Excel 2010 :: Cannot Change Chart X-axis To Display Date Values

Nov 27, 2012

Example attached : Copy of CAB.xlsx

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Excel 2010 :: Formatting Chart Axis Values?

Oct 8, 2011

Why the recorded code doesn't work? I recorded the code below to format the Y-axis values of a chart with the recorder.

With Selection.Format.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font
.NameComplexScript = "Arial"


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Excel 2010 :: Y Axis Stuck In Middle Of Chart?

Feb 10, 2014

I have a bar graph in excel 2010 and the vertical access is stuck in the middle of the graph. When I right click on the axis and select "format axis" I have an option to set where the horizontal axis crosses but never the vertical.

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Stacked Chart - Change Bar Colors Based On Date (X Axis)

Apr 19, 2014

I am wanting the colors of the bars in a stacked chart to change based on the date in the X Axis. As the current date arrives, the stacked bar needs to change to various blue shades. If the date is in the future, the stacked bar needs to be various grey shades.

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Excel 2010 :: Place Textbox Between X Axis And Bottom Border Of Chart

Oct 27, 2011

In Excel 2010 I need to place a text box between the X axis and the bottom border of a chart.

How can increase the white space between the X axis and the bottom border to allow me to do this?

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Excel 2010 :: Color Chart Secondary Axis Remains Black

Nov 26, 2011

All I want to do is color the numbers on both the primary and secondary axis. Primary i want the shade of blue below. Secondary I want the shade of green below. Only the primary axis part of the code does its job. The secondary axis remains black. The code does complete without errors. Excel 2010.

sub color_axis()
ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).TickLabels.Font.Color = RGB(38, 40, 118)
ActiveChart.Axes(xlSecondary).TickLabels.Font.Color = RGB(0, 153, 0)
end sub

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Excel 2013 :: Date On Horizontal Axis On Chart

Apr 12, 2014

I'm having trouble getting the dates i want on the horizontal axis on a chart in Excel 2013. I want 12 dates along the axis starting at 01/01/2013 then each month until 1/12/13 however as you can see the dates are 01/01/1900.

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Create Chart With Names In Vertical Axis And Values In Horizontal Axis?

Mar 1, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with golfers handicaps, golfers names down the left in column A in rows 3-35. Row 2 has the event numbers titles 1 to 18 (18 events in a year). i need a graph that has the person as the vert axis and the horizontal axis needs to be the event numbers, so i can read down for the person and across to see how there handicaps change from each different event. i have attached the data below.

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Chart X-Axis To Display Specific Numbers

Jan 10, 2008

I am trying to format my x-axis to list only the labels that have corresponding data points, but at the same time maintain appropriate number spacing. For example, My x-axis range is 0-90; however, I only want tick marks at 0, 5, 13, 40, 85.

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Excel 2010 :: Change Default Pie Chart Colors In Recorded Macro?

Mar 20, 2014

I am working on a project where I am virtually almost finished except for a minor change with the pie chart. I am analyzing some data and recorded a macro to do this and also the pie chart for visualization. However, I do not like the color of the default pie chart colors and would like to customize it. How could I change this within the macro I have recorded?

[Code] .....

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Show Missing Values In Pivot Chart (line Chart) Axis?

Apr 18, 2013

How can I add missing values to the axis in a pivot chart line chart? I have a numerical X-axis with values such as 0,1,5,8,14, etc. I have another set of Y values that correspond to the X values. If this was an XY-scatter plot I'd be able to plot X vs. Y and connect the dots for "gaps" in the X values. Since it's a pivot chart I cannot use an XY-scatter plot, I can only use a line chart. The line chart doesn't give me the ability to add the "missing" values, so it gives the impression that my data is more closely packed than it is. The data source is external to my spreadsheet, so I cannot add the values before creating the pivot table/chart.

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Bar Chart With Dropdown Box To Change X Axis

May 6, 2014

Please see the attached workbook.

I would like to create a bar chart which is linked to a drop down box (from data validation) that allows me to choose of the 3 sets of data to show in the x axis.

So if i choose "HALF YEAR", the bar chart will have two bars (one is "jan-jul" the other is "jul-dec") with the green section data if i choose "QUARTER YEAR", the bar chart will have four bars ("jan-mar", "apr-jun", "jul-sep", "oct-dec") with the blue section data if i choose "INDIVIDUAL MONTHS" i have twelve bars....with the red section data.

