Excel 2010 :: Copy Table (listobject) INCLUDING Hidden / Filtered Rows

Nov 11, 2012

I'm trying to copy a whole bunch of tables with identical layout to a master table, so I can create a whole bunch of pivot tables that include data from ALL the various tables. The source tables MAY be filtered, and I can't work out how to copy them easily while also INCLUDING any hidden/filtered rows while at the same time leaving any filter settings on the source tables intact.

If I use something like range("Table1").Listobject.DataBodyRange.Copy then it only copies the VISIBLE rows.

But I want ALL rows to be copied to a master table.

1. I don't want to unfilter the sources tables, because users might still want the source tables to remain exactly as the user filtered them. (However, it doesn't matter if the DESTINATION list is filtered or not). I realise that I could copy the entire sheet to a temp sheet, then unfilter any tables on that sheet and THEN copy these to the master list. But wan't to know if there's a simpler way.

2. I DON'T want to use SQL to create a pivot table directly from the tables, because the tables will have further information added to them from time to time, and so if I use SQL to make a pivot directly from them, I'll have to recreate the pivot cache using that SQL query each time, which might muck up the settings in any existing pivot tables. I realise that I could use SQL to copy the data to a 'staging area', and just point the pivot table at that.

3. I can't use PowerPivot, because its not installed in this environment.

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Excel 2010 :: Delete Filtered Rows Without Deleting The Hidden Rows?

Sep 25, 2012

How do I delete filtered rows without deleting the hidden rows in excel 2010?

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Pivot Table Percentage Of All Data (including Filtered)

Oct 14, 2013

How to show my data as % of grand total and include the filtered data. Whenever I filter out a category in my pivot table the % values adjust for everything unfiltered. Is there a way to have my percentages include the filtered data?

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Excel 2007 :: How To Use Or Delete A Table (ListObject)

Jan 11, 2012

I am using Excel 2007 and I created a table (i.e., listobject) using the macro recorder as follows:

ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Range("$A$3:$J$50"), , xlYes).Name = "MyData"

1. How do I delete this table via VBA?

2. How would I check to see if this table already exists so it follows this logic:

If "table does not exists" then
'create it (using the line of code above)
End If

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Count Rows Including Blanks Omitting Hidden Rows

Apr 18, 2013

I have data in B4:B55 and need a formula to return a count of rows, including rows that are blank. However, there are hidden rows that need to be omitted from the count.

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Excel 2010 :: Range That Ignores Hidden Rows?

Oct 16, 2013

range formula that i am using for drop-down lists. One of the drop down lists is based on the range where the data changes(it is a list of jobs that has been released from cad room and when they have been machined a "yes" in one of column appears and then it needs to be filtered so that only non-machined jobs are visible).

Bitmap Part Description

Expected Spindle Hours
Clock In


I need a formula that is not taking into account values from hiden rows. OR the formula that is not taking into account values from the rows that have Yes in the 4th column.

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Sum Contents From Column Without Including Hidden Rows

Apr 13, 2007

Which formula should I use if I want to sum a column without including content from hide rows in the same column.

a2 is hided so I need the sum = 6


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Sum Contents From Column Without Including Hidden Rows

Apr 13, 2007

Which formula should I use if I want to sum a column without including content from hide rows in the same column.

a2 is hided so I need the sum = 6


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Excel 2010 :: How To Stop Macro From Sorting Hidden Rows

Feb 3, 2014

I recorded a simple Macro in Excel 2010 to sort data by the first Column, heading "Ref". I have assigned CTRL + e as the keyboard shortcut for this.

My sheet contains a number of hidden rows (as I hide rows when I have finished working on that issue).

When I run the macro, it does sort by the number of Column A, but also, the hidden rows are then shown again.

I realise I could just click on the A-Z sort button to stop this happening, but I really like being able to use keyboard shortcuts, which is why I tried the macro route.

I wondered if it is possible for the macro to ignore hidden rows?

This is the macro:
Sub SortByRef()
' SortByRef Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+E


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Offset Formula Ignore Filtered / Hidden Rows?

Jun 16, 2014

I have a name which uses the formula


That populates a dropdown

However I want to exclude hidden / filtered rows?

Iv'e tried sumtotal etc but didnt get any results. I'm after using the rows as options.

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Excel Select And Copy Without Copying Hidden Rows?

Mar 7, 2012

Ok I recently ran into something in Excel that was completely unexpected. When I filter data, and select multiple rows of data, and copy and paste it.... it pastes the unfiltered rows as hidden rows! Is there a way around this without copying row by row?

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Avoiding Copy And Paste In Hidden / Filtered Cells

Aug 5, 2014

I have searched all over and read many solutions for selecting only visible cells and copy pasting them or formatting them by doing Ctrl + G and selecting visible cells only. However the problem is once I select visible cells only, it seems that every time I do Ctrl + C on filtered Range it only selects visible cells. I want a way to toggle this setting in Excel. I'm using Office 2007. For example: if I want to select the entire range, both hidden and visible cells within the selected table array, is there anyway to reverse or toggle the setting that causes Excel to refresh the "visible cells only" setting back to default or all cells?

