Excel 2013 :: Select Next Row / Extract Data From Next Sheet - Loop To Last Sheet
Feb 20, 2014
I work for one half of a joint venture & am responsible for planning & expediting. The other half does purchasing. The bi-weekly PO download reports I receive are less than useful. I have already written the code to delete undesired sheets & add, format, and enter headers for a "Summary" sheet.
I need code to move to the next row, and run formulas to pull data from the next sheets, and repeat until there are no more sheets.
The number of sheets will vary from one download to the next, and the sheet names will vary from one download to the next.
Following are example formulas that need to be run on successive rows while pulling from successive sheets.
I am running Excel 2013 on Windows 8.1
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Jun 23, 2014
I've got a spreadsheet that pulls data from a SQL server.
I'm looking to have a button on the first sheet that extracts the data from SQL and inserts it into sheet 2 of spreadsheet. The data connection from SqL is working fine but when I click on the button sheet 2 is blank.
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Sep 6, 2013
In the first sheet called WSZYSTKIE (All) I input new invoices with the deadline for payment. Everyday I'm looking for invoices that I have to pay today. Dates with deadline are one column(E), dates when I paid is another one(F). I'm wondering if it is possible to do following thing:
After opening file, this would be done automatically: If there is invoice (row) to be paid in next 7 days (great if I could choose what time range I'm interested with), copy entire row to the second sheet called: Do zapłacenia (TO PAY). If there is invoice with deadline which is i.e. 2 days ago, copy whole row to same sheet and mark it RED. If it will be paid, I'm entering date at which I've paid and it should be moved to the next sheet called: Archiwum(PAID), and this row in sheet Wszystkie(ALL_ should be actualized with the date I made payment.
Excel 2013, but finally it will be used on excel 2007.
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Aug 12, 2014
I am gaining an error in my code due to the sheet being protected.
I cannot seem to get the correct code to allow for the code to still run, while the sheet is protected.
[Code] .....
I tried protecting the sheet via:
[Code] ....
But I still get an error.
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Feb 13, 2014
I was given a spread sheet that prepares a file for export to some ones system. The macro in the spread sheet wouldn't run as I'm using excel 2013 which when you open a new work book it only opens sheet 1 and there was a bit in the macro that wanted to send information to sheet 2 which wasn't there. I added a bit of code which created sheet 2 and hey presto it worked fine. I made the mistake of telling the people who supplied the original workbook to me what I had done so that they could pass the modified sheet on to other users in case they had the same problem.
Now I've been asked if I could do a bit more work to the existing macro so that instead of the new workbook just being called Book 1 could I add a name and date to the new workbook being created.
I've had a look at the original code and it looks like it would be quicker to start from scratch as I cant follow the original code.
The existing workbook has 3 sheets, I want to copy sheet2 to the new workbook. I want to name the new workbook as "a fixed name" with the "time and date " .xlsx
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May 11, 2014
We are doing a graduation project on an international airport, consist of scheduling flights on check-in counters automatically.
long story short, we ended up with an excel sheet like this: Screen_Shot_2014-05-11_at_4.png
Were y-axis are the check-in counters and x-axis is the timeline horizon (cell per 5-minutes)
I will do a VLOOKUP, to change each flight number to it's ID from an other sheet.
But the problem is that i want to AUTO-MERGE all cells with same value, because they represent one flight! and if i shortened the column width i can't see anything.
I want it to be like this: (i've done this manually, and it's VERY time consuming with errors because we have to do it for all days.)
I googled for days, i only found Visual basic commands i guess? that only merge same rows. and they were poorly made. beside that it didn't work properly. Method to do it automatically?
EXCEL 2013
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Mar 25, 2014
I have a workbook with five sheets. One sheet is the Master and then one sheet each for four organizations. Each organization will populate data for their own sheet and I want Excel to automatically populate the Master with the info from each individual sheet.
I tried using and modifying the vba from this post [URL]). My workbook varies from the original in that the first seven rows are header rows so the first cell to be edited in each sheet is A8, I have 38 columns instead of 10, and I am using Excel 2013 instead of Excel 2003.
I figured out that I needed to change the vba to look like this to start copying from the first cell (A8) and to populate the master:
This seems to work, but until the first cell (A8) is populated in the organizations' sheets, it messes up the prior row on the Master (Row 7).
