Excel 2010 :: Compare Two Spreadsheets In Same Workbook

Nov 17, 2011

How to compare two spreadsheets in the same workbook in Excel 2010.

View 4 Replies


Excel 2010 :: Import Data From Other Spreadsheets Into Multiple Tables?

Sep 13, 2013

I'm trying to create some vba code that will go into other .xlsx documents, pull all cells with a value in the first 30 columns and then return them as a table. Basically each work crew has a .xlsx spreadsheet containing their schedule and I am trying to bring them all together into one nice little package. If I go to import from external sources then click XML data, navigate to the folder they are in and them click show all files and pick my spreadsheet it imports nicely. Then I go to the next blank cell in column "A" and repeat for the 4 crews. Now I can filter by each crew but all 4 are visible on a single page as a table. I recorded a macro that shows everything I did, but it is not dynamic (the .xlsx source files name changes based on the month) I'm running XP sp3 with Excel 2010

Here is a copy of what I have


With ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(SourceType:=0, Source:=Array( _
"OLEDB;Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Password="""";User ID=Admin;Data Source=C:Documents and SettingsUSERNAMEDesktopSCHEDULE STUF" _
, _
"FAcrewCurrent.xlsx;Mode=Share Deny Write;Extended Properties=""HDR=YES;"";Jet OLEDB:System database="""";Jet OLEDB:Registry Path=""""" _
, _
";Jet OLEDB:Database Password="""";Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=37;Jet OLEDB:Database Locking Mode=0;Jet OLEDB:Global Partial Bulk Ops=2;J" _
, _
"et OLEDB:Global Bulk Transactions=1;Jet OLEDB:New Database Password="""";Jet OLEDB:Create System Database=False;Jet OLEDB:Encrypt " _


Is there a better or simpler way to do this? The tables don't need to be forever linked to their previous spreadsheets so if copy/pasting is a better way than I am all for that as well.

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Excel 2010 :: Printing Spreadsheets With Increasing Number In A Cell

Feb 5, 2014

I have a 2010 Excel spreadsheet where I have a macro set up to print the page. What I need it to do though is to increase a number in a cell and display it each time I print the page.

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Excel 2010 :: File Sharing - Link 4 Spreadsheets Where Information Will Be Updated By One Person

Apr 21, 2013

I have a Excel Spread Sheet which has been created, there will be 4 people in 4 different locations who will have access to this spreadsheet and will need to update/amend it through "Dropbox", my question/problem is, how can I link the 4 spreadsheets where information will be updated by one person, but will update all 4 sheets at the same time.

Is this possible and how do I go about it?

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Excel 2010 :: Compare 2 Columns With Dates?

Dec 11, 2013

I have 2 columns directly next to each other each containing dates.

Example 1:
F2 = 5/23/13
G2 = 5/23/14

Example 2:
F3 = 6/6/13
G3 = 4/11/14

I wanted to do a conditional formatting that would highlight the cell in
column G if the Month/Day doesn't match the Month/Day in column F

Is there a way to do this with Excel only looking at the Day/Month and ignoring the year??

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Excel 2010 :: Use Macro To Compare Two Sheets

Jul 18, 2014

I'm working to compare to sheet every days and i have been doing this for 2 years

I need to write macro to compare 2 columns from two sheets (sheet1 and sheet2) on same excel book and display the result on the sheet2. The number of rows and columns may not be equal and it can vary each time.

The result should be written in the sheet2 at column 'NOTES'

If serial number is blank, the result written at NOTES column =*NOT TRACK

If serial number found on sheet 1-serialNumber column, the result written at NOTES column =*Registered

If no serial number found on sheet 1-serialNumber column, the result written at NOTES column =*New registration

Example Sheet1:


[Code] .....

I'm using excel 2010 and window 7.

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Excel 2010 :: Compare 2 Sheets And Add Missing Row From Sheet 1

Nov 4, 2012

How i could this one in formula or macro, first my 1st sheet is just as show below (maybe use for a template)

1st sheet (full list)




then 2nd sheet, report i get which something like this :




then i want result like this on 3rd sheet :



so basically i want add missing row on sheet 2 from sheet 1

I am using office 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Compare And Make Summary In New Sheet

Jan 6, 2013

Excel 2010ABCDEFGH1DATESAMPLECUSTOMERSHADEREF #ARTICLE"BRAND"REQD2REQ # CONES302.01.139118CNS-BACLAS-40463-2TEX-60-2000M   PP(29/3)SILVER FALCON2402.01.139118CNS-BACLAS-40463-2TEX-30-3000M   PP(40/2)SILVER FALCON2502.01.139118CNS-BACLAS-40463-2TEX-27-3000M   

[Code] ......

I have like above 12 sheets (JAN-12 to DEC-12). I want to make a summary in new sheet base on bellow condition.

