Excel 2007 :: Populating Data Based On Two Criteria?
Mar 28, 2014
I'm trying to populate a table based on two different criteria in a another table. On is based on a date and the other the number of a unit. I'm trying to get the data in sheets Week 1 and Week 2 into the format in sheet Example. Is there a way to create a series of functions, filters, etc that I could use to create a macro to do multiple sheets or at least a whole sheet at once? I've been trying to think through it with my limited knowledge of filters and functions
Here is the file with an example and I'm using Excel 2007: Example.xls
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Feb 23, 2012
Excel 2007. I have an Excel file that contains a data dump from an external database file with numerous analytical sheets that perform calculations. Some of these calculations utilize the SUMIFs function that was introduced in Excel 2007. This function does an outstanding job of summing a column on the data sheet based on multiple criteria.
However, someone high up in management in my organization would like to "drill down" into the data behind the
SUMIFs formulas to get a quick snapshot of the lines in the database that roll into the
SUMIFs formula. =SUMIFS(DataBase!E:E,Data!A:A,C7,DataBase!B:B,D7,DataBase!C:C,E7,DataBase!D:D,F7)
If I double click on a cell with the formula above, Excel takes me to the Database tab and selects Column E which is close, but not exactly what I need. What I really need is for Excel to only show the rows on the database sheet that make up the total in the SUMIFs formula and not the entire data dump from the database.
At present, we have to manually apply the autofilter on multiple columns to show the rows in column E that make up the total in the SUMIFs formula which is a tedious and time consuming task. Is there a way to force Excel to do this? Suggested custom database application or pivot tables, but we do not want to reinvent the wheel.
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May 17, 2014
I'm using Excel 2007
I have the below data in sheet 1
In a separate column on sheet 2 i want to return the value of the data in ACC1 if the data in DEB/CRED is LC or SC and the value of the data in ACC2 if the data in DEB/CRED is SD
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Apr 26, 2014
I'm trying to auto populate a calender style sheet in Excel 2010 based on data from a Work Schedule sheet. The work schedule sheet contains a list of jobs, with each row representing a different job. There is a column for the start date (e.g. 25/04/14) and a column for the end date (e.g. 26/04/14). There are other columns which select resources such as people and vehicles. Each resource may appear on any one of several columns for each row, e.g. Site Operative 1, Site Operative 2 etc.
On the calendar sheet, in which one cell represents one day (e.g. 25/04/14), all the dates are shown along the top going right and all the resources are shown on the left going down.
On the calender sheet, in every cell I want a formula that will look at the Work Schedule sheet and see if that particular resource is being used on that particular date. If it does, the cell can display information from another cell such as the job number or job name to which the resource is assigned; if it doesn't, the resource isn't being used so it can display "Free" or "Available".
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Dec 7, 2011
I'm trying to get a checkbox in a user form to prepopulate depending on what's in cell H5.
Here is the line of code that I need rewriting (in bold):
Sub Userform_Initialize()
LabelPolicyNumber.Caption = ActiveSheet.Range("B5").Text
LabelSponsorName.Caption = ActiveSheet.Range("D5").Text
If Application.WorksheetFunction.IsNA(ActiveSheet.Range("H5")) = True Or ActiveSheet.Range("H5") = "" Then CheckBoxHalifax.Value = False Else CheckBoxHalifax.Value = True
End Sub
H5 contains a vlookup formula, so depending on other variables it can either have a value ("Halifax"), an error (#NA) or be blank. I've
It seems Excel will only evaluate the first statement and ignore the Or statement, meaning when H5 is blank Halifax is checked off when I load the user form.
I'm working in Excel 2007 on Windows XP.
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Sep 17, 2012
I have 2 excel files, let's call them 1.xlsx and 2.xlsx (excel 2007)
File 1 is the file where I want data copied into and file 2 is the file I want to copy data from.
