Excel 2003 :: Get Dates To Remain In Consistent Format
Apr 11, 2012
I have been struggling to get dates to remain in a consistent format within my Excel 2003 worksheets. I would like to work out how to keep them permanently in the "dd/mm/yyy" format. I have tried several formatting options. The current method I will explain below:
I have several forms into which the 'date' is automatically entered using the - Format(Date, "dd/mm/yyyy") code. This is then saved into cells on a worksheet using the code
ws.Cells(iRow, 1).NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy"
ws.Cells(iRow, 1).Value = CDate(Me.Date1.Caption)
At this point if I do a search for a date, lets say 23/03/2012 I can retrieve it and everything related to it - all seems fine (also all dates are visually in the correct format in my cells etc).
The problem arises when I exit Excel and save the workbook. When I go back into the workbook at a later time and try and search for the same date it won't work. Although the dates in the cells still read for example 23/03/2012, the search requires me to now use the format 03/23/2012 to retrieve the information (It seems like in the background the date has reverted to the US date format upon saving and yet visually it is still how I've set it up).
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Sep 17, 2008
I have a VBA subroutine that builds a list of dates in an array and then copies this to the worksheet using worksheetfunction.transpose. The array is two dimensional and therefore uses the variant data type.
This works fine in Excel 2002. In Excel 2003 the array is fine until the Transpose function is used, at this point they are changed from dd/mm/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy. This means that some dates are changed (eg: 01/Mar/2008 becomes 03/Jan/2008) and some are written as strings (eg: 17/Mar/2008 becomes the string "17/03/2008" and cannot be operated on as a date).
I'm aware that there was a hotfix to deal with a similar issue regarding recalculation but this is on Excel 2003 SP3 which should already have that hotfix in place.
I have reduced my code down to a basic demonstration showing the problem. This assumes the worksheet contains some dates in "A2:A32". I have also attached the workbook containing this code.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim a() As Variant, c As Integer
Redim a(1 To 31)
For c = 1 To 31
a(c) = Cells(1 + c, 1)
Next c
Range("D2:D32") = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(a)
End Sub
I have fixed this problem by looping through each element of the array and writing them individually in to cells but this is far slower so I'd like to know if there is a better solution than that.
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Jun 29, 2007
I have two columns. When I enter any value in column 1, I want the other column to give today's date automatically. I want that date not to change tomorrow and remain as it is. I have to make such entries everyday.
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Jun 18, 2014
I need to know the formula and/or codes to create a trigger on my excel worksheets to send email when an item needs follow-up. The workbook was created on 97-2003 but the outlook program I believe is a later version.
How I can create the email triggers. I am enclosing a copy sample of the spreadsheet I need the Macros attached to (I will need to know how to create/run macros with my spreadsheet. What I need is an email triggered to the sales rep based on the follow-up date. The email should include the quote number and customer name.
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Apr 18, 2013
I'm using Excel 2003.
I have a Userform where you can enter a date and select a comparison operator from a combo box. Any one of these (= < <= > >= <>)
In VBA I then load a range into a dictionary object and then loop thru it to compare the dates in the dictionary to the date selected in the userform but I can't get the dates to compare correctly. I think it has something to do with the Evaluate function comparing the dates as strings but I'm not really sure.
For Each strKey In dictValid.Keys()
If Not Evaluate(CDate(dictValid(strKey)) & cboDteOperator.Value & CDate(txtDteSel.Value)) Then
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Nov 22, 2011
I'm using Excel 2003 & Windows XP Professional.
I have two sets of data tables. One contains Number, Name & Date. The other contains amounts which those people have paid in 2007, 2008, 2009 & 2010. So in the below Jones has paid a total of $580 over those years, Smith has paid a total of $650 over those dates & so on.
The amounts in 2007, 2008 etc are full year amounts. I'm after a formula that can calculate the amounts for part years based on the dates from C1 to C11 by number (or name).
I've got what I think the results should be (I think with some rounding problems), but my real data has much more data.
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Jan 23, 2012
I'm working with three large data sets covering a month of data in 5 minute intervals. There is a single date and time column which I am using some custom formats to list Time in 12 hour format, AM or PM and Day of the week.