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Change X Axis Of Scatter Chart

Jun 1, 2009

The attached file has a scatter chart in which all of the data is properly displayed except the X axis. How can I get my X axis to reflect the data I have selected?

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Excel 2010 :: Hide Zero Values In Pivot Chart

Nov 29, 2011

Excel 2010 how to not chart zero values in a Pivot Chart?

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Excel 2010 :: Values (from VLookup) Not Showing Up In Chart

Oct 22, 2012

I have excel 2010....

I am having problems creating a chart off of the following data. Each of the cells which have a numerical value are v-lookuping from another sheet. It needs to remain this way as when I switch brands (through data validation), the numbers will update and the chart should as well. Right now, the chart shows these values as zero. I have done this a million times in excel 2007, but now with 2010, I keep having this problem



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Excel 2010 :: Click On Pivot Chart Data Point And Display Data

Apr 22, 2014

Pivot Chart. I would like to set up something to where a user can click on an individual value on a pivot chart (currently a line chart set up with 4 data series) and somehow display some underlying data. I have a lot of information stored in a data worksheet that I can't display all at once, but if a user sees a questionable data point, he/she can click and learn more about it from source data, or even a new query of the data worksheet.

I am using Excel 2010

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Change X-axis Labels On Pivot Chart?

May 15, 2014

I have a data set where a number of pieces of technology are listed in rows. For each piece of technology it can relate to a "Network" or a "Terminal" and the columns are yes/no as follows:

Tech Network? Terminal?

Tech 1 Yes No
Tech 2 Yes Yes
Tech 3 No No
Tech 4 No Yes

When I plot this on a pivot chart, I get the attached chart, where the x-axis relate to the hierarchies, i.e. Yes/Yes, Yes/No, No/Yes or No/No. As you can imagine, this is not very useful for the viewer as it's not clear what the yeses and nos refer to. It would be much better if I could rename the axis labels: "both"; "network only"; "terminal only"; or "neither".

Is this possible? And is there a solution that doesn't require me to change the source data? I'm happy to use a power pivot if that would make things easier.

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Excel 2010 :: Chart To Show All Of Amount Values For Each Size Value

Dec 12, 2011

I am trying to create a chart that would show all of the Amount values for each Size value that is in the example data below. The Size column has fixed values. In my example the values are: .5, 1, 2, 5, 8, 13 and 21. The Amount column data is variable. Any of the static Size values can be associated with many Amount values. I was attempting to have the static Size values on the X (horizontal) axis and the Amount values on the Y (vertical) axis. I would like to have all of the Amount values for each Size value be shown directly above the corresponding size value, in one vertical line. See example below.

I an creating this type of chart in Excel 2010.

Note, I am still new to this forum and don't know how to post pictures or Excel data into my posts. I am also using dots (periods) to provide separation in my examples.

1........... 0.5
2........... 1
4........... 2

Chart that I am trying to create. The chart example is not to scale.


[Code] ........

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Fixing Chart Axis Scale To Thousands And Displaying Multiplication Display Label On Remaining Number

May 16, 2013

I want to automate the Display labels in my Charts using VBA Coding…

I would need to use this small code in Charts with different Scales as some of the Scales in my Data are in a very large Range close to Trillions so its not possible to have these as the Primary-Y-Axis Scale and therefore I would need to use the in-built Display label option which Excel provides..

However, I always prefer to have the scale in the Range of Thousands so the Max I can have in the Scale can be 10,000 so if there is any Number more than that or the Scale is going above than I would prefer that this gets auto-calculated to Multiply with the remainder and show appropriate Scaling.

For Ex:In this example My largest Number is 4500000000 which is 100 M..So I would want the scale to show 4500 and the Display label as X Millions..

So The Display Label would be different for different Ranges but the Max Scale preffered would be 10,000.

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Change Chart Axis Font Color With A Checkbox

Aug 22, 2014

Any way to change the font color of a chart axis when a checkbox is set to true.

let checkbox be checkbox5 and chart be chart5. What I would like to happen is that if checkbox5 is true then the font color of the horizontal axis changed to grey (RGB 166,166,166), if it is false then I would like the font color of the horizontal axis to be black (RGB 0,0,0). I also would like this macro to be run every time the checkbox changes, or the corresponding cell changes to TRUE or FALSE (it is in another sheet, say sheet2). This is the code I have so far but all it is doing is showing the chart as selected and not changing the font color. I would also like it to not physically select the chart, this is for a dashboard so the selecting of the chart throws off some of the visuals a bit, but not sure how to do change the chart values without selecting it.

