Excel 2010 :: Filtering Multiple Columns (OR)

Jul 18, 2012

I have a worksheet with

Col A being Name,
B being primary skill,
C secondary skill and
D tertiary skill.
(Sanitised example below)

There are about 15 diferent types of skills ("Skill x, Skill y etc") listed in each of column B,C and D.

I would like to have a filter (or similar) where all names would show if a certain skill is present in either column B, C or D.

For example, a filter that on the below spreadsheet would allow me to view the names of all people who have "Skill x" either as a primary, secondary or tertiary skill.

I am using Excel 2010.


Person 1

[Code] .........

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Excel 2010 :: Sum Multiple Columns To Get YTD Amount?

Jun 16, 2012

I have to construct a financial model for Senior Executives to show year to date spent amounts. I have my worksheet as follows:-

Cell A2,A3,A4.. to A100 has - Account Numbers (Ex. A/c. 4100..)
Cell B1, C1, D1.....has Jan2011,Feb2011,Mar2011.......and so on till Dec2011.
Cell B2 onwards, down and to right, all spent amounts by month

What I need is a formula to get year to date number, which will change to Executives requirement.


Year to dateMar 2011( Months will be changed)
Account 4101( Accounts will be changed)
Amount should be 600 What Formula ?

My excel version is 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Selecting Corresponding Values From Multiple Columns

Feb 18, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with two date/time columns 'Date1' & 'Date2'. Each date/time column has its own column with corresponding values ('Var1' & 'Var2'). These dates cover the same time period, however values for 'Var2' were collected less frequently than 'Var1'. I want ONLY the values in 'Var1' that correspond to the dates in 'Date2'

I am trying to select values from one column 'Var1' which have correlating date/time in column 'Date1' that match the dates specified in 'Date2'. Basically I need the values from 'Var1' that match the same date/time as 'Var2'

See the attached image to make it clearer..



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Excel 2010 :: Sort Multiple Columns Simultaneously?

Jan 3, 2012

I am trying to sort each "Pct" column in descending order. Of course, I can do this manually, but I have over 100 to do, so I'd like to know how I can automate this (of course, the two columns to the left of "Pct" must move along with it).



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Excel 2010 :: Comparing Multiple Columns Of Data (Last Name / First Name)

Aug 8, 2012

I'm using Excel 2010 on Windows 7.

I have 2 worksheets. One has Employees and the devices they have. Last name, First Name, Device each in their own colulmn. Many have more than 1 device so they have multiple entries on seperate rows.

Another worksheet has Employees and thier location. Last name, First Name, Location. Again, all on seperate columns.

It would look something like this



So I'm tasked with combining them into 1 sheet with last name, first name, device and location. The issues I'm having are:

1) A team member could have multiple devices
2) A last and/or first name can appear many times, so a simple Vlookup against lastname won't work - it has to somehow also compare against both.

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Excel 2010 :: Converting Multiple Columns Into Rows?

Aug 24, 2012

I am trying to convert

Excel 2010


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Excel 2010 :: Filtering Results Into New Worksheet?

Sep 30, 2012

I am trying to set up a simple sports picking list using Excel 2010. I would like to be able to carry out several filers and then extract results to a new sheet to allow printing.

For example, there are four available terms and I would like to be able to filter by term/sport and student. Ideally I would like to be able to add a command button once this is working.

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Excel 2010 :: Filtering Subtotal Quantities

Sep 6, 2013

I'm using excel 2010.

I'm trying to filter a data set to see only those groups that have a subtotal count of 3 or greater. The subtotals are at each change in customer to count the number of divisions that customer is associated with.

In other words, how can I see a list of only those customers who have the permission to shop 3 or more brands?

Excel Help.xlsx

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Excel 2010 :: Filtering Pivot Table?

Sep 13, 2012

I have a pivot table in 2010- is there a way to filter the data using an external reference from the pivot table? I'd like to put the value in another cell and have the pivot update automatically when I type a new value in that cell.

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Excel 2010 :: Creating Scatter From Multiple Columns Using Ctrl

Jun 12, 2014

I am trying to create a scatterplot from some data I have. I attempt this by selecting multiple columns using Ctrl and clicking on the letters above. This results in it plotting only the first selected column on the Y axis with only 1 2 3... on the X axis.

When I however select multiple columns by clicking on a column and dragging to more columns it does plot as I would expect with the first column as X values and the rest Y values.

