Run A Macro The Previous 31 Rows Are Hidden?
Jan 29, 2014
I have a spreadsheet with 31 rows and 8 columns that are completed as a checklist.
I have a macro that currently increments where required and also pastes the 31 rows again after
What I am looking for is some code whereby if I run a Macro the previous 31 rows are hidden
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Mar 15, 2014
I'm a macro novice and have been trying to teach myself how to write the correct one for a task I need to do, but I cannot seem to get it right. Basically, I have bunch of data and for one of the variables, different values are separated by commas. What I want is to create a row copying the info below for each piece of data after the comma.
I suspect there is a fairly easy way to do this, but I cannot figure it out from searching the forums (or rather, I can't get it to work right).
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Jun 28, 2008
We run a small gardening shop and use a simple spreadsheet to track of various things.
Row A contains headers, with the data following in the rows underneath. This table is now quite large, and we therefore hide 600 or so rows so that only rows with data from the last week is shown. We often need to print this for easy reference. I currently do this by highlighting the area I want and setting it as print area. The print therefore doesn't include hidden cells, which is what I need.
The problem we have, therefore, is that we have to manually select this print area each time. My experience with macros is VERY limited, to the point where I can record one which will select the print area and print. However, as the list gets longer and more rows are hidden the range obviously needs to change, and my simple macro will not keep up.
So my question is as follows. Is there a simple macro I could write to assign to a button that could "keep up" with the moving range? So either it always prints the header row and the, for example, 50 rows beneath (exlcuding the hidden ones), or, even better, it prints the header row and all rows with data in them that are relevant to the last week. Each row has a cell for the date it concerns so assume this may be possible?
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Feb 3, 2014
I recorded a simple Macro in Excel 2010 to sort data by the first Column, heading "Ref". I have assigned CTRL + e as the keyboard shortcut for this.
My sheet contains a number of hidden rows (as I hide rows when I have finished working on that issue).
When I run the macro, it does sort by the number of Column A, but also, the hidden rows are then shown again.
I realise I could just click on the A-Z sort button to stop this happening, but I really like being able to use keyboard shortcuts, which is why I tried the macro route.
I wondered if it is possible for the macro to ignore hidden rows?
This is the macro:
Sub SortByRef()
' SortByRef Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+E
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Oct 6, 2011
After red filling certain cells based on some conditional formatting, I apply a filter to hide them. Now I need to delete them using a macro script.
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Oct 30, 2013
I have a spread sheet with values in the area of A1:H834
In column H, I have number values from 1-7.
Essentially that number value means that the values in the row are duplicate.
So, for example, if H2 has a value of 4, that means that $A$2:$G$2, really should have an additional 3 rows underneath with the EXACT same data in each cell, however, the way the sheet was created, was to remove the duplicate values and just indicate in column H, the number value of how many duplicates $A$2:$G$2 really is.
I need to unpackage this and create what it was originally. What type of formula can I use, to look at the value in H2, and then insert underneath that number of rowes with the exact same data as A2:G2 and do the same for the remainder of the table all the way down to A834:G834
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Sep 25, 2012
How do I delete filtered rows without deleting the hidden rows in excel 2010?
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Mar 4, 2014
I have an excel file with a table in it. It contains 2051 records (attached). This is just a sample, the original file has around 30,000 rows.
When I start using filters, I run into problems:
Step 1: Filter by Unit, condition (e.g.) Unit_23
Excel shows in the status bar the following message: 437 of 2050 records found.
Step 2: If I scroll to the bottom of the table, the row numbers are colored in blue (normal for a filtered list) however the last row is not colored and it actually should not be shown since its unit is not what I filtered for (its unit is Unit_25)
Step 3: Clear the filter of Unit
Step 4: Sometimes (depending on what I filter for), one or more of the bottom rows are hidden!!!
