Excel 2010 :: Sending Email Notification Reminder Based On Dates
Mar 4, 2014
Would like to find a formula or macro which would automatically send an email to let me know when a date entered into the specific cell is coming close to expiration. e.g. if the date 01/05/2014 is entered into a cell i would like an email to be sent to me a month before the date is reached (01/04/2014).
Using Microsoft Excel 2010.
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May 20, 2014
I am mostly using excel for simply data gathering and tracking. Require exact steps to be followed to accomplish the following:
Exact Requirement:
- Sending automated reminder mails if current date is 15 days prior to "TO" Date
- Sending automated reminder mails if current date is 10 days prior to "TO" Date
- Sending automated reminder mails if current date is 05 days prior to "TO" Date
- Sending automated reminder mails if current date is same as "TO" Date
Also, would be great if automated mails can be released if current date is 1 day past "TO" Date and showing "Overdue" in "Status" Column.
Below is sample data which gives an idea of the data kept and the requirement.
Exception ID
Email ID
System Name
[Code] ........
OS Detail- Windows 7
Microsoft Office - 2010
Microsoft Outlook- 2010
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Mar 25, 2014
I am trying to send bulk emails from my excel 2010 - however I am getting a POP UP. find the screen shot in the enclosed word document So every time a new mail is sent from excel we need to press the button allow Is there a way where I can turn off this warning.
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May 21, 2014
i have an excel sheet which contain some standardized chemicals with due date for standardization i want excel sheet sending email for outlook email list if the due date is older than today by 2 days. my work and i'm not clever using macros and VBA the file is attached
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Feb 10, 2014
I have a file with the following columns:
ID Number - Name - Email - Comments
Is there a way that for each row and email is sent with the ID number, name and comments?
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Mar 14, 2011
I am wanting to send an automatic email notification to several lotus notes accounts once a specific cell in my excel spreadsheet has been entered in (It does not matter what is entered into the cell).
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Aug 30, 2013
editing the code below. what i want is when i filter column X, all email addresses appearing in column V will be included in the TO field in my mail.
Option Explicit
Sub SendEmail()
Dim OutApp As Object
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Jan 23, 2014
I have written code in VBA to send emails via Excel based on a name that is held in a spreasheet that is then looked up against an organisation address book. What I need to know is there anyway that you can save mails into the Draft folder that were unable to send for example if they have an email adress that is incomplete or not recognised or if the email box has reached capacity?
With OutMail
.SentOnBehalfOfName = "XXX"
.To = Emails
'.CC = "XXX"
.BCC = ""
.Subject = pi.Name & " - Enablement Request"
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Jun 23, 2014
i have the following code in my Excel worksheet. This code successfully send out email to our customers when if the criteria is true. I have tested this at home and it works perfectly as I use Outlook at home. However when I take this code to work I couldn't get this working as at work we use Outlook 365 and we use web Outlook, OWA.
Is there a setting I can specify to use OWA as I don't think I am allowed to install outlook at work.
[Code] .....
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Dec 10, 2013
I have a database file that I use for tracking "Requested Laptops" ( so that technicians can request the model they need ) and what model they want. There are three of us that distribute laptops ( asset managers ), and we have a box that we use to say we distributed it. For example:
Those are the columns. The "Status of Request" Column uses data validation "list" and can either say:
Wes Distributed
Person2 Distributed
Person3 Distributed
When the technician first requests, he selects "NOBODY/PENDING" and there is Conditional formatting that highlights the row RED so that we can easily see that there is a pending request. Once laptop is distributed, we change this field to Wes distributed for example, and the row is highlighted green.
Now that you have the basics of the file, what I'm looking to do is find out if an email can be sent either by Outlook or SMTP, so that when a technician enters the request and changes that field to NOBODY PENDING, an email is sent to all 3 asset managers saying "Please be advised that an asset has been requested by [TECH REQUESTING]. expedite."
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Aug 3, 2012
I am looking to set up a vba code for sending an email to a recipient based on whether the row AI19:AI30 shows the value 3,6,9 and i want it to send an email showing all of the 3 data all of the 6 data and all of the 9 data.
I have attached my code so far.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim w As Worksheet, c As Comment
For Each w In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If UCase(w.Name) <> "All Trades" Then
Select Case w.Range("AI19:AI30").Value
Case Is = 3, 6, 9
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Feb 14, 2013
I need to know how to send an excel worksheet as an xls attachment by email.
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Nov 29, 2013
I am trying to send outlook E-mail messages from excel but at the last I am receiving allow and deny message...How can I avoid this message.
