Excel 2010 :: Compare 2 Worksheets - Eliminate Those Falling Under Specific Criteria

Jul 2, 2012

I have 2 lists (excel 2010) that I need to compare (they are currently 2 files, but I can combine them into 1 file with 2 worksheets) if it would be better.

The first list is of "All Students" at our college. The second list is those students who live "ON campus". I need a list of those students who live OFF campus.

The common denominator headers in both lists is: A1 Last Name A2 First Name

I would like to keep the "All Students" list as my master as it contains all the data I need such as addresses.

Ideally, I would like to create a macro or lookup or whatever that will take everyone from the "ON" list and remove them from the "ALL" list, leaving me with the data I need.

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Excel 2010 :: Unhiding Specific Number Of Worksheets Based On Cell Value

Jun 26, 2013

I have been attempting to cobble together code from different forums for the past several hours to make a macro to unhide a specific number of worksheets based on a cell value, and have failed miserably thus far. Here are the specifics of what I have going on:

Microsoft Excel 2010
Workbook Name: TASERR Model - 06-26-13.xlsm

In this workbook, I have a worksheet called "Input". In cell C21 of that worksheet, workbook users will fill in a number between 1 and 50 (I have the value for that cell limited to those numbers through data validation). Based on the value in that cell (C21), I want to make a macro to unhide that specific number of hidden worksheets. I have 50 hidden worksheets which are named "Route (1)", "Route (2)", "Route (3)", etc.. If the value in cell C21 is 7, I want the worksheets named "Route (1)", "Route (2)", "Route (3)", "Route (4)", "Route (5)", "Route (6)", and "Route (7)" to unhide. If the value in cell C21 is 3, I want the worksheets named "Route (1)", "Route (2)", and "Route (3)" to unhide. I'm sure y'all can see the functionality I'm going for at this point.

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Excel 2010 :: Sum Based On Criteria In Specific Column?

Oct 20, 2011

how can i sum base on the Criteria in Columns G, in this sample the sum should be 67.

Sheet1ABCDEFG1V. GoodGoodFairBadN/AReported29853N/A8Bad31085328N/A410953N/A8Good510853N/A8Good61085378Good77853N/A8V. Good810853N/A8Good910753N/A8Reported108853N/A8Good11585308N/A1210653N/A8Good1367Excel 2010Worksheet FormulasCellFormulaG13=67

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Excel 2010 :: Determine And Eliminate Unassigned Macros

Jun 21, 2012

I'm using excel 2010 and have inherited an old workbook that has seen many version updates over the years. The "view macros" list displays approx 25 macros and I know that not all are currently being used or necessary.

The main tab contains macro control buttons. Any macro not assigned to one of these controls is not necessary (it's probably old and was just never removed).

How can I determine which macros are "unassigned" to a control or otherwise invalid?

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Excel 2010 :: Eliminate Duplicates And Plot Without Duplicate In Yellow Cells?

Jun 27, 2014

Excel Version : 2010
Attached File name : <Eliminating duplicates.xlsx>

I want to eliminate the duplicates and plot without duplicate in the yellow cells.

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Excel 2010 :: Locate And Eliminate Links To External Sources Referenced By Worksheet

Feb 15, 2013

Upon opening after "Enable" is selected the workbook attempts to locate several nonexistent pieces of data, either internet based files or network based files. Requested data appears to be about 11 years old and would not be applicable it located.

Edit Links shows the location of the requested files, i.e., E:filename but does not show the location within the document that causes this request. A search for "E:" does not locate text in any worksheets.

The question is how to delete or turn off this problem which slows opening, saving, and recalculation of a large multiple worksheet workbook.

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Compare Specific Cells From Three Separate Worksheets

Mar 27, 2009

Is there a way to compare specific data from three separate worksheets to see if they are equal?

I receive three daily reports that contain some of the same information that must match in order to correctly compile an Executive Report. Currently, I am doing this manually. Is there any way to automate the process to have a warning or something similar pop up if the numbers do not match?

