Excel 2007 :: Data Entered Automatically When Type Certain Things

Aug 2, 2013

I use MS Excel 2007 and I was wondering if it was possible to enter data for certain things once, and have that data copied automatically every time I type the text. For example, if I type Blue Car in a cell and type 4 in the next cell, is there a way I can program Excel to enter that data every time I type Blue Car?

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Excel 2007 :: Pop Up Message When Data Is Entered

Dec 19, 2013

2007 Excel spreadsheet. My company currently shares ONE spreadsheet to generate new project numbers (Shown below). My issue is once a new number is assigned, it is supposed to be entered into our accounting software but that doesn't appear to be happening in some cases.

Is there a way that a pop up message can appear when column G is populated (Entered by)? Something like, "please be sure to enter this XYZ".

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Excel 2007 :: What Data Type To Use When Multiply Time By Money?

Feb 21, 2014

[h]:mm X accounting (2 d.p) = ????

The two data types i'm using are shown above but i don't know what data type to use as the result.

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Excel 2007 :: Cannot Change Date Format On Data Already Entered

Jun 22, 2014

I have a SS of a WW1 casualty list and one of the columns is Dates of Birth but the data has been entered in three different formats eg 21/2/1898 or 21.2.1898 or 21 Feb 1898. I have tried to Format Cells and change the date format to the slash but after highlighting a number of fields and right clicking they will not re format. Though i use Excel quite a bit i am a general user and dont understand it in depth.

article using =DATEVALUE(

am using Office 2007.

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Excel 2007 :: Auto Lock Cells Once Data Is Entered Not Working

Aug 14, 2014

I have searched and found many examples of code that will lock cells once data has been entered. But for some reason, I cannot get it to work in my workbook. The weird thing is, I have successfully got them to work on blank workbooks. I unlock a range I want people to be able to edit, I protect the workbook, I enter the code, and it works. But I do the same thing on my workbook, nothing locks.

I've tried locking all the cells on a sheet, and only unlocking a small range, as in the examples (A1:A10), and I cant get it to work. I've tried not pre-protecting the sheet, I've tried 4 or 5 different examples of code. If it wasn't for the fact I've gotten it to work on blank workbooks, I'd think VBA was disabled or something. I can't post a copy of my workbook for you all to look at because its on a stand-alone computer at work (and the USB is disabled for info-sec).

Excel Version 2007

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Excel 2007 :: Type Number In A Cell And Have The Word Appear

May 12, 2010

I need to convert numbers to text in excel 2007. I have done it before in 2003, but can't seem to remember exactly what I used. I may have used some kind of conditional formatting, but not sure.

Here is an example of what I need.

If I type "7203" in a cell I want "Home Repairs" to appear. I have a list of words associated with a list of numbers and want to be able to type the number in a cell and have the word appear.

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Excel 2007 :: SUMIFS - How To Specify Criteria That Looks At Type Of Formula

Jul 31, 2012

I'm trying to sum over a range (column A) based on values in another range (column B). Column B's cell values are calculated with a simple numeric formula that is either a subtraction or an addition of two cell references. I want to sum all the column A cells for which the corresponding column B cells are determined by a subtraction. Then separately, sum the cells for which the corresponding column B cells hold an addition. It seems that SUMIFS is the function to use, but how do I specify the sum criteria as "a subtraction" or "an addition"?

Windows 7, Excel 2007

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Excel 2007 :: Macro Not Calculating Unless Value Entered Into Formula Bar

Apr 12, 2014

I'm trying to convert the values entered by users into specific cells into a specific percentage. When I use this macro in Excel 2010, I can enter the value to be calculated directly into the cell and the macro runs automatically. When I open the file in Excel 2007, the macro does not calculate properly unless the value to be calculated is entered into the formula bar.

For example, in Excel 2007, if I enter '30' in cell E11, it should come out as '20%'. Instead it comes out as '0.2%' unless I enter '30' into the formula bar, which then calculates properly. It is far more efficient to be able to enter the value directly into the cell.

[Code] .....

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Automatically Open Comment Box When Data Is Entered.

Dec 22, 2008

I have a spreadsheet where we calculate lost time of machinery and how much money is lost. Every day someone enters the hours that the machines were down and then enters comment in that cell stating what happened or what the resolve was. So for example Machine A runs 24 hours a day, but 12-19-08 it had mechanical issues and was down for 2 hours, so the entrant will enter 22 in that cell, then have to right click back in that cell, go to insert comment and enter "need to change belts." Then if he finds out later that they were down another two hours he would have to change the hours, right click in the cell and edit comment. What we have been coming across is that after awhile he just enters the hours and not the comment. Besides firing a lazy operator I would like to make it more user friendly and ensure that the data entry person is entering the comment.

I would like after the hours are entered in the cell for the comment box to automatically open. I figured there has to be a formula to do it, but i am not at an advanced level. Can you help me?

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Automatically Lock Cells When Data Entered

Apr 16, 2008

I am trying to apply a conditional cell lock to a worksheet. I am using Excel 2003, not 2007.

