Message To Appear Prior To Printing Based On The Description Choosen

Mar 22, 2008

I have a list of products that I want a message to appear prior to printing based on the description choosen.

Product descriptions are choosen in D25:D34 via a drop down.

My wild cards are SWING GATE and DOUBLE SWING GATE, I want to use wild cards because of the many different sizes of each gate.

Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean)
If Range("B" & Target.Row) = "swing gate" Or Range("B" & Target.Row) = "double swing gate" Then_
MsgBox (Range("F5").Value) & ", Please include chain and locks with order", vbOKOnly, "Chain and Locks"
End If
End Sub

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Supress The Printing Message Box

Feb 4, 2009

Is there any way to suppress the “printing page 1 of 4…” message box that pops up every time you print? I have a button which when clicked prints my sheets in excel and I'd like to supress the printing message box.

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Printing / Not Printing Ranges Based On Cell Contents

Apr 11, 2008

I have a report that is generated from a manufacturing process that looks like the example below. the report is 40 pages long when all the data is printed. i am looking for a way to only print this range if a dimension is "out of tolerance". if the dimension is within tolerance, there is always the "garbage" text of plus and minus. if every row is "within tolerance" in the range the cells in the OutTol column would all contain the "garbage" text but it will not always be identical. so, in summary, actual OutTol values = print and all "garbage" = not printed.


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Stop Update Message When Printing From Macro

Feb 4, 2007

I have a macro which auto prints a series of workbooks and it works very well - except (there is always an except right?) some of the workbooks brink up a dialog box saying "this workbook contains links to other data sources" Update, Don't Update or Help"

how to prevent this box from appearing and interrupting the print flow? I want to be able to run this macro and wallk away while it merrily does its printing job - not sit at the monitor hitting No No No over and over (yes i do NOT want to update the workbook)

Public Sub Auto_Open()
Dim sCurFile As String
Dim sPath As String
Dim mpath As String

mpath = InputBox("Enter the month and year, i.e. 0207 for Feb 2007", "print")

fpath = InputBox("Enter day of the month to print (no leading 0's)?", "print")

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Predict Value Based On Weighting Of Prior Months

Dec 28, 2011

I have 11 months of sales commission data, and need to estimate the value for December. However, the catch is, for the first 7 months, the values are significantly higher than the most recent 4 months. I'm currently using the TREND function to guesstimate the December value, but with the wide fluctuation between the 2 time periods, I'm thinking the result of the TREND value may be way off.

Is there a way to 'weight' the data to reflect the higher values earlier in the year, with the much lower values later in the year?

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Insert Columns Based On Tab Description

Apr 14, 2009

I have a macro that inserts a blank column for every sheet in the workbook. The problem i have is that i only want a limited number of columns inserted. I only want a column to be inserted if the sheet tab has the name "detail" in it. I have tried for hours to get this to work, but i keep getting errors. Here is the code i am using.

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Excel 2007 :: Display Icon Sets Based On Prior Value

Jun 4, 2013

I want to display icon sets in Excel 2007 (arrow) based on prior values. If value is less then previous cell then down arrow should be displayed else up arrow.

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Data Validation - Option Set Based On Prior Dropdown Without Names Or VBA

Dec 13, 2012

I'm creating a form with drop downs, and I'd like the answer choice someone makes for one question (ie- what county they're in) to affect the answer choices for a secondary question (ie- what city they're in).

I'd like to avoid using names, at least for the second dropdown (since there would be too many names, and in some of the questions in the data set things change too much for names to be a good option). I would also like to avoid using VBA to keep it simple and maintainable. Here is a simplified version of a small subset of the data.

Drop Down 1:
County (options: Santa Clara County, Napa County)
Drop Down 2:
Cities/Towns (options: the cities/towns that relate to the above county selection, without using names)


Santa Clara County
San Jose

[Code] ........

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Segregate Data Based On The The First String Of Each Security Description

Jun 12, 2009

a macro that will segreate data based on the the first string of each security description under the heading Security description and then sum the total on a separate row in the total column.

Starting row hearder in sheet "Raw_Data" start in row 6 and i would require the same in sheet "Result

Sheet "Raw_Data ...

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Adding Column With Description Based On Preset Codes

Jul 13, 2006

First it should Insert a Column to the left of A. Then it should go to column B and search for the number 99 and delete all rows after it. In column C I want it to do the following formula =vlookup(b2,descriptions!$b$2:$c$250,2,false) and have it copied all the way down to the end of data.

Next I need labels added to the tops of the rows
Next I need the description columns in C to be copied to column I
Finally, beginning at J2, I would like the formula (e2 * g2)/100 entered to the end of data. Attached is sample data.