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Compare Worksheets & Highlight 1 By Criteria

Feb 18, 2008

I have read other threads dealing with this issue, but none seem to help me! I have a workbook with two worksheets, both with the same number of rows in them. I want each cell in worksheet1 to be compared to the cell in the same row and column in worksheet2, and if the worksheet1 cell is greater in value then the cell should turn red. I have tried the previously mentioned tactic of selecting the whole column in worksheet2, assigning it a name, selecting the column in worksheet1, and applying conditional formating based on the name. However, the result is always that the whole column in worksheet1 turns red, regardless of whether the cells are greater in value or not.

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Excel 2010 :: Sort Worksheets Alphabetically And Keep The Data In Worksheets

May 15, 2013

I have read that there is a VBA macro in F11, but I also read that it would only sort the workshhet names, but not the data. I have Excel 2010.

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Compare Two Worksheets(one Acts As Template) And Copy Based On Criteria(greater Than

Jun 20, 2006

Here is what i want to do. # I have a workbook say 'Template', which has two columns: ColA -> Names , ColB -> Value, his acts as a template, i.e a budget. # Another workbook 'sample' which has similar ColA(may contain additional rows) and corresponding value in ColB.

Here is what i need::

I need to copy the contents of ColA and ColB of 'sample' wholse ColB valules are greater than ColB values of 'Template' for corresponding ColA values in both, into a new workbook. SO basically, template acts as a budget check for the sample workbook, and if any value in ColB goes above the budget in template, it will show up in the new workbook. I have attached both the workbooks. Basically the red highlighted cells in Sample are the ones i want in a new workbook.

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Excel 2010 :: Compare 2 Columns With Dates?

Dec 11, 2013

I have 2 columns directly next to each other each containing dates.

Example 1:
F2 = 5/23/13
G2 = 5/23/14

Example 2:
F3 = 6/6/13
G3 = 4/11/14

I wanted to do a conditional formatting that would highlight the cell in
column G if the Month/Day doesn't match the Month/Day in column F

Is there a way to do this with Excel only looking at the Day/Month and ignoring the year??

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Excel 2010 :: Compare Two Spreadsheets In Same Workbook

Nov 17, 2011

How to compare two spreadsheets in the same workbook in Excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Use Macro To Compare Two Sheets

Jul 18, 2014

I'm working to compare to sheet every days and i have been doing this for 2 years

I need to write macro to compare 2 columns from two sheets (sheet1 and sheet2) on same excel book and display the result on the sheet2. The number of rows and columns may not be equal and it can vary each time.

The result should be written in the sheet2 at column 'NOTES'

If serial number is blank, the result written at NOTES column =*NOT TRACK

If serial number found on sheet 1-serialNumber column, the result written at NOTES column =*Registered

If no serial number found on sheet 1-serialNumber column, the result written at NOTES column =*New registration

Example Sheet1:


[Code] .....

I'm using excel 2010 and window 7.

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Compare Two Excel Worksheets For Cell Differences?

Mar 8, 2005

This is a physical inventory process. An employee, using a barcode reader, will populate the cells of one column in a worksheet with asset IDs that are located at a facility. Once done, the employee must compare the cell values of the worksheet that he or she has populated to the cell values of the inventory roster. The desired outcome is to produce a plus/delta report based on the comparison of the two worksheets.

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Compare Values From Two Different Worksheets (same Excel File)

May 14, 2014

I need to look at the values in Column B Sheet1 and compare to Values in Column K in Sheet2. If there is a match, I want to put "Cashed" in the cell adjacent to the cell in Sheet1.

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Excel 2010 :: Compare 2 Sheets And Add Missing Row From Sheet 1

Nov 4, 2012

How i could this one in formula or macro, first my 1st sheet is just as show below (maybe use for a template)

1st sheet (full list)




then 2nd sheet, report i get which something like this :




then i want result like this on 3rd sheet :



so basically i want add missing row on sheet 2 from sheet 1

I am using office 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Compare And Make Summary In New Sheet

Jan 6, 2013

Excel 2010ABCDEFGH1DATESAMPLECUSTOMERSHADEREF #ARTICLE"BRAND"REQD2REQ # CONES302.01.139118CNS-BACLAS-40463-2TEX-60-2000M   PP(29/3)SILVER FALCON2402.01.139118CNS-BACLAS-40463-2TEX-30-3000M   PP(40/2)SILVER FALCON2502.01.139118CNS-BACLAS-40463-2TEX-27-3000M   

[Code] ......

