Excel Select And Copy Without Copying Hidden Rows?

Mar 7, 2012

Ok I recently ran into something in Excel that was completely unexpected. When I filter data, and select multiple rows of data, and copy and paste it.... it pastes the unfiltered rows as hidden rows! Is there a way around this without copying row by row?

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Excel 2010 :: Copy Table (listobject) INCLUDING Hidden / Filtered Rows

Nov 11, 2012

I'm trying to copy a whole bunch of tables with identical layout to a master table, so I can create a whole bunch of pivot tables that include data from ALL the various tables. The source tables MAY be filtered, and I can't work out how to copy them easily while also INCLUDING any hidden/filtered rows while at the same time leaving any filter settings on the source tables intact.

If I use something like range("Table1").Listobject.DataBodyRange.Copy then it only copies the VISIBLE rows.

But I want ALL rows to be copied to a master table.

1. I don't want to unfilter the sources tables, because users might still want the source tables to remain exactly as the user filtered them. (However, it doesn't matter if the DESTINATION list is filtered or not). I realise that I could copy the entire sheet to a temp sheet, then unfilter any tables on that sheet and THEN copy these to the master list. But wan't to know if there's a simpler way.

2. I DON'T want to use SQL to create a pivot table directly from the tables, because the tables will have further information added to them from time to time, and so if I use SQL to make a pivot directly from them, I'll have to recreate the pivot cache using that SQL query each time, which might muck up the settings in any existing pivot tables. I realise that I could use SQL to copy the data to a 'staging area', and just point the pivot table at that.

3. I can't use PowerPivot, because its not installed in this environment.

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Workbook Copying (all Hidden, Unhidden, And Very Hidden)

Jun 30, 2007

im looking for a basic macro for workbook copying, all workbook(all hidden, unhidden, and very hidden) sheets.

i know how to do unhidden sheets of course however the hidden and very hidden are giving me some trouble...i need to also copy over all the macro's, buttons, and drop down box's as well..not just values.

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Excel 2010 :: Delete Filtered Rows Without Deleting The Hidden Rows?

Sep 25, 2012

How do I delete filtered rows without deleting the hidden rows in excel 2010?

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Copy Data Without Hidden Rows?

Aug 21, 2014

Is there a way to copy and paste a sheet from one spreadsheet to another without getting the rows that have been hidden? I have a database with about 800 rows and another 150 or 200 scattered through it that are currently hidden. For what I need right now I don't want any of that hidden data. Do I have to manually delete it or is there a way to ignore it (I thought of paste special but I can't find one that works).

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Copying From Hidden Cells Are Not Copying Protected

Dec 12, 2007

I am trying to make the cells Iam am copying paste hidden cells with all formats - seems to work fine other than the security part of them, Iam makeing a sheet for work and just trying to make it were it will not get destroyed by other users-

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Excel 2010 :: Range That Ignores Hidden Rows?

Oct 16, 2013

range formula that i am using for drop-down lists. One of the drop down lists is based on the range where the data changes(it is a list of jobs that has been released from cad room and when they have been machined a "yes" in one of column appears and then it needs to be filtered so that only non-machined jobs are visible).

Bitmap Part Description

Expected Spindle Hours
Clock In


I need a formula that is not taking into account values from hiden rows. OR the formula that is not taking into account values from the rows that have Yes in the 4th column.

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Excel 2007 :: Subtotals With HIDDEN Rows AND Columns Given Some Criteria

Aug 8, 2014

I am trying to develop a compliance report with Excel 2007) based upon a simple pass/fail criteria. The subtotals must be tracked both by Device (column) and by Requirement (row). There are macros (not included in the attached sample) that hides both columns and rows. I successfully found an example which I modified to correctly calculates data for a column when rows are hidden (see GOOD function below). However, I'm totally clueless on how to calculate data by row when columns are hidden (see BAD function below). What I'm trying to figure out is highlighted in red in the attached spreadsheet.


BAD (returns 0 and includes a circular reference)

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Excel 2010 :: How To Stop Macro From Sorting Hidden Rows

Feb 3, 2014

I recorded a simple Macro in Excel 2010 to sort data by the first Column, heading "Ref". I have assigned CTRL + e as the keyboard shortcut for this.

My sheet contains a number of hidden rows (as I hide rows when I have finished working on that issue).

When I run the macro, it does sort by the number of Column A, but also, the hidden rows are then shown again.

I realise I could just click on the A-Z sort button to stop this happening, but I really like being able to use keyboard shortcuts, which is why I tried the macro route.

I wondered if it is possible for the macro to ignore hidden rows?