File 1 has certain text strings in every say 5th column in always row 2. I want to find those strings in file 2 and if the string is found, go 6 rows down, copy the cell, and paste it into file 1, 8 rows down the text string. this is the code I came up with, but it doesn't work
Option Explicit
Sub get_data_from_2()
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim FinalColumn As Long
Dim RngFrom As Range
[Code] .......
the bolded part gives me an error.
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Aug 7, 2013
I'm starting a dashboard, where on the front page I have two combo boxes on the left, and three empty fields to the right. I'd like the three fields to the right to auto-populate table-based values depending on the chosen criteria from BOTH fields (by store and month/date). I've attached a sample of what I've got so far. I've only provided three tables for this example, and I have a table with the same column/row titles for each metric and I have three different metrics I'd like to auto populate: COGs, Sales, and GM% or in the example, metric 1, metric 2, metric 3. No pattern in the table values, just wanted to populate the fields quickly. All fields are organized by store/month-date and I've set up a link to my combo boxes on a calculations tab.
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May 22, 2013
I have two sheets in one workbook; one has a list of names in column A (136 of them) and another is a master list with all the names of people who work for the company (over 2000). Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 respectively. I need to populate columns B-E in Sheet 1 with the data in columns B-E in Sheet 2, but only for the names that match in column A. I've tried applying filters but can't get to the data I need for some reason. The names are formatted the same way in both sheets (Last, First). In Sheet 2 the names are links but in Sheet 1 they aren't; not sure if that's important.
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Aug 26, 2012
Excel 2007, Windows 7.
Most details are shown in the spreadsheet below. I would like it to be dynamic because the quarterly and annual data dumps I'm working with are are hundreds to thousands of lines.
Have the list be sorted, which is a part of the first attempt, would be nice but is not necessary. At this point, just being able to generate the dynamic list would be fantastic.
Excel 2007ABCDE1product lines:consist of these product subtypes2Widget series:Widget.type1Widget.type23Fidget series:Fidget.type4Gidget series:Gidget.type1Gidget.type2Gidget.type356data dump of parts sold or used in repairs7product subtype repairedpart number
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Jul 28, 2009
I've been trying for some time now to figure out how to have one sheet automatically fill in another based on a larger data sheet. I'm trying to find a way to take a monthly calendar which contains a row for each employee and column for each day and use that to create smaller lists on another sheet. Basically if someone puts in for a day off, or has a medical appointment etc, that person has a coded single letter for that day for tracking and planning purposes. I want to have a second sheet that references those codes and makes individual lists (the following people are on vacation, these people have a medical appointment etc.)
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May 6, 2013
I am attempting to populate multiple rows in one column with data from another table. I need to get the correct street address using multiple values, i.e. first name, last name and city, as some of the names double up.
Is there a way to do this? I have pasted below an example of what I need done as reference.
Last Name
First Name
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Feb 28, 2014
I am looking for VBA code to extract data from each tab into master tab based on data.
I have 3 tabs (inputs)
Tab1 (Dept A-NAME) (RANGE B4:I7)
Start Time
End Time
Customer 1
[Code] .....
Tab 2 (Dept B-NAME) (RANGE B4:I11)
Start Time
End Time
Customer 3
[Code] .......
Tab 3 (Dept C-NAME) (RANGE B4:I7)
Is it possible to run vba code to get below result in new tab
Start Time
End Time
Customer 1
Dept A
[Code] ......
Condition here is date 2/25/2014, is possible when running code message box pops up to ask date, when we give conditional date it extracts those dates.
Excel -2007 & Windows 7
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Feb 17, 2012
I have a workbook (excel07) that I use to import data onto our purpose built database. I have some macros to sort the data and send it to the correct columns however the one stage I still have to do manually is assign each row its own unique sorting Code (in a bespoke column "B2:B999").