All the 12 sheets , data need to copy to new sheet & same time if Column "C,D & F" values are repeating in same sheet or any other sheets then that repeating rows column " H" values should summarized (only one entry should display in summary).

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Excel 2010 :: Compare 2 Worksheets - Eliminate Those Falling Under Specific Criteria

Jul 2, 2012

I have 2 lists (excel 2010) that I need to compare (they are currently 2 files, but I can combine them into 1 file with 2 worksheets) if it would be better.

The first list is of "All Students" at our college. The second list is those students who live "ON campus". I need a list of those students who live OFF campus.

The common denominator headers in both lists is: A1 Last Name A2 First Name

I would like to keep the "All Students" list as my master as it contains all the data I need such as addresses.

Ideally, I would like to create a macro or lookup or whatever that will take everyone from the "ON" list and remove them from the "ALL" list, leaving me with the data I need.

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Excel 2010 :: Compare 2 Columns In Different Sheets - Unique Values Output To 3rd Sheet

Feb 4, 2013

I'm trying to compile a VBA that would allow me to compare 2 columns "A" in different worksheets (same Workbook) and output any unique values to 3rd worksheet together with the rest of the values in the corresponding row.



Excel 2010

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Excel 2010 :: Close Second Workbook From Workbook BeforeClose?

May 27, 2014

I cannot make this work in XL2010.

I am opening a second workbook in ReadOnly in the Workbook Open and Closing it in the Workbook BeforeClose.

I don't EVER want to save changes on either workbook.

I need to leave excel open as the macro created a 3rd workbook which the user will need.


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How To Compare Data Between Two Spreadsheets

Jul 23, 2011

I'm doing an audit where I need to compare data between two spreadsheets that are housed on the same worksheet. The data I'm trying to compare is the ssn#. I'm expecting duplicates, I'm trying to find ssn#'s that do not match up with another. In other words, if one spreadsheet has 92ssn#s, the other has 79, I want to be able to identify those that do not have a matching ssn# from one spreadsheet to the other.

Both spreadsheets have the following columns:

Column A Column B Column C
SSN Last Name First Name

The tab on the bottom of sheet 1 is titled "CX Data", the tab on the bottom of sheet two is titled, "BCBS of AL Data"

in creating a VLOOKUP formula that will meet my needs?

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Compare Data Between Two Spreadsheets

Jan 12, 2012

I have two spreadsheets, and wish to compare some of the objects. I have my vba code set up in Sheet1, and my functions in Module1 in one spreadsheet. I successfully open up the second one, then get this error message:

Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications
Run-time error '1004':
Application-defined or object-defined error.

If I comment out the SwitchExcel line, the script works.

Here is my code:

Dim theRow As Integer
Dim theCol As Integer
Dim strVal As String
Dim LastCellRow As Long
Dim LastCellColumn As Long
Dim YesNo As Boolean

[Code] ..........

Module1 code consists of:

Function LastCellColumnNumber() As Long
' Last cell in column
Dim RowNumber As Long
Set WS = Worksheets("Sheet1")
With WS
RowNumber = 2
If .Cells(RowNumber, .Columns.Count) vbNullString Then
Set LastCell = .Cells(RowNumber, .Columns.Count)

[Code] .......

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Compare Two Spreadsheets And Copy From One To The Other

Mar 2, 2010

I have a spread sheet where I need to update columns "H" and "I", the information comes from the host system as an excel download.

Both spreadsheets have the entity id in column "A".
Both spreadsheets are in the same workbook
The tabs are:


What would be nice is a macro that would compare column "A" in both spreadsheets and where a match is found copy the information on the OPEX tab in column "H" and column "I" to the CAM Exp tab in the same columns. (Column "H" and "I")

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Compare 2 Spreadsheets And Change Data

May 30, 2014

I have 2 spread sheets

One is just email addresses
c@c.com etc.

The other contains data and also these email addresses I need to compare the 2 and when a match is found change the email address in the data table to something else, say "tony".

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Compare Or Isolate Differences Between Spreadsheets

Mar 12, 2009

I am a relatively light Excel user. I mainly use it when working with the .dbf files that make-up GIS shapefiles.

My problem at hand: How can I compare/isolate the rows from spreadsheet #1 to #2 to determine which rows are unique to spreadsheet #1?

What I'm doing: I have a spreadsheet of addresses which I joined to our parcels shapefile to select those parcels. I am trying to determine the success rate of my join operation by isolating the rows which weren't joined. This would be determined by highlighting which rows from spreadsheet #1 aren't in #2.

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Compare And Match Values In Two Spreadsheets

Mar 27, 2009

I have two spreadsheets SP1 and SP2. I need to match values in column E of SP1 with values in column A of SP2. If I find a match in SP2, I need to find a value starting with 'TC_' from the previous rows and get the corresponding value in column B of SP2 and paste in column F of SP1.

