Excel 2007 :: Display Icon Sets Based On Prior Value

Jun 4, 2013

I want to display icon sets in Excel 2007 (arrow) based on prior values. If value is less then previous cell then down arrow should be displayed else up arrow.

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Excel 2007 :: Custom Icon Sets For Conditional Formatting?

Mar 26, 2010

Any way to import and use icon sets for conditional formatting other than the ones provided in excel 2007? I would like to have some circles and shapes in colors other than just yellow, green, red, and gray.

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Excel 2007 :: Mirrored Text And Icon In Dropdown Control?

Jul 18, 2012

My drop downs are simple yes/no/NA witht a down arrow apprearing to the right. Works fine for all users except one troublemaker who for some reason sees the text and arrow as a mirrored, upside down image. It's not rotated to be upside down, it's mirrored so if you turned your monitor upside down you'd see the letters in the words backwards as if looking in a mirror. We're both on Excel 2007.

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Excel 2007 :: Find Dates Prior To Today With Exclusions And Create List

Jul 18, 2013

Excel 2007 I have a spreadsheet of file boxes the keeps a log of boxes, contents, locations and shred dates. Currently figuring out when and which boxes can be shredded is a manual hunt, find, and then deal with it. I can use CF and Sorting but I have been looking at some search type functions to return a list meeting the requirements and trying to step my way towards that.

1st attempt. Was find out how many boxes meet the shred (before today) that have not already been detroyed. Column K is the Shred Date, D1 is Todays date, Column G is Status. Got this working good.


My failed attempt came at trying to find the earliest shred date excluding those that have been destroyed. This is not really neeed but I was hoping it would get me closer to creating the list of boxes that meet shred that have not already been destroyed.

Note: Column A is the Box No. and the spreadsheet contains blanks as we continue to add file boxes to storage.

Below array formula find the highest box number used by each department.



I would like to create a list of boxes including Column A "Box no.", Column H "Location", Column K "Shred Date" for any box whose shred date is before today that has not aleady been labeled "Destroyed" in Column G.

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Conditional Formatting - Icon Sets According To Value % Does Not Execute?

May 9, 2014

I'm trying to insert a simple conditional formatting rule - icon sets according to rule percentages I've selected (Green > 90%; Yellow < 90% but > 80%; < 80% red). The conditional formatting does not work once i select okay. For example. The data set shows 95% as red, 83% as red, it's just not working for me. I've tried opening a new workbook, new worksheet and nothing seems to work. I've been able to do insert this rule based on "number" setting but unsuccessful with percentages.

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Trend Up / Down Arrows Using Conditional Formatting Icon Sets

May 30, 2014

I am looking to show Month Wise Trend Up/Down/Nuetral Arrows for the Achievement % for each month.

I want to show the Increase or Decrease trend of the % in the next month.

I have Baseline figures (count) and i have count of Mar, Apr, May months. (Column A)

I have calculated the Achievement % by 100%-(Actual/Target) (Column D, G, J for Mar, Apr, May Months)

I want to show the Increase or Decrease Trend Up/Down/Nuetral buttons either by the Achievement % or by the Total Incidents Each month compared to the Baseline Figures (Column A).

I tried to use Icons Set in Conditional Formatting but i was not able to do that.

Sample file attached : Sample.xlsx

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Conditional Formatting - Change ICON SETS Color

May 23, 2014

Is it possible to change color for arrows icons in CF- icon sets? I would really like to have a five arrows pointing in different directions (all in different colors).

Can I do it in conditional formatting or should I go for "Wingdings" fonts and then change font color?

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Excel 2003 :: Match Two Sets Of Data And Display Specific Data?

May 12, 2012

I have two separate worksheets:

I'm trying to find a formula that looks at Column A on both sheets (each client is allocated a unique number) and if they match enter in column D of the referral sheet the month they were seen but only if it is a 1st contact (appt type on column D of contact sheet)



way to do the calculation using Excel 2003

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Excel 2007 :: Display Picture From A Link

Dec 9, 2011

I got a database that include a link for pictures stored in my drive.

I would like, to scroll trough the database entry and have the pictures resisze and displayed in a define region of my sheet.

How do I display a picture from a link?
How do I re-size so it fit in the region?
Working with Database

I'm using Excel 2007. I don't see anymore the form creation tool that I have used many many years ago.