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Field Not Filled Or Choosen In Userform

Jul 3, 2008

I am looking for a macro or code that if a field not filled or choosen in userform, there will be a error message says "cant continue, please make sure all fields are filled etc..)

I believe it s asked before, but I cant find the relevant thread.

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Once The Date Is Choosen To Be Marked Somehow On A Calendar In The Same Workbook

Dec 1, 2009

I am trying to build a user form where people are filling in their holiday requests.

I need once the date is choosen to be marked somehow on a calendar in the same workbook.
Besides the date, I need in this form, people to upload a file "Holiday Request" which, after the submission of the report to be sent to a specific email, and to be stored as Object in another sheet against the name of the person who is submitting it.

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Auto-Populate Items From Master Reference Chart Based On Job Description

Dec 3, 2012

I have attached the sheet :

Certain job descriptions require certain training. Drivers needs these two particular trainings and an office employee only needs that training...

I have a reference sheet with what trainings are required for what job. I then want the next chart with each employee name and subsequent job title to have the required trainings automatically checked. (I can take care of the conditional formatting after that).

Job Desc.xlsx

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Printing List Based On Certain Criteria?

Jul 20, 2012

I have a sheet that has a button on it that I would like to print a list based on a set criteria. My criteria is "if the value in Range D4:D100 is positive". I think a messagebox would be okay but although it is not needed yet, I would like to have the ability to print up to 100 rows on a single sheet of paper. The print should include Columns A:H of any row where respective D value is positive. If possible could Column D when used as a reference be made relative so that I can add or take away without losing functionality?


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Printing Sheets Based On Criteria

Jul 10, 2009

I am looking for a macro that will, upon command, print all sheets (20+) in the workbook with a value greater than $0.00 in cell I27. Some have a value there, others don't.

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Printing Data Based On Condition

Mar 31, 2008

a way to select which ones to print based on the given condition. I have a store list, and on this list I provided the store number and their authorized vendors. I have a weekly spreadsheet that has all our vendors cost/retail changes. On this spreadsheet, the vendor numbers are on column A. I was hoping for something, like maybe provide the store number to print, and it will print only the vendors that that particular store carry... We have a total of 106 stores, so automating this process would definitely save us a lot of time.

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Printing Number Of Pages Based On Value In A Cell

Nov 20, 2006

simple example.

A1 = 155
I need to print 3 pages where B1 is equal to 50 and 1 page where B1 is equal to 5. A1 may change, but B1 will always be multiples of 50, plus whatever is left over.

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Printing Multiple Workbooks With Printing Preference As Landscape

Jan 15, 2012

I would like to know if there is a way to print several different workbooks at once but keeping my printing format which I would like to be Landscape and Fit to one page. Reason is simple as I work in a office where staff is handed in several jobs to do everyday. They finish the jobs and log all the info on the database. I log on to database and put all their daily diaries and because it is all over the place I have to go in each file and set printing preferences which takes an hour in the morning and hour in the evening. I could do with some sort of automation where all diaries are automatically printed in Landscape and Fit on one page.

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Populating Two Listboxes With Sheets Based On Cell Value; Printing Their Selection

Jul 29, 2009

I would like to do is have 2 listboxes. In the first listbox I would like the name of all the worksheets which contain the words "elective class: " in cell C7.

In the second listbox I would like the name of all the worksheets which do not contain the words "elective class: " in C7. I need this only to source from worksheet 7 onwards however.

The listboxes are called ListBox1 and ListBox2 respectively.

Also I am using this to print and I have a button which currently selects all the data in the first listbox and another button which prints all the selected data. The code being used for this is:

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How To Pop Up Message Based On A Cell Value

Jul 10, 2006

My Cell C3 is a numeric value..I have set conditional formatting to make the text red and bold when the number is equal or less than 10,000 is there a way I can make cell E3 display a message when the C3 condition is true?? or if not a message is there a way to make a message box pop up when my C3 condition of less then or equal to 10,000 is true?

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VBA For Looking In Prior Tab Cell?

Jun 17, 2014

I have a macro that when you run it, it creates a new tab with the next month on it. I.e. I'm in January 2014 and I hit the button it creates a tab for February 2014....

In a different workbook, I want to have it copy this newly created tab name into cell A1 of what we'll call Hidden_Tab.

So I want to have Hidden_tab A1 say January 2014, then I press the button to run the macro and it then copies the new tab name from the tab I just created: February 2014 and pastes it in Hidden_tab A1 and so on...

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Message Box Based On Cell Value In Range

Aug 23, 2013

I want a message box to pop up when a "certain" value(example "guest") is enter in a range(ex- a1:a20).

How can i accomplish this with a vba code?