Sub Button2_Click()
'Microsoft outlook 14.0 object lib (library name)
Dim olapp As Object
Dim msg As Outlook.MailItem
Set olapp = Outlook.Application
[Code] ..........
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Dec 29, 2009
I need to know when something will expire ahead of time. I have certain dates located in cells that an item will expire, for example, a product life of "10-Jul-06 - 11-Aug-09"
What I am trying to do is have an automatic e-Mail sent out "3 months ahead" of the time something will expire. So in this case, for the above example in August of 2009, I need an email trigger sent out in "May" stating that the item is about to expire. Sort of like an "alert".
I found some code that will allow me to run a macro which triggers an email. It works, but I need to have it automatically do it when I hit a certain date..not do it "manually" like when you run a macro back on the excel sheet.
Ultimately, I need an email sent out as soon as a certain day/month comes that will trigger an email message through Microsoft Outlook.
My Code so far (in VBA module):
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Mar 21, 2013
I have a problem concerning sending an active word document via mail. I have a worksheet with various information in it, that I am exporting to a word document. I then want to send the word document via email. I want to do this without saving the changes in the word document. I am working with excel 2010. I have posted some of my code below.
Sub letter()
Dim myWord As New Word.Application
Dim adr As Variant
I get the following errormessage: "Compile error. Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment"
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Sep 16, 2013
I am using Excel 2010. I have been given a task at work that can save my team a lot of time if I can solve the problem. Every month, we have a spreadsheet with about 5000 rows that we have to email. In each row, there is a range that we have to email to a specific email. For example, I would have to copy and paste Range A2-R2 in the body of the email, and then email it to whatever email is in cell S2. I would then continue this for the next 5000 lines, making it a possibility that i will be sending 5000 emails manually.
I have been trying to come up with a solution through VBA that would automatically send these emails. My goal is to automatically send the Range A2-R2 to outlook email, then cell S2 into the "To" email address box, and then automatically send it. So far, i have successfully been able to send one row, but cannot figure out how to loop it for the remainder of the rows.
A couple other key points are that I have column headings as well (Range A1-R1). If possible, I want to be able to include the column headings in the email body as well. Example - first email would be range A1-R2. second email would be range A1-R1 and A3-R3, and so forth. The body of the email would also contain a standard script, such as "Please review the information below."
The goal here is to save everyone from having to send 5000+ manual emails. This would be a big boost for my team.
Sub Email()
Dim rng As Range
Dim OutApp As Object
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Jul 29, 2009
When I test the email link on my computer, the 'Outlook Express setup' wizard initiates. However, I don't use Outlook Express (Yahoo and Zimbra).
I am wondering of it is possible to automatically ensure that in cases where a user doesn't use Outlook Express by default that Excel will open the users default email client- which could be a web browser or another application? Is this something determined by each users (Control Panel?Registry?) settings for handling email hyperlinks? Is there a piece of VBA code I could include in the workbook which identifies the relevant email client to open?
I know I can simply provide my email address on the workbook and allow a user to copy/paste it into their email application but I feel that by minimising the amount of effort required by a user to provide a rating that I'll be more likely to receive user rating feedback.
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Feb 23, 2012
How to send an email notification. Saying something like "New Entry Added" from workbook to my outlook express email account.
Users have one sheet with the userforms on it. They submit entered data and the data workbook is opened in the background and the data saved, and then it's closed again.
I would like the email notifications, as there could be up to 100 people adding entries at various times when something has been added to the data workbook.
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Feb 3, 2014
I am trying to use conditional formatting to calculate when the date in the top column gets within 60 days from expiring to turn yellow, 30 days from expiring to turn orange and when it expires to turn red. The dates that are listed from row 5 down are when the classes were taken. the expiration date will be based on row 3. Some are annual,3 years and 5 years, etc. I am using Excel 2010....
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Jun 22, 2014
I have Excel WB / Sheet with filled columns A (serial No.), B (name), C (e-mail adress), D (problem), E (solved / unsolved) and now I want that Excel automaticly sends e-mail notification to specific e-mail adress (column C) when its / his problem is solved (column E).
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Feb 9, 2014
I need to make a userform that will add data to table placed (for example G12:H12), and if G13:H13 cells are written to next cells below (G14:H14). I would also want to receive auto email noticiation (or notofications by pressing another command_button) that someone add data with copied content of (G13:H13...G14:H14....) cells in email body.
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Apr 15, 2014
We know that professional emails have a fixed format. I have a list of people with their names and emails and there are some people for which emails are missing. I am pasting my sample data below. But first let me explain the meaning of columns.