Based upon the various analysis scenarios, adding some Autofilter columns is meeting most of my needs. One issue I am having is that I can filter on a single day using the built in list that Autofilter provides. But I have been asked to look at weekend vs weekday.
Since Excel 2003 only offers two filter criteria, I thought I could use a custom filter with Saturday and Sunday as include or exclude criteria. But, what I am findings is that while the Autofilter shows each day in the dropdown, certain attempts to use them within the custom autofilter do not work.
For example, equals Saturday and equals Sunday correctly returns only weekend data. However, if I try changing both to Does not equals, the result is that no data is filtered.Some of my research indicates that the problem is that the date information being presented as days of the week would need to be text strings . This seems to shed some light on the issue as any attempts at using wildcards fail.
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Feb 14, 2012
I have several sources of information for client files. the number format includes a reference number and a month, eg 123/11, 456/02. In some cases, the numbers may be presented including the company initials, eg ABC/00123/11. I want to make sure all numbers on all sources are the same as I am using Vlookup and this reference no to copy information from one source to another. Sometimes when I change the format Excel sees this as a date, eg 11/11 is 11-Nov, and in some cases Excel sees a fraction, eg 123/11 is 123 11ths or 123 divided by 11.
I can easily take out the reference no with a find and replace FIND ABC/ replace with . But this often results in a number with leading zeroes, eg ABC/0123/06 will leave 0123/06.
I am using Excel 2003.
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Jun 28, 2012
I am looking to standardise data entry for a cell, so that it appears as such: 2011/031T/0003
Data may be entered as 11/031T/03 and is not always consistent.
I am hoping that a custom cell format will do the trick, to keep it simple however the combinations that I have tried have not worked.
This format needs to be Excel 2003 friendly.
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Oct 25, 2012
Is there a way to scan a document into excel 2003 and be able to keep the current format ? or some way to be able to get it into excel and the easliy put it back to the format I need?
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Apr 11, 2013
Excel 2003 / WinXP. I have a list object with 5 columns, A - E, and all cells have a border round them. I need a macro which will:
1. insert a row below the current row (whatever cell happens to be selected)
2. then remove the left hand border of the cell in column B in the new row,
3. then select the adjacent cell in column C in the new row ready for data entry.
Obviously I cannot specify any absolute addresses in the code, and this is where all my attempts to record a suitable macro fall down.
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May 21, 2012
I am working with an amortization table and need to work out the elapsed time to amortize the loan.
Currently the worksheet is working fine and calculates the end date of the loan but the length of the column varies depending on the scenario.
I need a formula to calculate the time that elapses between the first date and last date.
The data starts in cell b13 and the last date could appear in pretty much any cell below that, so the formula will need to look for the last valid entry.
I am using excel 2003.
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Mar 27, 2013
Is there a way to disable the Convert button on the File menu and also to limit the Save As file types? I have a workbook that I maintain in Office 2003 that gets filled out by customers and returned. When a user with a newer version of Excel converts the file, it doesn't function properly when I go open it. I believe the conversion issue has to do with Active X Controls, but I'm using them to do some things that won't work with Forms Controls, so replacing them would be a last resort. Also, upgrading Office isn't an option at this point.
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Oct 19, 2013
I am working with a 2010 Excel spread sheet and need some direction.
One column has dates in it. Some dates are like dd/mm/yyyy (eg 15/03/1974) and others in the same column are in the following format 14th October 1983.
I need all of the dates to be in the first format (dd/mm/yyyy).
Is there a way to do this without manually changing each field? I have already tried highlighting the column, then clicking the 'numbers' arrow and picking 'date' from the number tab but that didn't work. It's never that easy, is it?
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Mar 25, 2014
I have two Sheets, first is Service Data, the second is Log Sheet. In the Service Data sheet I have a column of serial numbers in column A. I also have a column of serial numbers in the Log Sheet, column A.
I'm looking for a conditional format whereas I enter numbers into column A on the Log sheet it will auto highlight the cell if I duplicate a serial number from row A in the Service Data sheet. I would like it to highlight the Duplicated number on the Log sheet. I know new versions of excel make it easier to do this but unfortunately I have Excel 2003.