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Excel 2007 :: Pivot Table - How To Display And Use A Field

Jan 26, 2012

I have a table of data which I am analysing in a Pivot Table. For the majority of the data, the Pivot works very well: however I have a small issue, but it subsequently means the Pivot is useless.

Within the table array that I am referring to, there is a column of data of "Days per employee for a given period". The rows of data within the table array relate to every absence entry per employee, but this final column of data always contains the same figure (although can differ from employee to employee).

When I put the data into the Pivot, I can summarise the absence(s) as a simple sum. However, this final column of data should not be summed, since it is already the sum figure.

This figure though needs to be part of the Pivot, since I need to report on the percentage of absence days per type over the given period. So, the simple representation of =absence day(s)/worked days does not work... well I cannot get it to work. Additionally I have tried features like % of, but nothing.

I am using excel 2007.

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Excel 2007 :: Display Duplicate Values (Pivot Table)

Feb 13, 2012

I am trying to have duplicates and their corresponding data appear in my pivot table. Assume I have a list of over 1000 stores. Let's say store 101 appears twice in my data file.

When I create my pivot, the 101 only appears once and the data is consolidated. Is there a way to ungroup/display duplicates?

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Excel 2007 :: Average Of Set Range - Display Blank If Cell Contains 0

Mar 13, 2013

I have searched and trying to manipulate various formulas with no success...

I am entering an AverageIF formula into cell J15

I want to calculate the average of the folllowing ranges cells J5:J8,J10:J13

However, I want the cell J15 to display blank if cell J14=0

On reflection I am unsure an AverageIF formula is even correct.

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Excel 2007 :: Column Widths Display Differently On Different Computers

Apr 11, 2013

Scenario: Two computers running Windows 7 (64-bit Professional) with Excel 2007, same processor, same hard drive, same memory, same everything except the monitors - see below

Computer 1: HP LA2006x monitor (20" viewable diagonal) @ 1600x900 resolution, 91.79 PPI
Computer 2: HP LA2206x monitor (21.5" viewable diagonal) @ 1920x1080 resolution, 102.46 PPI

We have an Excel spreadsheet that the column widths on columns A through K must equal exactly 6, 1, 6, 1, 8, 1, 13, 2, 8, 1, and 35 respectively in order for the data to be imported into another program. These exact column widths are set on Computer 1 and the .xslx file is saved to a network location.

Computer 2 opens the .xslx file from the exact same network location. The column widths display as 5.86, 0.92, 5.86, 0.92, 12.84; not the exact columns listed above. So if anyone needs to export the data from Computer 2, they have to manually adjust the column widths or run a macro to auto adjust the column widths.

My question, is there anything I can do on Computer 1 or Computer 2 to make it so the column widths are saved and open correctly no matter which one is saving and which one is opening? The 20" monitor on computer 1 cannot display the 1920x1080 resolution... already tried that.

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Making The Same Drop Down Box Display Different Sets Of Choices

Jun 24, 2008

I am making a program that needs some macro but I don't know much about it. There are a couple of things I am trying to accomplish and I'm supposing it would be easier to let you look at the actual program so I uploaded it.

In the drop down boxes in column C there are trucking companies listed. Each trucking company has different trucks with different numbers that pull different numbered trailers. When I select say, "T & L" from list c8 I need the lists in that row E8 & G8 to display only the information related to that trucking company and no others (as opposed to every trailer number and truck number on the lists in row 100). Only T&L drives a truck with the number 08 pulling a trailer with the number 564, etc. I need the same thing to happen for the truck list E8. When a particular truck is selected the lists in g8 narrow to the numbers of the trailers that that truck have pulled in before. So e8 (truck number 88) makes g8 list trailers 8855 and 8445 because that driver only pulls those trailers.

If you can kindly help me with that macro to work for a sheets in the workbook that would help a lot. The only thing is it's useless unless the program can learn new trucking company names with their respective trailers and trucks (we get new ones sometimes). I created the "ADD" sheet to be able to add new trucks, trailers, carriers (companies) and employees. If c8 doesn't have say "t&L" trucking company in it I can go to the add tab and type into cell a4 the carrier, d4 trailer number, g4 truck number, etc. I need that information to add itself to my list on the "page 1" tab into the orange colored list a100:a200 while the trailer goes to e100 and truck c100. The above paragraphs macro would then be able to sort the data in the list when a carrier is selected.