This is the macro:
Sub SortByRef()
' SortByRef Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+E


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Select And Copy Many Rows

Apr 23, 2009

I need code that will look for a number in cell C1 and then it starts at C9
selecting cells to copy until it sees a cell with a number larger than what is in C1 and stops.

i need code for this since the number in C1 is always changing

Example: if there is an 18 in C1 it selects all cells that are >0 and <19

these cells are always sorted 123456........36 they are not random in order like 1 17 6 12 18 4 3

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Copying Hidden Cells

Feb 16, 2009

I am copying a range of rows (which include some hidden rows). When I paste them I see all the rows. Is there a way to retain the hidden attribute?

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Copying And Pasting In Hidden Sheet?

Aug 14, 2012

I have the following code (which works fine when the sheet isn't hidden)

FinalRow2 = TtlRev.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
TtlRev.Range(Cells(6, 39), Cells(FinalRow2, 41)).Select

However, I need to hide the sheet, but it doesn't work because you can't use .select on a hidden sheet I believe. Any way of doing this to a hidden sheet?

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VBA - Select Filtered Rows Then Copy All But Header Row

Feb 12, 2014

I want to filter my dataset, select column B & C to copy, but exclude the header row. I am having a hard time offsetting the selected range. I get a compile error on what I try.Here is my code (yes, I know, its a little juvenile and I will clean it up, but I need to see things clearer at first):

Sub GetBarrelQualifiers()
' GetBarrelQualifiers


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Select Cells, Then Copy Those Rows To New Sheet

Dec 9, 2009

I'm trying to create a macro that will allow the user to select a range of cells, (in column V in the attached sample), and then insert a new worksheet and copy the entire row where the user selected the cells to that worksheet.

For example: (I've deleted most of the data from the sample). The user want to create an order that has an exteded cube of 300 feet. By holding the "Ctrl" key down, they could pick and choose the parts they want to add, until the sum in Excel shows nearly 300.00 extended cube. They would then run the macro, which would copy only the rows which the user has selected in column V to the new worksheet.

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How To Select Cells Then Copy The Same Selected Rows In Another Row

Mar 26, 2013

I have some selected cells in column A, they are not consecutive. I would like to copy these values and then copy the same area but from a different column...

The code I have here is only working when I have a consecutive selection.

Set rng = Selection
fr = rng.Cells(1, 1).Row
lr = rng(rng.Count).Row

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Select Rows From Worksheet With Value Over 90 & Copy Into Other Workbook

May 23, 2006

I have a workbook made up of 10 worksheets or so. Each of the rows in each worksheet includes the age of a case in column H. I want to copy the rows that show a case that is over 90 days of age, I then want to paste these into another worksheet. I want to do this for each of the ten worksheets.

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Excel 2007 :: Copying Formulated Rows From One Sheet To Another

Dec 18, 2013

My knowledge of Excel 2007 is minimal, from formatting individual cells, to creating column totals. I've used it for years in my household budgets. I have an attendance form which is about 3 pages long; currently, it's separated at page breaks, with column totals at the bottom of each 'page'. This is easy because the Row #s are infinite, right? Lately there have been regular adjustments, and I believe the project might be less cumbersome if it were spread out on separate sheets, but how to bring the rows of column totals to cumulative totals on the last sheet.

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VBA - Copying Hidden Cells Without Turning Off Autofilter

Jul 9, 2014

I am working on a file with different users entering information on different sheets (tracking the status of individual projects and activities). Using the macro below (which I found in the forums), the individual data will be combined on a master sheet. My problem is that some of the users will be using autofilters to filter their own data (for example--filtering to show only the "Open" projects). When I do the copy of the individual data, I want ALL of the data, not just the data that is being shown by the individual filter settings.

At first, I just turned the individual filters off before copying the data. The other users have asked if there is a way around this or alternatively, restore the filter values after the copy.

A key point, there are currently 8 user sheets. Each user is allowed to set their own filters and change them at will-e.g. one day, a user may filter on projects due in Q3, another day she may be looking at all projects closed in 2013.

Dim J As Integer
On Error Resume Next

[Code] .....

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Excel 2010 :: Copying Data Form Columns To Rows?

Mar 27, 2012

I need something that will take data from columns in one Spreadsheet and put in difference cells in a row. I know this could be done with recording a macro but the number of column will never be constant.

Below I attached examples of the Spreadsheet

Financials SpreadSheet
Need to have the data in column B to F put their respective cells in row in the
Master Spreadsheet
So we would have 5 rows.

Excel 2010ABCDEFGH5Job Number17542000250030003500Total6Date Booked01-Mar-1215-Mar-1215-Mar-1223-Mar-1223-Mar-127SalespersonJames ThorntonHoward StandenHoward StandenIan BullimoreSylvia Walton8AdvertiserNestleTalkTalkLloyds BankSkodaHonda9ProductNature ValleyBroadbandMortgageApril


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Excel 2003 :: VBA - Only Copying Rows With Data In And Moving To New Worksheet

Oct 3, 2012

I am using Excel 2003.