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Mar 25, 2012
I am trying to conditionally format the top middle and bottom thirds of a range of data. Problem is, that the range needs to be flexible as sometimes there may be a maximum of 36 cells with data, but sometimes there may be less (so there are blank cells in the range that need not be counted). The methods I have tried always include the blank cells, and so it is not equally formatting the thirds (as it includes the blanks cells as part of the bottom data)....
Here are the 2 methods Ive tried so far using excel 2003)
Top 34%:
$38)*34%)),MAX( $D$3:$D$38))0,LARGE($D$3:$D$38,INT(COUNT($D$3:$D
$38)*67%)),MAX( $D$3:$D$38))0,LARGE($D$3:$D$38,INT(COUNT($D$3:$D
$38)*100%)),MAX( $D$3:$D$38))
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Aug 21, 2013
I have a column of dates formatted as:
The cell format in the column is General.
I need to change it so that the format looks like this:
Is there a quick/easy way to do this in Excel 2010?
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May 14, 2009
Hi Guys, This has been bugging me for a bit now and I just can't sus it...
I have a sample perpetual calender that I have been modifying to fit my own purpose. The calender part works fine.
I have beside that a column for holidays, etc and then a another column for other events.
When I put the date in the holiday or events columns I would like the date to be highlighted in the calender above (different colour depending on which column it came from).
The formula I have been playing with (no success) is:
=MATCH(DATE($R$2,1,C8),$I$41:$I$65,0) - This is the Formula for the 1st column of dates.
The 2nd formula is similar, just changes the column it tries to draw the MATCH(DATE.... from...
Although this formula works fine on the sample spreadsheet. When I enter the formula on my sheet, it doesn't seem to work...
I have attached the spread sheet that I am working on.
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Apr 4, 2008
there are a multitude of issues with US date formats when you're not in the US but I've run across one that I can't figure out.
I have a source table that has approx 5000 lines on it, everything looks correct and all the dates are in the correct (Australian) format. However when I use it to make a pivot table, any dates that are before the 12/m/yyyy gets changed to the mmddyyyy format in the pivot table only, all the source dates are still correct.
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May 23, 2014
I have a some dates in a format which are not being converted into the normal date format. So i made this formula to convert it into the normal date format:
Formula is working fine except on this type of date "9/9/2013"..i also tried an OR formula with mid but didnt get the desired result.These are the type of dates:
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Dec 5, 2008
I am pasting output from SAS into a spreadsheet. The data I am pasting cannot be put into columns beforehand. When I do text-to-columns, the data are auto-formatted. This is how it looks before text-to-columns:
159 xx Char 2 2. $2. xx
This is how it is auto-formatted:
159xxChar22$2.00 xx
The loss of the period [2 to 2.] and the addition of zeros [$2. to $2.00] is a disaster because it makes my SAS code non-functional. Is there anyway to stop auto-formatting in text-to-columns? Is there a more user-friendly software besides Excel that would be better to use?
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Jan 7, 2010
I have it set to format of mm:ss but whenever I enter a time of greater than 23:59 it subtractes 23:59 from the time autopmatically. any ideas how to stop this from happening?
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Feb 24, 2009
I've been asked to change a massive batch of Excel 2007 files to 2003 format (to send to a client who doesn't have the newer version). Apart from going into these files (there's over 500 of 'em ), can anyone suggest a means of doing this? I know that Microsoft has a Migration Manager tool, but it appears this only converts the other way around.
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Nov 6, 2006
In my helpdesk spreadsheet, Column C has the date a request is received and Column D has the day it is signed off as complete.
This is used to compare how many days it takes before each request is completed.
Column B is usually blank, but, if the day a request is due to be completed is in the future, such as waterblasting set for 5 working days ahead, then the expected completion date is in Column B. As we don't want a report to show it took five days to complete, when 5 days was waiting for the booked job, we only want five days when we are working on it for five days.
So a typical request is received on Monday 1st January (C), completed on 3rd January (D), taking 3 working days to complete.
A less typical is a request received on Monday 1st January (C), booked to be done on the 4th January, (B). If the job is completed on the 4th, then that will be entered into (D). And we want it show as taking 1 day or less to complete.