I've also noticed that undo becomes unavailable when switching between sheets and also copy/cut & paste between sheets doesn't work so I can't correct the way the script messes up the format initially (this I presume is due to the Copy Destination in the vba?).
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Feb 27, 2014
I've created a macro that loads a listbox with the sheet names from another workbook. It works fine with Excel 2007-2010 but some reason fails with 2013. It doesn't crash, it just doesn't add items to the listbox nor doest it add the caption to Userform1.Caption. It does launch the form. Here is the code snippet:
'open read-only
wbkpath = Sheet3.Cells(1, "f") 'full pathway to source workbook
Workbooks.Open Filename:=wbkpath, ReadOnly:=True
Set swbk = ActiveWorkbook
[Code] ...........
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May 11, 2014
We are doing a graduation project on an international airport, consist of scheduling flights on check-in counters automatically.
Excel sheet like this:
Were y-axis are the check-in counters and x-axis is the timeline horizon (cell per 5-minutes)
I will do a VLOOKUP, to change each flight number to it's ID from an other sheet.
But the problem is that i want to AUTO-MERGE all cells with same value, because they represent one flight! and if i shortened the column width i can't see anything.
I want it to be like this: (i've done this manually, and it's VERY time consuming with errors because we have to do it for all days.) Any method to do it automatically?
EXCEL 2013
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Dec 27, 2012
So I have a guest list workbook. There are two sheets. On the first one is a list of names on Column A. On Column B is a classification: 'C' if confirmed; "D" for declined; "I" for pending. I want to have all the names with "C" on sheet 1 appear on sheet 2 automatically.
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Jul 23, 2012
I have 2 workbooks in Excel 2010, each contain just 1 sheet. (see attached) I need to compare on sheet 1, cell D1 and column A:A (this column will be much longer), with the data in columns C:C & A:A on sheet 2, if a corresponding match is found, the data contained in column D on the same row on sheet 2 is written to the cell with the matching data in sheet 1.
My attempt is in cell D2 on sheet1.
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Mar 1, 2014
In this attached example, this is a portion of a actual work procedure. The yellow highlighted cells are the same work element within the master procedure but one is for one type of machine while the other is for same model but added options. This is a pattern throughout the entire worksheet. Basically 1 model with several different types of options. I don't want to have unnecessary elements in a work procedure.
So what I am trying to accomplish, I want to create a userform or dashboard which will allow selection of model #, model type #, then based off those selections have excel populate a worksheet with all correct procedures based off model type choice.
In this example there is 6 model variations, all share same basic procedure, but all have their own work procedure based on options, so my above approach will allow me to make changes to the master procedure only instead of changing 6 procedures.
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Jul 29, 2013
i usually work with 3d and i export all my working in excel to summarise in a table.Now i came across an issue whereby i have a whole exported list for the whole project and i want to extract some of the info to make a new table.My master list is a dynamic one it keeps on updating from the project.
I have attached the sheet, there is one master sheet and 2 other sheets, PID10 & PID2...those sheets are break down table form the master sheet.
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Sep 30, 2013
How can I get this code to loop through every line on sheet?
Cells.Find(What:="Part Number", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas _
, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
[Code] ..........
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Apr 2, 2014
I have a construction schedule that my boss wants modified. There is a pesky dot I cannot select to delete. It is on a grid line and I can only select the cells adjacent to it.
I am using 2013
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May 17, 2013
So far my line of code is:
Sheets(" & Cstr(y) & " - " & Cstr(i) & " load" & ").Select"
Selecting a worksheet with 2 variables in it and some text,where y and i are integer variables. P
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Mar 26, 2014
I have been trying to make a macro to automatically calculate the quantity I need to increase or decrease our purchase orders.
As the On Hand quantity decreases I have set conditional formatting to determine how much we should order according to a percentage of the Stocking Level and turns the desired cell yellow. For each row the macro would need to identify which cell in columns L through O is yellow from conditional formatting, use that value and subtract the On Order quantity, then put the result in the Adjust PO Qty (+/-) column so I know how much to decrease the order if negative or increase if positive.
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Aug 7, 2014
Here is my code I got to work, however I have multiple excel files at a time.How do I not open the excel doc to run and add a loop to repeat the process for all files in the folder?
The MSG piece is critical and there is specific information needed in the body, can I add on to this?
Sub PDFEmail()
'Declare variables
Dim MyFilePath As String
Dim MyFileName As String[code]....