I know it is possible to create a graph and add data manually but this is way slower and I think that it should be able to be done differently.

I'm using excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Take Data From Multiple Columns And Add Them Onto Single Column

Mar 8, 2013

I have a long list of data with many columns and I'd like all the information to be in one column without manually copying and pasting each column and adding to the first column. The data has different amounts of rows and columns as well. An Example is below. I'm using Excel 2010. Is there a formula or something for this? This isn't the data I'm using but just an example since I do this frequently.

Data Looks like:




Would like to look like:








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Excel 2010 :: Function Or Formula For Advanced Filtering?

Apr 29, 2014

I am looking for a function or a formula that performs the same process in Excel 2010 as:

Data Tab -> Sort & Filter -> Advanced -> *radio button* Copy to another location -> List range: A1:A100 -> Copy to: B:B -> *radio button* Unique Records only.

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Excel 2010 :: Filtering Dates And Counting Occurrences?

May 28, 2014

I am using Excel 2010, and trying to count the number of times a certain name occurs within a specified date period. The date range start date is manually entered in F7, and the date range end date is manually entered in F8. I need to be able to choose different reporting periods. The answer to this question goes into F3.

I also want to know how many working days (Column D) it takes per name. A working day is Monday-Friday, less public holidays. In this period there have been public holidays from 24 December until 2 January (inclusive), 20 January, 6 February, 18 April, 21 April, and 25 April. I put these dates manually into the worksheet "Holidays".

For the number of times a certain name occurs I tried the COUNTIFS function but keep getting a "zero" value. I used the NETWORKINGDAYS function for the working days and have incorporated the holiday periods. That seems to work OK and I can live with the negative date values showing here.

The really tricky part for me - can I combine the COUNTIFS (assuming it works) and NETWORKINGDAYS functions into a single function to only count the working days of a specific name. As some names have yet to be completed (i.e. there is no data in Column C) how do I not count those? The answer to this question goes into F4.

There will be about 6 of these spreadsheets, and I intend to link all worksheet data into a "master" spreadsheet which automatically updates whenever it is opened. The separate spreadsheets are stored in a document management system rather than a network drive so I can't state a filepath.

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Excel 2010 :: Count Consecutive Numbers Over Multiple Columns / Rows

May 27, 2014

I'm using Excel 2010 and my spreadsheet contains numbers in columns A:E and approx 500+ rows. Here is a 10 row example of my data:

0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9
0 2 4 6 8
1 3 5 7 9
1 2 4 5 8
3 4 5 6 9
9 8 1 2 3
7 6 1 4 0
0 8 2 1 9
1 0 5 3 2

I would like to count the number of consecutive times each number appears (to a max of 9 consecutive times in a row). So, from my example above:

Number 1 appears:
1 consecutive time = 1 (appears in row 1)
2 consecutive times = 1 (appears in rows 4 & 5)
3 consecutive times = 0
4 consecutive times = 1 (appears in rows 7, 8, 9 & 10)

Number 2 appears:
1 consecutive time = 4 (appears in row 1, row 3, row 5 & row 7)
2 consecutive times = 1 (appears in rows 9 & 10)
3 consecutive times = 0
4 consecutive times = 0

Number 5 appears:
1 consecutive time = 2 (appears in row 2 & row 10)
2 consecutive times = 0
3 consecutive times = 1 (appears in rows 4, 5 & 6)
4 consecutive times = 0

and so on....

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Excel 2010 :: Convert Multiple Columns To Rows Depending On Input Value

Jul 6, 2014

I have lot of data in Excel 2010 which I wish to bring in Columns using a Macro depending on the input value which the macro should prompt me. For E.g.:


If I select data from A1 and J1 (in practical it will be more Columns) the Macro should prompt me how many Columns would be the output on Master Sheet. If the input is 2 then it should create an output Sheet "Master" and should show the following result

.. ..
.. ..

It after selection I run the macro and input 3 then the output should go in three columns (A1,B1,C1) one below other. If 4 is Input then 4 Columns (A1,B1,C1,D1) will come below each other so on and so forth.

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Excel 2010 :: Using Multiple Checkboxes To Hide And Show Specific Columns

May 12, 2014

Basically I have a big table containing several columns for the different quarters. (Each quarter has several columns which are not all next to each other)

I would like to use 4 checkboxes which the user can select the show or hide the columns for that quarter. E.g. if Q1 and Q3 are checked only those are visible)

(if quarter 1 clicked than all columns are visible if unclicked hidden).