I'm quite new to excel formulas , but would like to know the format for
IF B = Empty, then display the days (minus holidays and minus weekends) between C & D.
IF B = non-blank, then display the days (minus holidays and minus weekends) between B & D.
I've tried to play with the Workday function but it and the format of the IF function seem just beyond my grasp, depsite it simplicity, so hopefully a bit more insight as i get to grips with formulas would help me out...
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May 24, 2006
(Date1-Date2) : what's the format I should use to obtain the result in number of days.
For example :
(23/12/2006 16:30:00) - (18/11/2006 15:30:00) : It should give 35 days 1 Hour (35:01:00:00 - dd:hh:mm:ss)
How can I have this format (dd:hh:mm:ss)
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Dec 2, 2009
I enter in numbers, eg: 1, 2, 10, 24, 100, 1000 in a consecqutive cell range
They display as: 0.01, 0.02, 0.1, 0.24, 1, 10. Default cell format is general. If I change cell format to Number (with default display of 2 decimal points) it displays: 0.01, 0.02, 0.10, 0.24, 1.00, 10.00. If I also specify no decimal points, it displays: 0,0,0,0,1,10
The only way I can get the numbers I enter to display (and store) as 1,2,10,24, 100, 1000 is to change cell format to text and THEN retype th numbers into the cells. But, then it creates the green error comment in top left of each cell.
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Feb 28, 2009
I have MS Office 2003 with Excel and am comfortable creating formulas and have fun making spreadsheets, but have little experience with multiple tabs. They frustrate me. I'd like to set up a file that would essentially be a year of bookkeeping. Everything in view would be income, outgo, anticipated expenses, and running cash flow for a month. I'd like 12 or 14 tabs (1 per month plus overview and recap capability). If I make any format changes in row height or column width, I'd like those changes to apply to all tabs without having to copy the new layout to each of the other tabs. I think that would run the risk of also copying one months expenses/income erroneously to another month. Is this possible? I'd like to stretch a column, add column or row and have the changes apply to all tabs.
Also, most of the time, I like to have a tinted background behind my lists, but if a cost item needs to be copied from a green "expense list" to a blue "accounts paid" list, the color comes along. Can I copy only the text, not the format?
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Aug 31, 2006
i have attached a sample spreadsheet that i am having a real problem with. each period i have to produce a report showing the week and period-to- date figures for various sites. the info is held in Adaytum and a view is created in excel that pulls in the data. i then run various formulae to create the report.
the cells in blue are a linked view from Cognos/Adaytum (an external database program). the cells in green contain a SUMIF formula that works correctly until the Adaytum view is changed, whereupon all formula with cell references within the blue area turn to REF#. don't ask me why, it seems to be a quirk of this version of Adaytum i use
so, in the example attached if i change from period 06 to period 07 in the Adaytum view, my criteria cells (B2:E2) would go to REF# and the green cells (J5:J8) go to REF# also.
the only way i have found to get around this is to use a vlookup, and extend the lookup range beyond the blue cells, ie. =VLOOKUP($H5,$A$5:$F$8,2,0). for some reason this works!
now, for a single weeks info this works ok, as the lookup is referencing a single offset column but i can't think of a way of then saying, "do the lookup and then sum columns B+C, or B+C+D"
does anyone have any ideas how this might work? can the Sum or Offset functions be used within a Vlookup?
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Nov 9, 2009
In the attached file I am simply trying to get a percentage for a given group based on the column "annual starts". When I try and copy down the formula for the other cells it gives me an error because its using the wrong denominator (the errors show up in the excel sheet as #div/0).How can I make this consistent?
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Jun 13, 2014
This Subroutine:
[Code] .........
Seems to behave differently each time it is called from my main Loop. As an example the first loop finds:
TotalTubes = 6
TubeRows = 4
TopRowTubeCount = 2
Where 6/4 = 1.5 and is rounded up to 2
The controlling variable in my code for Length is TopRowTubeCount and it is a Public Variable Dimensioned as an Integer
However on the next loop it finds:
TotalTubes = 210
TubeRows = 4
TopRowTubeCount = 52
Where 210/4 = 52.5 and is rounded down to 52?
I even used the round function for the TopRowTubeCount calculation and the erratic behavior continues.
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