Attachment 301726
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Apr 18, 2013
I have data in B4:B55 and need a formula to return a count of rows, including rows that are blank. However, there are hidden rows that need to be omitted from the count.
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Feb 11, 2014
do a conditional format rule that will highlight every other row of my excel spreadsheet when the value in a specific Column (say Column A) differs than the previous.
I've attached a sample worksheet with what I want it to look like after the conditional format rule is applied (every other row highlighted in light blue). The rule needs to apply to all rows in the worksheet beginning with ROW 2 (I don't need the rule to apply to the column header which is in ROW 1).
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May 29, 2014
I am trying to use the SUMIF function to create a formula that will read the visible cells in Column B and if any visible cells in Column B are equal to or greater than zero I want Excel to sum the corresponding values in the visible cells of Column A. Not so hard but I'm having a difficult time getting Excel to ignore data in hidden rows.
See attached file for and further explanation : Sample.xlsx
I've tried using SUMIF as well as the AGGREGATE function but no success, yet.
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Jan 24, 2014
I have a spread sheet which has a number of protected cells so that they user can tab only on required cells to enter data. At times some of the rows are hidden however pressing "TAB" will continue to tab through on the cells within the Hidden Rows. Is it possible to only TAB through Cells which are visible?
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Sep 5, 2009
I have a worksheet with a macro as follows: ...
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Nov 19, 2006
I need a formula for counting rows. It should achieve the following;
It should count in increments of 1 (1,2,3,4, etc.) in each cell in a column (column AW, to be prescise).
It should skip hidden rows.
It should account for the fact that a formula is able to reveal rows and when this is
done, the counting formula should adjust to count the newly revealed row.
It should also be able to do the opposite - another formula/macro hides rows, and when this happens it should not count the newly hidden row.
I can imagine a formula in each cell of the column that says "Check the previous column and if it is visible, add 1. If a hidden row is encountered, do not add 1. When a non-hidden row is encountered again, continue adding 1."
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Dec 15, 2009
I have a worksheet with hidden rows and Page Breaks. I know that the page breaks are causing my worksheet to print blank pages where I have page breaks and hidden rows.
I need the page breaks or the form just prints a mess... I tried eliminating them - but that didn't work at all.
I need a macro, which will examine the worksheet, look for the hidden rows, exclude them from the print area, and then Print the worksheet.
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May 6, 2006
Why do I get a "sub or function not defined" error on the first line? The problem seemed to arise out of nowhere. The sub is located in module 1. I call it with "Call DeleteHiddenRows" in sheet1 inside of a "Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)" event. Should I be adding some declaration somewhere (some "dim" line?)???
Sub DeleteHiddenRows()
For j = ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row To 1 Step -1
If Rows(j).Hidden Then
Rows(j).Hidden = False
End If
Next j
End Sub
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Jan 18, 2007
I'm completely at a loss I have a worksheet with hidden rows which I do not want to print yet Excel prints them anyway resulting in 12 pages rather than just the pages I want.
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Mar 21, 2007
i count number of all rows with:
Dim countall As Long
countall = Sheet1. Range("a1", Sheet1.Range("A65535").End(xlUp)).Rows.count
this is the total of all rows, including hidden. how do i count the hidden rows which have been filtered?
preferably not a loop, isn't there a way to use "entirerow.hidden" and count that?
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Jun 7, 2007
I am trying to create a macro to unhide only a row at a time, from around 150 hidden rows altogether. It is basically to give the effect of adding extra rows to a "table" that a user could then input with new data (I have to do this way according to other set-up in the workbook), but this isn't very important to do with this question. When I do a Format<Row<Unhide from the Excel menu, it always unhides ALL of the hidden rows. I have fiddled around but can't seem to find a way to avoid this happening, all I want is for just one row to unhide. I thought it might depend what cell/s I had highlighted, but I haven't found a way that makes it work.
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Aug 21, 2007
I HID 4 rows using this help section. (Format - Hide)
Then, I modified several column widths simply by placing my curser at the top of the column and pulling it smaller or larger.