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Aug 1, 2014
I am trying to write a macro which will extract data stored in columns C,E, F, I, J, P, Q, AC from another excel sheet to "Review Data" sheet when the "extract data" button is clicked on the "Review Data" sheet . However, the location and the name of the file should be supplied by user which will be an excel file.
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Dec 28, 2007
I have two sheets, one sheets contains the details for ALL records on the other sheet contains a limited selection of records.
What I would like to do is to be able to filter the sheet that has ALL the records so that it displays ONLY he records on the filtered list.
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Mar 2, 2012
I want to activate a sheet in the workbook.
Sheet names: "Sheet1", "Main"
When I write the code
Sheets("Sheet1").select 'fails
Why is this? This was the command that was from the record macro feature. I am using excel 2010.
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Feb 19, 2014
Excel 2010
My macro cleans up data in worksheet "Chalkboard".
After cleanup, I'd like to copy data and select the last sheet in the workbook (the one on the far right) and paste the data.
The last worksheet changes monthly: Jan Feb Mar Apr, etc.... Meaning each month, I'll add a new worksheet for the given month.
I need code that will select the last worksheet in the workbook.
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Nov 27, 2012
I used to use Excel many many years ago for all my basic business databases and pivot table reports (so was at a basic competency level) and want to use it again but it has been quite a while and I can't remember how to do the following.....
I want to build a database of sales and purchase info in say 'sheet 1' - let's say 30 different headed columns and then many lines of different information under each column.
In 'sheet 2' I want to create an invoice template of my own design (I can do easily) for printing.
This template will need to extract say 10 bits of information from a particular row and then put them in a certain place on this sheet.
How can I type in one piece of information in a cell on sheet 2 (say the invoice or line number of the database) and that will then trigger all the other needed information from that particular line in sheet one onto this template?
I know it can be done but for life of me can not remember the formulas to use for these other cells in sheet 2 based on the info put in that one 'trigger' cell
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Oct 27, 2012
In the attached worksheet I have UserForm2. When I click on open compare form button on the menu sheet it opens UserForm2, I would like the information I select in the first 7 combo boxes Vegetable - Ball on UserForm2 to loop through the data in the database sheet Columns A:G and compare the entries to the non empty/not blank cells in each row. If the form contain data that matches all the non empty/not blank cells in a row in the database sheet then it is a match and should show the label and display the message. If the form entries does not match to the non-empty/not blank cells in any of the rows on the database sheet then do nothing.
The problem I am having is getting it to loop through the sheet and bring back the right results. It is only matching on row 2 of the database sheet when I select cabbage in the vegetable combo box and apples in the fruit combo box . I cannot figure out how to get it to loop through all the rows for the range I want to compare (A2:G7) - I need this range to be flexible so as data is added it will expand to read all added rows.
The code is on the btnSave_Click() for UserForm2
I attached the spreadsheet and I am explaining what I want to do and the expected result.
Fruit Type
[Code] .....
What I want to do is loop through the Database sheet and if the fields on the form contain all the values in any row of the Database sheet, excluding empty cells in the Database sheet, then display a message.
So if on the form I selected Broccoli fron the vegetable combo box, Cricket from the games combo box, puzzles from the toy combo box, bananna from the fruit combo box, grits from the cereal combobox, and baseball from the ball combo box, in the databse sheet tabel shown above the match would be row 6 since the values for vegetable, game, toy, fruit, cereal and ball on the form matches what is on row 6 of the Database sheet. It does not matter what other fieds are selected /filled in on the form, the match should only take into consideration the populated cell in each row of the database sheet.
So, if the user enters Apples in the fruit combo box and Cabbage in the vegetable combo box but had blank or something other than bike in the toy combo box on form it would be a match to the Database sheet row 2, regardless of what the user enters in the remaining fields on the form
If the user enters Berries in the fruit combo box, Blueberry in the Fruit Type Combo box, Carrot in the vegetable combo box, and Grits in the cereal combo box it would be a match to Database sheet row 3, regardless of what the user enters in the remaining field on the form .
If the user enters Apples in the fruit combo box, Cabbage in the vegetable combo box, and Bike in the toy combo box on form itwould be a match to the Database sheet row 5, regardless of what the user enters in the remaining field on the form .