In column J, I have a list validation being used. The default value is "Not Claimed", I want to lock the cell from being edited once the value has been changed to any other value on the list.

The worksheet will be password protected to prevent entries into static fields (A:I & N:P).

I also would like to give the user the ability to unlock a specific cell, not the entire worksheet, by entering a password or something if they accidently choose a wrong value from the list.

I have column Q and beyond available if I need to have the password entered somewhere else.

I have attached a sample of the file I am working with.

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Extend Formula Automatically As Data Entered

May 21, 2008

I found the following code here.

For data entered into column A, it copies the formulas from columns B:E in the row above to the current row.

It works great except fot the first row (A9) where it copies the header row (B8:E8).

How can I get it to not copy when data is entered into A9?

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel. Range)
Dim c As Range, i As Long
On Error Resume Next
Set c = Intersect(Target, Columns(1))
If c Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If IsEmpty(c.Offset(-1, 0)) Or Not IsEmpty(c.Offset(1, 0)) Then Exit Sub
i = c.Row
Application.EnableEvents = False
Range("B" & i - 1 & ":E" & i - 1).Copy Range("B" & i & ":E" & i)
Application.EnableEvents = True
On Error Goto 0
End Sub

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Automatically Color Cells In Relation To Data Entered

Aug 30, 2013

how to do basic formulas in Excel but I are hoping that there is a macro or a VBA or something that can be made which might work for what i need.

I have decided to start a small tour shop (I make the reservations for guests with a hotel in the area and take them on tours of our region) and are looking to make a booking sheet for each month. Nothing complicated just simple. see the attached .xlsx file.

I was wondering if there is a way that when the fields in column A & B are filled in if it could automatically color the corresponding dates in for the same row in the calendar area? like I have manually done on sheet "October 2013"


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Automatically Add Multiple New Rows When Data Entered Into Sheet

Aug 18, 2014

Download the attachment and have a look.

I want there to ALWAYS be 5 FREE/EMPTY rows to be able to enter data into them I also want the black area around the outside to ALWAYS be a further 15 rows in height below that.

Sheet 1 = Simple Example
Sheet 2 = A much larger example
Sheet 3 = Erroneously added data should still extend the sheet by 5 rows each time.

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Macro To Automatically Sort Multiple Column Groups Separately As Data Is Entered

May 20, 2014

I have a worksheet that contains multiple task lists, each having two columns, a "Priority" field and a "Description" field. The data should be sorted by Priority first and by Description second. The header row is 5 and the data is in rows 6 through 50. The first list is in A5:B50, the second C5:D50, and so on until the sixth list in K5:L50. I have a macro that works for one task list, but cannot get it to function for multiple task lists. Below is the macro that functions for the first task list. It is in the code for the sheet tab.

Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target1 As Range)
If Target1.Column = 1 Then


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Excel 2007 :: Force File To Be XLSM File Type

Oct 22, 2013

I have a macro-enabled template file in Excel 2007. I would like the user to be unable to save in any format other than macro-enabled. They should be free to choose a path and filename, but not the file type.

I presume this means some VBA code in the before save event, but I don't know what.

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Excel 2007 :: Macro Won't Recalculate Automatically?

Feb 4, 2014

A certain macro (or is it a VB script?) in an Excel 2007 spreadsheet has to be manually recalculated every time I open the file. The only way I've found to do this is to click in the formula bar and hit Enter, or else click the green check mark to accept the formula. The spreadsheet is set to recalculate automatically, so I do not understand why this is happening.

Another wrinkle is that I can't locate the specification/definition of the macro. I checked the Developer menu on the ribbon and looked in the Visual Basic and Macros lists, but could not see the definition of the macro in question. Another user created the spreadsheet but I am unable to contact him...

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Excel 2007 :: Formulas Not Automatically Calculating?

Jul 3, 2012

Using Microsoft Excel 2007 and all of a sudden, my spreadsheets are not automatically calculating the formulas. It does not matter if I have other workbooks open or not. I still get the problem. It does not happen 100% of the time to make it even more complicated.

- Calulation set to auto in Excel Options.

- No VBA functions being used. I can the worksheet summing 1 + 1 and get the error periodically. It does not have to do with the spreadsheet being too complicated.

- Even if I can hit Ctrl-Alt-F9 to force the formulas to calculate, it won't work.

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Excel 2007 :: Automatically Selecting Cells - Highlight As Range

Jul 29, 2008

I'm new to Excel 2007... whilst I'm managing to find most things I'm used to using in 2003, I have an issue in one workbook that I can't figure out.

When I click in some single cells (not all), that cell and several below it automatically highlight as a range... left-clicking initially highlights the cell, but as you release the mouse button, the others below it also highlight.

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Excel 2007 :: Stop Automatically Selecting Multiple Cells

Oct 1, 2009

I use Excel mainly for creating & updating simple logs, and the problem I keep running into is that when I click in a cell, it will automically select & highlight multiple cells below the one I am trying to work in. It will select anywhere from 4-5 cells up to 13. I don't know what this function is, and I don't know how to fix it. But it makes it very difficult to navigate and cut/paste or change a formula.

