I'm working with a file from SharePoint (FileA), "FileA" goes out to Sharepoint and opens "FileB" (if not already open) then copies information from "FileA" to "FileB". However if "FileA" is left open, or someone else has it open I am unable to open "FileA". How in VBA can I check to ensure I don't have it open locally (if so swich and continue), checkout and open in SharePoint (if not already open) or Prompt with options to force checkin, checkout to copy info?
Automating Excel from Access, I'm attempting to generate a single sheet workbook and save to a Sharepoint site. This process works fine on my machine (XL2007, XP), but on a coworkers computer (XL2003, XP), the code throws a 1004 error on the save as line. However, the really odd thing is that stepping through the code doesn't throw an error on the coworkers machine.
Here's the sub being ran; the line it errors out on is the first branch in the .saveas block.
Private Sub PublishXLtoMOSS() Dim objXL As Excel.Application 'Object Dim wb As Excel.workbook 'Object Dim ws As Excel.Worksheet 'Object Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim i As Long
application.FileSearch.NewSearch application.FileSearch.LookIn = Workbooks(ActiveWorkbook.Name).Path application.FileSearch.FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles application.FileSearch.SearchSubFolders = True application.FileSearch.Filename = "Zone Selling*.xls" application.FileSearch.MatchTextExactly = True application.FileSearch.Execute filecount = application.FileSearch.FoundFiles.Count For i = 1 To filecount Worksheets("Run").Cells(i, 1) = application.FileSearch.FoundFiles(i) Next i For i = 1 To filecount......................
But it won't list my files which is how the macro was running, it was returning a list of the files in the folder and then running them based on the path returned
in adapting the previous code to MS Excel 2007. I have found that the "application.filesearch" object no longer exist in 2007! The code goes to a file path and extracts the text and places the data in the specified excel column.
I am using Excel 2007 so I CANNOT use application.filesearch.
With that said, I need to change one of my old macros that searched for the newest file within a specified folder, and then display the name of that file in a message box that gives the person an option of opening the file. I've read too many workarounds for application.filesearch and I'm not sure how to combine them all into something I can use.
Normally I have a bit of code to start with, but this one has me so baffled I don't know where to start.
I created a macro on an excel file on my local PC that opens another excel file on my local PC and copies some data from file 2 and pastes that data in file 1. In file 1 have a Path and File Name that the Macro uses to get Open File 2 from. This works Great on my local PC!! However, I need to move this to a SharePoint. When I did I tried to change the Path and File name to the ones from the URL generated by SharePoint Send Link. No Luck, then tried to change the 20% replace for spaces. Still no luck. Do I need to use some other method of opening a file that is on SharePoint vs Local PC?
I have recorded the below code that functions fine from my computer. My issue is that I need to export/import this macro to other workstations who may have the save to location mapped to a different drive letter. Is there a way to replace the drive letter with the URL (SharePoint)?
ChDir "E:3. CRQsRemedy Dumps" ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="E:3. CRQsRemedy DumpsToday_CRQ_8Dump.xls" _ , FileFormat:=xlExcel8, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", _ ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, CreateBackup:=False Save To Directory: \server_1Dir_1Dir_2FolderToday_CRQ_8Dump.xls Permissions are in place.
I have a macro-enabled template file in Excel 2007. I would like the user to be unable to save in any format other than macro-enabled. They should be free to choose a path and filename, but not the file type.
I presume this means some VBA code in the before save event, but I don't know what.
Currently I am using excel 2007. In that I have two sheets (sheet1 as Dashboard & Sheet2 as Database). On sheet1 I need to develop a functionality of searching as per key word (Keyword will be typed on cell B2) and i need to display search data below cell B2 till whatever cells depending as per database.
I've to continue the same sheet made by my bos (I'm using excell 2003, my bos use 2007). However, I'm unable to find the next column which my bos used it. Ex : My last column in excel is IV column. However, my bos's column in more than IV column.
I am using excel excel 2007 in windows 7. I have a search button that works great, however, I want it to also highlight the cell green, when it finds what I am searching for. Here is the code below for the search button I have.
Private Sub CommandButton6_Click() Dim searchthis As String, Found As Range Me.Unprotect Password:="123" searchthis = InputBox("Type Number.", "Property Search") searchthis = searchthis & "*" Set Found = Range("A:A,e:e").Find(What:=searchthis, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlWhole) If Not Found Is Nothing Then Found.Select Me.Protect Password:="123" End Sub
When I open the doc I would like the workbook open event to check the document out for editing on the workbook close event i would like it to be checked back in...
Been playing around with Workbooks.CancheckOut but I've completely lost the plot.....
I need code for a search box function, that returns the information recorded in a cell for example, "Barcelona" or "London" etc), instead of the location of the cells.