I have 2 worksheets.

Worksheet 1 is called "Master List Data". Every cell within this worksheet contains a formula so that it matches the cell value contained in a worksheet held within another workbook.

The formula for reference is as follows:

=IF('[CCL Breakdown.xls]MASTER LIST - Active Customers '!A1="","",'[WFX CCL Breakdown.xls]MASTER LIST - Active Customers '!A1) .


If Cell A1 on Master List-Active Customer contains no data, Cell A1 in Master List Data would be blank.

If Cell A1 on Master List-Active Customer equals John Smith, Cell A1 in Master List Data would display John Smith.

There are currently non-blank values contained in cells A4:A750. But next week there may be non-blank values is cells A4:A790 (i.e. it will grow each week)

Worksheet 2 is called "Master List Flat. At the moment, I am manually copying and pasting the rows which have non-blank values in cells from Column A from Worksheet 1 into this report (e.g. A4:IV4).

I would like to automate this process and I have created a Macro, but I do not know how to word it so that it will only copy cells with actual data in.

The Macro I have written is below:

' Macro recorded 01/10/2012 by walesb
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheets("Master List Flat").Select


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Excel 2007 :: Select Empty Rows

Oct 29, 2012

Is there a way to select completely empty rows in Excel 2007 (Win 7)? I have found directions for highlighting empty cells (f5, Special, Blanks...), but sometimes the cells selected will be in rows with other filled cells in them so that doesn't really do what I need.

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Excel 2010 :: Copying 3 Rows Of Formula And Using Autofill To Only Add 1 Each Time When Copied Down?

Sep 2, 2013

I am using Windows 7, with Excel 2010.

I have one Worksheet Short Course - PB's Which contains all swimmer information and searches through all previous swims and reports back the swimmers current Personal best times (PB)

I am creating a work sheet to calculate percentage increases over a set date period. I have managed the calculations but can not get the autofill to function as I was hoping.

In my short course sheet 1 Row = a Swimmer and there details

In my new sheet, I have 3 rows for the same swimmer

Row 1= Swimmer and PB's before a set date
Row 2 = Swimmer and PB's After set date and upto Todays date
Row 3 = Percentage calculation of difference between the two rows to enable track performance increase

I have all of this working and in place and want to copy the formula's down now to cover all swimmers in the club.

When I copy the 3 lines down, Autofill adds 3 to the row reference for the first line and I just want it to add 1.

ROW3) =IF('Short Course - PB''S'!A3="","",'Short Course - PB''S'!A3)
ROW4) =A3
ROW5) = A3


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Excel 2007 :: Macro - Copying Column In Which Number Of Rows Can Vary

Sep 23, 2013

I am using MS Excel 2007 and I am trying to create a macro which will copy column E and paste the data in column E to the bottom of column D. However each week the amount of rows in these column with vary, they will always be the same amount of rows in column E as in column D but there may be 20 rows one week and a 100 rows the next.

The formula I currently have is below but this will only work for a specified number of rows. How I could change this to work for any number of rows?

Sub IPT()
' IPT Macro

[Code] .....

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LastRow Needs To Select Next VISIBLE Row (not Hidden Row)

Jul 19, 2007

I'm having a problem moving the cell cursor 2 rows down once I find my LastRow (see LastRow code below). My problem is I need to move down 2 VISIBLE Rows down and I'm running into it moving 2 Rows down whether they are Visible or Hidden? If Row 50 is my LastRow, and I have it move 2 rows down, if Row 52 is Hidden, it still moves to Row 52 which can't be seen by the user after I do my stuff to that row? I can't unhide any hidden rows for other reasons. Is there a way to have the cursor move down 2 VISIBLE Rows instead of 2 Rows regardless?

The code I use to select the LastRow is:

LastRow = Cells(4000, 8).End(xlUp).Row
I move down 2 more rows using:

Cells(LastRow + 2, 8).Select 'Then I do some stuff here for the user, so it can't be a hidden row

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Select / Activate Specific Row Then Copy Format / Formula To All Blank Rows

Jan 21, 2012

I need a code that will copy the format AND formulas of the entire row that I have selected (or activatedwith my cursor) to each and every blank row - until it gets to the last row of data on this spreadsheet.Since any employee could have more than 1 row of data - I am using a code that inserts1 blank row after each NEW employee name.