For example, E1 value in SP1 matches with A3 value in SP2. So I need to find the row with value TC_AM01_axs_fhgn and get the corresponding value in column B AM01 and copy it in column F of SP1.

The two example spreadsheets are given below. The values in SP1 sheet has expected result in column F in red.


SeriesS.NoItem #CaseReuse CompScenario #A1abc001_CTC001AM01B2bcd002_ATC002AM02C3def003_BTC003AM03D4efg004_DTC004AM04E5ghi005_ETC005F6hij006_FTC006G7lmn007_GTC007H8opq008_HTC008I9rst009_ITC009J10uvw010_JTC010K11xyz011_KTC011


Case #SubjectTC_AM01_axs_fhgnAM01TC001asdhagsdjharteuTC_AM02_axs_fhgnAM02TC002asdhagsdjharteu12sdfsiu786dfgg88hdcfs676566532kjjjiTC_AM03_axs_fhgnAM03TC003asdhagsdjharteuTC_AM04_axs_fhgnAM04TC004asdhagsdjharteu

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Compare Two Spreadsheets And Return Differences

Mar 17, 2007

I have two spreadsheets that I have to compare three columns in each to each other and find the difference between them. And I'm not sure how to do this.

I have attached a sample file to show what I'm looking at.

Basicly I need to know the differences between each spreadsheet based on zips. Each zip is assigned to a store and group and the "data" spreadsheet is the master. I need to compare the "system" spreadsheet and have it show me what is different based on each zip.

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Vba Copy And Compare Data In 2 Spreadsheets

May 4, 2007

I am trying to compare values in column "A" of my PRIMARY spreadsheet with values in column "A" of my SECONDARY spreadsheet. If match in PRIMARY is found in SECONDARY, copy column b and c from SENCONDARY and paste in b and c of PRIMARY. Next, test for next true statement until no other matches in PRIMARY.

Any ideas of how to quickly and efficiently accomplish this task? Actually, I am now copying a spreadsheet from another workbook and pasting the content to another sheet which I am referring to as SECONDARY in the previous paragraph.

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Compare Last Names And Dates Of Birth From Two Spreadsheets

Feb 5, 2009

I have several old spreadsheets that contain patient information. Except for names, dates of birth, and dates of surgery there is nothing consistent about them. Not only that, the old spreadsheets were in various stages of compiliation and recompilation when they were abandoned. So now there are multiple duplications of old names added to lists of new names spread across multiple spreadsheets. I have to identify names that are not already in my database and add them.

I have a formula that I found on the internet that I can use to check if a patient’s last name in an old spreadsheet is one that already appears in my main database. In my attached example the formula looks like this:

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Search And Compare Cell Values In Different Spreadsheets

Feb 22, 2007

I have two worksheets with products that I need to compare.

Each product has a code and a product name in the following format:
Column A has the product code and column D the product name,for



Both sheets *should* have the same data in them but there are 4000
products that need to have their description verified.So I need to go
down each row on Sheet1 , extract the product code from
Sheet1.ColumnA and the product name from Sheet1.ColumnD. Then do a
search on Sheet2 for the product code (Sheet2.ColumnA) and verify that
the product description on sheet2 (Sheet2.ColumnD) is the same as in
Sheet1.ColumnD. If it matches,everything is OK. If not there is
something wrong. So I´m thinking that maybe the product codes that
dont have matching descriptions could be entered in to a separate
worksheet so that someone can check it later.

I´ve been reading around and found these code samples from this site

Dim rng1 as Range, i as Long
Dim cell as Range
With worksheet("Sheet1")
set rng1 = .Range(.Cells(1,1),.Cells(1,1).End(xldown))
End With

i = 0
for each cell in rng1

if cell.Value worksheets("Sheet2") .Range("A1").Offset(i,0).Value
' do what - they don't match
' do what - they match
End if
i = i + 1

I´ve been trying to make some changes but I dont quite know how to get this working to do what I want and I only get errors.

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Search And Compare Cell Values In 2 Different Spreadsheets

Feb 22, 2007

I have two worksheets with products that I need to compare. Each product has a code and a product name in the following format: Column A has the product code and column D the product name,for

ColumnA :


Both sheets *should* have the same data in them but there are 4000 products that need to have their description verified.So I need to go down each row on Sheet1 , extract the product code from Sheet1.ColumnA and the product name from Sheet1.ColumnD. Then do a search on Sheet2 for the product code (Sheet2.ColumnA) and verify that the product description on sheet2 (Sheet2.ColumnD) is the same as in Sheet1.ColumnD. If it matches,everything is OK. If not there is something wrong. So I´m thinking that maybe the product codes that dont have matching descriptions could be entered in to a separate worksheet so that someone can check it later.