Column A: Means full name of the person for which we have email id
Column B & C: just split of Available full name into first name and last name
Column D: Email id of the person with full name in column A
Column E: For the names in this column, we need to get email ids
Column H: Sample result
Now basis on the Full Name(Column A) and Email Id(Column D) can we get the email id for person in Column E.
Available Full Name
Available FirstName
Available LastName
Email for available full name
Actual Full name
Actual firstname
Actual lastname
Sample result
[Code] .........
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Jun 20, 2014
I need VBA code to automatically send an email notification when data is added to worksheet. I am not very familiar with writing code and have been using other code from other posts. Ideally I would like it to send an email notification with the added information attached, in this case it would be Row # and Columns A thru O.
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Jan 22, 2008
I have a task follow-up sheet that I have made for my manager, where I need I have a column to set the date when the item is entered or the date the item was discussed in meeting, etc. Then I have an additional column with "due date", here I select the date that the task needs to be completed or the date when I should be getting feedback.
What I would like is to have a pop-up that opens and tells me which tasks are due today. This could happen as perhaps a check everytime that I open my Excel file.
I realize that a conditional formatting can be used, to change the color and highligh items that are due, but I really want a pop-up, this will really make my life easier and communication to my manager easier as well. Plus my manager could use this file without me present. Allowing for less meetings to discuss list.
I have uploaded the sheet that I have so far.
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Nov 8, 2012
I'm trying to make a simple chart, which maps the value of an investment fund over time. I wanted to use the new 'Table' feature within Excel 2010 to format and maintain the formulae within the Table, and the 'Header' for the table contains the date, which is not at regular intervals.
If I opt not to use the Table feature, I can create a line-chart with ease, and Excel recognises that the Dates are indeed dates and plots the graph correctly. The minute I convert over to a Table, the Date headers are no longer recognised as dates, and are instead plotted as if they were text, at regular intervals.
I've tried multiplying the Date Headers by 1 to force them back to true Dates, but this still does not work. I've also changed the setting on the horizontal axis to Date axis rather than automatic, but still no joy.
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Jan 16, 2009
I'm working with an excel file, a userform and a command button. The command button is the main question here. Bascally when this button is clicked and email is sent to a specific person, me. This email also contains an attachment, and currently that is the active workbook open behind the userform. This works well, sort of. I sent this excel file to 5 co-workers to test. All but 1 worked OK. One, however, did not.
When the button was selected the standard Outlook message came up: "...an automated email is being sent on your behalf...select YES to continue..."...It all looks fine, but nothing happens...nothing shows up in their sent items folder and I do not receive this message.
Has anyone experienced this before? Is there a sitting with this users Outlook that prohibits the sending of automatic emails? I've added my command button code below...incase someone sees thing strange...(I am rather new to vba coding...)
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Oct 21, 2013
I have two workbooks in the same folder which are linked bidirectionally. I send the files to a colleague, he updates them, increments the version number and then sends them back to me. I store them both in the same folder before opening them. However, on opening all links in one workbook have the form:
[Code] .....
The filename is correct (the updated book) but the sheet name, which hasn't changed, is now a #REF. Redefining the links restores the functionality but is going to become difficult when the plan is shared more widely.
Why this is happening and what I can do to make the links work permanently?
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Jun 17, 2014
I am trying to write a macro to compose an email in outlook without sending it. Ideally the macro would compose the email and the email would be left open for me to inspect before sending. Below are the details.
Column A contains the addresses
Column B contains the CC addresses
Cell C2 contains the message
I can change where the above info is located/arranged if need be.
My spreadsheet automatically generates the email addresses, which are dynamic. For control purposes my employer does not want me to have the email automatically sent, being the reason for me to want to inspect the email before sending it.
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Mar 21, 2014
I have a process metric that I need to send via email.
I would like to automate this.
I am looking for the following
1. upon clicking send mail button the smart art used on the excel should be mailed.
2. the smart art should be pasted as Image on the body of the email.
3. The body should contain a text message like " dear receiver," <line break> " Please find the below process health for this week" <line break> "Regards," <line break> "Sender"
4. The size of the image on the email body should be height 3 inches and width should be 5 inches.
I have attached the spreadsheet for reference.
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Aug 14, 2012
I am using the below code to send a email by VBA in Excel but I am trying to add a hyperlink in the body of the email.
I would like to use '"Click Here" to go to Google - I only want to show "Click Here" in the email not the full web address
Sub SendEmailData()
Dim iMsg As Object
Dim iConf As Object
Dim cell As Range
'Dim strbody As String
' Dim Flds As Variant
[Code] ........
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