Excel 2010 :: Macros - How To Update Active Worksheet Only
Oct 7, 2011
I am using excel 2010.
I have a macro-based employee leave system that works by couting the number of days shaded with a certain colour and thus calculating leave days taken, remaining and entitled... I have a single workbook with multiple sheets for different employees.
However, when I update by using ctrl alt f9, it updates all the other worksheets (ignoring their shading) with the values of the active worksheet! So if I update Peter, who has taken 14 days so far, it will update Liam's sheet too, with 14 days, ignoring Liam's actual shaded days...
How can I update each sheet individually, without compromising the other sheets?
I have an Excel 2010 workbook that is fairly slow to open (10-15 secs) because it is rather formula heavy. This workbook is opened by quite a few different people every day. What I would like to do is to open the file overnight using windows Task Scheduler and to update the file (using a workbook open event macro) and then for the rest of that day whenever the file is opened the formulas do not update until overnight the next day (and so on and so on).
I thought maybe toggling the Calculation Manual off/on? Would this be the best tactic?
I have a macro to collate data from multiple workbooks to a single sheet. The folder path to the source files can be chosen thorugh the macro. It runs perfectly in my system running on Windows XP. But it doesnt run on Wondows 7 system. Both are using MS Excel 2010. In Windows 7 system, while choosing the folder path where source files are located, it says "No items match your search" (screenshot attached). I would want the macro modified so that it runs on any platform. The macros that I'm using is given below:
I have a 'dashboard' worksheet in 2010 and want to be able to click on a cell in this sheet and have it take me to the assigned worksheet. They are all in the same workbook. e.g if i click on Leadership i want it to take me to the Leadership tab, Skills to take me to the Skills tab etc The 'dashboard' will be the only viewable sheet in the workbook until one of the items on the page has been clicked.
I have a very basic understanding of macros and I'm not sure if this would work or if i should use a formula instead?
I developed a tool in Excel 2010 using macros and launched it to a group of dozens of users. Turns out one of them uses a mac and says it is incompatible. I have never used Excel for Mac or tested my tool in it. Next I plan to test it on a mac but how to make this work?
How/ where to save macros. If I save a macro "normally" ("in this workbook") then it only applies to that one file, right? And I can't use it in any new files.
So what do I do if I want a macro I can use in "all" my Excel files?
And can I email a file containing a macro to a colleague, so he can work on the file, using the macro too?
I ask, because I've had trouble with this in the past (tho in MS Word) where I couldn't get the macro to be emailed along with the file...
Also - how can I get an .xls file with a macro to work in newer versions of Excel? And can I use Excel 2010 to save a file with a macro in an .xls format, so it can be opened in older Excel versions too?
I have a problem concerning sending an active word document via mail. I have a worksheet with various information in it, that I am exporting to a word document. I then want to send the word document via email. I want to do this without saving the changes in the word document. I am working with excel 2010. I have posted some of my code below.
VB: Sub letter() Dim myWord As New Word.Application Dim adr As Variant
I get the following errormessage: "Compile error. Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment"
I managed to make hidden sheets unhidden. However, after doing so, the first sheet stays active. How can I correct this? EXCEL 2010.
Code: Function Hide_Show(MySheets) ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="****" Application.ScreenUpdating = False For Each ws In Sheets X = Application.Match(ws.Name, MySheets, 0) If Not IsError(X) Then
[Code] .....
Code: [Private Sub Open_BusinessDone_Click() MySheets = Array("WORKSPACE", "BUSINESS_DONE") Call Hide_Show(MySheets) End Sub
I have inherited support for a suite of Excel 2003 spreadsheets with complicated macros which run fine on XP. Having been tasked to test them on Windows 7 with Office 2010, I have not converted them as they are run by several sites globally who may not upgrade to Office 2010 at the same time. Hence they run in compatibility mode which in general is fine.
However, certain macros are veeeery slow and to the user would look like the app has hung. In debug I have found that the macro takes 10 minutes plus whenever it hits any of the following code:
Code: With Application .Calculation = xlAutomatic .MaxChange = 0.001 End With
ActiveWorkBook.PrecisionAsDisplayed = False It goes slow on each of the three 'lines' so it seems that it is actually doing an auto calc each time!
Is there some configuration I can do to prevent this? Setting auto calc to Manual didn't work and anyway I loose things, like data validation, when I save it in Excel 2010.
I'm using excel 2010 and have inherited an old workbook that has seen many version updates over the years. The "view macros" list displays approx 25 macros and I know that not all are currently being used or necessary.