I have like above 12 sheets (JAN-12 to DEC-12). I want to make a summary in new sheet base on bellow condition.

All the 12 sheets , data need to copy to new sheet & same time if Column "C,D & F" values are repeating in same sheet or any other sheets then that repeating rows column " H" values should summarized (only one entry should display in summary).

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Return True / False If Specific Criteria Met Between Worksheets In Same Workbbok

May 28, 2014

First one: The thought process is that inbound inventory data is logged on one sheet; outbound inventory data logged on another within the same workbook. When specific data from the inbound sheet (LPN column) is 'shipped' and entered on the outbound sheet, that specific data needs to be verified against the order number it was intended to ship against and if everything lines up, to have a TRUE value returned, or FALSE if not.

Second one: same type of thing - I'd like to look for the same specific criteria (LPN) between the inbound and outbound worksheets and if the same LPN is found on the outbound sheet, to return a value of "SHIPPED".

Third and fourth - same deal again except this time, would like to tie back the outbound Destination and ship date data from the outbound worksheet to the inbound worksheet.

A copy of the workbook is attached for reference with cells that require formulas highlighted in yellow on the inbound sheet and data cells from which the formulas will verify data in green on the outbound sheet.

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Compare 2 Excel Worksheets - Show Items Added / Removed And Modified

Jul 11, 2014

I have 2 worksheets in which the worksheet named Existing Items has a table consisting of list of items with their unit price & worksheet named New Items also has a modified table with updated items (some parts might be added, removed, modified or unchanged). I have attached the test workbook (Sample.xlsx) here for your reference.

I am looking for a macro that compares these 2 sheets with the Part Number as a Unique Identifier & displays the result in the following manner:

New items added in New Items -> List these items in the Items Added worksheet Items removed from Existing Items -> List these items in the Items Removed worksheet Items whose price has changed in New Items -> List these items in the Price Change worksheet Items whose price has not changed in Existing Items & New Items -> List these items in the Unchanged worksheet A Summary worksheet which shows the count of items added, removed, modified & unmodified

Note that I have already included information in the Existing Items, New Items, Price Change, Unchanged & Summary worksheets just for your reference but this needs to be done by a macro.

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Excel 2010 :: Compare 2 Columns In Different Sheets - Unique Values Output To 3rd Sheet

Feb 4, 2013

I'm trying to compile a VBA that would allow me to compare 2 columns "A" in different worksheets (same Workbook) and output any unique values to 3rd worksheet together with the rest of the values in the corresponding row.



Excel 2010

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Excel 2010 :: Set For Specific Worksheet

Jul 30, 2014

I am using lesson 33 of Excel VBA and Macros with Mr Excel as my guideline. The coding is as follows:

Dim WBO As Workbook 'original workbook
Dim WBN As Workbook 'individual data workbooks
Dim WSL As Worksheet 'List of files worksheet
Dim WSN As Worksheet

Set WBO = ThisWorkbook
Set WSL = WBO.Worksheets("List")
Set WSD = WBO.Worksheets("Data")

[Code] ......

I have indicated above with ( ) the beginning of my problem.

From the workbook with the list of workbooks to open, in each case I want to refer to a worksheet in each workbook
named "Report" and grab all the rows with data exept heading (rows 1 & 2) and 9 columns.

How do I get WSN in the code above to include the worksheet named "Report" or do I need different coding. Using Windows 7 & Excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Highlight Same Values In Different Worksheets

Jul 26, 2013

I have "Worksheet1" with Columns A and B for IP Addresses, then Column C is for a device name.

I have "Worksheet2" with a range of IP Address from F5:I260

When I enter a new device and assign it the IP addresses on "Worksheet1", I would like the IP Address to highlight in "Worksheet2"

This way I can keep track of which IP address I have used. Excel 2010

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Excel 2010 :: How To Hide And Unhide Worksheets

Oct 4, 2013

I have an Excel 2010 file with 10 worksheets. I would like to set up two VBA codes to attached to a two button; one to hide specific worksheets, the other to unhide. The specific worksheets are:

Calculation Sheet
GL Receipt

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Excel 2010 :: Pasting Charts To Other Worksheets

Sep 29, 2011

I have a simple problem. I have many worksheets which all contain data in the first four columns. I want to be able to create a chart (a scatter chart) in the first worksheet which plots the data on that worksheet and then format it how I want it to look. This I can do.