[Code] ......

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Excel 2010 :: Automatically Change Value Based On Date?

Apr 18, 2014

I'm relatively new to Excel and I'm currently making a basic spreadsheet for my personal income/spending.

How would I make the "Earned this Month" and "Spent this Month" tabs in the top update on a month to month basis automatically?

For example, in the month of may, it would display may's values, june would be june's etc. etc.

(Excel 2010 w/ Windows 7)

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Chart Axis Date Intervals

Feb 20, 2009

I'm using Excel 2007 and I want to plot data vs dates. Furthermore I want the dates on the dates axis to increment by month not by a certain number of days. So something like this:


There's the Major/Minor Units on the Axis Options screen but I cannot type in a constant number since the number of days for each month is different.

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How To Make Y Axis Values In Chart Jump From 0 To 40

Jul 17, 2013

I have a chart with percentages and most of them are >40% so I would like te values to start at 40 in the y axis but I would also want to have the 0% show (as it stands there is nothing there) It is a double y axis chart where the % is shown with just a dot and the other Y axis is the actual column. Im not sure if I'm making sense but I would just like to have the 1st value in the secondary y axis be 0 and the 2nd value be 40, and from that point forward scale in intervals of 5%.

So the values in the y axis are: 0%, 40%, 45%, 50%......

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Hide Minus Values On Y-axis On A Chart

Jun 25, 2007

column chart displaying various pieces of data.

At the top of my worksheet I have a combo box which allows you to select a local authority name; and all relevant information in the worksheet is highlighted (using conditional formatting, extra series in charts to make relevant points highlight in red, etc).

I've added a series to the chart and changed it's type to line - then with the data labels positioned beneath the points on the line I can get conditional formatted x category labels - all outlined here: [url]

Because my x category labels are fairly long I've had to give them an orientation of -90 and make the minimum y-axis value equal to -200 to give enough room beneath the chart to fit the text in.

As I said above, the values below 0 are just there to provide space at the bottom of the chart, so my question is: is there a way to hide these negative values? I'm sure I've done it before, but can't remember how - I thought maybe a custom number format of #;[White]# would work, but it just inverted my text (white text on black background).

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Chart - Mark Y-Axis With Values From Table

Dec 18, 2008

is does anyone know if there is a way of marking the y-axis in a chart with data from a table, so rather than having a fixed segmentation width have the distances between the data points marked on the Vertical to conform to a range in a spreadsheet? I know you can do that for the x-axis. Is there any way to do that for the y-axis as well?

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Maximum & Minimum Axis Values From Chart

Nov 20, 2009

how I get the maximum and minimum values of the axis from and excel chart? What I mean is I want to specify a chart, and output in the same excel worksheet the values for the maximum and minimum of the two axis.

I have tried various searches, but cannot come up with the answer, although I have a sneaky suspicion it in here somewhere.

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Excel Chart - Defining X Axis Value

Mar 15, 2013

Excel chart that whenever I am defining than X axis value then excel chart will show 2 unit more than whatever is my maximum value.

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Gantt-type Chart With Quarterly Marks On The Date Axis?

May 22, 2014

I'm using a stacked bar chart (in Excel 2010, running on Windows 7) to create a simple Gantt-type chart - with just four or five bars. I've got my chart looking most of the way I want it to, but one thing still eludes me: I'd like to set up the major axis ticks to be quarters of the year (from 1/1/2011 to 4/1/2013). Since quarters are not regular intervals (they are not exactly every 90 days), I can't do this using Excel's standard functionality for choosing axis tick marks.

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Dates With Different Colour In X Axis In Excel Chart?

May 12, 2013

I want to draw a chart in Excel, in X axis Dates and in Y axis some other data. The dates which fall Saturday and Sunday will show in RED colour. Other dates will show in default colour.

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Excel 2010 :: Plotting Values V1 / V2 / V3 And V4 According To Given Date And Condition

Mar 25, 2014

Excel Version : MS Excel 2010
Attachment filename : <Forum to plot the values.xls>

My requirement is i want to plot the values V1, V2, V3 and V4 from the given condition (A1 / A2 / A3 / A4) and the given date.

If the given date is not available then the formula should take the older date than it not next date. For example if the given date is 10-Mar-14 and the date is not available for the given condition then it should take the older / earlier dates like 09-Mar-14 or 08-Mar-14 like and it should not take 11-Mar-14, 12-Mar-14.

The values should be plotted in the yellow cells.

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