The main tab contains macro control buttons. Any macro not assigned to one of these controls is not necessary (it's probably old and was just never removed).
How can I determine which macros are "unassigned" to a control or otherwise invalid?
I've got an old Excel sheet with Stephen Bullen's function for returning the active filter criteria (Rob on Programming: Excel: Displaying Autofilter Criteria). My status sheet may be filtered in multiple ways, and when the user is happy with the filter selections, she can create a powerpoint file with a graph and a summary of the filtered table. As we are using Excel 2010, users are very likely to select more than two filters.
Example: Range A1:E100 has the following headers: Field, Installation, Project,Type, Phase.
The controller wants to filter on: Field equals north or south or west Phase equals completed The manager for Field South wants to filter on: Field equals southType equals maintenance or repair or modification Installation begins with Zeus.
As the filters are not shown when I copy the table to powerpoint, I would like to create a summary of the user's active filters that is pasted into a sheet (for subsequent copying to powerpoint). For the users in the example above, that table would look something like this:
Controller: Active filters Field: north, south, west Phase: completed Manager, Field South: Active filters Field: south Type: maintenance, repair, modification Installation: Zeus*
I've looked at various functions intended to take Stephen Bullen's code into Excel 2010's multiple criteria world (e.g. this: User Defined Function to Display AutoFilter Criteria for More Than Two Criteria in Excel 2007 / Excel 2010), but I have not been able to convert it to a functioning macro.
Any code that could be used for this sort of task, or any tips for relevant code?
The only change I made was to change the "Sheet1" to "Journal" to match the worksheet name in my workbook.
As you close and reopen the workbook, the timer should start with =NOW() in A1 (formatted as "HH:MM:SS") and count up with the current time until you close the workbook.
I use Excel 2010, could that be the problem, that I copied a VBA code for an older version of Excel???
Question: What exactly is a regular module, do I use Module 1 for the first portion of the code or place it in ThisWorkbook?
I would like make a cell in a report auto update with the most recent data entered in another cell from an input table either in the form of a formula or code to ensure that the most recent data is recorded and reported.
I am having a workbook (say a.xlsm) which has value entry fields and some values are given to another workbook (say b.xlsm) which has some sort of calculations and the result is projected back to the book a. most of the time book b will be closed. I am using Excel 2010.
I opened and saw that the result which is calculated and projected from workbook b is not getting updated. I opened the workbook b and saw that the values I have entered in a has not been updated in b. note that I am opening one book at a time and I do click on update links when I am asked.
Windows 8.1, Excel 2010. I have this code that updates the links. I use it in various workbooks, but they are all going to the same document; "Data Master (QC"
When I change computers, I have to manually tell each document where to fine the linked document. I want the documents being linked to look for the file path in a designated cell, i.e Cell E3 = "C:UsersOwnerDocuments1-QCDataData Master (QC).xlsm".
Something like ThisWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:=ThisWorkbook.Range("E3").Value
I have a workbook with numerous macros in it and they are assigned to buttons in the different worksheets. I am trying to record a new macro and when I start recording and click on one of the other macros nothing happens. This wasn't a problem in excel 2003.
I currently have an excel workbook (2010) in which I created a custom ribbon and assigned several different macros to the buttons.
Long story short, I will be saving several variations of this workbook every so often when I get new data.
The problem is that if I change the name of the file (Save as or Rename), the custom ribbon buttons no longer work. When I assigned the macros to the ribbon buttons, the macros were absolutely assigned.
Is it possible to assign relative macros to custom ribbons?
From research I have done, it appears that custom ribbons cannot be created using VBA. Is this still true?
I've created a spreadsheet at work that has two summary tabs which contain hyperlinks to around 30 separate sheet tabs.
On each sheet tab there is a list of unique values in column A (and other information relating to each value in columns B to D which are repeated for more than one unique value). In column E, users enter a test script name against each unique value they wish to 'reserve', and the macro picks out the unique test script names and via the COUNTIF formula counts the frequency of each test script name for each of the different values in column B.
My problem is that the macro seems to work fine if the workbook is not shared, but errors if the workbook is saved as shared. The error is 'Run time error 1004 - Unable to select the MergeCells property of the Range class'.
Here is the macro code:
Sub Get_Policies_Per_Script(updCol As Long, ShtName As String) Dim rowctr As Long Dim tgtrow As Long
Const ppsformula As String = "=COUNTIFS($A$3:$A$65000,I$24,$E$3:$E$65000,$G"
If updCol = 5 Then 'test name column has been modified
Using Excel 2010. Is it possible to change the default line thickness and fill color when selecting the ActiveSheet Target Row below?