The code I have written workes well for the first checkbox (Q1), but for the other quarters (Q2, Q3 and Q4) the columns get hidden when checked (which should be the other way round) and don't get unhidden when unchecked.

Sub CheckboxQone()
If Range("$A$1").Value = True Then
Call showQ1
Else: Range("$A$1").Value = False
Call hideQ1

[Code] ...........

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Excel 2010 :: Build A String For Criteria1 Field In VBA For Auto Filtering

Oct 3, 2013


ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$AM$14502").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:= _ "30/06/2013"

When I run the above on my Worksheet to Filter for Rows not equal to 30/06/13 this works fine

I want amend the Criteria1 to a string that is derived off a value in my worksheet I have done this as below where Range("D8").Value is 30/06/13

It is deleting al my data and not keeping the rows with 30/06/13 in it.


Dim rng As Range
Dim LastQtrDate As Date
Dim LastQtrDateString As String
LastQtrDate = shtControlTab.Range("D8").Value
LastQtrDateString = "" & LastQtrDate


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Excel 2010 :: VBA Code To Search Multiple Columns And Delete Any Duplicate Cells (not Rows)

Jun 12, 2014

My Excel program (Excel 2010) currently has several columns and each column looks for and pulls data from a specific file on my computer. Then I need to delete any duplicate data entries, count the number of unique entries and track the changes through a chart. I have everything done except I cannot figure out (or find on the internet) a way to search in multiple columns (more than 2) and delete just the duplicate cells. I want to delete the cells in a way where there is one left. For example if the code 12gf is duplicated three time, I want to be left with one 12gf (it doesnt matter what column the original one is left in). Additionally, column length changes and they are not sorted. I have attempted to attach an image of an example file below.

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Excel 2010 :: Sorting On Multiple Columns - Method Range Of Object Global Failed

Feb 25, 2014

I need a macro to sort on five columns (Column A, L, P, X, and Y) out of about 33 columns. Sort is all lowest to highest.

The code I have so far is:

Sub Macro1()
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Key2:=Range("L2") _
, Order2:=xlAscending, Key3:=Range("P2") _
, Order3:=xlAscending, Key4:=Range("X2") _
, Order4:=xlAscending, Key5:=Range("Y2") _
, Order5:=xlAscending
End Sub

However, I get an error "runtime error 1004 - method range of object global failed".

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Filtering Multiple Columns

Jan 28, 2008

I am trying to filter three columns of data to a given range without having to using auto filter on each column. I would like to have a Macro or Control Button or something easier than picking each set of data each time I want to filter.

Attached is a sample file.

I am not well versed in Excel and this is my first post so please bear with me in this process.

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Filtering Multiple Columns At Once

Jul 28, 2008

a formula in excel. here's what i need to do:

column A has the names of deffirent drivers (ex; john, peter, james)

column B has start time (9:00, 10:04, 11:08)

column C end time (9:14, 10:16, 11:23)

i need a formula that will take all the "john" from column A, do column c - column b for the time it took and then do an average of all of john's attemps.

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Filtering Columns In Excel Based On Public IP Address

Apr 18, 2014

I want to filter data code which contains public IP Address and copy the filtered data to other sheet. Column contains both string and number. Please see example:-


https://d31qbv1cthcecs. atrk.js

[Code] ........

In above table (second column) the URL address after http:// can start with string or can start with number. If it is starting with numbers the I need to check whether the address is public is Private or public. In second column, Private IP so I need to ignore it but is public IP and we need to copy to other sheet.

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Excel Advanced Filtering On Multiple Sheets

Apr 26, 2013

I am doing a project with these instructions:

The state, capital and population of all states with a population greater than 10 million or less than 1 million. (population)
The state, tree and bird of all states with a bird or tree that starts with Eastern or Western (symbols)
The state, population and area of all states with area between 100,000 and 200,000 (area)

I am having troubles with selecting just the three criteria (state, capital, and population) on my Population worksheet. Attached is my work. The copied filter keeps copying all of the data in the data set, and not those three.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Save Multiple Sheets To Multiple PDF With Cell Value As Filename

May 6, 2014

I would like a macro to be able to save 26 tabs within the one document to individual PDFs.Preferably I would like to be able to specify each time exactly which tabs get printed, because often I don't need to print all 26, just the first 10 or so.I would like each PDF to automatically be named with the value in cell E10 of each tab.E10 already has a formula to create its final value. It references cells from other tabs within the same document. Hopefully the fact that this cell has a formula in it won't affect my ability to use the resulting value as a 'save as' reference?I would like it if the PDFs save to the same location as the Excel sheet from which they're generated is located. The location of the excel sheet will change every three months, so I'd prefer not to specify a location with a specific filepath, as it will have changed by the time I run the macro again.