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Excel 2007 :: Moving Negative Numbers To Another Cell Automatically?

Sep 15, 2013

I have an issue with two columns in Excel 2007. The first one has a bunch of numbers that run from top to bottom and I would like to move all of the negative numbers from the first column to the second one. I understand that this can be done with the IF command

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Excel 2007 :: Transferring Columns With Same Titles To Another Sheet Automatically?

Aug 18, 2014

Excel (2007) user however I'm not very well versed with VBAs and Macros.

I have three sheets and on each sheet the first 5 columns (A - E) have the same title (all in row 1, frozen top row and with filters) there are other columns but I only need A -E to auto transfer.

Sheet 1 is named "Total"

Sheet 2 is named "Management Referral"

Sheet 3 is named "Health Assessments"

What I'd like is for any entry that goes into any row in both sheet 2 and 3 to automatically transfer to sheet 1, but only the information from columns A - E.

There will be dates (dd/mm/yyyy) in column A in each sheet and when transferred to sheet 1 they must be listed chronologically oldest to newest.

I also need all the information in columns A - E that transfer to sheet 1 to stay in their respective sheets.

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Excel 2007 :: Formulas Do Not Automatically Refresh When Change Cells

Jul 11, 2012

I am using excel 2007 and when I change cells my formulas do not automatically refresh. I have set it to automatic and the calculations will not refresh. How I can force a calculation. I did the control alt f9 and nothing seems to work. Any macro that can force all calculations.

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Excel 2007 :: Automatically Generate Email When Button Is Pushed

Oct 25, 2012

I am using the following piece of VBA code in Excel 2007 to automatically generate an email when a button is pushed:

Sub SendEMail()
Dim Email As String, Subj As String
Dim Msg As String, URL As String
Dim r As Integer, x As Double
r = ActiveCell.Row
'Get the email address
Email = Cells(r, 3)

[Code] .....

The button to launch this code sits in cell AK7. What I would like to do is have the macro copy the email address present in cell E7 into the email address section of my created email. In addition I would like the reference provided in cell AJ7 to appear in the Message Subject part of the generated email in the format " RCS Reference contents of cell AJ7".

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Using Data Tables When There Are MULTIPLE Things That Can Change

Dec 22, 2013

I have to use data tables to calculate Net Present Value (NPV) by altering specific variables.

My NPV is the result of a series of calculations to ultimately arrive at a cash flow figure and then apply the WACC (average cost of capital)

I understand how to use data tables But for the life of me i cant figure out how im going to tell excel that im changing for example wage costs and not fixed assets when trying to asses the NPV sensitivity

My sheet and calculations are all set up

I've done it manually by altering the figures on the Inputs and Data Sheet.

My NPV calculation is on the Workings and calculations sheet.

The data tables i have done manually are on the Inputs and Data sheet.

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How To Find And Remove Things From A Data Range

Feb 25, 2013

I just want to remove all the parts after /p1/ and /p2/ and make each cell contains only the top level data. How do I do that?

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Extract Data From Things In This Spreadsheet And Format It

Jul 18, 2006

I have attached an excel spreadsheet

how to set a macro to extract the following datas from it.

Game Title
Picture can be set at 1 side to the right of the URL

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Excel 2007 :: Inserting New Rows And Automatically Including ActiveX Checkbox

Nov 30, 2012

I'm using Excel 2007.

I'm building a spreadsheet which includes a few columns which have activex check boxes which are linked to cells. I want to allow the users of the spreadsheet to insert new rows if necessary. Ideally, when these new rows are inserted, the check boxes would also automatically appear in the corresponding columns of the new row (and be linked to the relevant cells), just the same way that pull-down menus and formulas automatically copy into the new row. Is there a way to do this?

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Excel 2007 :: Waterfall Chart - Change Color Of Vertical Bar Automatically

May 19, 2012

I am building this waterfall chart. I'd like to put conditional color formatting to change the vertical bar automatically e.g. if it is positive, the bar color is green and if it is negative the bar color is red.

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Excel 2007 :: If Then Statements Applied To Multiple Cells And Triggered Automatically

Oct 12, 2011

VBA in Excel 2007. Essentially, what I am trying to do is this:

I have to two columns (A and B) that have a drop down list in each cell containing text options. I created the drop down lists using simple data validation. Let's say that A has the following options (East, West, North, South) and B has (Up, Down, Left, Right). For each combination of these, e.g., A1 = East and B1 = Down, I want C1 to pull a unique piece of data (a $ amount) from a separate worksheet. I can get this to work in its most basic form but I want to be able to be able to do this for cells in rows 1 - 300 without having to write separate lines of code for each.

Additionally, I am having trouble getting C1 to update automatically once A1 or B1 are changed.

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Excel 2007 :: Option To Have Row Heights Set Automatically Based On Content Of Text In Row

Sep 28, 2012

Is there an option to have row heights set automatically based on the content of the text in the row, and given a specific column width?

I can right click, and set each row height individually.

I can select serveral rows stacked one on top of the other, each with limited text, and change all of those rows at the same time.

But when I select all rows, and try to change row height, the row height option is not there.

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