These are objectives and the code should contain three seperate parts (part 1a and b do not need to be seperated);
1a. The characters "PO" should be the first in the code (for sorting purposes)
1b. The persons initials (first letter of the first name and last name) found in column J2:J999. [They are sorted by name so It would also be good to add a number after the initials seperated by a space incase of multiple objectives however I could defintly live with typing these in manually]
e.g. "Joe Blogs" second objective = JB02
2. The numerical part of the stategic objective they have selected found in column H2:H999. [incase you need this these range from 1.1-1.4, 2.1-2.5,3.1-3.6 and 4.1-4.5 all with a short text strings after which shouldnt be included in the code]
e.g. "1.1 We are Committed to being nice" = 1.1
3. The year they are applicable for which will all be "12/13" however I will need to change this next March.
Therefore the final code should appear as "POJB02 3.1 12/13"
There is a 16 Character limit on these codes but all of that information is needed for sorting, filtering and report generation, the spaces could be replaced by "_" if that makes things easier.
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Sep 25, 2012
I'm working on a workbook that will combine a cash flow report by category and also by date. The categories can change (which I think is the easiest part) but so also can the frequency of data. For instance, you choose how you want to see the data, monthly, quarterly, annually and this will change the Row that the data should be summarized based off of.
1) Annual: Sheet 1: Row = Rental Revenue and Column = 2001. I want to pull from sheet 2 all of the Rows that are mapped to Rental Revenue and all of the Columns that are mapped to 2001.
2) Quarterly: same idea but by quarter.
3) Monthly: No issue, just a SUMIF.
In Sheet 2 I have added a mapping at the top of each column for the Quarter, Year or Month that should be included in the Sheet 1 heading Row.
I tried using a sumproduct on both row and column using the whole data set underlying, but this did not work.
"=SUMPRODUCT(1*('Sheet 2'!$A$9:$A$140='Sheet 1'!$C28)*('Sheet 2'!$E$9:$GA$9='Sheet 1'!E$27)*('Sheet 2'!$E$10:$GA$140))",
It gives me a #N/A result.
I have tried to attach a table of what I am trying to do.
Sheet 1
Choose Frequency
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May 24, 2012
In the spreadsheet shown below I would like the user to select a project via a dropdown list in cell B2 which is from the data set shown in row 7 downwards. Then based on the project they select, they need to be able to see all of the locations associated with that project and choose in B3. Finally they then need to be able to select a team which is associated with the project & location combination chosen in cells B2 and B3.
Excel 2007
Project3Location4Team56ProjectLocationTeam7Project 1PerthTeam 18Project 1MelbourneTeam 29
Project 1SydneyTeam 110Project 1Brisbane Team 111Project 1Brisbane Team 312Project 1DarwinTeam 413
Project 1DarwinTeam 514Project 2PerthTeam 315Project 2PerthTeam 416Project 2MelbourneTeam 117
Project 2MelbourneTeam 218Project 2SydneyTeam 419Project 2Brisbane Team 6
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Jul 25, 2014
I'm trying to do some userform development with multiple dependent comboboxes, but I am having trouble populating the third and last combobox. First, I populate the 1st combobox on the userform initialization. I can get the first 2 comboboxes to populate correctly, but I can't seem to get the 3rd combobox to populate correctly.
The 3rd combobox takes the selection from the 2nd combobox and searches column "A" in the worksheet "Chassis Specs" and populates the 3rd combobox with data from column "B", there will be repeat items in column "A", but all those occurances should populate the 3rd combobox with the data from "B".
I am attaching my whole workbook.
Chassis Specs Info_Build_REV B.xlsm
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Oct 5, 2011
I have a workbook that has a sheet called CustInvData, this sheet contains 4,421 rows of invoice transaction data for 178 customers starting on row 2 (headers on row 1). I need to split the transaction data for each customer out into a workbook template based on the customer name in column A. I need each workbook named by the customer name along with a month and year (example: Bellsouth-0911.xls), this should create 178 unique workbooks. And since we sometimes have to go back and rerun invoices for previous months, I'll need to control the month and year manually in the code.