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Excel 2007 :: Calculate 2 UserForm TextBoxes And Display Answer In The 3rd TextBox?

Jan 8, 2013

I have a UserForm that Dead Head Miles will be entered into one text box. The Trip Miles will be entered into the second text box I would like for the user form to show the answer after the first entries are made something like this:

1)Dead Head Miles 20 +
2) Trip Miles 500
3)Projected Rate $1040 --show this after the DH and Trip is entered and Multiplied by $2.00

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Excel 2007 :: Display And Hide Image On Sheet On Mouse Hover On Cell?

Oct 6, 2013

In excel 2007, I have an embedded image on a sheet which I want to make it hidden by default. When someone hovers over a particular cell say cell B3, then image should be displayed below this cell (sort of hyperlinking) and when the cursor or activell cell is not in B3 it should be hidden again. What steps/technique/VBA code will make it happen ?

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Predict Value Based On Weighting Of Prior Months

Dec 28, 2011

I have 11 months of sales commission data, and need to estimate the value for December. However, the catch is, for the first 7 months, the values are significantly higher than the most recent 4 months. I'm currently using the TREND function to guesstimate the December value, but with the wide fluctuation between the 2 time periods, I'm thinking the result of the TREND value may be way off.

Is there a way to 'weight' the data to reflect the higher values earlier in the year, with the much lower values later in the year?

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Message To Appear Prior To Printing Based On The Description Choosen

Mar 22, 2008

I have a list of products that I want a message to appear prior to printing based on the description choosen.

Product descriptions are choosen in D25:D34 via a drop down.

My wild cards are SWING GATE and DOUBLE SWING GATE, I want to use wild cards because of the many different sizes of each gate.

Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean)
If Range("B" & Target.Row) = "swing gate" Or Range("B" & Target.Row) = "double swing gate" Then_
MsgBox (Range("F5").Value) & ", Please include chain and locks with order", vbOKOnly, "Chain and Locks"
End If
End Sub

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CF Icon Set Based On Text Not Values

Nov 17, 2013

I want to put in place a CF icon set of either a green tick or a red cross in cells A1:A20 but when I get to "Manage Rules option box" It is only showing me that I can use "values". Is there a formula that i can use to make it choose the icon set based on text of either "y" or "n" in cells A1:A20 .

I have tried to just change the font to "wingdings2" but other need to use the worksheet and they wont know to use the corresponding text of "O" & "P" .

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Data Validation - Option Set Based On Prior Dropdown Without Names Or VBA

Dec 13, 2012

I'm creating a form with drop downs, and I'd like the answer choice someone makes for one question (ie- what county they're in) to affect the answer choices for a secondary question (ie- what city they're in).

I'd like to avoid using names, at least for the second dropdown (since there would be too many names, and in some of the questions in the data set things change too much for names to be a good option). I would also like to avoid using VBA to keep it simple and maintainable. Here is a simplified version of a small subset of the data.

Drop Down 1:
County (options: Santa Clara County, Napa County)
Drop Down 2:
Cities/Towns (options: the cities/towns that relate to the above county selection, without using names)


Santa Clara County
San Jose

[Code] ........

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Change Desktop Excel Icon

Dec 1, 2008

I was wondering how I could change my desktop icon for one specific workbook to something other than the excel icon. I saw the below link (2nd tip) but that changes the icon for any file of a specific file type.

I just want to change one specific file's icon on my desktop to something custom, like a clipart picture of my choosing. I've seen it done with certain companies changing the internet explorer shortcut icon linked to their webmail, changing it to their logo.

HTML http://www.windweaver.com/w95tips3.htm

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Email Icon In Spreadsheet As Per Email Icon In Quick Access Toolbar

Aug 20, 2014

I need to send out an order form (spreadsheet) to 100's of people that need to complete the form and email back to me as an attachment. If I was completing the order form myself I would use the "email" icon that I have pinned to my Quick Access Toolbar (QAT). However, most of the recipients don't even know the Toolbar exists.

Is there a way I can insert an icon / hyperlink in the spreadsheet that does the same thing as the QAT icon. I can insert text to say "click here to email your order" (or similar).

I need to keep it in an excel format and an icon is so much better that asking them to save to their hard-drive and attach to an email, etc.

The QAT icon is exactly what is needed but I need to provide a spreadsheet that works for folk who haven't got the icon.