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Message Box Based On Cell Content And Day?

Mar 18, 2012

I am working on a spread sheet for work were we have to test certain items on certain days, e.g. one item needs to be tested every Tuesday & Thursday, when the test is completed you click on a drop down box and click on completed or in progress.

What I would like are a couple of things to happen as follows:

A message box would pop up when you open the file to inform the employee that the test is due today only on Tuesday & Thursday if not completed or in progress from the drop down box. Once you select completed or in progress from the drop down box the message box no longer appears. Every Tuesday & Thursday when it's first open it deletes the cell content, thus triggering the message box test is due today, and once completed or in progress it no longer appears until next Tuesday or Thursday.

The spread sheet is on shared drive and used by several users, let's just say cell A1 is the cell I have the drop down box

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Display Different Message Box Based On Cell Value?

Jun 24, 2014

I have a workbook that can open a URL into IE when a project number is entered in an input box.

What I would like to happen is that if the project number entered does not have a URL against it and the value is #N/A, then the message box will display "Project does not exist". However if the number does exist, I want a different message box to be displayed which is a yes/no box.

The code below is what I have tried which works fine if the cell value is #N/A but when it is not it throws an Run-Time error 13: Type mismatch

Sub SearchPidsMessageBox()
Dim Answer As String
Dim MyNote As String


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Expression For Pop-up Message Based On Cell Value

Feb 22, 2009

I have been reading the different post here on the forum.
I have found a snippet of code that will open a pop-up message from a value of a cell. I would llike to do this on one of my reports. Here is the scenario.

Range (R5:S5) 0.15 them MsgBox "Note Must Be Entered For +/- 15% change"
But There are 14 different cells that I want this to work for. The value differs from day to day, and this should pop-up happen without a user having any actions other then the calculated value. But ones the note is entered in the "Notes: cell the message will not return.
Hope I explained it correctly.

The value of the cells in question are calculated in each cell with a formula example "=IF(ISERROR(Z20/H5),0,IF(ISERROR(Z20/H23),0,(Z20/H23)))"

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Record A Cell's Prior Value

Nov 2, 2009

Could it be possible to "sequentially offset" a vlaue, say, of A1 such that, for instance, when A1 changes from "5" to "6" (via formula, not direct input), A1=6 and, say, B1=5, and so on? You know, like keeping a value record of A1, one step back, in B1.

This would be UNBELIEVABLY valuble to me. Thus, would I be in eternal debt to he/she who would resolve this here.

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Looking At 10 Cells Prior One Containing A Number

Nov 15, 2009

range C7:AJ7 should look for a 1 in C5:AJ5 and start placing a 4 till 8 cells after the 1.

Range C6:AJ6 will be a little bit more complicated it should place a 2 in each cell, starting from 10 cells prior the 3th last number in range C5:AJ5.

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Display Message Based On Multiple Criteria?

Feb 10, 2014

I have created a sheet that calculates a score. Based on that score a determination is made to do one of three things - Nothing, Peer/Manager Review, Review Required.

In addition it was requested now that I make an overall decision for "Review Required" based on multiple triggers. My thought was to create a table from outputs of each element on another sheet, and then trigger off the table. What I am stuck on is using the multiple choices to trigger the message - Below are the choices of which each or a combination of each should trigger "Review Required"
Calculate Review Required

Total Score 'Review Required
Element 1 "
Element 2 "
Element 3"
Element 4"
Element 5"
Element 6"
Element 7"
Element 8"
Element 9"
Element 10"
Element 11"
Element 12"
Element 13 "
Element 14 '20 or more = reveiw
Element 15 '20 or more = reveiw
Element 16 '20 or more =review
Element 17 'Sum 20 Total of above if less than 20 in each

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Console Message Or Other Notification Based On Cell Value

Dec 22, 2009

I would like to have Excel automatically send a Console Message whenever a user enters a value greater than zero into a column. In the example attached, I would have received a message on 12/03/2009 and 12/07/2009 because the user entered a positive value into the "Fail" column. I know macros can be written to send E-Mail messages, but I do not want the user to have access to E-Mail or the Internet. Ideally, the message would be sent instantly, at the worst, the next time the user saves the file. *Edit-I really do not care what notification I get. It can be a message, an image on my screen, whatever just as long as I get notification that the user has entered a positive value into the "Fail" column.-End Edit*

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Display An Error Message Based On Particular Condition

Dec 29, 2009

When the whole row in excelsheet is full for particular date that means all the values of columns (Legal Charge,GA and DNM) have been entered for particular date then display an error message if the another user tries to enter the values for the same date .

It means the user can enter the values for same date only if values of Legal Charge,GA and DNM are empty,otherwise an error message should pop up.

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