The parsed data needs to be copied to a pre-formatted invoice template. This template has 2 sheets, Sheet1 is called 'Product Summary', this is a table that uses VLOOKUP functions to read the data in Sheet2 called 'Product Details', this is the sheet the parsed data needs to be copied to for each customer invoice. The 'Product Details' sheet has formatted rows 1 thru 11, row 11 being the header row for the data from CustInvData to be copied. So the parsed data needs to start at row 12.
Last, once the data has been copied into the 'Product Details' sheet, I need the data to be SubTotaled at each change in column J (Product) and use the 'Sum' function to add a Subtotal in column L (Retail Price) for each unique product category.
Example data below, I've simplified it (the actual data array spans from columns A to Y)
Customer NameProduct Retail Price
I'm a bit of a novice with macros, but I know Excel pretty well.
Using Excel 2007 running on Windows Vista
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Apr 16, 2012
What I am trying to do is extract all the data from a excel database based on criteria. When i specify the site and month I need to pull all the corresponding data and write it to a worksheet. Below is an example. I am not allowed to show all the data it is confidential.
Site Date Operator Month
Chicago 12/3/11 Daniel December
San Jose 4/8/12 Mike April
New York 4/8/12 John April
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Feb 24, 2014
Im struggling to find a formula to populate cells based on values to be checked in two fields (ICODE, COMPANY) as shown below.
In the example here, all records where ever the ICODE = 49, i need to populate the fields(columns) AD1,AD2,AD3 or AD4 with the product name of the same company where the ICODE <> 49. There could be between 1-7 products per company.
The attached example file may be a better alternative to view this problem.
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Jan 7, 2014
I have a unique task i am trying to achieve (when i say unique i mean i am out of my depth). I am trying to take specific data from a couple of different sheets to populate other sheets whether it be copying the text of fill cell (color)
Excel Automation Test.pdf
I have Attached a PDF detailing.
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Apr 18, 2009
I want to populate a Data Validation based on values in another cell on another worksheet--but, I want to populate it with the values stored in the cell right next to the cell. http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d3...n/untitled.jpg. would be an example....
What I want my Data Validation List to do is to look at column B and wherever it sees a certain color--for example, red, I want it to put the corresponding value in column A in the list.
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Jan 14, 2010
I need help to create a formula that would grab data from one sheet and populate another sheet based on the employee that is selected from a drop down list.
Attached is a draft of what I am looking to do.
Basically this would allow us to enter employee variances from several employees on one sheet and get a detailed break down of their history on another sheet.
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Aug 28, 2013
I am trying to auto-populate a table with data looked up from another sheet. The functions I have used are: Data Validation, vlookup, ISerror and if functions.
Cell B4 in sheet2 uses Data Validation to pick data from sheet1 (in this case "tax") and auto populate the table with the information- Job type, Name, employee type and Job title. If i change from Tax to HR, the table should get auto-populated with the correct information.
I have setup vlookups but I am unable to get it working. I am a novice at using vlookups (I learn it just 2 days ago) and am struggling to get it work. I am not even sure if vlookup is the right tool to get this job done.
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Jan 27, 2014
I have a big database of customers, each one has a unique reference number. They are spread accross a bunch of different tabs (21 in total to be exact)
One issue I have had is staff entering a customer whos already in the database, causing a duplicate entry. I dont need excel to tell us where the entry is, just to give some kind of indicator it already exists. I thought I may be able to use data validation/conditionality to turn the cell fill Red when it already exists in the data base.
The reason I think that method would be best, is that the sheets that data is entered on are seperate that the master sheet then pulls the data through from. Its the master sheet that would need to indicate a duplicate has been entered, as thats the only sheet where the entire database can be viewed.