Next, I want to copy and paste that graph into all the other worksheets, but have the pasted graphs display the data in that worksheet.

As it stands, in Excel 2010, all the pasted graphs keep showing the data in the original worksheet irrespective of which worksheet I now have them in. This seems to be different to older versions of Excel and is very annoying and has to be changed by hand which is very time consuming.

How can I make charts that don't have the worksheet name in the cell reference, or how can I paste a chart so that is updates the references to the same row and column but in the new worksheet?

I know I could copy and paste the entire worksheet and then manually copy the new data into that copy of the worksheet - but that is not a real solution to this problem.

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Excel 2010 :: Hiding Worksheets When Closing File?

Apr 28, 2012

I am using MS Excel 2010.

What I want to Hide two worksheets and leave one worksheet open when I close out the file.

ws TOC will remain open when closing out the file
ws Rqmts will hide when closing out the file
ws Planning will hide when closing out the file

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Excel 2010 :: Find Duplicates Within Specific Timeframe?

Jun 26, 2014

Is there a way to differentiate the number of unique and duplicate entries (considering multiple criterias) using a formula.

I am finding it hard to describe the request hence i have attached a spreadsheet for reference.

The first tab contains the data where I want the result in 'column J'
The second tab contains the metrics of how to calculate the result.

I am sure this will be difficult to understand at first hence feel free to ask as many questions you would like to [only related to the subject ]

For the record, I use Excel 2007 & 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Pull AP Within Specific Zip Code?

Jun 15, 2012

I have an excel 2010 spreadsheet that lists all of our vendors and the amount we spent with them over the last year.

I want to know how many of them were local vendors.

I have a list of all the zip codes within a 100 mile radius (there are about 500 zip codes). I would like to write a macro or sort function that searches the entire vendor list and only reports back those vendors that are included in the zip codes I specify.

The columns are as follows:

Vendor City StateZip CodeTotal AP
Vendor 1TROY AL36082527.37
Vendor 2PHOENIXAZ85054100
Vendor 3TUCSONAZ8571416255

I want to keep the all the columns, I just want to eliminate all of the vendors that do not fall within the zip code criteria I set.

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Excel 2010 :: Find And Replace Within Specific Column?

Oct 1, 2012

I have an excel workbook where some sheets have a column called "Name" in Row 3. The column where "Name" appears shifts based upon other criteria so it's not set within 1 specific column.

The real data for the "Name" column starts in Row 5. Is it possible to create a macro that looks in Row 3 for "Name", then once it finds that column, it does a find and replace from Row 5 to the end of the data and replaces every space with a ^.

For example, if I have:

Row 3 Name
Row 4
Row 5 John Smith
Row 6 Jane Doe
Row 7 John Doe
Row 8 Jane Smith

I'd like the data to become:

Row 3 Name
Row 4
Row 5 John^Smith
Row 6 Jane^Doe
Row 7 John^Doe
Row 8 Jane^Smith

I'm using Excel 2010 if that impacts anything.

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Excel 2010 :: VBA - Run Code Only When Clicking In Specific Cell?

Dec 23, 2013

how to run some VBA code (written by someone else, unfortunately) only when clicking once in cell A1, and not run in any other cell. This is being run in Excel 2010. The code I would like to run in this manner is below, and currently will run when the user clicks on any cell in the worksheet it is applied.

Option Explicit_________________________________________
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
'If IsDate(Target.Cells(1, 1).Value) Then
Set DatePickerForm.Target = Target.Cells(1, 1)
DatePickerForm.Show vbModal
Cancel = True
'End If
End Sub

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Excel 2010 :: Find String And Delete Column On All Worksheets

Jul 9, 2014

Why my code is not working. I am working with Excel 2010. It will only delete the column on the active spreadsheet and not go to next worksheet. Not all worksheets contain the word "Broker".

[Code] ......

Not sure if its something to do with Activecell, try After:=ws.cells(1,1) or passing it in as the active cell stays the same i think.

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