I´ve been reading around and found these code samples from this site ...

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Compare Two Spreadsheets Altering 2nd One Based On Contents Of The First

Jul 6, 2007

I have a master spreadsheet containing 4 relevant fields, 'Manufacturer', 'Product', 'Version' and 'Type'. This contains all possible variations of 'manufacturer', 'product' and 'version' that can occur in the organisation.
The type field shows how the particular item is going to be processed, either 'automated', 'manual' or 'non'

This is a computer generated spreadsheet, apart from the 'Type' field which we've entered for each one individually, as are the user spreadsheets which dont yet have the 'type' field.

This is a large list of around 7000 items

I then have a multiple spreadsheets (one for each user, totaling around 1200) that has a list of a couple of hundred items that are relevant to the user which contains 'manufacturer', 'product' and 'version'.

i need to sort these out quickly by comparing the sheet to the master spreadsheet so where 'manufacturer', 'product' and 'version' match up with the masters record it automatically removes the the 'non' type of item from the user sheet and placing either 'automated' or 'manual' in a new 'type' filed where appropriate

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Excel 2010 :: Pull Value From One Workbook Into Another

Aug 6, 2014

Using Excel 2010. I have 2 worksheets, saved in same folder (if that matters).

Worksheet 1=Master_List.xlsx


Worksheet 2=Sample_List.xlsx
Doesn't Matter
Doesn't Matter
Doesn't Matter
Doesn't Matter
Doesn't Matter

Doesn't Matter
Doesn't Matter
Doesn't Matter
Doesn't Matter
Doesn't Matter

Basically, I'm looking to populate the blank cells in the PartNumber column (Sample_List) by looking at the data in Column1, Column2, Column3 then going to the Master_List, matching up Column1, Column2, Column3. The PartNumber value in the row with the matching values would then be copied to the Sample_List.

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Excel 2010 :: Compare Data In Five Sheets And Pull Out Missing Data

Oct 2, 2013

I have one excel 2010 workbook with 5 work sheets, each work sheet contains a list with first/last name(one column) and the company name, some have a 3rd column with their email address in each sheet represents each year starting at 2008 thru to 2013 i have to find out if the people that attended an event in 2008 also attended it in 2009/10/11/12/13 and if they didnt, put their name and company name onto a blank worksheet within the same workbook without using a macro, how can i do this?

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Excel 2010 :: Paste Link Chart From One Sheet Of Workbook To Another Sheet Of The Same Workbook

Jul 20, 2014

I've created a chart in sheet 1 in a workbook. I want to copy and paste that chart into another sheet (lets take sheet 2) of the same workbook. I am using Excel 2010 version.

Whenever, I try to copy a graph and want to do "Paste Special as Link picture". The problem I am facing as "Paste Link" option is inactive.

I am attaching the Excel for your reference.

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Excel 2010 :: Run Macro In Another Workbook Without Copying It?

May 21, 2014

I used the button in Excel 2010 to record a macro that allows me to format a workbook font and stuff because i do that many times a day for several workbooks. However I want to be able to just push a button and have all open workbooks run the macro I recorded.

I am able to make a button- thats easy, but how do I get it to run for ANY workbook? My problem is that apparently it only runs the workbook that is named a certain way. should i post the code here?

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Excel 2010 :: Unfilter Workbook Before Saving?

Feb 16, 2014

In order to unfilter a workbook before saving, that is often left by the users with filters on, I use the following code:


The code works just perfect for a workbook that has a table in a normal range of cells.

If I insert a table (using Office 2010 and later option), the code simply doesn't work.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro Does Not Exist In Workbook

May 8, 2013

We have recently converted to Office 2010 from 2007 I have now got a name conflict with some macros on my templates

I have some code which will open up the affected templates delete the required modules & import the amended modules, this is working OK.

I now have to re assign the new macro to each button on all pages on all my templates., I started of by recording the actions to achieve this (see part of the code), but unfortunately the recorded code will not work, it runs but when I test the buttons I get the message that "this macro does not exist in this work book".

Sheets("page 2").Select
ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("Button 255")).Select
Selection.OnAction = "DIAM01"
ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("Button 1549")).Select
Selection.OnAction = "DIAM02"

[Code] ...........

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Excel 2010 :: VBA - Select Last Sheet In Workbook?

Feb 19, 2014

Excel 2010

My macro cleans up data in worksheet "Chalkboard".

After cleanup, I'd like to copy data and select the last sheet in the workbook (the one on the far right) and paste the data.

The last worksheet changes monthly: Jan Feb Mar Apr, etc.... Meaning each month, I'll add a new worksheet for the given month.

I need code that will select the last worksheet in the workbook.

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