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Mar 14, 2012
I have a sheet (see Sheet 1) from a report we run which lists the following information: Personnel Number, Amount, Wage Type. This is generated for 1000's of employees, with each personnel number being repeated several times in column A.
I am trying to pull specific data to another sheet (see Sheet 2), which would ideally generate the sum of "Amount' for a specific wage type for each personnel number. The issue is is that there may be dplicates of the wage type for each ID number (which is also repeated).
For example, the total salary amount on sheet 2 for ID#12345678 would be 0, while for #9876543 it would be 1250. Is there a formula I could use on sheet 2 column B that would generate this?
Excel 2010 ABC1Personnel NumberAmountWage Type212345678550Payment312345678400Overtime412345678300Overtime512345678250
Excel 2010 ABC1Personnel NumberTotal SalaryTotal Overtime212345678398765432
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Oct 6, 2013
I have use excel 2007. In our sheet i have in cell "B3" product name i.e. "abc" , "xyz" etc. That is called sales of goods.
In cell "C3" i have number of quantity
If "B3" is "abc" then only calculate below :
1st option : If product name is "abc" then only calculate (which is cell "B3") & cell "c3" is >=15 & cell "c3" is<19 then message shown as "one mobile free"
2nd option : If product name is "abc" then only calculate (which is cell "B3") & cell "c3" is >=20 & cell "c3" is<39 then message shown as "two mobile free"
3rd option : If product name is "abc" then only calculate (which is cell "B3") & cell "c3" is >=40 then message shown as "three mobile free"
In view of the above which formula applicable.
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Dec 13, 2013
I have a spreadsheet that monitors employees rest periods between shifts across a number of weeks I've started writing a very basic piece of code so if the employee has less than 12 hours rest, a message box will appear with a warning:
So far this is what I've done:
Sub RestHours()
If Range("I7") < #12:00:00 PM# Then
MsgBox "Candidate has had less than 12 hours rest since last shift worked. Please find another candidate to work this shift", vbOKOnly, "Unable to Use Candidate!"
Now this does work if I run the macro and then enter the data into cell I7, however I'm now stumped - How can I make it so that this message box pops up automatically when the data is entered into the cell without me have to go in and run the macro?
I also need the macro to run all the way down the I column (I7:I100) and across other columns which will eventually contain the same data i.e. M7:M100, Q7:Q100, all the way across to AT7:AT100?
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Apr 7, 2014
VBA to copy entire row in all worksheets in file based on criteria.
step1 Copy tab has criteria in cell c1
step2 search if this c1 value in each tab in column e or g or h
step3 check if column i is yes
then if criteria meet, copy entire row to copy sheet
I came across some similar posts in other forums which can do partial work but not entirely .
Note ; number of rows, columns and tabs varies in file
I am using excel 2007.
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Feb 15, 2012
Excel 2007. Is there a way to extract information from cells and rows that constantly move? These rows need to be able to cut & paste, copy & Paste, insert and delete. I have the formula I need to display the data, but with the cutting and pasting etc, my formulas get all messed up.
I have the excel sheet on Google docs. It displays some cells wrong because it does not recognize certain formulas.
On the second worksheet, I want the information from columns A, H, M, N, and O to be extracted at a certain time each evening and sent to a worksheet, without sending duplicates. These rows will constantly move which is why my current setup, which is just to display the information, will not work... We decided to try to extract it into a different worksheet or workbook if possible.
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Aug 9, 2013
In excel 2007 i have three sheets.
In sheet1 : Cell : "D3" : I have find out & show maximum date with two criteria (i.e. code & series) from all sheets.
Also in cell : "E3 : I have find out maximum date with two criteria from particular one sheet only.
I have mentioned comments in attach file.
In sheet name 1112 & 1213 : I have a lot of data approx 40000.
Column A : Invoice no
Column B : Invoice date
Column C : Code
Column D : oano
Column E : Name
Column F : city
Column G : distric
Column H : Series
In yellow highlighted cell i required formula.
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