NOTE: This report is initially sorted by employee name so that each occurrence is grouped together.REPORT SPECIFICS:1) This report reflects typical paryoll information.2) Certain columns have data that is either in text, general, or number ($) format3) The number of columns may vary depending on which PR report is being worked4) For the sake of simplicity - we can assume that the column titles will always be across row 15) Each employee name on this report may repeat several times depending on how many weeks they worked,so the SUM() formula should adjust automatically to capture all the rows of data to add up for each employee

texttexttexttexttextformulaformulaformulaDeptDivEmployee NameEE#Period EndHrs WorkedPTOAccrd LiabilityCSDINSEWilma Wilsont4561/7/1280.5$ 100.00 CSDINSEWilma Wilsont4561/16/12121$ 200.00 CSDINNECage Nick2581/7/1281$ 600.00 CSDINNECage Nick2581/16/12245$ 25.00 CSDINNECage Nick2581/23/12323$ 25.00 CSDINWPolly Cracker1781/7/12856$ 60.00 CSDINWPolly Cracker1781/16/12242$ 654.00 ARVIPWPolly Cracker1781/23/12322$ 2.00 ARVIPWPolly Cracker1781/28/12161$ 5.00 ARVIPWPolly Cracker1782/6/1284$ 3.00 CSDINSEDim Sum6871/7/1284$ 65.00 CSDINSEDim Sum6871/16/12126$ 5.00

Sub InsertRowAtNewNameONE()Dim LR As Long, i As LongLR = Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).RowFor i = LR To 2 Step -1If Range("C" & i).Value Range("C" & i - 1).Value Then Rows(i).InsertNext iEnd Sub

NOTE: See below: I will format and add formulas where I need on the 1st blank row that was createdand I need a code that will copy this particular row to all blank rows to the last.

recordtexttexttexttextcountformulaformulaformulaDeptDivEmployee NameEE#Period EndHrs WorkedPTOAccrd LiabilityCSDINSEWilma Wilsont4561/7/1280.5$ 100.00 CSDINSEWilma Wilsont4561/16/12121$ 200.00 2201.5$ 300.00

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How To Select Range And Skip Over Hidden Columns

May 1, 2014

I have below a code that is selecting from A11 down as far as there is data and across a certain number of columns then sets a print area.

Currently the columns go A, B, JW, JX, JY, JZ, KA, KB as C through to JV are hidden. I have tried to offset the columns by 7 to see if it will select A-KB but it is selecting cells that are hidden and only selecting A-G. I need it to go past the hidden columns. Here is the code:

[Code] ......

Could I also get a code to go from A10 and move over to KB and create a range from there e.g. KB-KJ and last row from there?

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Select Range Of Columns And Unhide Any That Are Hidden

Dec 10, 2013

I have a macro that allows me to select a range of columns and unhide any that are hidden. I am on the sheet "Employees", but the action happens on the sheet "Enter". I can run this macro when I am on "Employees" and jumps top "Enter" and works exactly as I want it to.

Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
Range("M8") = Sheets("Employees").Range("B5")

But when I try to run it as part of another macro that begins on "Employees", I get "Run-time error '1004': Select method of Range class failed", and Columns("B:T") is highlighted.

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Auto Select 1st Non-Hidden Sheet/Worksheet

Oct 22, 2006

I use "ActiveWindow.ScrollWorkbookTabs Position:=xlFirst" to display all available sheets in a workbook. But can the worksheet of the first tab (i.e. at the far left) be automatically selected after the workbook is opened?

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Excel VBA Code To Select A Range (rows) Based On Values And Delete

Aug 8, 2013

I am trying out with a code which checks for cell value as "Select" in column IU and then checks for corresponding column IV for value as "0". Please note that "Select" and "0" are populated by formulas. I need the select "Select" and "0" till the next "Select" occurs in column IU and delete the selected range and continue the process until last non empty cell based on column C.

I have written the below code but it doesn't work.

Public Sub Test()
Dim nRow As Long
Dim nStart As Long


I could have uploaded the excel file that I am working on but did not find any upload attachment option.

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Excel 2003 :: Macro Breaks Because Can't Copy Cell And Then Cannot Select Cells In Workbook

Oct 21, 2013

i have a macro that opens 10 other workbooks and copies cells onto a "master" workbook. Until recently, everything worked fine. Suddendly, while it opens the 9 books and copies as it is expected, but when it opens the 10th wb, the macro breaks at a very simple copy/paste.

The weirdest thing is that after it breaks, I cannot select any cells neither in the opened wb nor in the master wb. This continues even after I press the "reset" button in the vba. So, I am only able to select objects (text boxes etc) in my wb and not any cells.

Also, the "arrow" icon on the design toolbar is not active. And I've tried pressing and de-pressing the F8 key, but I still cannot select any cells.

I have option explicit in the beginning of my macro. And i'm using excel 2003.

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