It would be a much faster way than to remove all filters, select & copy entire range, and then re-apply all filters again.

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Excel 2010 :: Can't Delete Filtered / Visible List Rows From List Object

May 19, 2014

I have pulled a SharePoint list into my workbook. The list object (table) is still linked to the SharePoint list, as I'd like to synchronize it later on. I have filtered it with an autofilter. I'd like to delete all of the visible rows. I have tried a billion things to no avail. I have been searching Google for hours now. None of the examples work.

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Excel 2010 :: Copy Data From One Table To Another

Jun 9, 2013

I have two spread sheets that I 'converted' into tables. I need to combine them into a single sheet. When I attempt to copy and paste from one to the other the formatting and formulas do not carry 'down' as they do when I manually enter a new line or record.

Is there a way to copy multiple rows of data from one tabled sheet to another tabled sheet?

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Excel 2010 :: Pivot Table With Fixed Rows And Columns?

Jun 21, 2014

I'm trying to produce a fixed format pivot table in Excel 2010. Normally I'd just construct a manual table using COUNTIFS, SUMIFS etc, howver, for this exercise the requirement is to be able to click on any field and have a tab pop up with the relavent data a la Pivot Table. But....I need the Pivot table to have a fixed format (which I can do with 'Preserve cell formatting on update') and to have all of the rows and columns in irrespective of whether there is data or not (i.e. if I haven't sold any apples in June, I still want the 'Apples' field to appear, just with a value of zero). I had assumed that the option I needed was 'Show items with no data on rows/columns' but these options are greyed out. I've tried right-clicking on the whole table, on individual fields and on labels but still get the same greyed out options.

Is there any way I can retain all of the rows and columns?

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Excel 2010 :: Hiding Rows In Pivot Table With Specific Value Range?

Jan 20, 2014

I am using a pivot table in excel 2010. 15 columns (fixed) and plenty of dive downs for rows.

I am trying to 'hide' all of the rows containing values less than 10. If it is easier we can start with hiding values of zero and go from there.

It is key to hide the rows as within the dive downs the rows within the pivot are to many to sort through. If there is a way to do this using the grand total columns for each row that would work as well. Just to be clear I need to hide the entire row not just report the empty cells as zeros. If any further detail is needed feel free to ask.

For example: If value of column O "Grand Total" = 0 'hide rows with value 0' ELSE 'display rows with value greater than 0'

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Excel 2010 :: Conditional Formatting Of Table Rows Based On Value In Column?

Jan 2, 2014

I'm working in Excel 2010.

I setup a table with a column titled "Type". Each value under column "Type" defines the type of row it is: "Section", "SubSection", "SubSubSection"

I wish to create a set of conditional formatting rules that apply to data rows in this table, each rule controlling how cells within a whole row should be formatted, according to the value found in "Type", for that row.


Rule1: [@Type]="Section" -> fat red line on top of cell.
Rule2: [@Type]="SubSection" -> thin black line on top of cell.
Rule3: [@Type]="SubSubSection" -> dashed black line on top of cell.

I can't seem to make this work.

How can I leverage the nice column names, and the "@"-this row designator, within a table to create conditional formatting rules that apply to all the cells within a row, in the same way one can refer to in table formulas?

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Excel 2010 :: Pivot Table Copy And Paste Values AND Formatting

Jun 13, 2014

In excel 2010, I'm using the following to copy and paste values and formatting from a pivot table, but i lose the formatting (TableStyle2 = "PivotStyleLight8"):

Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False

I have tried to add, xlPasteFormats, but to no avail...?

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Sort Table ListObject 2007

May 16, 2008

i am trying to sort a table in Excel 2007. I am getting a syntax error that i don't understand as the arguments for the sort method are optional.

Sub SortTable()
Dim table As ListObject
Set table = ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table_INDEX")
Dim columnToSortBy As Range
Set columnToSortBy = table.ListColumns(1).Range
With table
.Sort.SortFields.Add (columnToSortBy, xlAscending)
With .Sort
. Header = xlYes
.MatchCase = False
End With
End With
End Sub

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Excel 2013 :: Table Formatting Including Headers

Aug 28, 2013

I have a set of data that I formatted as a table, including headers. It seems that the columns are numbered, and after the column header is a number. i.e., Sales 2, GP Freight 3, etc.

I have spent some time researching this and came up empty. Is there a way to disable this part of table formatting?

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Error In Filtering Table - Additional Rows Shown / Rows Hidden When Filter Removed

Mar 4, 2014

I have an excel file with a table in it. It contains 2051 records (attached). This is just a sample, the original file has around 30,000 rows.

When I start using filters, I run into problems:

Step 1: Filter by Unit, condition (e.g.) Unit_23
Excel shows in the status bar the following message: 437 of 2050 records found.