(I don't know if this did or did not cause my problem) which is simply that - I am now unable to find my hidden rows.
I know where they are supposed to be, but when I highlight them and click (Format - Unhide) nothing happens.
I tried (Find and Select - go to special) and no white bar shows up.
Can sombody please tell this frustrated Newby How to find the rows I just hid 1 hour ago?
If I posted in the wrong place, I appologise as I spent more time trying to figure out where and how to post than I did trying to solve my hidden row problem.
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Sep 10, 2007
Is there a way to keep the Sum Funtion from adding in the values from Rows you have hidden? I want my total to be the result of only the visible lines, but have reasons for hiding rather than deleting rows (I may have to unhide some later depending on other factors)
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Aug 21, 2014
Is there a way to copy and paste a sheet from one spreadsheet to another without getting the rows that have been hidden? I have a database with about 800 rows and another 150 or 200 scattered through it that are currently hidden. For what I need right now I don't want any of that hidden data. Do I have to manually delete it or is there a way to ignore it (I thought of paste special but I can't find one that works).
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Jul 21, 2014
I was able to create a macro that allows a user to unhide rows in a protected worksheet without unprotecting the other locked fields (see below). My question is: I want to add to this command so that 1 row can not be "unhidden" if the previous row is still hidden. For example, row 25 can not be unhidden if row 24 is still hidden.
Macro command used:
Private Sub Commandbutton4_Click()
Sub Hide_Rows2h()
ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="xxx"
Rows("25").Hidden = Not Rows("25").Hidden
ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="xxx"
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Mar 23, 2009
My workbook contains 10 worksheets. Some users will use all 10 worksheets; some will use only 5 worksheets. If a user is not using a worksheet, I would like to hide it but leave it in the workbook.
However, I want to keep all workbooks in sync even though a user may choose to not use a particular worksheet. When my macros encounter a hidden worksheet, they stall. Does coding exist that allows a Macro to run on a hidden worksheet without making the worksheet visible?
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Sep 27, 2011
Is there an easy way to determine which rows in a spreadsheet are hidden, rather then scrolling through manually and trying to find nonsequential row numbers?
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Feb 29, 2012
I have autofiltered a column to meet a certain criteria (which hides some of the rows), then I want to put a cell with the sum at the bottom of that column. When I do this, it takes the sum of all of the rows in that column, even the rows that are hidden. Is there a way to only take the sum of the rows showing?
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Nov 28, 2012
Have several rows
Some have data some do not
Some rows are hidden (Hidden rows also may or may not have data)
I wish to only count how many rows are not hidden.
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Dec 16, 2008
I have a worksheet where rows 22 through 52 are allotted for invoice information. Now, not every job is going to have 30 invoices, and I'd like to be able to hide 25 of those rows and have a scrollbar for that section of the page so that when a) user needs to enter invoice info they can scroll to an empty row, and b) when reviewing the data user can scroll through and see it all. The rows above 22 and below 50 are job info/totals and need to remain visible.
Early attempts to solve this conundrum resulted in a scroll bar that was capable only of changing the date entered for the first invoice (Date is the info in A22, which was the linked cell).
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Oct 25, 2006
I have a spreadsheet with various hidden rows and columns that I do not wish the user to have access too as it contains too much detail for their purposes.
Copy/paste and copy/paste special also copies across the hidden columns and rows so what I need to do is to copy it to a new workbook but then remove the hidden rows and columns and just delete the existing formulas in the cells which total the data and insert a new autosum.
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Apr 14, 2007
1. find the last cell used in a column when the rows that contain the data are hidden. I tried using Range("A65536").End(xlup).Select. but when the rows are hidden it doesn't give me the last cell used.
2. I am trying to restrict my search to just one row. When I try using the cells.find function it looks for the whole sheet but I just want it to search for some particular data in just one row or a specified range.
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