes 10 and 6x. I have tried to make this work but cant make it work good.
I use excel 2003. Please have a look and upload the testsheet back.
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Sep 26, 2011
I am wondering if it possible to automate the copying of data from particular cells, based on a value in a different cell, into a different format.
So to go from this simplified table:
to something like this:
At the moment I do it all manually, and it takes forever. I am sure there must be a simple way of doing it. I am using Excel 2003, but could work in a newer version if required.
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Jan 19, 2012
I can't seem to find a way to copy specific highlighted/selected cells in a filtered list column and paste them outside of Excel 2003. i.e. in Notepad.
It seems to copy all the data between what is selected.
My Filtered list shows rows 5, 28, 35, 40 and 56
If I selected A5, A28 and A40 and select copy
If I paste it into Notepad, it adds A5, A28, A35 and A40
However if I paste my selected copied cell into Excel it works perfect and only adds A5, A28 and A40.
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Feb 5, 2012
I have three workbooks that contain various types of information. I have an Overtime workbook that lists employees and calculates the straight time and overtime worked for the day. This is the main log that information will be pulled from.
I need writing a macro that will copy over information to an Absent Log workbook and a Production Model workbook.
The Absent Log workbook:
This workbook contains worksheets from each month. I need excel to do a lookup of the name in the Overtime workbook and copy the information from the "OT" column but if that column is empty I need it to pull the information from the "Personal DT" column.
The Production Model workbook:
I need this workbook to automatically pull the total straight hours and overtime hours to the production model for the correct day. This will also pull from multiple sheets.
I am going to be writing this in Excel 2010 but it will be primarily used in Excel 2003.
I uploaded the workbooks to filefactory.
OT Workbook: [URL] ......
Absent "Log" workbook: [URL] .....
Production Model: [URL] .....
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Mar 6, 2012
I have a workbook that has 30 tabs in it. Each tab is a report card for students. What I'd like to do is create another tab with a button on it that when I hit the button it will search through each tabs range of D12:D40, D48:D76, D84:D112, D120:D136, J12:J40, J48:J76, J84:J112, and J120:J136. And if any of these cells has an MS in them then this new sheet I have created will list each students name which is in cell E5 and list what they recieved the MS for. This will be in the same row number but in column B. So if cell D12 has an MS in it then this report will list the students name and what's in cell B12.
Windows XP
Excel 2003
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May 29, 2013
I am trying to do the following.
Thursday=0 (I have got a value return of 7.5)
Saturday=0 (I have got a value return of 5)
Sunday=0 (I have got a value return of 5)
I need to work out averages for cells higher than zeros, in other words, I need to ignore those.
Also say I have got an average of 5 by Tuesday and no number yet for the rest of the week, I still get an average of 5 for all days left which I do not want.
I am using excel 2003 and formula =SUM(RANGE)/COUNTIF(RANGE,">=0").
I would also like to hide the annoying #DIV/0! error.
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