Step 2: If I scroll to the bottom of the table, the row numbers are colored in blue (normal for a filtered list) however the last row is not colored and it actually should not be shown since its unit is not what I filtered for (its unit is Unit_25)

Step 3: Clear the filter of Unit

Step 4: Sometimes (depending on what I filter for), one or more of the bottom rows are hidden!!!

Attachment 301726

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Excel 2010 :: CountIf And SubTotal - Filtered Results

Jan 5, 2014

Excel 2010 windows 8

I am in need of a formula to count filtered results. On Sheet1 (Job Flow) the user enters data continually . The most important is the Date in column D some measurements in columns N,O & P that gives a result as a code, example s15020 or c3005 in column Q. A vlookup is then pulls up a price for the code.

On sheet two Column A There is a list of all the codes. I need a formula that will give a count in column B for the amount of codes that was entered in to the data base "sold" for a date filtered time period, be it a week, month or year. In other words the codes in ,column A sheet 2, should reflect the amount of units for the time filter on page1.

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Excel 2010 :: Comments Misplaced When List Is Filtered

Nov 16, 2013

Please see the screenshot : Excel-comments-misplaced-bug.png

when I filter my list (around 1000 records) and I want to edit a comment, the comments are at their original (unfiltered list's) place. is it solved in 2013 version ? or anyway to solve it ?

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Excel 2010 :: Hidden Calendar Object

Jun 22, 2012

I have a vba script with forms that use the calendar object no longer supported in Office 2010, so I found a suitable substitute and replaced every instance of the calendar I could find across all the forms with the new solution. All seemed to work great. But when I closed the application and then reopened it, it threw an error saying there was a missing library.

When I went to the references it showed me that the Calendar object was missing. I have scoured the application for every possible instance and eliminated it, but apparently there is one or more still out there lurking in the weeds somewhere. Is there someway to search for the control that is tripping this error?

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Excel 2010 :: Conditional Formatting - Shading By Group When Filtered?

Sep 19, 2013

I am using Excel 2010 on XP. I would like to apply conditional formatting to shade every group in alternating color. For example, I have a list of US states. I have a formula already to produce this:

Current Conditional Formatting Formula: =MOD(SUM(1/COUNTIF($a$2:$a2,$a$2:$a2)),2)=1

STATES (unfiltered)

When I apply a filter, the rows remain shaded as they were originally:


I want the conditional format to change when I have filtered out items (DESIRED RESULT):


I would assume SUBTOTAL(3,...) would need to be incorported into the conditional formatting formula above, but I do not know how.

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Excel 2010 :: Select Specific Cells In Filtered Data

Nov 1, 2013

How we can select specific cells in the filtered data using VBA in Excel 2010.

I need to select 10th column, 5th row data .. or 10th column, 6th row data .. or 13th column, 8th row data...

How to select this data using VBA.. I am struck here .. If I give the below code.. the hidden cells inbetween the filtered data is getting selected.. only the first row is getting selected correctly.. i.e, ..rnVisible(1, 2).Select .. If I change the row like rnVisible(2, 12).Select its selecting the hidden cells ..

Dim rnVisible As Range
Set rnVisible = ActiveSheet.Rows("2:10000").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
rnVisible(2, 12).Select
MsgBox ActiveCell.Address

[Code ........

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Excel 2010 :: Using Autofill On Spreadsheet That Includes Filtered Column?

Jun 27, 2014

I am working with a very large spreadsheet 10k references... I need to add sequential numbers in a column to identify the references but I need to use he filter in the author column due to the way my referencing software exports the data...

When I try to use the pull down autofill it just keeps repeating the last or second last number of the cell - the autofil box that usually appears has disappeared.

Im using excel 2010

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Delete Visible Rows From Filtered Range As Table

Dec 11, 2012

I have a range that has been formatted as a table. Once I've applied a filter, if I try to select all of the rows, and delete the visible rows the option is greyed out.

Is there no way, short of vba, that I can just simply delete the visible rows?

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Excel 2010 :: Compile Reporting Results Automatically With Filtered Database List?

Nov 6, 2012

I am a Microsoft Excel 2010 user and am trying to create a usage report for a website that I work on. I have been compiling the usage reports into one spreadsheet. The columns I use are Month, Device, Language, Title 1, and Title 2. I can filter each of these rows and it shows me the number of records found. Each row on this spread sheet refers to a time that someone selected something on the site. For example the row may say;

Month (filtered)
Device (Filtered)
Lan (filtered)


How do I automatically populate a table on a separate sheet with the number of records found for a certain combination of filters applied. So if I'm looking at monthly trending I want to know how many times the stress test was started in May, June, or July, but automatically using info from the multiple filters.

What is a formula I can use to compile the filtered data from above.


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Copy Visible Data Out Of Filtered Table To Another Sheet?

Mar 22, 2013

I have on sheet 1 a table 12 columns, variable rows. I filter this table on two different columns, so that only x rows are visible.

My aim is to move these visible rows to another sheet 2, starting from cell J23., work with these data in other cells of sheet 2, and send them back to sheet 1, adding the date in column 12.

Do I need, sheet viewcode or module ?

Afterwords I would like to link this VBA code to a form button.

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