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Excel VBA To Display Textbox Based Upon Two Criteria

Aug 2, 2012

I have a worksheet that I will enter in an age and gender ($B$5 and $B$6 respectively). Based upon these two criteria, I would like to display text in column H(Lower Limit) and I(Upper Limit), showing the norms for their health metrics, a few are below:

Lower Limit
Upper Limit

Total Cholesterol



So, as the user enters in the age in B5 and the Gender in B6 the VBA or formula would populate the cells with the appropriate data. I can get it to work with 1 condition using vlookup. Was thinking VBA might be useful there with the two criteria, just not sure how to code it.

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Excel 2010 :: Can't Find The Pivot Table Icon In The Toolbar

Mar 31, 2012

I can't find the Pivot Table icon in the toolbar. I tried "Insert", I can only see the 'table' icon, but cannot see the 'pivot table' icon. how can I find this 'pivot table' icon, or create it in the tool bar?

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Traffic Light Icon Based On Dates Historic - Present And Future

Aug 15, 2012

What I need to do it create a traffic light icon, just the ones in Excel based on the dates within the field. If there is a date present which is past todays date then I would like it to display the green traffic light icon, if the date present is scheduled for a future date I would like the amber traffic light to show, and finally if there is no date present at all I would like it to display a red traffic light icon.

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Excel 2007 :: Sum In Table Based On Another Cell Value

Mar 23, 2012

I have been tasked with doing a work tracker so we can see what work operatives have done between a date range. The processing of the date range is being done in VBA.

The tracking info comes from an external table that is linked into Excel (version 2007). This table is also filtered.

The problem I have is that there are 3 different tasks that the operative can be doing (each has a different time on how long it should take to complete the task, however that is irrelevant for what I need).

This results in multiple entries in the table (min of 1, max of 3) for each operative. There is a seperate column in the table as well which has the total number of each task that they have done.

So for example the table looks similar to this.

Clock No - Task - Sum of task
239 ------- A -------- 5
239 ------- B ------- 10
239 ------- C ------- 15

What I want to be able to do is to get the sum total for the sum of tasks for the operative, so in the above example for operative 239 I want a value of 30

Is there a formula that can do this? (it is a filtered table so the formula needs to count only visible items)

I have tried playing around with

=SUMPRODUCT(SUBTOTAL(3,OFFSET($A:$A,ROW($A:$A)-MIN(ROW($A:$A)),,1)), --($A:$A=K414315))

but I cant get what I need.

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Excel 2010 :: Icon Conditional Formatting Not Working When Formula Present In Active Cell?

Mar 20, 2014

I am trying to apply icon conditional formatting in a cell. The cell contains the following formula: =VLOOKUP(D20,'owssvr(1)'!O:W,9,FALSE The formula results in a "2", "1", "0" or "-1" in the cell. The icon conditional formatting is not working at all (no icon appears). I have the conditional formatting setup as numbers Green 2, Yellow 1,0 etc based on value. If I delete the formula and just type in any of those numbers directly, it works. I have changed my cells to "number" and it still does not work.

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Excel 2007 :: How To Use Percentile Based On Bucket List

Jun 9, 2014

I am having trouble using formulas in a smart way in excel.Basically, I am trying to calculate percentile for a range. But since my data set is huge, I dont want to select the range in percentile formula manually. my data set includes buckets and would love to be able to search for that field and then calculate percentile on a range. is that possible?


see attached excel file -its a small data set, but there are more buckets in the volume column. Using Excel 2007

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Excel 2007 :: Conditional Format Based On Months?

Feb 20, 2014

In Column D of my work book are a list of months, I'm trying to use conditional formatting to do the following:

Highlight green the cells in Column D where the month is due (i.e the month is now).
Highlight orange the cells that are one month passed the due month.
Highlight red the cells that are two or more months passed the due month.

I'm using Excel 2007.

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Excel 2007 :: Populating Data Based On Two Criteria?

Mar 28, 2014

I'm trying to populate a table based on two different criteria in a another table. On is based on a date and the other the number of a unit. I'm trying to get the data in sheets Week 1 and Week 2 into the format in sheet Example. Is there a way to create a series of functions, filters, etc that I could use to create a macro to do multiple sheets or at least a whole sheet at once? I've been trying to think through it with my limited knowledge of filters and functions

Here is the file with an example and I'm using Excel 2007: Example.xls

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