I would like a thin border and a light grey fill - without interfering with any fomatting or conditional formatting that has been applied to the worksheet.
I work on an excel spreadsheet all day and I'm constantly cuting and pasting a value to filter another column. I would love to have a macro button that would automatically do this.
The job card sheets are labled 'Page 1' through to 'Page 175'. As I am working on each job card sheet I need to filter column on another sheet within the same workbook. This is indicated on the attached picture.
So in a perfect world as I would enter in the PLANT ID number on to any job card, then hit a macro button on the toolbar and the Pole No column would then be filtered by the value in the PLANT ID cell.
As there are multiple job cards the macro would probably need to use the 'active cell' value to filter by. But as you can probably tell I'm no expert so you judge the best way to do it.
MWTS034G22 Job Card Sheet [URL] ..... Windows 7 (32bit) MS EXCEL 2010
I have a quantity - thick/dia - width - length fields used as row labels, I would like each cell to have a border, after each update I get negative results to preserve the cell border formatting. Col b,c,d,e continually lose their cell border formatting after updating the data.
There are some excel documents in a hidden folder that contain sensitive information. Shortcuts to these documents will be provided to users to open them and add data. These documents contain all kinds of macros as well. Once macro disables the 'Save As' feature so that the workbook can not be saved outside of the hidden folder, preventing to some degree a user from saving as a different name and emailing the document with the sensitive data.
This all works fine with Macros enabled. As soon as macros are disabled the 'Save As' prevention is bypassed and the workbook can be saved anywhere.
Is there a way for an administrator to lock out the Trust Center options for disabling all macros?
I'm having some trouble getting control ENTER & EXIT events to fire properly when having controls embedded on frames within a userform. I'm using Excel 2003, 2007, & 2010. Here's the userforms I'm working with:
Without FRAME:
In both cases, the DESCRIPTION field is disabled. The selectable controls on both are a combo-box, textbox, listbox, & 2 buttons. On the FRAMED version, the combo-box & textbox are contained on a FRAME.
Here's the code, same on both userforms:
Code: Option Explicit Private Sub cmbRecipes_Enter() ListBox1.AddItem "ENTER - " & cmbRecipes.Value End Sub Private Sub cmbRecipes_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) ListBox1.AddItem "EXIT - " & cmbRecipes.Value End Sub
All this is doing is posting a message to the listbox when the combo-box ENTER & EXIT events fire. This works as expected without the FRAME, ENTER is shown when the combo-box is entered and EXIT is shown as focus is moved to another control. But when running it on the FRAMED version all I get is a single ENTER event recorded regardless of how I move the focus through the control set.
Another oddity is that if I have more than 1 control that can receive focus on the FRAMED version, it appears to work correctly.
I am trying to apply icon conditional formatting in a cell. The cell contains the following formula: =VLOOKUP(D20,'owssvr(1)'!O:W,9,FALSE The formula results in a "2", "1", "0" or "-1" in the cell. The icon conditional formatting is not working at all (no icon appears). I have the conditional formatting setup as numbers Green 2, Yellow 1,0 etc based on value. If I delete the formula and just type in any of those numbers directly, it works. I have changed my cells to "number" and it still does not work.
I recently switched to Excel 2010 and have a rather peculiar problem.Every week I update a bunch of charts in different workbooks. By update, I pretty much mean just shifting the range over one column or down one row to incorporate newly added data.
So I right click the chart, select "Select Data", update all the Data series ranges and then I click on the Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels button "Edit" to update the Axis label range.
I do all that then press OK. The data series have updated, but the axis labels haven't. So then I do the procedure again for the Axis Labels, hit OK again and voila: It worked.
But I ALWAYS have to do this procedure twice. It will NEVER update the axis labels the first time around. Even though the little preview window below the edit button show the labels correctly.
I find out a code to create a PDF (with opening the Save As dialog box) from an active worksheet, but I can't find out how to send this PDF by e-mail (Outlook). The code is working till the words 'Set OutApp'.
Just what I want is to send the active worksheet as PDF (as attachment) by email (Outlook). Here the present code.
Code: Sub SendPDF() ' ' SendPDF Macro ' Dim OutApp As Object Dim OutMail As Object Dim v As Variant v = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(Range("E2").Value, "PDF Files (*.pdf), *.pdf")