If the user enters Grape in the fruit combo box, Carrot in the Vegetable combo box, Cards in the game combo box, and football in the ball combo box on the form it would be a match to Database sheet row 7, regardless of what the user enters in the remaining field on the form.
If the user enters Kiwi in the fruit combo box, Cabbage in the vegetable combo box, and Bike in the toy combo box on form it would NOT be a match to the Database sheet because the Database sheet does not have a row that contain Kiwi, Cabbage, and Bike.
So basically, if the entries on the form match the exact values for all the non-empty (blank) fields for any row in the Database sheet, then it is a match.
-If the entries on the form do not contain an exact match to all the non-empty (blank) fields for any of the rows in the Database sheet, then it is not a match.
-If it is a match show the label and display the message box
-If it is not a match the do nothing
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Feb 6, 2014
I have some data which is copied from our system in the format below, I then need to add only parts of this information to an existing spreadsheet on the network.
This is the information (there could be lots of these entries, but all need to be added to the spreadsheet)
Device ooo.1111111111111111111111555666663333 performance has deteriorated.
increased from average value of 2041 days to 44589 days.
2/6/2014 2:38:18 AM
Device ooo.11111111111111111111115556666633356kk performance has deteriorated.
increased from average value of 2041 days to 44589 days.
2/6/2014 2:38:18 AM
I then need part of the above data to be transferred to in Excel in the following column headers (see attachment for layout)
DateTimeHostDeviceLow ValueHigh Value
what is the quickest and easiest way of updating this spreadsheet..... I have to update the spreadsheet every morning and it is very time consuming .
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Jun 9, 2007
provide me a code for extracting data and outputting it into individual worksheets situated within the excel workbook file. I am wondering what the code would be if the data were extracted to individual text files, individual workbooks or *.prn files?
For i = 2 To Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Set ws = Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count))
ws.Name = wsraw.Cells(i, "D")
With ws
.Range("A1") = wsraw.Cells(i, "D")
.Range("A2").Resize(2) = wsraw.Cells(i, "A")
.Range("B2").Resize(2) = wsraw.Cells(i, "B")
.Range("C2") = 0
.Range("C3") = 1000
.Range("A4") = -999
End With
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Oct 9, 2012
I was wondering if anyone had any code to loop through every file in a folder and list the file name along with every sheet name in that file? I'm using Excel 2007.
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Mar 26, 2014
I would like to extract from a massive list of names, all occurrences of one name and display the data on a new sheet.
For example;
Name Date Location
James 23/04 edinburgh
Jimmy 28/04 london
David 03/05 Belfast
Sarah 08/07 Glasgow
David 12/09 Birmingham
James 13/01 Manchester
So the output on the new sheet would be;
Name Date Location
James 23/04 edinburgh
James 13/01 Machester
I basically want to find where James has been and on which dates without having to scroll through 1000's of names.
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Aug 14, 2014
Creating macro which can read data from one/or more sheet and copy and paste it into another sheet, by matching up column A & B and Row 1, between the both sheets.
I have monthly data stored in each sheet, named as May, June, July etc. I also have sheet called 'monthly' within the same workbook, where I would like to extract all monthly totals, from sheets july, June etc, into the 'Monthly' worksheet by matching up its names from Column A and B and row1 header with each sheet's names.
The june,july worksheets have date1, date2 etc, columns with data and after those columns, there are the 'bs, rm, cm, cd, cl' columns, and these are the columns, I would like to use, to extract the numbers from and paste in the 'monthly' worksheet.
My current issue, is that the 'bs, rm, cm..etc' columns are not fixed, due to the 'date1, date2 etc' columns can vary, for each month.
For this current task, I was using a formula as shown below to extract the values into 'monthly' worksheet, however due to unfixed columns for 'bs, rm, cm... etc', I could not get the formula to work for the 'july' and 'Aug' months (i.e. extract data into 'monthly' worksheet, from the june&aug sheets).
[Code] ......
I would like to request, if it is possible to use the formula below to re-create macro which can carry out this task, by extracting all the values from 'june, july, aug etc' sheet, into the 'monthly' sheet, at once.
I have attached a sample workbook with example of data layout and desired output shown in monthly worksheet.
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Oct 22, 2012
Is the an easy way (ie, No VBA) that can have a form (similar to this one [URL]) and then extract the input data to a regular table look spreadsheet with the column heads at the top that match the form, Name, Hotel costs, Date, etc?
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