I will need to narrow it down to search only the information in the following columns:
Sheet2 I2:J10932
I am totally new to VBA coding and have stumbled my way through a few things, but everything I have searched for so far has had at least one error when transposing to Excel.
I am using excel 2007. I have a worksheet with a list of words I wish to step through this list replacing the selected words in another workbook with nothing (ie deleting them).
I have the following code
Code: Sub replacewords() Dim MyWord As String Dim wbLibrary As Workbook Dim wbWorking As Workbook Dim myExcelColumns As Integer Dim myExcelRows As Integer Dim MyRow As Integer Dim MyRange As Range
using Excel 2007. I need a code to identify a worksheet within a workbook by cell/range value. The book is used by various users. They have the rights to add new sheets and all but delete columns in the 'master worksheet'. The sheet names can be changed by the user but I need to rename the master sheet on opening the file. To do this I have put a specific value in a cell within the master worksheet which then should allow me to find the sheet and rename it. (let say Range A1 has a value of "this sheet") I have a mental block on how i can run a loop to search each sheet for the identifying value until the range and value is found and the sheet identified
I use the following formula in excel 2007 (and it's working perfectly in 2007) but this formula does not work if I work with the same file in excel 2003 ...w why and what I have to adjust?
I have a excel 2007 workbook that has 5 sheets "MASTER" , "RED" , "WHITE", "GOLD" & "BLUE". There are 7 columns in each sheet and the master has about 8,000 rows . In column D of each sheet there is a unique number (approx. 8 - 10 digits ) that I would like to at the press of a command button search through sheets "RED" "WHITE" "GOLD" & "BLUE" against the unique numbers in the "MASTER" sheet and if there any duplicates numbers delete the entire row but leave all the data in the master sheet.
We have mapped a network drive to a SharePoint Directory, while we are able to copy a file (using Macros) to this location, this file does not appear in SharePoint to the other users, the reason being that it is not checked in. How to Check using Excel Macros.
At work we use a connection to a SharePoint List within Excel to refresh the data in the files.
When excel is refreshed I get this error (this happens for all users in the team and multiple workbooks)
Image 1.png
The weird thing is I can export the SharePoint list to an excel file and it is fine but as soon as i go to refresh it (Data>Refresh All) it produces the above error.
I've just exported a list from SharePoint to Excel, which gave me as a result a owssvr table, so far so good cause every time the list in SP is updated I can do a refresh and get the latest values; however once I opened the table I realized that the columns where not correctly order they were all mixed and the information does not look as it is required so I need to rearrange them. I do not need to delete a column I just need to be able to move them between themselves so that they will follow certain order: Product ID, Name, Amount of pieces, Place where they are stored, etc. this is very important because later on I use "vlookups" to do a series of reports.
I've tried cut- paste to move the columns to the correct position, unfortunately once I close the excel file and try to open it again, I got a message saying that the content is not readable and when Excel repairs it, my owssvr table loses the link to SP so I cannot update refresh the table anymore.
I cannot edit the list in SP as this site does not belong to me and I only got access to export the data and be able to refresh the table, all I want is to be able to move them within my ovssvr table so that locally I can work with them better.
Here is a pic of what I am talking about: cmms.JPG
So for example in the pic I put, I need that instead of Comments in Column E, Product ID can be in Column E, then Name in column F and so on..
how to traverse all files in SharePoint folders using Excel VBA and have not come across an answer I could use because, by configuration design, I cannot map a SharePoint URL to a drive letter.
Here it is:
Sub SPDir() Dim wb As Workbook Dim dummyFile As String ' ' The file specified by dummyFile must reside in SharePoint in order to use SharedWorkspace ' The way the code is set up, the path and filename in dummyFile should NOT substitute %20 instead of spaces ' There is logic later to ignore dummyFile on output ' Substitute your own dummy file name below
We have mapped a network drive to a SharePoint Directory, while we are able to copy a file (using Macros) to this location, this file does not appear in SharePoint to the other users, the reason being that it is not checked in.
The mini project I've been working on does pretty much what I want it to do. It takes a list of script names and by providig it with the scripts folder/server and database the scripts are run and the log files are dumped in a newly created folder named logs.
Now that I have established how to check for the existence of a folder and creating new folders in Excel VBA, the next step is to check for the existence of a particular text file and if it exists, search the contents of that file for a specific word or sentence.
I need to know which objects and methods provide such capability [if any]
I have several sheets I use for MI and most have similar amounts of data in, ie, a tab for each month with out 15-20 columns and upto 10,000 rows, then a couple of summary sheets with filtering and calculations in.
One of my sheets is currently 16Mb, when the others are about a third of that, with similar amounts of data.
Is there a way to find what is causing the extra space to be taken in this sheet?
Or does this seem about right for the amount of data?