I am using Excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Counting Cells With Multiple Criteria On Multiple Sheets In Workbook

Aug 5, 2012

I am using MS Office 2010. I want to count---on multiple sheets---the number of times that a given cell is greater than another cell if and only if a third cell is equal to a given value. I want to do this for 4 sets of data on each sheet. I thought I had it figured out with this formula---


but it returns a value of zero each time. Clearly there is an error in the formula.

Here is some background:
-- $H$1:$H$43 is a block of cells that has the names of the sheets in the workbook
-- E1 and F1, G1 and H1, I1 and J1, K1 and L1 are the four groups of cells that I am comparing.
In the entire workbook, I want to add 1 (counting function) only when:
R1=2 AND E1>F1 or
S1=2 AND G1>H1 or
T1=2 AND I1>J1
U1=2 and K1>L1
on each appropriate sheet in the workbook.

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Excel 2010 :: Multiple Entries In One Cell That Need To Be Spread Across Multiple Rows

Jun 17, 2014

I need to convert data from column IDS into separate rows, all other columns need to stay in tact. There are several distinct patterns for the IDS column, main identifiers are always starting with FILER or TEAL and the trailing numbers behind it have no more than 6 digits.



FILER756911**/**FILER123188 ^** FILER877119*118

[Code] ........




[Code] ......

What the MACRO would look like? This is for Excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Create Macro Button To Clear Multiple Cells On Multiple Worksheets?

Jul 2, 2014

I have attached a test workbook excel 2010 (ignore ref# errors, I've cut the workbook down for uploading purposes) What I would like to do is have a 'Button' on my 'information Sheet' which when clicked would clear certain cells. I have searched the forum but can't find a solution, everyone seems to want to delete rows or columns but I just want to clear certain cells. The workbook will have 11 sheets each named 'caravan 1' through to 'caravan 11' The uploaded test workbook only only has 3 sheets.

On 'caravan 1' (which is slightly different to the other 10) I want to clear the content of cells

B4 & B5
C4, C22 & C41
D4 & D5
E4,E5, E22,E23,E41 &E 42

On all other 'Caravan sheets' I want to clear the contents of cells

D4 & D5
E4, E5, E22, E23, E41 & E42

It would be icing on the cake if it could give a warning such as " are you sure you want to clear these cells" but that isn't really necessary. The worksheets will be password protected, but the cells mentioned above will not be. If it proves too difficult to clear all the cells on all the sheets with one click, then perhaps a simpler solution might be to have a button on each sheet instead

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Excel 2010 :: Lookup Multiple Criteria Across Multiple Sheets?

May 28, 2014

I have a Excel 2010 workbook used to rota in a large amount of staff for a call centre, which is split into four teams. Each sheet corresponds to a month of the calendar year eg Jan201, Feb 2014 etc..

What im trying to do is put in a sheet at the front of the workbook that I can select the team, which populates the list of staff in that team and then checking across a specified date range gives the shifts that those respective staff will be working for the set time period (probably be looking at a seven day period and a 1 month period). (This in turn will be printed out to give to the staff members.)

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Excel 2010 :: Move Part Columns Of Data From 6 Columns To Form 1 Large Column In Column A?

Jan 31, 2013

I have a large spreadsheet converted from pdf whose data still appears in A4 reading format.

I need to move part columns of data from 6 columns to form 1 large column in column A.

For example, move range B8 to B76 beneath range A8 to A76 and range C8 to C76 beneath that etc, page by page working through all 270 pages !

Also need to delete unnecessary 'page headers' throughout as in rows 2-6

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Excel 2010 :: Comparison On Two Columns

Jun 20, 2013

I have two columns (A and B) with the same data. Column A is missing a value that is in column B.

Column A has 11330 rows whereas Column B has 11331 rows.

I am trying to do a comparison on the two columns to determine which value is missing from Column A.

I am using Excel 2010.

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